Whitby Free Press, 23 Apr 1986, p. 38

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PAGE 38, WEDNESDAY,\I Rt L 23,1986, WHITBYFRFE PRESS CLASSIFIED FITES CR EERS Leading fltness orgepization for' women ontly requires experlenced staff ln Management Sales and Fitness. We of fer acceptional salary and commission. Fult and part-time positions available for Ftness Instructors also. Cali: Canadian Woman's Fitness Mrs. Vesely, Toronto 495-00371 MOLLY MAID sa accepting ap- plications for ight housework In Whltby. Fuland partîtlme. Cali 6&9673. ttAIRSTYLISTS rent a chair ln salon. 666-9516, A CAREER ON TRuctoNG. Tran- sport drivers neoded. Now la the ime to train for your clas A Ilcense. For pre-screening Inter- vlew and lob placement infor. mation, contact Merv Orras Tran- sport Driver Tralning, Brampton 1800-265-1260. THE PLAYOROUND Teenage Nlght Club la nom lakIng Sp. plications for weekend help. Apply in person, 129 Brock St. N., Whitby. WANTED babysiller for one lv Imo days per weok, fo, 4 year o14 and 8 month old, ln my home, 01- ter Creek ares. PMase cail 666. 9978. BRICKLAYERS urgentiy nieedvd for a housing project in Wh#thy. tlî-time, good wagno and benelits. 675-4129. ARE YOU LOOKINO tor a lob orsa lob worth worklng for? Donti tîsht lbl Lear o 5w to ose the computer and b as step ahead In the lob markret, We citer lob placement snd inanclal assistance for those unemployed' or low Income. 4273010. SECRETARtES are In domand. Train torsa rewarrlIng career as a Medical, Legal or Eocutive Secretary. Ail courses include Word Procenning. Fînancial assistance msy be avalable. Make an appoinîment today foi FREE counselling. Cati 7231163 Toronto School of Business OSHAWA CAMPUS. Nurse Employee Healthllnfection Control $27,900- $32,300 The MINISTRY 0F HEALTH, Whitby Psychiatric Hospital, seeks an In- dividuai 10 operate an emptoyee heaith service, provldlng heatth surveillan- ce and screening, f irai aid, health education and counselling to ampioyees and volunteers; conduct pra-empioyment asseasments and return-to-work examinations; maintain comprehensive health records. As Infection control nurse, you will conduot envlronmental surveillance and screenlng; advise employees re managing Infections; report to and participate actively In the Infection controt cormittee; act as teacher/counseilor inhealth and Infec- tion control for empioyaes and votunteers; laise with hospital commIttees and communIty agenîces ln health promotion and ilness prevention; assist n deveiopIng polîcies, procedures and practices re employee haalth. Location: Whltby. Qualifications: Registration as a nurse ln Ontario; complation of a recognized program In occupational health; progressiveiy reiated experien- ce; abiiity to work Independently, exercise sound clinical and ad- ministrative Judgment and plan, co-ordinate and evaluate a healîli ser- vices/infection control program for 903 employees and 100 votunteers; ex- cellent interpersonal skiils. Ares of Search: WithIn commuting distance of Whitby. Pieuse @end applîcation/resume, quotin g fils HL-25-13186, by May 16, 1986 10: Reglonal Personnel Admînîstrator, Personnel Services, Human Resour- ces end Personnel Development Brsnch, P.O. Box 813, Whlib ,y, Ontario LiN 6s9. Equallty of Opportunlty for Employment- f~Ontario - ~S)Public Service is respo fact that certain remarks made by memnbers of council had created an impression that the town has something to hide in the Iroquois affair but when he was asked if the councillors had recently held a meeting to discuss releasing the confidiential documents, Mr. Edwards said he was not permitted to comment. "There's some suggestions that if we do (release the documents) it will reflect badly on the staff and consultan- ts. My feeling is that by failing to make themn public we will damage the very people who, ostensibly, we're trying to protect" lie said. Ultiniately, said Mr. Edwards, it is the coun- ciliors themseives who must accept respon- siblity for the success or failure of the Iroquois expansion proposai. The entire process, in Mr. Edwards' estimation, went on too long. He said those counciliors who were concerned about the project's escalating costs -should have jumped off the bandwagon a year ago when the estimated cost hit $4.5 million, In the interim, he said, council only succeeded in ýnsible, The Town of Whitby lias accepted the iow tender froni Lamoco Construction Ltd., of Gormley in the amount of $306,167 to reclîn- struct Green St. from St. John St. E. to Burns St. E. The project involves reconstructing 350 metres of road. in- cluding sewers and sidewalks, m- Edwards raising the, hopes of Contacted by the Free citizens invqlv'ed in thé e .?Préss while on vacation' consultation process isi,,FJqrida last week, who wanted to see the Rgba Councillor major expansion corn- Gerry Emrn accused pleted. .