PAGE28, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 16. 1986. WHITBY FREE PRESS COLLIER'S Encycopedia with biblogrophy and Index, 24 volumes worlh, $882. Also 23 year books 1963-1988, caver. aotes ipIctaresi of Kennedy'. asseainatioxe,iret man on the moon and many other tonles fromt around the wortd, tolel value $1,200,akIng $M5. Tas 1100 an- swering service machine, one yew oild, $120. Lanterna, ail mies and shape., $3 oach or ail for $1150. Drefttng table, $M0,Iltghts tncluded, $250. Three beautiful handmade sombreros, 835 ach. Caeil 08928cher 5 pm. ENVIROLET eiectrIc wateriess follet, no water, no septlc tank, cle new for 894.95 (US) Refurb, Unit A, 8$M plus $45 vent kI. Caillaer 5 p.m., 723 9109. PRINCESS caxopy bedroom suite, white wlh gold trim, ln- cludes bed with canopy rame, chant of drawers, dresser and mirror and nite-fable. Af 50 box sprIng and mattreas, matching canopy coner, @prend, aham and curiaIns, lso bed f mena, $700. Aitl Ike new. Caeil4334093. INGLIS 30" white gai stase, $150. Goid f<nmore dishwasher, 9 years oid, motor and pump 1Ilà years old, $175. White change table, 85. RuaI coloured couch and chair, $W. Phone 680283. MOVINO MUST SELL - Dining room suite wth 8 chairs, hutch and buffet, 2 years oid, $M0. Ladies 3 speed bike, $5M. Two pair. of Iadies roler skates, aine 4 and i, $25 each. Two aide tab lea, $20 ach. Round glass table, $55. AMîFM radio wiih record player, $25. Chest of dr.wer, 820. Plonse6W"220. FOR SALE antique dinfing room suife, In showroomn condition, 8 Paces, approximateiy 60 year. aid, table when extexded &st& 10 people comfortabiy, prIce $1.650 or beat0fifer. 66824811. FOR SALE iwo pece bar unit, $80. CGE. eectric iawnmower, $8.24' exfension iadder, $50. Ail Items ln excelent condition, some new. Oelil668-9519. DININO ROOM SET, solid pecan podestat onul table wth two feanes, tour beige upholatered and cand chair., two wlherres, excellent condition, $450. Ranch mInk fuit length fur coat, aine 18, $55Mc ain.COeil 668-2551. SIZE 12, KastInger Golden K aki boots, new, $150, neyer worn. Phone 6664102 after 6 p.m.. DININO TABLE, soiid pine, double pedlestai, 92x38", ex- cellent condition end 0 pins tratoht back chairs, $80. Phone 655-3"68, &fier 5 p.m. SNOWTHROWER for M.T.D. frac. f or, used one seson, comploe wth wheei weights and chains, $80. Phonoe68-5925. COAL and wood burning kitchen range, white enamel finish, puce $M5. el ater 5 p.m., 6554860. FOR SALE parour tove, $150. Woodhoider, $5. Phions 668-4032. WOODOURNING fureece, SurefIre 201, attaches f0 eoIafing forced air trnace, hats 2,500 sqi. fi., neyer used, $750. Phono 655- 4882 aterS6p.m. COMPUTER AppeI plus, Clone, 48K, $200. Three pertrIel boards for above, $X). Phonoe668.178. ANTIOUE Sfaffordshiro doge, family of four, 2.15', 2-8, dcs 1900, togther $40. Phone 683 9471. ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD fumItr., new and uaed. Admirai fridg., $150. H.D. drer,250. Viking automatin waaher, HMD., 8300. Four 15" radiel Firestone tires, Pi9Si75Rl5,$880 ach. i2voif bat tory, 8$. Table and four chaire, ktchen, $100. 19 colour T.V., $35. Drsser,* 800. Large Oak desk, $1,000. Large book ahelf.t $110. Office desk, wood, 835. Steel book sheif, $80. Coacli and recllning chair, eal ber, 85M. Oak caiculator, 880. Antique cauci and 2 matchIng chair., $400. Coat rock, $100. ElectrIn tone, SM0. Beat caah 0f fer. Cal LARGE Colonial style armohair, comforlabie and In good con- dition, $40. Inirior door, $15 New nanif y basin, $5. Grey Par- sian 18mb fur acoket, $85. Warm full iengf h Mouton fur coat, per- fect, smo i16, $75. Fait young slver Maplo troi, baiied, ta ho duo up before May, $15. Older manuel lypewritor, $20. Phone 668-7404. When te advertised Item ta oold, diaposed of, or unavaitable for whtever reaoon. the Item witi be deemed to have been sold and a commission wilt ho charged based on TH1E ADVERTISED PRICE as itiutrated beiow, regardiesa if price ix stated with "best offer'. If the item is NOT SOLD. or disposed of, the ad wiit ho run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of 87.50 wilt appty payable in advance of publication of the first ad. The ahane minimum charge wilI ho Applied to thse final commission due. