WH1TBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1986. PAGE 21 COLLIER'S Encyclopodia wlth blhllography and Index, 24 vnlamas wnrth, $682. Alsa 23 year books 19831988, cavers Mtortes (plctures> of Kannedy's assasInatlons, tiret man on tha moon and many other atonles tram around the wortd, toal valua $1.200, asklog $550. Tas 1 100 an- awaring sarvica machina, ana yearatld, $120. Lanterne, ait sizas and shapas, $3 ach or ail far $150. Draftlng table, $200, lilgita loctudad, $250. Thraa beautîtul handmada sombreros, $35 each. Cati 688-9288 aller 5 p.m. ENVIROLET elactrlc waiarlass tolai, no watar, no sepîlo tank, sella naw for $943.95 f(U.S.) Raturb, Unît AI, $395 plus $45 vent MI. Cati aller 5 p.m., 723- 9109. PRINCES8 canapy bedroam suite, white wlth gold lrlm, In. dadaes had wllh canopy trame, chast af drawers, dresser and mirror and nute-table. Aiea box sprlng and maltroe, melchlng canopy caver, spraad, sham and curtaIns, aloo hod menns, $700. Ail lice new. Cati 433-4093. INGLIS 30" white gas stove, $150. Gald Keomora dishwashar, 9 years aid, matar and pump I 'h years aid, $175. White change table, $50. Ruai coioarad coach and chair, $50. Phase 668-0283. MOVINO MUST SELL - DInIn raom suite with 6 chairs, huich and buffet, 2 years old, $80. Ladies.3 speed bike, $55. Twa pairs ai ladies rouler skates, siza 4 end 7,.$25 each. Two sida tables, $20 each. Roand glass table, $55. AMIFM radia wiih record player, $25. Chesi ai dra wers, $20. Phone 688-4220. FOR SALE antique dm109g room suite, In showroom condition, 8 pleces, approolmateiy 60 years aid, table when eoiended eeats 10 people comfortabiy, prics 31,650 or hast citer. 8&82481. POOL I4EATER heai any size pool, value $1000, now for $400, naturel gas or propane. Cali 723- 1844 or 725-8092. DININO ROOM SET, solld pecan padestat ooal table wiih two ieaves, four beige aphalsared and canad chairs, iwo wlth arme, excellent condition, $450. Ranch mmIn luit iength lue coat, size 18, S55 steel. Cati 888-2551. ElFOR SALEj SPEED QUEEN heevy daiy washer and dryer, 4 years aid, gaad appearence and warklng order, $450 for lice pair. 427-8244 or 427-2854. DtNINC TABLE, solid pine, double padestai, 92x38, ex- cellent condition and 8 pine siraigici back chairs, $800. Phase 855-36688, eter S p.m. aPNOWTHROWER for M.T.D. trac- tar, used ane seasan, comptets with wheat welghls and chaîne, $80. Phone 888-5925. COAL and wood buring kitlchan range, whie enamal finsh, prica $350. Calt alter 5 p.m., 855-4880. FOR SALE parlour slave, $150. Waadholder, $5. Phone 888-4032. WOODOURNING lurnece, Suroffre 201, atachese la eolstIng farced air lurnece, heets 2,500 sq. i., neyer used, $750. Phone 855- 4882 aller 8 p.m. COMPUTER Apple Il plus, Clone, 48K, $200. Thraa pannaia boards for abave, $30. Phoneo6888178. ANTIQUE Stallardahire dags, lamily ai tour, 2-15, 2-8, circa 1900, lagether $400. Phase 883. 9471. SNOWBLOWER, Taro 12" eiac- lric, excellent condition, $125. Phone 8554110, aller 8 p.m. SKATES, boys size 3, Wayne Grelsky modal, $15. Boys size 5 new Bauer, $25. Hockey Equlp- ment, shauldar peds, pente and ather equipment, fils .11 year boys, $20. Ski boots, mens Rlcicer 5 bucicia boots, size 9 1, $35. Ladies lace boat, siza 7,$10. Electrical panais, 8 fuse panai, $12. Two 30 emp panais, $5 each and 60 amp discannaci, $10. Cati 578-7897. LARGE Colonial styla armchair, camlartable and ln goad con- dition, $40. Interiar dacr, $15. New vaniiy basin, $5. Grey Par- stan tamb fur teckel, $85. Warm fli langth Mouton for coal, par- tact, siza 18, $75. Fait young slvar Mapia Ires, beiied, la ha dog op bhora May, $15. Older manuel typewriier, $20. Phone 888-7404. -PLEASE READ- When thce advertjned item in nold, dsposed of, or unavailable (or whatever reason, thse item will ho deemed ta have been sold ondea commission wili ho rharged based on THE ADVERTISEI) PRICE as illustrated below. regardiens if price la staled with "heal offer- If the item ns NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wiii ho run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $750 witl apply payable in advance