Whitby Free Press, 30 Apr 1986, p. 33

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WIHTBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRII.. 30,1 9861PAGE 3 WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ PAINTING àDEORAlNG !profosionat bonded wonfiman- shtp, nesidontiat end commercial, fra restimâtes. Cati 839-4277 or 668-9712. EXPERIENCED, honeat, releble cloaning lady lii thoroughly , dean yovr homo with e personel touch, minimum 5 years, retoen- ces. Cati 666-467. ITIDYUPI *Homes, apartments * loffices, halls.I Resnberates. NEEDLECRAFT CLASSES Candotwicking, Cvuntod Crossfittcti, Embroldeiy and Crowsi. 000 aven do Hoodlopoint and Trapunto fao. Join ln the fan. Have a Croatte dCrcl. clans In pour home. Teaching pou toastiich la easy. Book nom and neceivo a Froe 0111. Cati: Nadisa, evonInga ai 668-1490 end demonstration et fthe WhItbi Public Llirry. "ORAMMER for poople who hate grammfer", la the Ideel pochet referance book for business peopte. $3.95 por copy and avaitablo et Dickson Prînting & office Supplies ln the Aies Plaza. Deatorinqeinies invited 683-1968. FREE. Drap mbt tho DIckson Prining and 0fflice Supply store In the Ajax Plaza and pick up a- free copy oi the 1966 Moîtrlo Catonder. PnInted In twa cotours. Il mahea for handy referonce. W63-1968. CONGRATULATIONS on pour fortticomtng marriago. PMasse .10w aur satnpteof a engravod wedding invitations et your llouln taOur Aiex Plaza store. Dickeon Printing & Office Sup- pule.663-1966. ELDRIDGE, Jofn William hors Jane 4, 1926, BrookIin, Ontario, soarchIng for Information about patenta. Ploaso write John Tatty, Apt. 1706, 10045 117 Street. Bd. monton, Alberta. T5K 1M0. TYPEWRITER rentai, manp makesa nd modae, by the weokond, mtok or month. Discounts aveitabie. Dickson Prlntng & Office Supplies In the Aies Plaza. Cati us for business machine repaira. 663-19663. FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 668-6111 MODERN OFFICE SPACE for cent, appros. 800 sq. I., $SM0par mantti, air conditioning, haut and hydro Incuded, or ppron. 1600 sq. fi., $600 par month. Phono 668-4278. WHITSY COMMERCIAL SPACE, avaiabte Julyt s, 1966, ap- proximâasy 2,300 square fot, has boss usod for about the test 10 yoaresea a dance studio. Cati Mr. Burgess ai 666.6372. i. . DOua FOR RENRlENT ONE SEDROOM APARTMENT In amati WhIiby building. Adulte onty. Incudoes rIdgo. tone, hydro and parking. Cbte TV and Iaundry faioîities avalabto. PhoneoO66B672 holmoon 9W30 arn and5pm WUVACATION V.RECNAITALS I10 Moile Homes Cloeetor -Threo bedroom mobil homs. Hatedpools,, [tennis, cos obechs andl majr1ttations-chidroe1 wetcome. (issetian mtai rOoar). 683-5503 CEDAR VALLEY RESORT, Orono. H>vy. 35115, Clarke, 4th Con- cession, beautifai campground, so>son $635. Campgraund 178&- 2562 Toonto office 651-5754. 14 PT. ALUMNIJM Trry Starcrsft Crlop boat, 4 h.p. Johnson motor, asing $1.100. 427-0620. 1978 HONDA 400 TUn witti Cale- X tairina, $800. Pickering, 831- 3075. 1»83 FORD Mustang, P cp., p.s., p.b.. auto, 2-door hatchbeck, 67,000 km, $6800 cetIfied. Aler 4 p.ra., 7237815 weehdays. GARDENERS E2(TRAS. Multiplier onions, $1 e a beg. Plants Sirewborry, Asparagus, 20t. ffespbenry, Mini, Hoserudish, 40C. Rhobrb, $2.50. Iris, $150. Liiec, Peany, Forsythiae, $3. Trees . Mapie, $4. Colorado Spruce, $10. Coder, $2. Fac ttier ihings. More Information, Grooklin, 655- 4525. CEDAR TREES for hedge. Phone 655-4550. MUSICAL MCSICAL ELP HL 4WNSRUETS Q NSMENTS .jZ AED j WHAJlT 1 SECRETARIAL DESK, ail wood, right hand retum, $160 or hast ofi ~4~\..&,fer. 723-2621 or 4273991. I FOR A BETiiUJOB .