Whitby Free Press, 30 Apr 1986, p. 13

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WHITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 30, i986 PAGE 13 Anderson, Henry,,Street, Denis O'Connor HIGH SCH.OOL NEWS WEEK ANDERSON COLLEGIATE On April 8, Anderson stifdents were treated to a two day visit by English billots. Twenty- five teenage rugby players from Shrap- shive, England arrived at our school fromn their last stop in Porter, Scarborough. Students who paid the price of $1 were let out of class at 2:30 to observe the rugby game between Anderson Seniors and the teamn from Ellesmere College. The visitlng English team won the game,. con- sidering that Rugby is their native game, but Anderson team memn- bers played very well. After their short visit here, the English teamn is on its way to Mac- Donald's (no, not the restaurant, the high school in Scarborough). Players fromn Ellesmere. had visited Canada two years ago, but when one player was questioned about how he was en- WhiÎtby F ire cails The folowing 34 calîs were responded to by the Whitby Fire Depar- tmnent for the seven day peidfrom 8 ar. Monday, April 21 until 8 a.m. Monday, April 28. APRIL 21 8:05 a.m. - Brock St. and Maple St. Vehicle accident. 10:21 a.m. - Hickory St. and Mary St. Vehicle accident. 1:51 p.m. - 15 Glen- mount Crt. Public assistance. 5:07 p.m. - 14 Renfield Cres. Public assistance. 9:56 p.m. - 90 Robin- son Cres. Medical aid. APRIL 22 9:09 a.m. - Lasco Steel, Hopkins St. Assistance to ambulan- ce. 6:56 pan. - Garrard Rd. and Lloyd St. Vehicle accident. APRIL 23 9:39 a.m. - 231 Brock St. S. Public assistance. 10:01 a.m. - 1380 Hopkins St. Assistance to ambulance. 2:08 p.m. - Hwy. 12 west of Court House. Grass fire. 2:38 p.m. - Center St. North at CPR tracks. Grass fire. 3:39 p.m. - AjaxMain Fire Hall. Mutual aid. 5:58 p.m. - 15 Regency Cres. Building caîl. 6:25 p.m. - N/W cor- ner of Nichol Ave. and Springwood St. Grass fire. APRIL 24 8:31 a.m. - 519 Harris Cii. Assistance to am- bulance. 1:03 p.m. - Between Subway Trailers and Railroad track. Grass fr. SEE PG. 16 joying himself, he replied enthusiastically, "We're having a great timne !"' m sure that everyone at Anderson feels that having visiting teams from dif- ferent countries and provinces is an ex- cellent way to meet young people from al over the world. On Friday, April il, the LOSSA junior/senior Badmin- ton Championships were held at Durham College. Representing Anderson were the senior doubles teamn of Rod Nichols and Del Cook; seniors singles: Rod Vandyk; junior doubles:- Laura Bird and Jennifer Roy; junior singles: Laura Oeppen and Roxanne Kwan. These seven An- dersonians qualified within the top four at LOSSA West to qualify for LOSSA.- Rod and Del faced tough competition but managed to place fourth which enabled them to qualify for COSSA which was held on Wed- nesday April 16. Rod Vandyk played very well, but due to the strength of his opponen- ts didn't qualify for COSSA. In junior action, Laura and Jennifer finished sixth and just- missed qualifying for COSSA. This was due to an injured ankle which Jennifer suffered early in the tournament. Although she was in much pain, Jennifer did not give up and con- tinued playing. The team then changed their game plan and worked on a strategy that enabled them Wtocapture sixth place. Better luck next year, girls I In junior girls singles play, Laura and Roxan- ne both qualified for COSSA fiishing third and second respec- tively. Laura played and defeated Tracy Un- derwood of Harwood in the match for third place. It was an ex- cellent match and kept everyone sitting at their eeJank sc'Yon". ftThis Mother's Day, give your mocher an Sendearing gift chat wvill be cherished year after 'year. A lasting remninder of your love and appreciation. Corne in and choose fron our wvîde selection of graceful Crinoline Ladies.. eaeh a treasured and valued 4,colleetors item. Priedfrorn '56.00 I. V 4', -~ ,iy~ ) seats. Great effort, Laura 1 Roxanne played Danielle Delgrande from O'Neill in the fight for first place. The mat- ch stretched to three games and unfor- tunately, Danielle pulled through -at the end to secure the gold. But just wait until COSSAI Overail, Anderson's junior team tied for third place with Paul Dwyer High School behind Pickering and O'Neill. COSSA for the seniors was held at Napanee on Wednesday and ln Cobourg on Thursday for the juniors. Good luck to Rod, Del, Laura, and Roxanne for- the future - and congratulations to ahl of Anderson's badminton teamî1 EDITOR'S NOTE: The results are i Roxanne Kwan placed first in the COSSA finals with Laura Oeppen coming second. Roci Nicholis and Del Cook came in fourth in their division. Congratula- tions to ail the playersî1 Reporters: Roxanne Kwan and Jackle Gilard. Saturday, May lOth, 1986 . at the ~.Oshawa Civic Auditorium Oshawa Shrine Club 34th Annual Saturday 9:00 a.M., 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. TICKETS: Children 13.00, Aduits 115.00 TICKETS AVAl LABLE AT: Loveli Drugs.- Brock St. S., Whitby Mlddleton'a - Dundas St. E., Whitby Dlckson's Prlntlng - Harwood Ave., Ajax Alil Checker Varlety Stores This Message Is Presented by the followlng businessos: wWmiguTBYTOYOTA 20925 DundasSSi.WW.,WWhltb 209 unds S. W. Whtby WH ITBY 668-4792 or 668-4799 WHITBV 666-3000, TORONTO 686-1642 TORONTO 686-2228 ATTERSLEY WHITBT AUTO TIRE SERVICE WRECKERS LIMITED Speclallzlng In Lote Modol Wrecks 103 Dundas St. E. Whitby Highway 12 888-3356 162 Kng St. E. Oshawa 1 mile- noilh of Whiiby 571-3400 WH ITBY 666-3322-23 TORONTO 361-1344 mlep MITCHELL BROTHERS ALARqMS LIMITEO Af fordable Alarm Systems Residential & Commercili 120 DUN DAS ST. W., WHITBY Cassels & Church Si. 666-2424 WHITBV, 723-9811 OSHAWA BROOKLIN 655-4991 SALCAR CENTRE 630 EUCLID ST., WHITDY 668-2323 TUNE..UPS 4 cyl. - 148.95 IncI, parts 6 cyl. - 158.95 Inci. parts 8 cyl. - 168.95 Inci. parts PARTS INCLUDED: New plugs, Points, Condenser & Rotor MOST CARS AND SMALL TRUCKS .7 SRoyal Doulton Mother's Day is May il H urry in for besi selection. 209-2 DUN DAS ST. E. WHITBY 668-5051

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