WHITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 23.,19 WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ PAINTING à DECORATINO GARDEN PLOTS for ranI, $15. ________________________ LARGE SWING sot, 2 pears aid, oisinibondedri okman- 30060 'aI Rosslanri andi Ganard. BR WLO OTR PNHUE $75. Branrisec boadiaom, 38 ..ip, msîdeslai andi commerciaa ul 666-1116. ANSWLI OTESOENHUE ounceaIs peachle19½ ILox121(t., free estîmnales. Cail 839"277 or Set., May 3.-10 a.m. 5 p.m. $400. Phone 66e.4875. 60712. 1Sun., May 4. 11 ma.m..5 p.m.i UNEMPLOYED HELP CENTIRIE Neari haîp? Workens' compen. sl on, Woifar, OHIP assistance, Unampioymenl Inaurance, or criais reforrais tla other agencies, caii: 5791621. *TIDY-UPI *Homes, apartments,I offices, halls. % otberates. NEEDLECRAFT CLASSES Cevdelwlcking, dounteri cross.stllch, Embroidary andi Crcl. Wa aven do CNediapoIni and Trapunfo f0. Joî n he hafun. Hava a Cratille.Crcie cîas n pour home. TaachIng you 10 sItch la easy. Book 00W andi receiva a Frac GlII. cail: t c N a d în , v a n ln g e s t Be sure 10 sea mp dsplay and dersonsiralon ai the Whiiby Public Ubrary. SERVIES "GRAMMER for people cho hale grarnmer- la the Ideai pockel refeenoce booke for business people. $3.95 por copy and *valiableaitaI Dckson PIntIng & Office Supplies In the Aax Plaza. Poaler InquIrles Invlled 6631960. FREE. Drap 1010 the Diclson PrlnfIng and Ofice Suppiy store In 'the Aax Plazs and pick up a, frec opy of the 19m6Mal ric Calanden. PrInleriln Ico colours. If makes for handy rferenca. CONGRATULATIONS on your forthcoming marrage. PMasa vlew aur sampies aI angravari woddiog Inviaions ai yoar lolaura ln Our Aax Plaza store. Dlckson Pr101 ing & Office Sup- plIes, 63-196. WANTED - lacaions for kepIng boas, In WhIlby ues. Tephona 888-6693. WANTED usari canoa In goori condition, reassovabla pic. Cal 666-481. OLO BRICK FARM HOIJ6ES cao. lact for wrockingiaalvags. Rosa Lumley. Bondei and Inaureri, wîthfn rarncs,sinca 1969. Prc buildings or complta facorsa. 1-800.2657545, caekdays. TYPIEWRITER rentaI, canp mokas and madls, by the wookend, weele or monlb. Dscounts avalable. Oickson PrlntIog & Office supplias ln the Aax Plaza. Cali as for business machina repaie. 6631968. 1911 OFFICESPACEI MODERN OFFICE SPACE for ran, appron. 600 sq. f.,-$300 por covth, air condtioning, hast endi hydra Inciadori, or appraa. 11,605 sq. fI., $60 par movlh. Phono 66-427. WHITSY COMMERCIAL SPACE anolable Juip la, 1196, ap. proolmatoip 2,300 square felt, bas been sec for about the aest 10 Years as a dance studio. Cu Mr. Bunges et688-6372. $99,600, 4 bedroomn soliri brick bungaloc, 25 years aid, os daad- endri aI raln sosuthcest Wl1llby. Open for niacing Sunday fram 1 Io 4p.m., 907 Annas Si., Wliby. FL'ORIDr1 Ww VACATION 'W:RE TSALS 10 Mobile Homos ciearwaer Tnres bedroomn mobile hoces. Heaed pools, ro)close toa oslsor melon atractions, oldren celcome. lisse thas moIsi rm). 683-5503 MORT CEDAR VALLEY RESOAT, Orana, Hcp. 35-l15, Clarka, 4f h Con- cession, beauifal campground, season $635. Cumpgrond 1-7866. 2562. Taronto office6 651-5754. IT'S SPRINOI Par our Ian- docaplng andi caintenance needa oeil Dîohcay Lan- dsoaplng and Maintenance" 649. 