Whitby Free Press, 16 Apr 1986, p. 29

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WHITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 16. 1986, PAGE 29 E PAINTING à DECORATINO profeasional bonded workmsn- ship, reeldentiai and commercial, free estimafes. Cati 839-4277 or 888-9712. WFILIL DO SEWI NO, attleaetons, or germants In' my home. Reanonebte rates. 688-6706. ITIDY.UPI *Homes, apartments,I *offices, hallal *Reasonable rates. 666330 NEEDLECRAFT CLASSES CandlewlCklng, Count- ted Cross*stltch, Em- broldery and Crewel. We even do Needlepoint and Trapunto too. Joîn ln the fun. Have a Creativo Circle CIas ln your home. Teachlng you to stît- ch Is easy. Book now and recelve a Fr.. GI, t. Cali: Nadine, evenfinga at 66&.1490 *IGRAMMER for people wha hale grammar" la the idemi pockat reference bock for buainess people. 33.95 par. copy end evaltebte ai Diclesan Prlnting & Office Supplies ln the Ajec Ptaza. Dealer inquiries lnvitad 683-1968 FRIÉE: Drap inta the Oickson Printisg and Office Suppty store n the Ajec Plaza and pIck up a. free copy of the 1986 Metrie Caendar. Prlnted In fwa cotours. If maltas for handy relerence. CONGRATULATIONS on your lorthcoming marriege. Please viaw aur semptes of engraved wedding Invifetionsaie your teisure ln aur Alec Plaza store. Diceson Prinfing & Office Sup- olies. 683.1968. WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY HEAD SOYA MARGARINE for sale f rom Québec, any quanity, lunt lîke butter. COlil723-5818. ROTO-TILLERS, wheelbarrowa, chainsawsC, pampa. Dont buy thea, wtien YOU Ca eant fhem et Brook Rent-Aif1, 513 Btock St. N., Whlby, 668-0W21, Ils mle N. of Dundas. VISIT .Our used furnifure warettause by appoint ment. BIg savinga on deasa chaire, fi llng cabinets, etc. Cali DIclson PrIn. tIng & Office Supplies f0, arrange an appInfment f0 vlew. 683- 19ou. CHESTERFIELD suifes, loveseals, secflonala, lees thon %u prIce. Large selecnion. McKeen Furnifure, 524 Slmcoe SiS., Oshawe. 7255181. CEMENT MIXERS, lacddera, drlls, scaffolda, weidera. Dont bey thami RanI Ihean et Brock Rent. Att, 513 Brook Sf. N., WhItby, Va mle N. Oandaa, 6684»921. "NHEROES of the Bible" colourlng book evaleble ef Ockson Prîn. tlng & Office Supplies, Aise Plaza, 683-1968. Daler Incuirles Invlfed. PLACE We aresa Canadien company slng qaly Canadien Mmade CE. Jamieson produc- tetlwmail order prices. Çell vIst us 728«04for 1prIce fl. Guarsnteed, Senio discount. WATKINS produc ta avaliabie. THIEVITAMIN PLACE SPECIAL Toronto prîces, 20" colour TV. ln boxes, $449,3 year full warranly, Facon TV., 100 Lapin Dr., Blair Parlk Plaza, 688& 6060,7230011. SPECIAL 26" 'colaur console felevIsion, S599, 3 jeur ful warranty, Falcon TV., 100 Lupin Or., Blair Parte Plaza. 66840M0 723«011. BEFORE YÃ"U BSUY a Zenifh colour TV. ram any other dealer coma and soe Facon TV. for bast prices. 100 Lpin Dr., Blair Parie Plaza, 668406, 723-0011. SPECIALt $12.W0 Service clta on any moateof colour T.V., Facon T.V., 100 Lapin Dr., Blair Parte Plaza, 6684060l, 7230011. WIh th18 ad. GEOTYPE preson letferlng now n stock ai I Dclson Prinflng & Of- ice Supplies ln ftha Aax hop- plng Plaza. Large séetioun of styles and sices. Why pay more for a amalier asaI 0 f leferlng? 683-1968. MATTRESSES and box sprlngs ai hit prIce. McKçen Furnîfure, 524 GARDEN PLOTS for ravi, $15. 30e50 t Rossiand and Grard. CuIt 668 1116. HOUSE 2 bedoom, main level, 3 appliances, close ta school and shopping, privafe drive, $675. 688-3031. $998,50(1, 4 badroam solid brick bungalow, 25 years aid, on dead- end siveet, ln uouthweut Whitby. Open for newing Sunday rom 1 to 4 p.m., 907 Anne$ St., Whitby. I 10 Mobile Homes Clearwaer - Thrtes bedroom mobie hmes Hotedpools, tniclose fa beaches andw 1qr3tons.hlren1 weicome. (liens ihn motel room). 