The Church Speaks Sponsored by the WHITBY MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION By REV. RON FISHER Pastor Hebron Christian Reformed Church Christ-Confessors are the hope of the world, for they are the sait of the earth! Oh, the earth wili neyer believe it and God's people sometimes can hardiy be convinced of it, but the Creator of the universe has reveaied it. (Matthew 5:13) Yes, God has reveaied that ail the preserving power on earth is stored in the littie flock of God calied "His Chur- ch". That sait metaphor spoke even louder to ancient people than it does to us. Long before freezers and refrigerators' were invented, there was only one thing that couid keep food from spoiiing. And that one thing was sait. Only sait had the power to prevent spoiiing and make the perishabie im- perishable. Therefore, ancient people praised their God, or gods, for the gif tof sait. BowI for millions striking success Oshawa and Whitby Bigrothers bowled a perfect ganse, racking up $20,760 in pledges for this years Big Brothers Bowl for Mllions cans- paign. "If ail tihe money is forthcoming it will be a very successful year,"1 said M. Jean Waiker, thse Executive Director of Big Brothers. To date, $16,000 of tise total amount pledged, has been coilected. Thse annual event, which was held between Feb. 1 to Feb. 8, attrac- ted many local celebrities and would-be bowling champions to four bowling establishs- ments, Oshawa Bowling Lanes; Motor City Bowling Lanes; Whitby County Bowl and Leisure Bowling Lanes. Prize winners during the week were Dave McGee of thse Oshawa This Week, winner of tise Terry Cup, for the celebrity with the high score. Oshawa Mayor Alian Pilkey and hîs partner Marg Carmichael, win- ners of thse Scotch Doubles Plaque; the Corporate Challenge trophy, MacMillian Bathurst. Tise Generals and Kids award went to Scott McCrory's teans, and McLaughlin Higis Schooi took two awards, Schooi Challenge trophy and thse teachers plaque. Breakwins Now, when Jesus says that His people are the sait of the earth, He rneans that God has appointed His people to hoid back the decay and save what is being spoiled. Ves, Christ-Confessors have a great-and beautifui task in this worldl The Lord also spoke of the frightfui possibiiity of the sait iosing its taste. If that happens, it wiil not be because of the world's persecution. No! Only an in- ner deterioration of God's people can bring that about! How? Well, when Christ-Confessors start tasting like the 'world", - when they think and act just iike ail their neighbours, they have lost the power to save 1 Why? Because anything can be fiavoured with sait except sait itseif. When sait is not sait anymore, that is, when Christ-Confessors no longer bear the imprint of God's Kingdom, they are worthless themseives and the whole worid is robbed of its hope. Yes, God has piaced His preserving power in the Church - in Christ-Confessors who remain faithfui to Hlm! ChristOConfessors are aiso the light of the world (Matthew 5:14). If they were taken out of the worid, the world would be utter darkness. For the knowiedge of God would be gone!1 Christians can hardly believe we are that impor- tant. But remember, ail the preserving and saving power of God is in the littie fiock of God. That is why God keeps us in the world - to serve as a saving power. But if we are not sait and light anymore, God has no use for us! May our gracious God continue to use each Christ- Confessor so that through us His saving power and preserving grace may be made known to our world! Rental Introducing *energy twins the Famous El-"' The worids most efficient water sof tening equipmemt. It neyer lets yau run aut of sof t water. *NO ELECTRICITY* NO TIME CLOCK Uses 40% Iess sait& 70% less water BROOKLIN WATER CONDITIONING INC. "Water Treatment Specialists" 53 Baldwin St., Brooklin is 655-3600 655-4936 Le in FREwith 1hia coupon, an adul (18 - - -- rs.or aider) can enjoy and previewm T IS the facililmes ai Goid's Gym. a $600 TI c val e.No obi ga tion lmi i valper i I Ifg I IIA Lose weight, firm up, or just workout, it's your chance to use the extensive Gold's Gym facilities. Looking for aerobics, supervised weight loss, body building or body reshaping, Gold's has it. Relax afterwards in our sauna or whirlpool. Bring a friend, clip two coupons and you can each Gold's Gym in good company! enjoy FIRM OFFER!I Thieves stole more than $390 in cash and merchandise from thse Whitby Mail Variety store sometime between 11:30 p.m. Thursday night and opening Friday morning. A police spokesman said thieves forced their way into the store through a siiding door and made off with $120 in cash, 10 cartons of cigarettes and 40 packages of cigarettes. The theft is stili under investigation. Spring fair Whitby Council has The fair will run from approvedi a beer tent for June 5 to June 8, with the 75th annuai Brookiin the beer tent open on the Spring Fair. fifth, sixth and seventh. You're a fmatur persan; a persan who hasbee responsible for runnlng aborne, carng for oters. Youre iooking for a job that offers: " Flexible hours " Vaiety of work experlence " Extrakincorn " And, most Ikmportant, an opportuityto share your vaiuable sWIils wth aliirs f tis descibes yau. youre a Para.M.d porson. The kInd of persan that couki contribute to the Para~e team. Interested? Give us a cati at 433-7600 We're Para~ed and we'd'Iike to tailk to you. Mon.-Fri. 9-5 p.m. DAVID EQUIPMENT 0 NEW DAY CARE SERVICE WEIGHTLIFTING PROGRAMS e FITNESS-TESTING, SOON, NEW LIFECYCLE BIKES a MASSEUSE COMING SOON SUPERVISED WEIGHT LOSS @' SAUNA & WHIRLPOOL UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT! AND FITNESS CENTRE OSHAWA R s Mon, 7AM tb F i 1OPM 36 awoDr OPEN 24 HOURSSal /Sun. SAM 10 5PM 364MrwodDr.333pjj WIIITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 19._1986, PAGE 1l I KU1NIET}ICOU s the best water conditioner & revere Osmosis drinklng water system you can buy. 3asing