3183. GARDENERS EXTRAS. Mulipiear onions, $1 a bag. Plants Slracbarry, Asparagus, 209. Raspbarrp, Min,- Hoseradisb, 40t. Rhubarb, $2.50. Iris, $1.50. Lila, Paany, Forsythia, $3. Troas - Mapia, $4. Colorado apruca, $10. Cadet, $2. Fac aI ber lhings. More Information, Brooklil, 655- 4525. CEDAR TREES for badge. Phono 6554550. THANK5 TO Si. Jade andi tba Sacred HearotIJesus for lavours receiveri. May the Sacred Heart aI *Jsas be adored, giori ld, ioved and preservad froughouî the corîri soc and braver. Oh, Sacrari Hean aI Jeasas pray for us, Si. Jade corker oI miracles prap for us, Si. Jade baiper of Ihe bopelese, pray Iar us. Say this prayer nîna limes a day. Bp tha eigblh day pour prayer ciii ba an- scereri, regardesa aI bac bopeess pour situation seecs. Publication muet be pramisad. A.M. ELDRIDGE, Johns William born Jase 4, 1928, Broaklil, Ontario, searching Ion Informsation about paensts. Phease cr110 John Tuty, Ap. 1708, 10045 117 Street, Bd- monton, Albera. T51< W8. EARLY PREGNANCY CLASSES gîvan by the Durham Lamaze Association, Ico Thursday avanlng classas. Topico fa ba conerari: ntrIlion, posture andi body machanIce. aecisa, deaaing cille common aiment, film prasantatlons. Pao $15 par coupla for boih avaningo. Classas are hairi aI Harcoori Madicai canton on Harcoori Ana., Wu mle norlh aI Hcy. 2, Thur. sday, May 8 andi Thursday, May 15, 7 lIi9:30 p.Piass ecai la pra.rogislar, Shalley Gaiioway, 6495384. 1978 HONDA 400 7cm clle cala- X fairng, $600. Pickering, 831- 3075. 1980 T-BIRD excalent condition, AMIPM cassette, sunroaf. $3.350. 668-4104 1M6 PLYMOUTH volare, 4 door, 6 cp, pas., p.b., naw brakes, as- collent condition, low mleage, radaoed la $1,700. Phase 433. 6630 allerS p.m. 1978 DOD)GE half Ion wlh cam- par, goori condition, $3.500 flroi. Pckering, 831-3075. 1977 GRAND PRIX, ps., p.b., 80,000 mles, sac brakas, maIfl er andl fr001 end, cantif led,$1.600. 666-5394. 197 7 CHEV IMPALA ps. and brakas, wcou mainiainari. $1.500 cartliiar. Caîl 4272170 (Green- coadi. If non anscer pMase leava mssaga. 1976 BUICK Canîary, rune goori, nearis body cork, $300. Phono 655.6061. 1968 CUTLA5S convertible, neada body cari,, machanicai and inlarior A-1. 666.3095. DONT FORGET.. ,'ECONOMý DROP IN fà ROWSE. Mattnesaes direct frac the faclory - quaiify andi prées pou co sloop on. At The Soop Factory, 133 Tanton Rd. W., Oshawa. 4331052. PORTEA HOUSE steaks, flaIt mignon steaks, prima nib, etc. A1 qualiiy boaf, park, chioken, acs, the Ilst goas on andi on. Foodi or- dors designari for VOUA familles noads and badgaets. rom oniy $2977 par wceai. caîl Donaidoon Poads for cana Information, 725- 4078. ROTO-TILLERS, chcoIbarrows, chainsasos, pampa. DonI bay thec, chas pou cas renl them at Brook Rent-Ai, 513 Brock S. N., Whilbp, 66680921, 'V4mle N. aI Dundas. GEOTYPE pros-on ittoring soc n stock ai Olkeon Pnning & Of- fice Supplias ln the Asx Shop- ping Plaza. Large selaclion oI styles and airas. Why pay more for a acailer shoot of lollarisg? 663-19686. CEMENT MIXERS, ladriers, drilla, acaffoide, ceidera.Doan't bap themi RanI tleec et Brook RanI- ^Il, 513 Brook Si. N., Whitbp, Ve mlle N. flundas, 666.0921. ORIGINAL photo aI ail four Beatles plus signalunas. Baul ai. for. 4276592. CHESTERFIELD salles, loneseats, secllanais, tesathan Va pice. Largo salaclion. McKeos Purnifura, 524 5imcoa StIS., Oshawa. 