Whitby Free Press, 30 Apr 1986, p. 32

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PAGE 32, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30,1986 WHIITBY FREE PRESS FREE PRESS. COLUER'8 Escyclopodla wilh blbliography and Index, 24 volumes worth, $68. Aise 23 year bocks 11953119W, cavera storlas pcures> af Kennedys asalnalons, irai mas on the moon and many other atonles rom around the worid, total value $1,200, askIng $55. Tas 1100 an- swenlng service machine, ane year aid, $120. Lanena,mii aloe and shapes, $3 aach or ail for $15. ratisg tabis, $200, l1h15 Inciuded, $25. Threebeasutitul hadmede sombreros, $35ascii. Oeil 6689288 aller 5 p.m. ENVIROLEl' electric wteress bibie, no wster,1 n0 aepttc tank, malse sew lori $943.95 US.> Reiurb, Unit A, $395 plus $45 vent kt. Cal aller 5 p.m., 723- 9109. KLONDIKE trepisce Insert wtii tas, g6od condition. $35. Kim- bil eleclric orgen with double keyboard and beach, $60. Com- binstion stereo and radio, $5. 6684760. BICYCLE - grls 23 Inch llaIeigh transit, $50 or hast Oller. Phone sitare6p.m., 666-274. SNOWTHROWER for M.T.D. trac- ter, used ana season, comploe weuh whesl weighs and chaîne, $60. Plionse60»5025. 0.. LOVESEA, $3. GM. loci dier set, $20. Inanta car bed, $15. Flulue8009lt atetr, 110 or nearasi aller. 083-3658. LARGE Colonial styla armchair, comforlabieanamI n good con- dition, $40. Interiar doar, $15. New vanity basin, $5. Grey Par alan iamb fur lscket, $85. Warm fll ength Mouton fur cool, par- lect, iza 18, $75. Paît yaung silvar Maple Irse, balled, le ha dug Up hlons May, $15. Older manuel lypewrItar, $20. Phase 668-7404. FOR SALE two place bar unt, $60. CGE. elactria lawnmower, $60. 241extension adder, $5. Al items ln excellent condiion, some new. Oil 6689519. DININO ROOM SET, ould pecan podestat aval tabladih iwa asavas, faur beige uphailoered and caned chairs, two wlii armis, excellent conditian, $46. Ranch mlnk luil ength fur coat, sze 18, $5WO sisal. Oil 668-2551. - M E MPORIUM Emporium Ad@ wîll only be accepted subjeet to the foliowing conditions. ROTO TILLER, 5 hp., ecelent condiion, $295. Stop ladder, aiuminum, $2. Whoesbarrow, $10. Hali.moon table and magazine stand, $M5asch. Lades bîke, $40. Junior 10 speed, W4. Rock mapis ktchen sel, 325. Seclng machine, $3. Sasali table, 335.Phase 08363. ROLLER SKATES- Nike, black, sîza 3$25. Dominion, Wcile. ize 5 (ladies). $3. Fly rocord albumn, 19401950'8 MUSIC, orve ciaaaical, $5 each. Phase 655 3266. SINGLE SE, $35. Soyas 10 nieed bika. $66. Kerosese hoalor, $60. Phono 436M033. WOODDURNINO lurnace, Surelire 201, ataches to ealitIng torced air lumace, hats 2,500 sq. fil., neyer used, $76. Phone 655- 4662 starO6p. COMPUTER Apple Il plus. Clone, 48K, $20. Throe pannaia boards for above, $30. Phase 668.8176. ANTIQUE Stallardahire doge, ismiiy of tour, 215, 28", circe 190, together $400. Phase 683. 9471. ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD Ismiture, sew and used. Admirai rldge, 316. HD. dryar, $26. Viking aulomallawaahsr, 1.., 3300. Four 15" radial FIretans liras, p195/5R15, $50 eaCh. 12 vot bai- tory, $5. Table and tor chaira, ktchen, $100. 19" caloor T.V., $35. Drsser, $60. Large oak deak, $1,000. Large book ahail, 3110. Office deak, wood, $35. Steel book ehahf, $60. Casai and reciining chair, leaiher, 355. Dask calculalor, 360. Atiqua couch and 2 mtchlsg chaira, $M0. Coat rack, $100. Electil atone, $300. Beat cash aller. Coi -PLEASE READ- When taesdnertiaed item is sold, dispoeed of, or unavailable for whatever reasan, the item relit ha deemed Wo have been sold and a commission witi ha charged based on THE AEVERTISED PRICE as tlustrsted below, re$srdlessaIl price in stated wtt "best offer'". If thre item la NOT SOLD, or disponed of, the ad wîilha run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE af 37.50 wlll appiy payable la advance of publication of the first ad. Tire ahane minimum charge wili ha applied 15 ttre final commission due. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ait adver. tisemens must ha placed on an exclusive basis withth ie WHITBY FREE PRESS and rus et least one monthi f fot sod. RATES (if article ta soldi: 5% of adnertlsed price ap tW 3400.00 2% of balance anar 8400.0 EXAMPLE r Sold item aderttsed fr 810.8. Commission due $7.500(minimum charge ta $7.50) Prvate adnartising oniyl Plasma sotify taeWhitby Free Preas lmmediately chas item la moid 80 tai ce may delete It from the folawtsg Issue. Ait adas ot fitttng tae Emporium guldelines relIt ha treated andcharged perweek an regular classified scia on a pre-patd bastsasuch as: services, halp wanted, clothtog, real sate, and personat message type ada, or adanoct quotios prtce or quastlty. PrIvaIs claamfied ada may appear intae Emporiumu section uider appropriate headinga. