Whitby Free Press, 23 Apr 1986, p. 14

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PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 1986, WHITBY FREE PRESS COMING EVEN*TS CALENDAR' pw KETIRED TEACHERS LUNCHEON The spring luncheon for the South Durham branch of the Ontario Association of Superan- (Nrýin& Home nuated Women Teachers wiii be held at Greenwood United Church on Wednesday, May 7 at 12:15 p.m. A guest soloist wil enter- tain after the salad lun- Care Serices- A highly skilled group of health care professionals providing: *a complete range of in-home nursing and.homnernaking services *services available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Cali for a free nursing assessment. mipara mned 433-7600 1k TEENAGE NIGHT CLU B- OPEN HOUSE- Thurs., May 1186 7-9 p.m. PARENTS l'Corne Check us out" (FREE Cottes & Donute> FRAN D OPENING - Fri., Sat., May 2 & 3186 (1 8:30.1 :Oup.rn. (Door PrIzes, Balloons and lots of fun) 1BROOK ST. N., WHITBY 430-10 THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN0F WHITBY IN THE MvATrER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, .S.O. 1980, C. 337 AND IN THE MATTER 0F THE LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO NOTICE 0F PASSINGO0F BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that the Couniciliof the Corporation of the Town of Whltby has passed By-Iaw No. 1998-86 to desîgnate the followlng property as belng of architectural and hîstorîcal value or ln- terest under Part IV cf the Ontario Hertage Act, R.S.O. 1980, c. 337: The James R. Matthewson House 7143 Ashburn Road Whltby, Ontario REASONS FOR DESIG NATION OFTHEJAMES R.' MATTHEWSON HOUSE Hîstorîcal This house vias builîtln 1884 by James Mat- thewson. He was an Influentlal farmer who served on Whtby Township Councîl as a Councillor, Deputy Reeye and Reeve from 1880 - 1890: The farmn on whlch the house sat was known as Springfield Farm and was plctured ln the 1877 On- tarlo County Atlas. Architectural The house ls an interestlng example of a mld- nlneteenth century farmn house comblnlng Greek Revival and Gothlc Revival styles. The house stands on a fine granite f leldstone foundation and Is assumed to have been orlglnally constructed wth horizontal clapboard. DATED at the Town of Whitby thîs 9th day of Aprîl, 1986. Donald G. McKay Town Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East Whltby, Ontario Li N 2M8 Phone: (416) 668-5803 cheon. For further in- formation please cali 723-9763or 655-4041. ROBIN HOOD Col. J.E. Farewell wiIl be presenting the musical comedy, 'Robin Hood', on April 29 and 30. Thirty students wil be Participating in the Production which starts at 7:30 p.m. each nlght. Tickets cost $1 and are available at the school. Col. J.E'. Farewell is located at 810 McQuay Blvd. DIABETES INFO FAIR The Canadian Diabetes Association, Durham Region Bran- ch, is holding it's annual Product Display and In- formation Fair on Wed- nesday, April 30, from 3 to 9 p-m,at Holy Family Parish Hall, Manning and Rib- blesdale Dr. in Whitby. Corne view the many new products available to assist Diabetics today. See our cooking demonstrations and have your blood pressure and blood sugar checked at the cllnics available. Everyone is welcome, bring a friend. Be a wise and informed con- sumner. HOCKEY BANQUET The Brooklin-Whitby Minor Hockey banquet is coming up this Satur- day, April 26 at Henry Street High School. There will be three sit- tings to accommodate aIl houseleague and representative teams. The first sitting will begin at il11a.m. for squirt, novice and atom teams. Peewee, bantam and midgets will sit down at 1 p.m. and the rep tearn banquet will begin at 3p.m. GARAGE SALE The Anglican Church Women of St. Thomas Anglican Church vili hold a garage sale and flea 'market Saturday, May3 fromn10Oa.m. till 4 p.m. at the Oddfellovs Hall, Bagot St., Brooklin. Ail proceeds will go to the Memorial Hall building fund. Aniong the items for sale will ta home baking, crafts, "'new to- you'< treasures and much more. For more information please cal ACW president B. Pengelly at 655-4596. MICROWAVE DEMO The Burns Presbyterian Church Kirk Guild wili be presenting a special microwave cooking demonstration Tuesday, April 29 at 