683-5503 (PAMENTS/ CODSFOR RIENT ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT In amati Whilby building. Adulte only. includea frIdge, slave, hydroaend partlng. Cabla TV and laundry feclilifles evaliabie, Phone 668-W672 btween :30 m.m. and 5 p.m. OFFICE ACE FOROREbITNT1 WHITBY COMMERCIAL SPACE availibte July let, 1986, ep. prouimeateiy 2,300 square fast, bas been used for about the test 10 years as a dance studio. Oel Mr. Burgess et 866.072. SCECE MOTHER 0F ONE wiii babysIt ln her home near F.M. Heard Pubilo Sohoot. References, Reasonabie rates. Babies welcome. 430-1255. ADI~ MFRA.~L 1983 CHEVROLET S10 blue wiih white cap, 27.000 kitomelero, ps., p.b., AM radio, 5 speed, 6 cyl., 1500 tbrtg, excellent condition, $6,850 certiied. 855.4003. 11980 PLYMOUTH Volera, 4 door, 6 cyl, ps., p.b., new brehes, ex- caltent condit ion, low miteege, reduced ta 3$1,700. Phone 433 8830 aller S p.m. 1979 CNEV CAPRICE wagon, air, poweer windows, ail around au. celent condition, $2,950 car- i ied. 66884104. 1978 0000E hall ton wt h cam- par, good condition, $3.500 lIrm. Pckering, 831-3075. 1977 CHEV IMPALA p.s. and WIIITBY EAST, 3 bedroom, 2 ARTICLES NEXT TO NEW parts for 1974 îm- brakes, weit maintainad, 31,500 paea Phone 433.1519 or 4347877. certified. Cati 427-2170 (Green- torey brick house, altached FOR SALE, waodi. Il no answer pteaue leave garage, eut-in kitchen wth. message. walkout, main f îoor îamîîy rooro AUCTIONS, TRUCK CAP wiih slds ln cam- with fireplace, $119,900. Ms. REAL ESTATE pîng unit, $450. Cal 868-9752. 197ASI Mai,2dor Keys ai 4338106, 434-5929. 077AUSINMORE... dor ___________AND__MORE..._ automallo, 1'owner, dealer main- tainad, 54000 mles, good con- 1II M IC I IIlMUSICAL 11 MUSICAL dition, open for basf oflar.723- 1 IFN S R SU M E NTS U IIhIIS RIJEdUMENTS I II 1 STR dSUMEN T S 3731 aller 5 p.m. MA LITTLE STORE - BIG PRO DUCTSý - - SMALL.PRICES!I @ ROLAND *TAMA eIBANEZ *PEAR L e BOSS - . TRAK I*HONDO eVANTAGE oDEAN MARKLEY *RODAM I SABIAN . *REMO THE BEST PRICES ON MARSHAL L I MLP MUSIC OFFERS WITH THIS AD 30% OFF! ON ALL IN STOC K I ITEMS - WHULE STOCK LASTS 1DUN DAS ST. W - 6 .9* ______________________ simcoe Sreet Soufth. Oshawa. _________________ 7255181. G REIG A P / Ij YARD.SUPIS ~ ESTSS SALES TREES iT'5 5PRINGI For your tan- CEDAR VALLEY RESORT, Orons. YAD AL it a godbay Dlg your own trees dscapIng and maintenance Hwy. 35-115, Clarke., 4th Con- Items, lots of good lunle. FrIday, and landscape yout neads Caeil -Duichwuy Lan csinbatfa aprud Saturdcy and Sunday, 9 a.m. fa 4 poe cheap. $3 to decaping and Maintenance" 849 seuson $635. Campgrxund I 788- >p.m. 36Cobame Si.E. Whlfby. $12, Up to 8 ft. tal. 31. Wlg srety t ro pe rct383 2562. Toronto office 651-5754. Choose f rom. 655-8966 GARDENERS EXTRAS. Multiplier r m \I O D k'11WANTEDI trawberry, Asparagus, 20c. 'j R0 U T . Ait aealPYYS OvR.B theBA gerous FOR RENT Lilac, Peonesis, Forsythia. $3. BOARDER HOUSE steaks, filuet Ail2 baeai preayers ome t rtcg Trees - Mpie, $4. Colorado mignon steaks, Prime nlb. etc. At1 fo20 Wys arenitom aifltclu. TYPEWRITER rentai. meny Spruce, $10. Codar, $2. Faw other quuiity beef. park, chioken. hua, fa oriiosSeni avbailclb. mukea nd modela, by the fhIngs. More Information, the lisi goas an and on. Food or. Mnyal pstsum orpentHave an weeend, weeh or month. Brookin,655-4525. dans designed for YOUR familles Penloye abailmmeresdpear. cm- Discounts uvalabia. Diclsan ______________ neods and budgets. Frxm anly ponatisse ardbai.Hatrlfd Mpr. Prlnting & Office Supplies In the $2977 par weele. Caliionnldsan 6W8119 Gore ats 71354, Alec Plaza. CatI us for business CDAR TRIES for hedge. Phone Fonds for more information, 725 86-619 eogeVae 51-58. machine rapaira.883-196. 855-4550. 4078. 1983 SUZUKI 650 GSL motar- cycle. imited nditlxn, 10w mleage. excellent condition. ln- cluded ln price - chrome highway pegs. chrome oit bars and wln- dshield. $2.500. Culit 6689752. 1979 SUZUIfI 10005,3$350 or hast otier. good condition. 686-2273. 1978 HONOA 400 Twin with Cea- X lring, SM0. Pickering, 831- 3075. OJEI!!ONALS ELDRIOG, John William born June 4, 1928, Brooklsn, Ontarlo, searchIng for Information about parents. Pieuse write John Tutty, Apt. 1706, 10045 117 Street, Ed- monton, Aberta. TSK 1W8. