PACF 14. WF.1NPSDAY. MARCH 26.1986 WHITBY FREE PRESS Blood clinic ou April8t Spring is in the air and once again the Whitby branch of the Red Cross is gearing up for their annual spring blood donor clinic to be held Tuesday, April 8 at the Whitby Legion Hall. Clinic organizers are hoping. to draw their largest donor attendan- ce ever for this vital, life saving service and their target is 375 units of blood. Last April, ac- cording to blood donor chairman Margaret Horton, the clinic hit an aIl time high for collec- tions rounding up a total of 433 units. With a littie luck, and the par- ticipation of the people of Whitby, the clinic mlght just be able to pull off a repeat per- formance. Mrs. Horton stressed that blood cannot be produced synthetically and the Red Cross' Toronto blood processlng centre relies almost entirely on sup- plies from local cilnis such as Whitbys. In aIl, the processing centre requires 85 units daily in order to supply 67 hospitals in south- central Ontario in- cluding J.O. Ruddy Hospital. In fact, meeting the demand for blood is growing more PULL CAPABILITY FOR PRODUCTION 0F: " LARGE OR SMALL ORDERS " QUALITY PRINTING " PICK-UP & DELIVERY AVAILABLE CONTINUOUS COMPUTER - REGISTER 1 & DATA PROCESSING FORMS difficuit every year, ac- cording to Mrs. Horton. She sald the processing centre requires 200,000 units a year and in 1985 only 187,321 units were collected. It is for this reason that the Red Cross, in addition to waging an ongoing campaing to at- tract new donors, is heavily dependant on its regular donors as well. Donors can give blood I.ETERNEADS ENVELOPES - FLIERS BUSINESS CARDS BUSINESS FORMS RESUMES-UBROCHURES CARBONLESS FORMS PIOGRAMS -TICKETS cemutieîz TYPISflING DONE ON PIWiWI 21 HRVO D VE .,AJX SOPIGPL four tirnes a year and al - are urged to attend the quarterly clinics. Any healthy person between the ages of 17 and 66 can give blood. The whole process takes no more than 45 mainutes of your time including registration, donating, resting and having a snack but that 45 minutes you give up might just save someone's 111e. The clinic will be held between 1 and 8 p.m. in the Legion hall. If when you arrive there is a lineup, Mrs. Horton asks that you persevere because it's those lineups that insure a successful clinic, The Brooklln Pathfin- ders will be helping in the kitchen and serving drinks at the clinic as part of their commnunlty service requirement and Red Cross nurses and volunteers will be manning the floor. Bette Ded *Saei~pto ON SPECIAL OPTION PACKAGES PLUS FINANCE SAVINGS ON SELECTED MODELS. SEE US TODAV FOR DETAILS! n Better Finaning as Iow as saa ON Maximum 36 month larm 0 GETS Y NEW'l " 4cy1 ongino a Reardefroster " Frontwheot drive 0 Rock & pinion " Steel beltod radiai tires stooring " AM radio * 5 passonger capacity o Maintenance free a Cioth Boots battery e Sports stooring whool I.A.C. NO PAYMENTS TI11 MAY '86 Gets You A Brand SNew 1986 PLYMOUTH HORIZON o Tnted glass " Vînyt mirrors o Chrysier 5 yearîi 80.000km. powor train warranty "Suitt in Nor'th America *FRT. TAX & LIC. EXTRA OPEN DAILY 8:30-9:00 FR3. & SAT.T1LL 6:00 Corridor Capers By MARYMi dCEACHERN ems for this columo. PHONE 683-196 218 HARWOOD AVE., S. AJAX SHOPPING PLAZA I NONLY 2LEFT 7ý% KENDALWOOD NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Operation Identification - Starting Monday, iden- tification engraving pens will be available. Each street captain wili have the pens and will get in touch with their members to complete identification of valuable articles. The pens will be available to each person for two days only and they in turn will be responsible for passing the pens to their neigh- bours. Please adhere to the two day limit, as there are a lot of people who require the pens. Your co- operation in this matter will be much appreciated. QUILT SHOW The United Church Womnen's of St. Mark's Church in Whitby will hold their quilt show on April 17 fromn 2 to 9 p.m. ait the church,,Coîborne and Centre St. Admission $2 a person, refreshments will be served. Anyone interested in displaying one of their own masterpieces is asked to cail Joyce Cox at 668-4056 before the end of March. The show will also feature, many smaller quilted items. Everyone is welcome to attend or participate. WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH Pancake Supper - Saturday, April 19, 4:30 to 6 p.m. Aduits $3.50, children 12 years and under $2, pre-schoolers free. Obtain your tickets now fromn board members or by calling Richard Hearne 576- 0661. NIGHT 0F CARDS Westminster U.C.W. will hold their Night of Cards on Saturday, April 5, at 8 p.m. Lunch and prizes. Tickets are $2.50 a person and may be ôbtained from any U.C.W. member or by calling Elizabeth Hatter at 576-8218. DECOM MEDICAL WASTE The Environmental Assessment Hearing concer- ning Decom will be held at the Whitby Municipal Building beginning at 10Oa.m. on Tuesday, April 1. O.E.S. CARD PARTY Whitby Chapter number 248, O.E.S. is holding their annual night of cards on Wednesday, April 9 ai the Masonic Hall, 203 Cochrane St. in Whitby Tickets may be obtained by calling Bey Rogers ai 725-5008 or any member of the chapter. ANNOUNCEMINT CONCERNUNG Dr. Mofeed Michael, Chairman of the Second Mar- sh Management Committee, Invites ail lnterested parties to make wrtten submlssions to the com- mlttee expresslng their opinions as to the future use of the Marsh. Those submittlng briefs wIli be given the opportunity of voiclng their concerns at a Public Forum later thîs spring. Submîssîons shouid be sent ta: Dr. Moteed Michael, Chairman Second Marsh Management Commuttes cla Oshawa Harbour Commission 1050 Farewell Avenue Oahawa, Ontario LI H 6N6 THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WHITBY PARKSAND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PUBLIC SKATING INFORMATION CALL IROQUOIS PARK ARENA 688-7765 OR LUTHER VIPOND MEMORIAL ARENA -655-4571 PUBLIC SWIMMING INFORMATION CALL ANNE OTTENBRITE POOL -688-7765 1 ', *FRT. TAX & LIC. EXTRA a 401 OPEN DAILY 8:30-9:00 FRI. & SAT. TILL 6:00