725-5181. Functional and decorative handmade pottery by Deanna Jones. Ref reshments. Top of the hili ln Greenwood (Westney Rd. and Hwy..7 area) 427-0598 the~ ira' Drop ln & Browse Mattresses direct f rom the factory - Quaîity & Prîces you can sieep on. At The 433-1052tor 13Taunton Rd. W., Oshawa [ 13 33 -1052or 'I ic é.TREES. plenIv-' 3.IsIO i y own trees on an9 digydcaeour* o w property cheap. $3 to di $12, up to 8 ft. tlu. Wide varîety to ,-- choose f rom. 655-8966 - nor 680S. E..WHITB0 666-3324 A CIN FUN FOR FOR CLASSIFIED HeIp your Heart... FAMILY ADVERTISING Heîp your ATTENDONETHIS CALL 668-6111 Heari Fund WEEKENDI MATTRESSES end box springs at half price. MaKeen Purnlure, 524 SimccasStreet South, Oshawa. 725-5101. PRIVATE SALE coe afnce rails, approx. 50 85fi. long, $1.25 par rail1. 66W.9593.' VISIT aur used farnluro warehoaso by appoinimanl. 61g savInga on deska, chairs, filing cabinets, oic. caîl Dlcksan Prin- llng & Offifce Supplies 10 arrange an appoinimeni 10 vlac. 6W3- 1966. GIRLS size 12 cloîbes. Phono 666-4861. BEAUTIFIJL pins aval dining fable, cil h banchas and chairs, seats 8, $9M or bo. Gorgeous braso and glass 3-lier swlvel cocktailifable, $250. 434.6804. SPECIALI $12.56 Service celle on any cake of colour TV., Facon TV., 100 Lapin Dr., Blair Parik Plaza, 668-606, 723«011. Wlih Ihis ad. BEFORE YOU DUY. a Zenith colaur T.V. froc any alher deaer core ne d sec Falcon T.V. for beal prices, 100 Lupin Dr., Bflair Parlk Plaza, 668-M6, 723-0011. SPECIAL 26" coloa console foelsion, $599, 3 Ysear fuilI cerranfp, Falcon TV., 100 Lapin Dr., Blair Parik Plaz, 688-M6, 723-0011. SPECIAL Tarant o pricea, 20' colaur TV. ln boxes, $449, 3 year full warranly, Faflcon TV., 100 Lupin Dr., Blair Park Plaza, 668- 68M0,723-0011. *HEROES of îhes Bible coiouring book amettable ai Dcksan Pin. ing & Office 5uppiies, Aisx Plaza, 663-1%66. Deaer Inquiries innler. AUCTION SALE SAT., APRIL 26 11:00 A.M. Clearlng auction of an- tique and modern fur- niture, collectable glass and china, large and small appilances, miso. etc. The estate of MRS. HELEN GRANDY, located 50 Heber Down Ores., Brooklin, Ont. Par- tial ist includes: 8 Pc. dînette suite, 2 pc. sofa set (Ilie new), 2 Victorlan rockers, Vctorien bed, washstand & dresser, varlous quality oc- cassional tables, 3 pc. bedroom sets, cedar cheat, table & standing lampa, 6 Windsor chairs, ornate cameo sofa, blanket box, 9x12 rug, some good oid Canadiana presséd glass, dinnerware set, Limoge dishes, depression glass, old gobiets, crystal, assori. of siiver, Coldspot f rost free fridge (6 yrs. oid>, Frigidare stave, Sylvania colour T.V. (5 yrs. old), wringer washer, smal appliances, some gardon tools, qulits, etc. Terms cash or a good cheque. No reserve. GAYLE AND HENRY KAHN AUCTIONEERS 683-0041 or 985-8161 AUCTION SALE SAT., APRIL26 10:00 A.M. Antique and quality fur- nîture, selllng ai Orval McLean Auction Center, Lindsay. Selling conten- ts of the former DR. RICH century farm home et Oakwood. Eariy Canadian pine table, fiat to wall cupboard, Eastiake style Victorlan walnut settee, chair & rocker, Empire style walnut sofa, antique chairs, buffets, spinning wheel, pressback high chair, maple dlning room suite, Gibbart dinlng room suite, antique bureau, brass light fix- ture, marbie top buffet, TA. Verner signed