8 p.m. at the Church in Ashburn. The Microcooking Centre in Oshawa vili provide the microwave ovens and Angela Laski, a weli known demonstrator wili be there to show you aIl the tricks. Tickets for the event are $3 and there viii be samples, door prizes and refreshinents. Advance tickets available by calling 655-3401. CHAPLAINCY ANNUAL MEETING Theannual meeting of the Oshawa. General Hospital Chaplaincy Association yull be held I 130. ALS RNALS RPA£% Doncaster invites you to visit and meet our Health Care Speciaists-Our experienced arnd certified team of professionals: Nurses,- Occupational Therapists, Enterostomai Therapists, Physiotherapists and Product Speciists area sailabeIo q-,qit q andladvse you at any time. "Freedom to go your way" CAL 1: 434-1141 or 1-800263-7972 HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 9:00-5:30 p.m. méffw' Saturday 9:00-1:00 p.m. Àw sI 111 SIMCOE -m ST. N., OSHAWAKISt in the hospital cafeteria Tuesday, April 29 beginning at 7:30 p.m. The theme of the meeting will be Ministry to the Unchurched Patients and the Rev. David Janzen, co- ordinator of chaplaincy services, Civil Service Commission of Ontario will be the guest speaker. Everyone is welcome to attend. PLANT AUCTION The Brooklin Hor- tiecltual Society Plan'- ticultural Society Plant Auction wlll ha held Saturday, May 10 beginning at 10 a.on. at Grass Park at the cor- ner of Hwys. 7 and 12 in Brooklin. The fund- raising event will feature genial auc- tioneer Ken Brown and a complete selection of annuals, bedding plants, perennials, shrubs and vegetables. WELSH BANQUET The Oshawa and District Welsh Society's St. David's Day Banquet was a rousing success and the society wishes to extend its heartfelt thanks to the event's generous spon- sors: Whitby Clinic Pharmacy, The Welsh Dresser, Town Florists and Valentino's Beauty Salon. COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTORY Information Oshawa is currently preparing the 1986-87 Directory of Community Services. The comprehensive service contains over 600 listings for gover- nment, service clubs, culture, education, social services, halls for rent, health services, recreation, leisure and much more. Any businesses, groups, agencies and in- CLEAR SWEET WATERI AT LAST ... New Technoîogy to Canada eliminates rusty - smelly - bad iasting water - bacteria, staining,.. chemicai contamination and more. .S.A. ap- proved. Proven in over 12,000 installations. Monihly Payment Plan. See the resuits with aur FREE 6 MONTH TRIAL OFFER. Bad water can be your profits wort enhmny. Vour property and life is much more valuabie when your water suppiy is good. CLEAR SWEET WATER IT'S YOUR RIGHTI CALL 1-800-268-2656 or 1-416-624-4344 AZTEC '<FIRST IN WATER PURIFICATION" -COOLING SYSTEMS- 103 DUN DAS ST. E. 162 KING ST. E. WHITBY - OSHAWA 6568-3356 571-3400 dividuals wishing to be placed on the mailing list for the -directory should contact Infor- mation Oshawa at 728- 6233. CRAFT SHOW The 6th Annual Whlt- by Festival of Crafts Show la coming up May 2, 3, and 4, at Iroquois Park. In ail, some 135 booths of Canadian craf- ts, craf t supplies, demonstrations and displays wlll be set up and admission is only $1.50 - free for children 12 and under. On Friday, May 2 the show wiil be open froin 6 p.m. until 10 p.m. and on Saturday and Sunday it is open from 10 a.m. un- til 5 p.m. Refreshments wil be available and there is lots of free parking. CHILDREN'S PLAY The Toothpaste Genie, a play for children, will be presen- ted by Cascade Theatre at the Whitby Public Library on Monday, April 28 beginning at 7 pin. Tickets are $1 each and will be available in the library's children's departmnent. The play is suitable for children seven years of age and older and is the story of a girl who discovers a real live Genie in a tube of toothpaste. Don't be dissappointed, get your tickets early. AGING SEMINAR The St. Mark's United Church Open Door Unit will be hosting a semninar entitled Nor- mal Aging and Com- munity Services with guest speakers Roxy Barnes of Community Care, Bowmanville and Marie Brooks-Smyth of Whitby Community Care. The seminar wil be held Monday, May 12 fromn 9:30 until 10:-30 1

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