PAGE 34, WEDNESbAY, APRIL 30,1986 WHITBY FREE PRESS Whitby's MostWIdoly Rend CLASSIFIED 1. ADS SATURDAVI MAY 3,9 1986AT 10 A.M. BROCK RD. 1 MILE NORTH 0F HWY. 7 ILLNESS FORCES SALE. EVERYTHING M UST GO. PUBLIC AUCTION DAN SCOTT'S GARAGE 1963 Mercury 1/2 ton' pick-up 1965 Oldamobi le 2 dr. 1966 Dodge Polaris ConvertabIle 1968 G.M.C. tow truck 1970 Mercury Conivertable 1973 Cadlllac Sedan 1973 Chevelle 1974 Chevrolet 1/2 ton pick-up 1974 International Scout 1975 T-Bird 1975 Dodge Van 1976 Monty Carto 1976 Continental Mark V 1977 T-Bird 1978 Saab Mustang parts, hydraulic jacks, 25-car radios, terios some wlth casa motor holat, drilla, air guns, water truck 1000 gallon capacity, chains, Trans- Am parts, wet uine, tool box, Snap-on bools, welding torches and gaugea, welding table - uines etc., tire changer, truck cap, cedar post, motors, transmissions, shocka, carbs, truck jacks, grinders, bum- pers, hubcaps, 100's of aockets, grills, propane heater, 50 ton jack, fan belta, 'enders, over 100 cars and trucksatto be aold for parts, bucketa of nuta 'and boîta, anything you might need. Sm. Honda Generator, Crafisman Chainsaw. Cotes Crane 4-Wheel Drive, Propane Power. Frldge, Freezer and Certain Other Office Equipment. TERMS ARE CASH OR CERTIFIED CHEQUE. COME EARLY TO HAVE AMPLE TIME TO VIEW LUNCH AVAILABLE ON THE PREMISES. SALE BY: AUCI3OO SERCE P.O. BOX 1007 STATION "B"y OSHAWA, ONTARIO L1J 5Y9 DALE SMITH - AUCTIONEERS REAL ESTATE AUCTION SAT, MAY 3 10:00 A.M. rhree miles south atf LINDSAY on Highway 35, 8 acres, 900 fl. frontage, chaice location, reasonable reserve. INFORMATION 705-324-2783 MCLEAN AUCTIONEERS CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN TUES., MAY 6 6:30 P.M. Three mites east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay Little Britain Rd. 9 Pc. French Provincial dining romr suite, double box spring and mattres like new), oak. wardrobe, chesterfilelda, antique dressers, coffee and end tables, secretariat, modemn dressera and cheat of drawera, colar T.V.'a, bed chesterfietd, single box apring and matresses, occasatonat chairs, waahstands, chrome kitchen suite, quantity of new costume jewelry, toys, dois, games, etc., 1978 Honda Civic. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 SPECIALS GALORE! The Framlng Centre 668-4521 A LITTLE WANT AD S HO0UT S You can seli your unused items fast by plaClng a Classified or Emporium Ad in the Whitby Free Press. Resuits are just a phone cail away. Let our Classified Advertising Manager help you write a clever ad and just listen to your phone ring. Cali: CLASSIFIEDS 668-6111 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRI., MAYV2 6:00 P.M. Three mles east of Little Brilain or 7 miles West Of Lindsay on the Lindsay Little Britain Rd. Conten- ta of local BETHANY Estate plus other con- signments. 9 pc. walnut dlning' room suite, waahstands, Queen An- ne style cof tee & end tables, pine chest of drawers, antique dressera, parlour tables, double brass bed, oak ide board (with built-in clock), cedar cheat, co- oit lampa, wicker fern stand, broad axe, parlour chairs, pump organ, odd wooden kitchen chairs, flat top farm scates, fiat top trunka,, mapie teawagon, 2 Gingerbread dlocks, Wurlitzer double keyboard eleclric organ, 3 h.p. lawnmowers, 5 h.p. Lawnmaster rlding lawnmower, 8 h.p. AMF riding lawnmower.* DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 AUCTION SALE SAT., MAY 3 12:00 P.M. Estate of J. LAWRENCE, Kingsway, Toronto, and other canaignmenls, being sold at "KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS", Brock Rd. N., Pickering, 3 miles north of Hwy. 401 (exil No. 399). Sale features over 150 highiy collectable glass and china pcs. including Royal Doulton, R.S. Germany, nippon, R.S. Pruasia, Rayai Dux, depresalon, cranberry, bristol, R.D. figurines, le: Hiilery, Loret ta, Blacksmith af William- aburg, Lady Pamela, etc. signed prints; collectors plates, pca. of silver, good Indian