of publication of the firnt ad. The above minimum charge will ho applied to the final commission due. Maximum commission: $10000. Ali adver. tinements mont ho placod on an exclusive banis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and munaticant one month if not sold. RATES (if article t, soldi: 5% af ,dverilaed price ap te $400.00 2% ai balance over $400,00 EXAMPLE: SoId Item edvertieed fer $150.00. Commission due $7.50 (minimum charge is 87.50) Private edverttning anlyl Please ootify the Whllby Free Press immeditely when item in sold 50 ta ie weay delete it from tne followlng Issue. Att adsnot0 fitting Une Emporium guidelines wlll ho treeled and charged per week es regular clemsified adn on a pre-paid bastesoch as: services, help wanied, cloilning, real estete, end pernonat message type adn. or adn not quoting prîce or qoantity. Private clesslfied adn may eppear in Une Emparium section under appropriate headings. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTON UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Ban 206 Whitby, Li N sSi If ledeabt caîl: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Breck St. N. Whilby, 0n1. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. FOR ALE CALT ANTIQUE dosk,, pins top. DEBUT, Lawrey argen, excellent rainished, $250. Price condition, asking $950. Phone neotiabix. Cati 725-1435. (705) 786-2543. SIZE 12, Kastinger Golden K ski boots, 00w, $150. nevor axaro Phone68M4102 aller86p.m. T~AILERS Srt 1 bTRAILER TP, Robet, naît top, ex- SUPPLIESj collant condition, sonme camping * ecqupment incioded, $050 or hast nfer.. 6U-8178. PEREGO PRAM, large Engllsh styla, 8 years aid, good condition, navy, apran, basket, large whaals, $85. Car seai, brown vinyl, good condition, $50. Booster car seai, brown vinyl, excellent shape, $20. Twin siraller, orange canmes, good condition, sida by sida asseis, laids fliai, $100. Cradie, white, $20. Crib, colonial style, wlh matiress and bumrpor ped, good condition, $100. Phone 888-5925. SHIfI TZU Puppy, 8 weeks ai....... mele, CKC regisiered, shols, dewarmad and home rained, non. shedding, nan-aiiargic, gaod wiih v& V H elp keep- chIltdran, $350. Cati 1-418-985. Red Cross t.John Ambulance fl y FIVE 0000 VEAR Wrengier The______________es radial ail terrein ires, siza P195175R15, anly 2,000 miles q .,ag aj $450. Fonr odge tMitibushii xLx ( * Rallye whxeln, siza 14x6", lit Colis Sapporo, Chalenger, Arrnw, $90. Phono 855-3288. SNOWTIRES Michelin No. f,, Tro rIn P22515, on oversiza Buick rima, lie n0w. $300. Phono 855-4882 altere8p.m. JEEP RENAQADE 1985. axcelent Condition, rosi, tuni, hiich, tilt, hard-top, S spaad, 6 cyllndor, p.. ps., wiertsummar package, 8,000 km, $13,500. Phone 855. 4682 ailar 8 p.m.1 1979 CHEV Monza, V-6 aulamailo, 2 door haichback, ps., phb., AMIFM cassette sierea, 70,000 miles oniy, bas new tires, excellent condition, $2,100. Cait 888-4890 aller 5 p.m. 1977 DOOGE Aspen S.W., radia, goadtitres. as se, $450 or hast al- fer. Phone 883-3825 aller 5 p.m. 1977 DOOGE % ton club cab, 318 cu. ln., 4 speed stick, ps., phb., $1,495. Calt 861>2655, aller 5 p.m. 1978 FORD HARQUIS station Charlie it jumfpinlg for ioy $1850 he found ouit about the service at ickson Printing a office Supplies in thse Aax Plaza. CALU OA .8 16 wagon, ps., phb., croisa caery gaad condition, 92,000 mieb Give $500 irm. 831-088 aller 6 p.m. UNICEF 1978 CHRYSLER COR A git n phb., air condilloning, $80 or Cards hoast olferCl 855-3178. land help a child Unicet Canada MI. 1975 DUSTER, $400, as sa or boni 443 Mi. Pleesant Rd. aller. Phone 888-5038. Toronlo, Ont. ktdS 2L8 O calIiJNCEF Camm nuiol fnnc c 302i634 (In BC. S12 8002663641 SOMETHINO ABOUT YOUR NEW GOMMUNITY? Cati Phono 668-8943 Our ilînts i i bring gits and greelînîn, along wibhlpiol commonily informationi. puying orIlin bart.n ad elma e ns 8u-e edu "w .0 na ha. Oea dae 9hse la he. a1. f"esloaaale ele .,W à 0"a$s, lys ham heM 0"ama "41aae ecueso"Wad la iaaeesi le WHtTBY FREE PRESS 4%FCON FL Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. 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