>JL/IIfl MATTRESSES and bon aprInge et hait prîce. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. 7255181. TOTAL GYM, brend nom, $399. 5 place Frencti Provincli set, best otter. 668-7673. *BOSS *TRAK Vt5IT aur used furniture ODO VNTRAGE arehause by appatntment. Big @HONO *ANTAE sevings on desha, chairs, Miing @DEAN MARKLEY *RODAM cabinets, etc. Cati Dicksan Prin- eSABAN eEMOtIng & Office Supplies ta arrange @SABAN *EMOan eppintraent ta view. 663- THE BEST PRICES ON MARSHALL198 MLP MUSIC OFFERS WITH THIS AD _________ 30% OFFI ON AIL IN STOCK ITEMS - WHILE STOCK LASTS o TREES I 105 DUN DAS ST. W. Dig your own trees WHITBY 668-9560 and landscape yourl *property cheap. $3 to $12, up to 8ft. tall. ~~C MI GI~~C MI GI Wide variety to ichoose f rom. 655-89661 EARLY PIIEGNANCY CLASSES gimen by the Durham Lamaze Association, two Thursday eaaning classes. Topico ta b. covered: nutrition, posture and body mechanics, exerclun, deaiing with common aliment. film presentations. Fee $15 por couple for bath avenings. Classes are held et Herwood Medicai Conter on Harwood Ave., V2 mile nanth of Hwy. 2, Thur- sdey, May 8 and Thursdey, May 15, 7 tilt 9:30 p.m. Pleane ceiltot pre-register, Shelley Geilowey, 649.5U84. Give _ UNICEF gifts and cards and help a child Contact 443 Mt. iaasant Rd. Toronto, Onit.M4C2Le Or sali UNIEF Cormutsl on 1 »26UM34 (in SC. 112f3664tt ITS SPRINGI For pour ian- dscaPlng and mainenance nooda cati 'Dtctiwey Lan- dscaping and Maintenance' 849- 3183. BABYSITtriNO avaleabla, full or pen-timo, Kattloon Rome ares. Phono 666-293. THE EMERGENCY Medicai Microcerd. Now ln Cnada, cen sene your lits, two sizes. cen ieik when pou cent. Cali George, 668- 8348. 1967 SKt.DOO molar, ln excellent condition, $150 or hast offer. Four Radiai tires, 14' for Dodge. $100. Boa traiter, In good shape, $350. Uned pool tahle, 2 complote sets oalbetand cees, brend new, $400. 668-2613. ROTO-TiLLERS, woeabarroma, chain sama, pampa. Dont buy thora, whon you cen ani thora ai Brock Rent-Ati, 513 Brook St. H., WtIitbp, 688-0921, V mile . ai Dundee. GEOTYPE proe-son iettering nom In stock ai DIcheon Printing & Of- fice Suppies In the Aies Stiap. ping Plaza. Large seleclan of stylos and sizes. Why pey mare for aasmatirsheet oi ittering? 683-1908. CEMENT MIXERS, adders, drlls, acaifoida. moidors. Dont buy IhoiRt osI t iBrook RenI. At. 513 Brook St. N., Whtby, V4 raioe . Dndas,866&W021. CHESTERFIELD selles. loveseets, seofionais, iess thon Va price. Large seleciion. McKeen Farnituro, 524 Simcae S. S., Ostiawa. 7255181. 1H EROES of te Bible" colauring book avelabie ai Dickson Prin- ting & office Supplies, Aex Plaza, 663-1966. Daer inquirios Invited. SELLING ontiro stock ai reniai video dises. 368 King Si. W., Oshawa. 7255633. ROTO TILLER 6 fi. long, made bp Friiizgering Company, good fan fermer. 728-5307 or 655-4394. HIJGE YARD SALE 146 ta 150 Hllcreet Dr., Whtuby, May 10. 9 a.m. ta 4 p.m. Rin date May 11. Kitchen, bath, furniture, ciathIng, tays. YARD SALE Saturday. May 3. rain date Sunday. May 4,9 Mowat Cri., Wtitby. 14" colour TV., oah siereo unit, faies 10 speod bike, wood kitchon soi, weight set. Directions - Hickory St., North of Hwy. 2,688-4899, aitar 6 p.m. YARD SALE May 3et 909 Harding St., 9 &.m. ta 1 pra., woathor par- mittIng. Hoaseoad Items and gardening toots. STREET SALE May 3 and 4, Churchill Ave., Whltby, Sauthf of Hwp. 2, off Lake Ridge Rd. Sameihing for everbody. GIANT STREET SALE Brberry Court, Whitby, (West Lyndai, Saturdep, May 3, 9 arn. f0 3 p.m., aid and nem Items, rein or shIno. NEIGHBOURHOOD Yard Sale, corner of Mapie and Anti Ste. North of Whitby Bramera Reliait downtown. East ai Coibys Can. ning Peciory. 