ruga, spool bed (c. 1870>, aid rockers, round pedestal table, 5 PC. bedro om suite, mahogany dining suite, variaus tables & chairs, dressera, sofa set, neat of tables, china cabinet, aettee and many other usef ut items. Terma cash ,or cheque (with ID.). No reserve. Preview f rom 10 a.m. G & H KAHN AUCTIONEERS 683-0041 or 985-8161 Cultivatmg small business By Tony Carson Like petunias that seem to flourish when left abate, small business asks litt le of tht peo- pie in charge of cultivating tht nation's economie garden. They would like recognition that thetfax load tramples small flrms-especially seedlings- more offen than large ones; fhat many government programis do nofhing more fhan bury smail business under mounds of non- productive paperwork. They wouldn't mnd seing some sensifivit y ta the fact that tht sector creates most of the jobs in the economny and is an especially fruitful grounli for young job-seekers. Take some of tht hurden of goverament off our backs, small firms say, a little water and sunlight in tht form of ae- ceas to risk capital, then let us get on wilh bloomin' business. The message has been heard in Ottawa's last two budgets and now it's spreading from coast to coast-by osmosis, perhaps-to oîhtr levels of government, judging from re- cent 'provincial budgets. Take British Columbia for example, where tht latest budg- et addresses the number one concern of smafl business across the nation: total tax burden. Along with a promise to balance the budget by 1990, the government extended the 1-1/2 per cent payroll tax credit for small business and confinued the phase-out of the property fax on machinery and equip- mient and the business property fax for schools. Victoria also promised a re- view of property assessment and capped the fuel tax rate at the January, 1985 level. On the other side of the con- tinent, Newfoundland's govemn- ment opted for measures to support the growth of small business, especially in the tour- ism and agrieultural sectors. More money is available for borrowing-at cheap rates- under the Rural Development Authority and the Farm De- velopmenf Loan Board, while St. John's, in concert with Ot- tawa, intends to spend big bucks going after tourist dol- lars. Ail this while promising to reduce the deficit, aibeit slighfly. Then there's Saskatchewan, where drought and grasshop- pers have had their effects, not only on the farmers, but also on the provincial deicit as the governument sfepped in fo try to soften the blows dealt by Nature. Regina has introduced a long Eist of items to make it tasier for smsll businesses f0 start and prosper, beginning with a cor- parafe income tax holiday for tht first two years of a firm's if . There's also an interest rate ceiling of 8 per cent for rive years on ail capital loans of $100,000 or less, plus more sources for obtaining venture capital. There's much more, but you get the idea. AIl told, tht measures speak highly of the job being dont, day in and day ouf, by hun- drtds of thousands of small business owner/managers. With this enightened cultiva- ion, small business should keep blooming-throughout this yesr and beyond. CFIB Feature Se.vo look to new markets Bs' Tony Cron If is common ettoug to ta py lip service ta the importance of multiculturalismn a ur saciety. Il has became an almost meaningiess cliché ta say that tht multittude ai' aur iizens wsho arc of ucither Engtish nar Frencht descent give itatticasura- bic texture ta flicessarp and woaf af fuis cautttry's cuturatl abrie. But in a vety reat sense flic valut aI tiis patchwork qui af cultures otîich xse alten praise-atnd -uruet i ntc-s ler- runs tîuetî deeper tItan the strange lanigutages and novet toods, we experietice, eveit' il anty aItte annuai mnulticuit iii aI festival. Far sitlîithe flic timu- ifits arc resourees--hutîtan and :apitat-wicecatt hetp ail outs iteet thtt ne%% ecatîum ic :halieîîges. Take tIte internatianal scene. .anada's share af trade