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, we are tring fa retrace aur lamity irea. Ail Information wouid ha greetiy appraciated. Thera are il Colina lemitys ln Sasie, and B.C. tram aur great greeit grandparen- ta the Colineaund MudilI familles. John and Mery Colline -. rasdan- ce Pickering aise. Children: Mer. the Marriad Laphem, Mary murried Witiaon. Christixa merried H.J. Paters Dec. 25, 1858, George married Racheal Mcdiii imy greet grendpaenis), Josishus merriad Hodax. Imnlatari, Seraha married -clark, John l?. William and Mary MadIli - Children: Elizabeth ..? Racheel married George Coulina, Mary ?, rnls ?. Yours ruly, Jules and Helen Surecu, 10040 Bamberton Dr.. Richmond .C., V7A 1 K3. THANI<S TO St. Jade and the Secred Heart af Jesus for lavours raceived. May the Secred Huart of Jesus ba adxred, glorlied. loved and preserved lhrxughout ha wxrld now and boraver. Oh, Sacred Heurt af Jasas pruy for us, Sf. Jade wxrker af miracles pray for us, St. Jade helper of the hopeiess. pray for us. Bey ihis prayer nine fîmes a day. By the eighth day yoxr prayer wili be an- swared, regardiass of how hopeiess your situaition seems. Publication mast ha prxmIsad. A.M. ~. PaRr/cIPacJI>a SSIMPLE ! Tesimple solution to cleanlng storage problems n the attlc and garage la a Classlfled Ad. WHITBY FREE PRESS .......6686111 J PEOPLE TO PACK applea. People lu prune appie frees. Witt train. 6492474. A CAREER IN TRUCKtNG. Tran. sport drivers needed. Nuw le the lime fa train for yaur CoesA Ilcense. For pre.screenling Inter. viaw and lob pacement Infor- mation, contact Marv Orras Tran- spart Driver Training, Brampton 14M9265-1260. ELECTROLUX CANADA Oua ta the Introduction af ast naw cen- frat vac system we aie n present need af iros fll-time and fixe peri-fîme saltesPeople. Car eeaentiei. For further Information cel 723.3412. BRICKLAYERS urgentiy needed for a housing pralect ln Whtby, fuiltime, good wages and banalits.675.4129. ARE YOU LOOKINO forea job or a lob worth worltlng for? DonIt Ilghf liI Leam how tlause the computer and beau stop ehead ln the lob marit. We aller lob placement and -linanciai essiatance for those unempioyed or low Incoma. 4273010. PARTY, PARTY. PARTYI Incveaun business, we need you, 38.50 par hour to start. 683-3306. NANNY WANTED In my home May 1, references required, Raglan area. 1-987-5318 aller 6 p.m., 284-8110, eut. 235, 8:30 fa 4:30. AGGRESSIVE SALES PERSON Needed to promnote to plumblng Contrators dand wholesalers n Eastern Ontarlo and aEastern Toronto. To explore thîs oppor- utunlty pleaee send udetailed resumne to: Jack Worry clo Jasmlck Agonclos 140 Kngscross Dr. King, Ont. LOG 1 KO CLASIFIED1 Il SEE I PAGE 30I DONT FORGET.. vwki£r ECONOM BOX %forx34po 08LY5z99 1oir SONDAS ST.LHt..vrs 666-3324 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $600 for 20 words;, every endeauvour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be 14t each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loas or damage hiable for- failure to publish an ad, or for typographietcHDAH $.0frtefrt 0 od;1eec alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the cost of the space ocu d BdiRtHS, A TH 70fr h is 0 words;1ec such replies. We will not be responsible for box number by the error Up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. dinîwr. replies not called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the fir- reject ahl advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12t each additional word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12t each ad- AUCTION SALES- 43; perl me. (No word ads allowed). to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. itional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numnbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $200. The Whitby Free Press will makrr 668-6111 -Imm- 1 . -1

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