9 s.m. ta 5 P.m., Myp3and 4. A BAKERY In Durham Raglan requIres a driver, munstIave good driving record. Phono 666-1177. A CAREER IN TRUCtING. Tran- sport drivera needed. Now sa the lime ta train tor your Clama A Ilcensa. For pre-screening Inter- view and job pacament infor- mtion, contact Mary Orrsa Tran- sport Driver Training, Brampton 1400-265-1260. ARE YOU LOOKINO for a job or a job worih wortcIng for? Dont fIgiti Ii Leam ftow Io use the computer and bo a stop ahead ln the job mariket. 00e otter job placement and financiet assistance for thoae unempioyed' or low Income. 427-3010. SECRETARIES are ln demand. Train forea rewarding career as a Medicai, Legai or Execuilve Secreiary. Ait courses Inciade Word Processing. Financiai assistance mey be avalabie. Make an appointmeni today for FREE counseiiing. Cati 723-1163 Toronto 5chooi ai Business OSHAWA CAMPUS. DRIVER! INSTALLERS Cnso Kthn requIres professional experienced DrIver/mn- ateliers for Motro and v l c l n ilt y . E x c e le n t renumeratlon for proven hlgh quallty workmanshlp. Train- ing provided. Cal Mr. Capone et 881-2153, ext. 261 MOYMAID *Is now accepting p *plîcatlons for mature, *responsîbie people 10 *train for Professional FHousekeeplng ln WhyCaîl 666-2144 DONT FORGET.. VDWeZ« e g ÉOMEWI ECONOM ~ A T~ LOOKINO FOR. any part-lime BO A) rk Phone Buicti, 668-0539. Vtece loi, )UNOASOT. E... mIOînY 666é--3324- CUTOM FCNRE 66-452 THIS WEt BARN SWALLOW POTTERS OPEN HOUSE Sat., May 3 -10a.m. -5p.m. Sun., May 4 - il a.m. - 5 p.m. Functionai and decorative handmade pottery by Deanna Jones. Refreshments. Top of the hill n Greenwood (Westney Rd. and Hwy. 7 area> 427-0598 FITNESS CAREERS Leadlng fitness organization for* women only requires experlenced staff ln Management Sales and Fitness. We offer acceptional salary and commission. Full and part-trne positions availabie for Fitness Instructors also. Oeil: Canadian Womnan's Fltness Mrs. Vesely, Toronto 495-0037 CRICKET LAWN CARE Compete Lawn Maintenance for your home or business. Fiower beda, trimming, roling. Home as Utile as 115. Large properties 5l5I1hour. Ride Mower44" cut. For FREE estimate cali Cricket and we wIII hop right over! 655-3563 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisemetit for errors on- the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $6.00 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be 14t each addiional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loss or danmage liable for fallure to publish an ad, or for typographie BRHDAH 70 o h is 0 od;1eec alleged to arise through (ailure or delay in forwarding en-ors in publication beyond the cost of the space ocuied BRHDAH 70frth is 0 od;1<ec such replies. We will not be responsible for box nuniber b the en-or Up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. dinlwr. replies not called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0FP THANKS - $8.00 for the f ir- t ureject ail advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 5words; 12 each additonal Word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior t0 publication to insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12t each ad- AUCTION SALES - 430 perlune. (No word ads aiiowed). to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. ditional word If pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa accounit. Please have your ditional charge of $200. The WhitbyFree Press wilI make 668-6111 1 u 1 èoý Mr- ý VA'd>l 1

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