PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, MARCI- 19. 1986, WHITBY FREE PRESS COMING EVENTS CALENDAR FASHION SHOW The 9th Whitby Boy Scouts will be holding a Spring Fashion Show on Monday, April 14 begin- nlng at 8 p.m. in the Holy Family Parish Hall. Fashions for the show will be provided by Brooklin Village Shop and tickets are $4 per person. Refreshments will be served. Holy Faniily Parish eE Fro $65 q5FEm -Pus Frelght & POtI PL 1986 PONY SPECIAL LOW INTER EST LI MITED TI ME OFFER (Up ta $6500 for 36 mths> OUANTITIES LIMITED Offer applies only t0 cars ln stock CON DITIONING Hall is located at 91 Ribblesdale Dr. For tickets please caîl Linda Halton, 668-7275, Pat Melien, 668-1406 or The Brooklin Village Shop. JAYCEES' INTRO BREAKFAST The Whitby Junior Chamber of Commerce and the Jaycees will be holding an introductory breakfast on Saturday, March 22 beginning at 10:30 arn. in the Red Room of the Whitby Mail Restaurant. The Jaycees are an organization for young men between the ages of 18 and 39 who are ini- terested in community involvement, individual development and plenty of fun and fellowship. Anyone interested in sharing in the success of this active and dynamic group is invited to at- tend the breakfast. Please contact president Bob Stanley at 66-8988 for reser-, vations. SMILE COMPANY PRODUCTION The Smile Company Theatrical Production presents the play 'Al Sales Final' at the Whit- by Seniors' Activity Center on Friday, Mar- ch 21 at 7:30 pm. Smile Company is a professional theatre cornpany with full sets, costumes and professional actors. This two person comedy is a humorous IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! SALES -SERVICE -LEASIN w E 2930OBAYLY ST. E. 0 mnTurs r.9pm AJAX 427-0111 ~s and touching look at get- ting ready to enter a retirement home. Ail Whitby seniors 55 and over are welcome. Tickets cost $3 per per- son. ASHBURN COMMUNITY DANCE The Ashburn Com- munity Center dance will be held Saturday April 5 at the Thunder- bird Golf and Country Club in Ashburn. Entertainment will be provided by Magnum. Tickets cost $20 per couple and includes lun- ch and a cash bar. For tickets caîl 655- 8713 or 655-4625. Or buy them at Short's Phar- macy in Brooklin. MCHAPPY DAY McDonalds restau. rants across Canada will hold this years McHappy Day on Wed- nesday, April 2. One dollar from every Big Mac sold will be donated to Ronald Mc- Donald Houses or local children's charities. In the past McDonalds has raised more than $3 million for local children's charities. BIRD HOTLINE The Durham Regional AT THE 1986 METRO EAST SPRING HOME SHOW WIN $1 000.00 WORTH 0F I NSTALLED FREE, FENCING FROM WHITBY FENCEINc. *ALL MATERIALS SUPPLIED AND INSTALLED TO THE SPECIFICATIONS 0F WH ITBY FENCE INO. &PRESSURE TREATED WOOD TO BE USED WITH YOUR CHOICE OF STYLE AND HEIGHT (style and height is priced per foot at regularWhitby Fence quoted prices) *ENTRY FORMS AND CONTEST RULES ARE POSTED AT THE METRO EAST SPRING HOME SHOW AT OUR BOOTH Corne out and see our display of fendes, outdoor tables, plant hangers and much more Thlnking of having a wooden deck installed this year, we have something special for you too. SWHIITBIY FENC lfr'<îîi. Chauin IL sa b ie F1<11 ni ng l d.i i iii a li 1380 Hopkins St. Unit 14, Whtitby, Ontario LiN 2C3 666-1400 bird hotline wil tem- porarily be discontinued as of April 30. The hotline is expected to be reactivated ln October. NATURALISTS FIELD OUTING The Durham Regian Field Naturalists are holding a field outing on Saturday, April 19, to see the hawk migration at Grimsby. Anyone wishing to go should meet at 7:30 a.m. at McDonalds in the Woolco Maîl. The trip will last until mid afternoon. For further infor- mation contact Dennis Barry at 725-2116. OWL SEARCH On Monday, April 7, the Durham Regian Field Naturalists are having a field outing to look for owls in the ridges and around Lake Scugog. The outing will last three ta four hours and will leave from the Five Points Maîl in Oshawa at 6:30 p.m. For further infor- mation caîl Dennis Barry at 725-2116. CLOCA AWARENESS The Central Lake On- tario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) will hast an information awareness night on Wednesday, March 19. This is your chance ta find out what CLOCA really is and what it deals with. Films and sldes will be used tohelp illustrate the discussion. The free presentation will begin at 7: 30 p.m. in the CLOCA Conser- vation Center at 100 Whiting Ave. in Oshawa. AQUARIUM SHOW The Durham Region Aquarium Society will hold its fourteenth an- nual show at the Ajax Community Centre on March 2.3. An auction of tropical fish, supplies and other hobby related items wilJ be held from il a.m. ta, 4:30 p.m. A fish exhibit will be open to the public from, 1: 30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. There will be 39 exhibit' classes, in- cluding novelty, photography and crafts as well as 31 different fish classes. Admission is free. For further information caîl Peter Pullman at 683- 4652 in Ajax or John Smith at 579-4124 in Oshawa. NDP DANCE The NDP Area Coun- cil will hold its fifth an- nual dinner-dance on Saturday, May 3. Attending the dance will be Federal NDP leader, Oshawa MP Ed Broadbent; Ontario NDP leader, Bob Rae and Oshawa MPP Mike Breaugh who will serve as master of ceremonies. Former British Columbia Premier Dave Barret will be the guest speaker. Entertainment for the evening will be provided by Joelin and Fry. The meal will be catered by the Polish Women's Auxiliary. Proceeds from the dinner will be shared by the ridings of Oshawa, Durham East, Durham West, Durham - York and Victoria - Halibur- ton. The money will be used ta pay debts oc- cured during the 1985 provincial election. Tickets are available at the NDP Area Coun- cil Office at 40 King St. W. or by calling 723- 5917. Tickets cost $60 per persan. PSYCHIATRIC FORUM On Wednesday, Mar- ch 19, members of the Ontario Public Service Employees Union, I Local 331 of the Whitby 1 Psychiatric Hospital i will be hosting a forum addressing the uses and abuses of part-time staff and whether or flot they should be entitled to benefits. Everyone is welcame ta attend. See pg. 15 Te"HE NEW HYUNDAI'S LOOK GOQD IN ANY DRIVEWAY THE LUXURY CAR YOU CAN AFFORD ýqSTELLAR SALCAR CENTRE 830 EUCLID ST., WHITBY 666-2323 LUBE, OIL, FILTER AND CHECK-UP $15.99 10 POINT CHIECK-.UP *COOLANT *WIPER GLADES *HOSES *LIGHTS *FAN BEITS *BArERY -TIRES *EXHAUST *SHOCKS FPRONT ENDS -FREE BRAKE INSPECTION MOST CARS AND SMALL TRUCKS FURNIUIRE STRIPPING Re@fWhq & cuoa Uphoistsry ANTIQUES BOUGHT & SOLD Open 7Days AWeek 413 Dundas St. E., Whltby, Ont. 668-5481