W14ITBY FREE PRESS. HOME IMPROVEMENT SECTION, WEDNÊSDAY, APRIL 23. 1986-YAGJ3 27 Roofs need a thorough inspection after the tough. winter months Now that the deep snoyws of Febru- ary have melted, the average home- owner is, looking outside to find out where t0 sprinkle new grass seed and which bushes didn't survive the winter. That's fine, but at the end of a tough winter if is also'time to look up and give your, roof a thorougli inspection to s"ee how à t farcd. "Winter can do some terrible thinga to your roof," said Bob Garrett, vice president of marketing for Certairffeed Corporation's ofing group. "'he first warm days of spring wilI give the homeowner a chance to make a roof inspection, and to see if reroofrng wiII be necessary this season." "One wity to do a roof inspection is to cail a roofing contractor, but if you know what f0 look for, the homeowner can get a pretty good idea if the roof has suffered winter damage' said Garrett. If the roof is 15 years old or older, Garrett recommends an annual spring inspection. "One of the most obvious signs of roof aging is to notice a few shingles in your lawn once the snw have melt- ied. Heavy winds can blow off aging shingles and these should be replaced immediately,- Garrett said. There are other ways to check for roof failure, too, without ever getting on thc roof. -Discoloration of ceilings or the roof decking as seen from in- side the aftic means water is already beginning to leak in when it rains or when the snow gradually meits," said Garrett. "This is a clear indication that immediate action is required on the roof to prevent structural damage to the home." Another easily detectable sign of im- minent fisilure occurs with the breakup of the weathering surface of the shin- gle. Whole pieces of asphait with the granules stili attached break off. These van be seen at the bottom of rain gut- fers and downspouts or lying in the gutters on the roof. Significant gran- ule buildup in thle gunters or as seen washi ng out of the downspouts when if rains is an indication that something is wrong and that Uic roof is aging, ac- cording f0 Garrett. "Another method of inspection is to climb onto the roof and inspect for curling edges. cupped surfaces or var- iations in color between areas of the shingle on the roof," said Garrett. "The same observations can be made while standing safely on the ground, L by using binoculars." Garrett emphasized that often winter stormas can cause damage that may necessifafe minor repairs and that rcroofing is not always nccded sîm- ply because some of these signs may be noticcd. He cautioned home- owncrs f0 get at lcast two opinions if a rooftng contractor says rcrooflng is neccssary, and particularly if the roof is not at least 15 years old. If reroofing becomes nccessary, Garrett recommends that homeoWners examine the latest designer shingles available on the market today which can add beauty. qualitk- and valuen tn the home at a reasonable price. Cer- tainTeed's Horizon Shingle offers homcowners an extremcly durable shingle with an attractive, deep tex- turcd look. It adds a truly distinctive ftnishing touch to a home, carnies a 25-year warranty. and is available in a wide range of earthtone colors, care- fully blended to complement any ar- chitectural style. "Today there are significant options available to homcowncrs to add a shin- gle f0 the roof that can bring ouf the truc bcauty in the homnes exterior. Homeowners shouldn't thinlc Uiey must replace an old roof with the samne color," Garrett emphasized. To assist homcowners with the re- rooftng process, CertainTccd has a hclpful booklet cntitled 'Roortng. ..-A Homeowner's Guide f0 Producta, Pro- ccdureg and Potential Problems'. The brochure details how f0 detect a roof that's about to fail and answers com- monly asked reroofing questions. To order a free copy of the booklet, write to: The CcrtainTécd Home Insti- tute, Shelter Materials Gmoup, PO. Box 860-S, 0215-2A, Valley Forge, FA, 19482. Ccrtaintfeed roofing producta are not distributed in the Far West, Soufhwcst, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri. Kansas, Alaba. ma, or Mississippi.j HOMEOWNERS GET AN EXTREMELY DURABLE SHINGLE with Horizon Shinigle wtnch gives an attractive, deeply textured look, Horizon adds a truly distinctive finishng touch to ça new structure or reroofed home and in avaitable in a wde range of earthtone colors. P'PANT U - FX UP--- El e<COMPLETE SERVICE.- MATTING, STRETCHING, GLASS MeFREE PRINT WITH EVERY ORDER THIS WEEK 1 JUST BRINO THIS AD CAL e.. .fo FRE ESIMT .. u4 2 THEFAMIGCNR *82FRSD., ITB MeFaul Fencing Ltd. and MeFaul Renovations Ltd. FREE Estlmates Wrtten Guarantees %Specializing in Wood Docks 167 BLOOR ST. E., OSHAWA 579-8622 Pt N -jm#ý