PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY.AÀPRVL 23.,1986, WHITBY. FREE, PRESS Stu dy to tacklie apjartm ent shortage' j regulations for lodging and suggested annual houses were to be com- Ilacknowlédged there is a some concerns that'no natively, before a sub- lsn't, something you house; the doubling up targets the town should pleted each year - 110 shortage of affordable apartment buildings are division agreement' is can finish in two weeks of dwellhng units and the meet from 1983 to 1987. were built in 1984 and housing, councillor presently being built in approved, the developer or two months,"' said creation of 'granny They proposed 450 only 13 in 1985. Apar- Bugelli said the Whitby, and offered could be persuaded to cquncillor Bugelli. flats'; zoning- by-laws single family' detached tments were projected developers have to some solutions to the build non-profit The administrative permitting group homes homes per year over the at 50 a year. In 1984, no come in to the town housing shortage the townhouses, she committee wil report in residential areas and four year period. In apartments were bult before houses can go up. committee may con- suggested. it's, findings and the< provision, of 1984, 476 Were built and in Whitby whle building One of the recommen- sider. A time schedule for suggestions to council emergency housing. in 1985 the total was 596. permits for 32 were dations will be new A local non-profit the committee's report when the investigation >A comprehensive One hundred and twen- issued in 1985. So far ways to attract housing corporation has not been set. 'This is completed. study completed in 1982 ty-five linked semis this year a site plan for developers to build af- could be established to by Paterson Planning were proposed per year. an il suite apartment fordable housing, lie take advantage of and Research Ltd., In 1984, 154 were built building has been ap- said. provincial housing researched the town's and 127 in 1985. proved. Wlsen interviewed, grants to build non- future housing needs Seventy-five town- While he Mrs. Fletcher showed profit housing. Alter- I . .? J YOU ALWAYS GET THE1 %At)F1iUl r ByMARYMt ('ali 725-8967 wlth Ili WHITBY CHAPTER ORDER 0F THE EASTERN STAR Whitby O.E.S. heid a meeting at the Masonic Hall on Tuesday, April 8 and was presided over by Wor- thy Matron Bev. Rogers and Worthy Patron Len Waltham. ILwas a special night, honouring the past matrons and past patrons of Whitby Chapter and the surrounding chapters. Worthy Matron welcomed the Past Grand Matron, Edna Fawcet from Collingwood. The Worthy Matron asked her officers to sit in the East and the Past Matrons and Patrons of Whitby chapter were asked to fi their places to do the floor work, welcoming 3 new members into the chapter. This was very impressive as the Matrons taking the Star Points chairs were dressed in the appropriate colours. This is thought to be the- first time that the past matrons and patrons have been asked to resume ail the stations and they thought it was a great honour. Refreshments were served after the Worthy Matron ciosed the chapter, and an enjoyable social time was held. THANK YOU FROM WHITBY CHAPTER 0.IE.S. Whitby O.Ei.S. number 248 would luke to than all who attended their, the.,folowing businesses for their generous support in helping to make the card party.a success. Color Your World, Heart ,and Stroke Foundation, Town of Whitpy, Durham Regional Police, Toronto Dominion Pank, Bank of Nova Scotia, Wheeiies, Counter 'Print, Mackies Van and Storage, North AmericanVan Lines, National Trust, State Farm Inisurancèe and Signet Signs. Ail proceeds from, the evening wiil go for Benevolent work in the.Durham Region. WHITBY WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The April meeting of the Whitby Women's In- stitute wili be held on April 23 at 1:30 p.m., at the home of Mrs, K. Hepburn. This will be the annual meeting, when officers and cônvenors will present their annual reports. Visitors welcomne. THORNTON INTERESTED PARENTS Garage Sale -The Parents Advisory Comniittee of Dr. Robert Thornton Public Schooi will be holding a garage, craft sale on the school parking lot on Saturday, May 10 from 10 a.m. untîl 3 p.m. Spaces may be rented-for $10 each (tables $5 each, or bring your own>. To reserve your space, please cali 728- 6794 after 6. p.m. Épaces are iimited, 50 reserve early. Hoclkey scoreboard CHAMPS Domn's Auto Parts..7 LascoSteel......... 4 Dwayne Galley - MIP Colin Moor Chris.Mealing - MSP Glen Mizen Mike Panzt - MVP Steve Dyment ICEACHERN Itms for this caluma. Stop at Midas Muff ler and Brake Shops and we'll perform a free, no obligation brake system Inspection. If your car needs repaîrs, you'll get a professional brake job from a Midas Brake Speclallst. He's specially trained on brakes, so you know when they're f ixed, they're f ixed right. HERE'S WHAT WE'LL DO:0 1lnspect you r veh icle's brake system at no charge. REAR DRUM " resurface your brake drum " instail premium quality bra shoes FRONT DISC *resurface your brake rotors *install premium quality disc pads * dean and repack front wheel bearings Midas diso brake pads and brake shoes are guaranteed for as long as you own your car**0 'The cost of additional components and labour required t0 restore braie system tb ils proper operation is flot Included. *Service charge of $9.95 per axie. Guararitee does flot cover the cost of additional brake system conponents and labour required to restore the brake sys- tem 10 ils proper operation. If you do flot authorize Iis service, you wilI receive non-installed, non-guaranteed replace- ment braie shoes or diso brake pada. TOP GUNS "A" CONSOLATION H & BSigns......... 7 .Sungold ... Bruce Parsons - MIP Carl Yen Paul Smalley - MSP PeterClayton BMU O'Meara - MVP John Giles 1650 Kingston Road, Pickering 686-3707 1220- Dundas St. East, Whitby 668-1065 227 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa 576-81.11 JUVENILE League champs - Whitby Dominion Hardware. MIP of league -Jamie Shaw. CHAMPS Whitby Domion Scott Chicken Hardware.......... 7 Villa .............. 5 Alex Bescz - MIP Dave Lawson Ken Lynde - MSP Warren Ellis Dave Donaidon - MVP Les Sinden "A" CONSOLATION Century Home Gus Brown Pontiac Video.........8 Buick.............. 7 Jamie Shaw -MïiP Gregavidoon Pat Haam - NISP Jien Perrin Gary Mark.- MVP Terry MacDonald .6 is