has lropped tram 5 per cent of tht varid cxpart trade in 1970 ta ust 3.5 per cent itn 1984. As the domitnation of tht Jnited States and Europe -rades, new sleeping giants are 'twakening. China and India are mioving ta freer enterprise. Within the next decade Hong Kong, Taiwan, Sauth Karts atid Singapare will join Japan as tht ecanomic marvels of tht late 2th Century. It as remarkable that aur bttai- rtesa schoaia don't teach tîte Ian- guages that svill prepare us for the ftture, tangues such as Mandarin Chinese or Japanese. Bttt it's not altogether surpris- ng in a cottntry which faIt-s better itan if perfarms wtîetî if catles ta tlietrading game. How lontg will we bithely ignore catin- petit ivetiess as gaverttments con- titite ta pile att layer upati lay- er of' regttaatnsand taxes? Why do ave cantitnue ta look ta niega-prajeets as aur stlvation rallier thati small and nedium- sized campatîles seting saphisti- cated praduets and services internat ianaity? How long before we recag- nize tht expertise of Canadian trading hottses of ethnie arigin, especially stîtaller outf rts avhich provide thtý specialization and flexibility required ta selI a va- ritty of products in relatively amnatI qtantitiea overseas? But just as important is tht muticulturat etement in every city, town and village in flic country. Here are the ready-made net- warks svhich arc so crucial ta, bttsiness success. Here arc tht myriad smalt busittesses which ;upply sa many of aur needs ind sants. Here ta thte et- reprencurial culture thiat is ts- enliaI ta aur developtuent as a tatian. Here are flic individual tonies tf struggte in a nesv, strangc and, tonies of sacrifice that we an ail learn front, especially in his day when instant gratiftca- ion is tht raison d'être of a good tortion of tht population. Here are matîy languages, but )ne goal: to make a go of if- and succetding as offen as not. Here are my own anceators, and probably yours, not f00 rnany years ago. CFIB Fealte Service AUCTIONS E0adKv'sbo eiw FUN FOR E wr aesbo eiw THEMWHL TeulyTas tt iessbySehn Tht Holocaust by G. Sehoeberner ta published by AT OEI S Zinn e aa ra itedm ee Pbiisthing.A Hurtig. Trattsiattd by Susan Swtet, titia abook of WEEKENDI j professor of medîctne, he taforma you on what you photographa and documents on World War II, on tht .-A - L. ...-A f oln% Nai ersecutîn o f the Jews in Europe fromn 1933 to is part of a aerious health problemn during te 1980's a nd anyone who la sexually active needa to know tht facta. Ht deals with herpes, AIDS, syphilis and other, iess weil known, diseases. Ht tells you itow to avoid getting infected yourself, avoid paasing a disease to someone tise and how ta have an infec- tion iooked after promptly. 160 pagea. $1895. How to be a Landlord by Mary and Gary Tondorf- Dick is published by Doubieday. Titey provide help- fui information on selecting a tenant, rentai agreements, sharing living space and financial questions. Titey deai with sucit concerna of landior- ds as tht routine hasslea of pets, ioud parties, mesay tenants, insurance, rent controis, interviewing prospective tenants, advertising and working titrougit an agency. 225 pages. $11.95. 1945. Tihis deals with the terror of prt war Germany, the desperation of the Polisit Ghetto, te siaugitter in tht USSR, the mass deportations, thte deatit cam- ps and tht liberation from tht camps in 1945. Con- tains dozens of black and white photos. $12.95. The Process of Divorce by Kennetb Kressel ta published by Fitzitenry and Whiteside. Titis is a complete account of the raies piayed by lawyers, counsellors and mediators in tht million divorces that take place tacit year in Northt America, Most about to face a divorce don't really know what'is ahead of them. Tht author uses real life exampies to show what helpa or hinders amicable settiements in a divorce. Ht does not believe that divorce mediators are as iteipfui as many hope they wiii be. 350 pages. $34.95. 'p