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail adver- tisements must ho placed on an exclusive bâasis with the WH ITBY FREE PRESS and run at toast one montit if not sold. RATES (If article i.s sld t: 5% et adverttsed price up to8400.0 2% ef baance 05cr $400.0 EXAMPLE: Sld tem adverttsed fer 0150.60. Cmmission due 87.501 minimum charge ta $750) Private advertioing oniy i Please notify te Whitby Free Press immediately when item ixsoid go that we may doieto it from tihe foliowing issue. Ait ada not fitttng thte Emporiume guidelines wil ho treated and chcrged per week as regular classtfied ada on a pre.paid hais such as: services, help wanted, clothtng, reat ustate, and personat message type ado, or adaa sot quotinfi price or quantity. Private ctassified adia may appear in tise Emporium section under appropriate hoadings. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTON UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Bex 2m0 Whtby, Li N 581 If ln deubt cal: 668-6111 OR IIELIVER TO: 131 Breck St. N. Whtty, On.. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. BICYCLE - girls 23 Inch RuÃlegh transit, $50 ou beat offon. Phono TRUJCK CAMPER, 60 Chen - 74 alter 6 p.m..686-3274. Cavacade, stons, fidge. fumaco. SNOWBLOWER, Toto, 12" eiec- trio, excelent condition, $125. Phions 655.4110, alefetSp.m. . ROTO TILLER, 5 hip., excellent condition, $295. Stop fadder, aiaminam, $25. Wheeibanrow, $10. 'Haf-moos fable and magazine stand, $25 each. Ladies bike, $40. Junior 10 speod. $45. Rock mapie ktches set. $225. SewIng machine, $35. Smcii table, $35. Phono 0834638. 0,M. LOVESEAT, SM. GM. tod- dier seat, $20. Infants car bed, $15. Fluke 8020B test mter, $110 or noentecter. 683-365. TRAILER TP Rebet, soit top, ex- celent condition, nome camping eqxipment Inciuded, $950 or basf offsr. 688-81178. TRAILER, NImrod, Riiera, cati top, fair condit ion, etras In. cluded, $50. Phono 655-3142. tolait, $1,950. wdît oeil separate. 6683-1525. -PIT IES SHIII TZU Puppy, 8 weeks oid maie, CKC registered, shots, dewormed end home raod, non- shedding, non-alergie, good with childuen, $350. Ccii 1-416-985- PEREGO PRAM, large Engliah stylo. 6 yecr. otd, good condition, xavy, apron, basket, large whoees, 885. Cr seat, brown vinyl, good condition, $50. Booster car soe1, browsninyl, excellent shape. 820. Twin stroiler, orange cesses, good condit ion, aide by aide sse.s foide flat, $100. Cradlo, white, $20. CrIb, colonial style. euth meutres. and bumper pod, good condition, $100. Phono 668-5925. WHITE CAlS with mattreso and humper pads. $75. 40.x40 pixypen. $40. Navy Prego Pram, upron and baskret, $50. White change table, $20. Swing-O. Mxic. $10, Eiectric boutle sinriliner, $12. Girls 18 months to lwo dess, $3. Baby seat, 812. Boulie wurmer. $3. Cati 888-0523. *EDROOM SET, antique white French Provincial bedroom sel, Gv double bed, c4nopy trams, Gv dreser, night table, box spring UNICEF end matres.e, boepread, cur- . teine, canopy cover cnd round gluts and fable covar, $425. Phonoe68 ca.d 3592.- ad ______________ and help a child Concim GUEIN SIZE 0E0, posture pedic, Usiécof CaRnada' '# matai f ramae with wheis, ex- 443 MI. lesniRd. collent condition. $140. Phono Txronto, Ot, M4S2L8 668401.O calIUSIEF Caada tî5Ir") 1126064 îkBC..11200026863641 JEEP RENAGADE 1668, excellent condition, ust, tint, hitîcl, tilt, hard-top, 5 speod, 6 cylindor, p.b. p.. wIntenisummen package, 8,000 km. $13.500. Phono 655. 