ý4he Free Px1ess of sear- "If I was a member 'of èliing for a !,Watergate'" the public who were t'old where none existed in an by people like me that effort to- justify the their input would be editorial stance the thoroughly considered paper had taken in r and ail I got was sonne favour of the $6.2 million pool repairs and a expansion. Vi second ice pad, I'd feel When he was asked like I'd been fooled," why, in a publicý said Mr. Edwards. meeting, he remarkedil! "Let's get it ail out on "I wish I could 'tell) -u" the table and let the why I voted against (96e public make up their $6.2 million proposaI)- own minds. ..1 won't say but I can't," Mr. Emin- staff- didn't make dismissed his words as a mistakes at ail but in the "figure of speeth" and long run, if everything is suggested the remark brouglit out, they will be had been taken out of better served," he con- context. In part, he said cluded. lie was 'referring to In interviews last private meetings held week, Mayor Bob Atter- by Mayor Attersley and sley and Councillor behind the scenes' Marcel Brunelle agreed political jockeying that that it was timne to clear occurred in the final the air. days before the Iroquois 'Whatever they think expansion was finally they have I wish to heli shot down by" Couný they'd put it on the cillors Batten, Bugelli,' table," said Mr. Emm and Joe Drumm. Brunelle who, along "I made my decision with Mayor Attersley, based on the amount of came out in strong sup- money it was goinig to port of the town's staff. cost, the way- it was ' The staff does what handled and the council tells them tIo do. situation. Staff and the The decision of council consultants were only is always right as far as acting on what the they're concerned," council wanted," said said Mr. Brunelle. Mr. Emm. FROM PG. 1 The time was riglit m Devean good mernories and a sense that lie has ac- complished ail of the goals he set for hirnself. While he. may even- tually choose to remain in the recreation field, Mr. Deveau said lie decided it was timne t spend a few mrînths taking stock of his situation. With his daugliter Dan;î heading off to universily this fal and son Mathew soon lu follow, lie felt it was an appropriate time to make a career move. Altliough he has ren- ted an-office in Toronto from which he plans to ..put out feelers" Mr. Deveau said he and-bis wife Carole have no in- tention of leaving Whit- by. "We've had a good time in Whitby and Carole's established as a reeeptîonist in Oshîawa so we really dont wani to teave. b'm jusi marking lime. re- evaiuating where were gorng.'- said Mr. l)eveatu. lie praised lits former co-workers at the town, particularly Mr. Wallace and the many- volunteers in Whitby he lias worked with over the coa rse of his career. "For me it's not the end of something, it's something else and our whole family is excited about it," said Mr. Deveau. T1he total cost of the project is estimated at $349000 and will be paid for by the Town of Whit- by ($175,907), a subsidy froni the Ministry of Transportation .and Communications ($150,216) the Region of Durham ($21,587) and Bell Canada ($1,289). The project is expec- ted to begin in May and will take 10 weeks for completion. FROM PG, 1 CounCil There's a whole series ô'f people who were in- violved ýin this process and it doesn't mean they are aIl or individually incompetent..I will neyer say anything about a person's comn- petence. 1 will flot use that word," said Mr. Bugelli. If in fact anyone in the town's emptoy slipped- up, Mr. Bugelli said it should be left with the politicians to be "Idealt with accordingly" However, to open the confidential reports dealing with iroquois Park now would only jeopardize the use of confidentiality in the future, asserted the counceillor. Whitby Regional Councillor Tom Edwar- ds disagrees. "I, say let's put everything on the table .If we as a council are prepared to take the congratulations and the kudos when things go well, we should be prepared. to take some criticism when things go wrong. I for one arn not happy about leaving this matter with the innuen- do that the fault lies with our staff," said Mr. Edwards. Mr. Edwards said he was disturbed by the CALL CIRCULATION 668-6111 (ROUTE CARRIERS EARN $$$1) Road construction tender accepted IL

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