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADO TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Sox 2"6 Whitby. LIN 081 If ln daubt catI: 668-6111 TUE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. PEREGO PRAM, large Englinh style, 0 yaars aid, good candition, navy, apron, basket, large cheais, $55. Oeruait, brown vinyl, gaod condition, $66. Booster car sali, broco vInyl,sxcellent shape, 3$0. TwIn sirolier, orange cannas, good condition, aide by aide nasin, flds liai, $100. Cradia, whie, $20. CrIb, colonial style, ciii matresa and bumper pad, goad c ondition, $100. Phase 6885925. NAVY FRE00 Pram, apran and basket, $50. WhIito change table, $20. ElacîrIc botte aleriiizer, $12. Girls 18 manon te ao izo Ico ciothien, $3 eascii. Sotlisarmer, $3. Cau 68"0523. SNOWTIRES Michrelin Na. P22515, on aversîze Soick rime, lka nec, $30. Phone 8554662 allero p.m. Charlie is jumping for joy sinc06 ho found sut about the service et 0icksos Printing & OfficeI Suppieinte Ajax Plazs 1 IlLU OAY6316 SEDROOM SET, atliquo chIta Franch Provinclilbedrooru ast, double had, canopy trama, drosser, nîghl table, box aprIng and malresa, badspraad, cor- tains, canopy covor and round table covor, $425. Phone M&6 3592. OUEEN SIZE DED, poture padic, motal trame di c heoaa, ex- collant condition, $140. Phase TRUCICCAMPER, 66 Chen - 74 Cavalcada, alao, trIdge, fursace, tolaIt, $1.950, ciii shisparsîs. 068-II525. W RAILERS PETS & TRAILER TP Roba, soittobp, x.Os SUPPLIES aquipmest Inciuded, $950Oor hani oller.668-6178. TRAILER, Nimrod, Rinisra, soit top, hilrcocndIlIan, esras' sri ciuded, $50. Phase 655-3142. ,AUTMOBIES Cà FRSALEj JEEP RENAGADE 1985, encelient condition, ruai, tuni, hltch, tit, hard-top, 5Sepeed, ô cylinder, p.b., p.s., winiertammer package, 6,000 km, $13,500. Plions 655- 4662 aller 6 p.m. 1978 DOOGE hall ion clith cal, AMîFM cassette, auiomatic, $2.100 or hoataller. Oeil afler ô p.m., 66-0984. 1977 DODGE Y% tan club cab,, 318 au. In., 4 spaed stick, ps., p.b., $1.495. Oeil 666.2655, sller5 p.m. 1977 FORD 1 ton, 351 VS, ps., p.b., ingle whaes, 8x10 staka box, excellent condition, $3,400, cerlllied.8686-3650. 1977 OLOS Ctiass Salon, con. ole buakais, goud shape, easy le certily, $1,6(X0. Phone 668. 0188. 1978 CHRYSLER CORDODA ps., p.b., air conditlonlng, $600 or hast ollar. Oeil 055317. 1970 FORD HAROUIS station wagon, ps., p.b., crais, nry good condition, 92,000 milan, $500 firm. 631.0680 ater 6 p.m. 1974 BUICK APOLLO, rnn good, body gaod, 6 cyl., $55 or hoast e1 1er. 433-1842. 1974 SUPER BEATLE, excellent condition, lady drIves, 26,000 original miles, sunrool, radia, sew pint. $2,750.725-3744. 1973 PONTIAC Laurestian, 400 ce malor, rusa bat seeda WOrk, aise cas ha bought lar Parts, $200. Phone 579-3030. unar- SHIH1 TZU Puppy, 8 wasks aid maie, CKC registerad. $holà dewanned and home rslsed. son- ahaddisg, sonsiilergia. good dlh childres, $35. Cail 1-416-965- 3960. 4!wCON FU Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out- on our Iow advertising rates just because you have If you: tare a private advertiser; *have an article to seli; and, @have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details>. Your ad wiIl run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months). A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad;t' $750 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT seil within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will sell, but where else could you get three months advertising for only $7,50? When your article selîs, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% Up to $40; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described above. IS E D? % questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear Up many of your questions - if flot, do call 668-6111 and we'Il be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. 1have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have the following advertisement placed under ths section of the Whitby Free Press.I ___________________________ - ----dosit forgel ta include your phese number A Il enclose $750 to cover the minimum charge. Charge $750 to my Visa account. (ard Ne. Esp. Dale Name Iptease prînti Address CIty Postal ('ode MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 5S1 Below are some examples of what you would be charged if your article sold within three months, Commissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE. 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