watercolor, palntings, prints, oak buffet, rockers, parlour tables, Royal Doulton figurines, china, glass, dlocks, 14 h.p. John Deere riding mower. One of our best sales this year. Many Items custom built or restored by Lionel Rawlinson Lt. No reser- ve. Farmn sold. Preview Friday 2 to 6. Open 9 a.m. Sat. Sale at 10 a.m. sharp. For Information or to list your sale cal 324-2783 MCLEAN AUCTIONEERS CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRI., APRIL 25 6:00 P.M. Three mites east of Little Britaîn or 7 mites west of Lindsay on the Lndsay Little Brtaîn Rd. 2 fiat to wall cupboards, wicker chairs, Boston rockers, wicker hampers, pine trunks, brass waliunits, 9 PC. dînette suite, pressback chairs, por- table and console color T.V.'s, bed chesterfields, pressback rockers, Slm- pliity spin washer, oval top trunka, washstands, co-oil lamps, handmade quilts, 5 pc. parlour suite, 8 h.p. MTD riding lawnmower - 26" cut electric start, 4 h.p. self propelled lawnmower (less than 1 year Cid), three 1/2 tonne truck caps, quantity-of china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 AUCTION SALE SAT., APRIL 26 11:00 A.M. At Oddfetlows Hall ln Port Perry. 1977 Nova as la, amali box traiter, dlrt bikos, wIndsurfer, ridîng mower, roto-tiliers, dressed hemtock, upright piano, aide by aide frldge/freezer, gas range, bedroomn suite, freezer cheat, chîckon feeders and waterers, iaundry tub with pump and much more. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 655-8073 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN TUES.7-APRIL 29 6s30 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles weat of Lndsay on the Lindsay Little Britain Rd. 20 Cu. It. freezer, 8" Sutton table saw, f fat top trunka, electric lawn- mowers, modemn cheat of drawers, occassional chairs, bed chestertield, portable and console color T.V's, chester- fields, cof tee and end tables, odd wooden kit- chen chairs, dining roomn extension table, 30" Kenmore electric stove, round bail ileeder, hoatod water bowis, bail fork, very large quantlty of electrlc and hand tools. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183. ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the'first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $6.00 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not 4e 14t each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loas or damage fiable for failure to publish an ad, or for typograp: BRHDAH 70 o h îs 0 od;1eec alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occw adBiTHS A THl 70 o h is 0 words 2 ec such replies. We wilI not be responsible for box nuniber by the error up to a maximum cost of the fist ins. *. adinlwod replies flot called for within 30 days. The WhitbSr Free Press reserves the right to cla.- f.,r' IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the fir- reject ail advertisements. Ads must appear in t) v' st 50words; 12 each additional word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one day before tliey can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12C each ad- AUCTION SALES - 43; per line. <No word ads allowed). to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL 1Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $200. The Whitby Free Press will make 668-6111