4882 atten 8p.m. 1978 D000E hait ton wth cab, < 9 AMIFM cassette, automatIlo $2.100 or boat affer. OeIl aller 6 688-0984* . NEED To KNOW 1077 DOD0E Aspen S.W., radio, good tires, as , $450 or besf at. fer. Phone 6833825 ater 5 p.m. 1977 DODUE 344 ton club cab, 318 cu. in., 4 apeed stick, ps., p.b., $1,495. Oeil 6&2655, aler 5 p.m. 1077 FORD i ton, 351 V8, ps., p., ingle wheoe, Solo afake bon, excellent condition, $3,400, cortified. 66-285. 1076 FORD NAROUIS station wagon, p.s., p.b., cruiso, very good condition, 92,000 miles, $500 firm. 831-O880aller 6 p.m. 1070 CHRYSLER CORDOSA p.@., p.b., air conditloning, $8W0 or best affer. Oeil 688-3176. 1974 SUPER BEATLE, excellent condition, lady drInen, 26,000 original mles, sunroof. radio, new peint. $2,750.725-3744. 1074 OUICIC APOLLO, rune good. body good, 6 cyl., $55 or beat ef- fer. 433-1842. 1973 PON1IAC Lauretian, 400 cc mator, runc but nooe work, aise cas ha bougit for parts, $200. Phone 579-3030. ~V~MOTIVE U~REPAIRIPARTS~IRIPARTS SOMETHINO ABOUT YOUR NEW COMMUNITY? Phone 668-8943 Oar bosfesx wiii bring gifts and greetlgx, aiong weuh htiptui community information. It suited Ch*lie t ta te off fur Oickson Printing & Office Supplies et this perticuler point in time, something hie wiIl nover regreti FIVE 0000 VEAR Wrengier radiai ail terrain tires, sine P19S/75R15, oniy 2,000 mles, $450. Four Dodge (Mitaibushl Rallye weols, sins 14x6", fit Colts Sapporo, Challenger, Arrow, $90. Phono 655-3266. SNOWTIRES Michelin No. F22515, on oneraine Saick rima, like new, $30. Phono 855-4682 eflen 6 p.. CON FUSED?. Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out- on our Iow advertising rates just because you have If you: @are a private advertiser; *have an article to sel;, and, ehave a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under th e Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details i Your ad wil i'un each week until the article has been sold t(maximum three months . A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $7.50 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT selI within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will seil, but where else could you get three months advertising for only $750? When your article selîs, a commission is charged, baseci on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% Up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described above. questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear up many of your questions - if flot, do cail 668-6111 and we'II be pleased to explain the Emporiumn Section to you personally. 1have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have the following advertisement placed under this section of the Whitby Free IPress. 1 I -- I - - - I - - I - ________ .1 dorniforgî-t tg) ixlude yuur phone num ber:i 1 enclose $7.50 to cover the minimumq Charge $75000 My Visa account. tard No. Nuâme ipleusle prnst Addrnss CityPol charge - -_______ MAIL TO: F:ptunjWHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. d,1Whitby LIN 5S1 Below are some examples of what you would be charged if your article sold within three months. Commissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE. A'dvertised Price Total Ansount Payable Up to $ 150 $ 200 $ 3 00 $ 600 j $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 t $5,000 and up $7.50 810.00 815.00 820.00 S22.00 S24.00 $26.00 S28.00 S30.00 $-32.00 $ 52.00 $ 72.00 $ 92.00 $100.00 EFRDEE PRESS Emporium Ads will only be accepted subject to the foliowing conditions. 1 ---