Whitby Free Press, 30 Apr 1986, p. 35

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Umm TheChurch Speaks Sponsored by the WHITBY MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION By The BEy. RON FISHER Pastor of the Hebron Chrstian Reformed Church When life Is tougli, where do you go for strength and comfort and renewal9 King David in Psalm 40 badl bis troubles. He turned tb the Lord. He says: «I ýwaited patiently for the Lord." Oh, not just hopeless wýaiting, but waiting hopefully, expectantly, trust- fully. And God bent His ear to David's crys!1 More than that - God extended Hlmself, He bowed down, He stretched Himself to hear and to help David l You see, God honours our trustful waiting. .Yes, He honours us with His presence. SGod dld that in a special way"some 1,980 years ago, wlth the special gift of His own dear Son, Jesus Christ. And after Jesus Christ suffered and died for pur ai on the cross, He arose victorious over sin and death and heUl. And then He ascended to the position of power and authority la heaven. Then He sent His mighty Holy Spirit into the hearts and lives of His people, s0 that today God's people have a new Ilfe in the Spirit and a new song in their hearts 1 Now David prophecied of that victory already in Psalm 40 hundreds of years before the. resurrection Df Jesus and the spending of the Spirit. David said: ,"God lifted me out of the sllmny pit of my sin, out of le mud and the mire of my wicked living, and He îet me on a rock, and Hie gave me a flrmn place to itand. " And St. Paul says: "That Rock is Christ!1" So do you want release fromn yeur sin? Do you Nvant to stand firm lin 111e? Then stand, flot in yeur )wn strength, but stand firm in Jesus Christ. Make lim the Rock of your 111e. Let your 111e be renewed )y Jesus and His powerful Word and Spirit. And He ollput a new song in yourlife. Yes, it will be a hyma of praise te the mighty God tiho bas liberated, delivered, set free you from thse eower of sin and thse devil!1 And then many will ses what Ged has done, and is loing, In your life, and they tôo wiil turn te God in ear and repentance. Yes, they wiIl put their trust in he Lord!1 Oh Praise Gedi1 Yes, fer God is still mighty te ave! Yes, aise in 1986 hundreds of years after )avid wrote Psalm 40. FROM PAGE 26 14. x tei er ail 'f ult idE ME hei [ta Ica heE 01 Uri -6 esl dcE ul', ecr ini R R ecreation survey .7 percent) and the -66 percent of tne tgallery (11.7 per- respondents agresd that nt). Thse Whitby the fees the town vie theatre closed af- charges for recreationai ýthe survey was programs and facilities en. are acceptable. rhe survey aise -facilities rated fair or eaied that 45 percent poor include the the respondent Brooklin Cemmunity useholds attended Center, the Ashburn Rural activities eut- Community Center and le of Whitby with the the Spenser Cemmunity )t popular being live Center. tre in Toronto. A -88 percent of tise ai 0f 18.6 percent'in- respondents agreed that .ated that they any new facility in uarly attend live Whitby should be multi- atre in Toronto. purpose, while only 2.3 Yter- finding os thse percent disagreed. )ther findings of the -in the opinion ef the vey include: respondent heuseholds, 66 percent of the the major challenge ipondents agreed that facing Whitby in terms .re is a need for an ef previding adequate itienal cemmur-ity cultural and tiplex te previde recreational services tural and and epportunities ever .reational opper- the, next 15 years is tties. while only 18.5 minimizing tax in- cent disagresd. creases. ,OM PAGE 30 Interchange 86 Satisfaction Guaranteed DON'T MISS THIS SALE r ICCLYI'BUTH zI 401 - - 1 1 WEEK ONLY JU»e'-86 Over 300 Cars & Trucks Must Go! FINANCING AT ,VILLAGE CHRYSLER Your Authorized Factory Outiet ~-9.9% AVAILABLE NEW YORKER FIFTH AVE. Foulures încluAo it18 V& rid' i( P', Pb ipoop wirodows. puwor duJoI lockhAMI M Irîiri 110 wheel covors . detoolor 111<1riit( i odii<inîq landau ruot clin" iso /1/1 dîi/ lC iuii lin/pli glass, vo/oui 60/40 sdîs o w o ald.lih acIuk %ide motiid No Pl 213 PER Sale OnIy 4 O MONTH 9.9% AVAILABLE$1 5,60 O 9.9% AVAILABLE CHARGER & TURISMO Ail ir Iidpd rlAto p , p b AM radiir ws w cluoc inierl glass dptroî' li clti blojOkels pîoeitrati ree , lehlt/ic mirro p/oip i'î ar)# k No 1116 SALE $75373 ONLY $1 9400 PER MONTH PER CAR, RELIANT 9.9% AVAILABLE AIR CONDITIONED Ail included. Auto., ps., p.b., lînted glass, air cond., cloth seats cdroster, AM radio, lef R/C mirror, w.s.w .deldî wipers, plus many extras. $85 STOCK NO. 1182 SALE 8, 3 f NL $17600 PRMONTH iHORIZON b 9.9%AVAILABLE t>s Pbh AM radio 2 2 enqine aur' delrmter W/W phis ;man, Cr11115 StoCk Ni 1125 69 7 BALANCE OF FACTORY WARRANTY 5 YB. ,U ,anada. Speakers at the con. erence will include Clifi >ilkey, President of the )ntarie Federatien of >abeur; liernard Vilson, President of thei tntarie Chamber of1 ýommerce; Harry1 'elissero, President of1 ie Ontarie Federatien1 f Agriculture; andi Murray Smith, Economist, C.D. Howe Institute. Mederator is Maurice Archer ef Ryersen Pelytechaical Institute. The keynote address will be given by David McFadden, M.P.P., Eglinton, President, Ontario Progressive Conser- vative Party. WWTÉY FREE'PRESS; WEDNESDAY, -APRIL 30,1996 PAGE 35 SERVICE OPENIMNTS RIGHT HERE,, OM EVERY LOOK SAURDAY PLYMOUTH VILLAGECHRYSLER LTD. flo. 1 NO. 13 WAYS LOWEST PRICES 1355 HARWOOD AVE. N. AJAX LARGEST SELECTION BEST SERVICE Wp- WILL NU R t u ""Ê%9"Bný U'NDERSAeLD

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