PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1986, WHITBY FREE PRESS Asthmatic summer camp On The registering children now Whithy Registration for this sumxner's Christmas Seal Day Camp for asthmatic children is now under way, with 25 available. vacancies for children aged between 5 and 9 at the Camp Samac (oshawVa) facility. Funded by the Durham Region Lung Association, the Camp wifl operate between Monday, July 21 and Sunday, July 27 (wýeekend included) and * prior registration is essential. * Asthmatic children frequently miss eut on surnmer fun because ol their breathing dif- ficulties, and the main objective of the Christ- mas Seal Day Camp is te demonstrate that, with only a littie extra care, they can par- ticipate in regular summer activities as fuily as their non- asthmatic friends. Al the usual activities associateri with cam- ping will be offered un- der the supervision of five professional camp staff', including a registered nurse; cookouts, nature trails, water sports, country crafts and a sleep-over night on Saturday, July 26 are ail featured in thF- Spriflg! Camp experience. Door-to-door bus transportation is available for children resident in Oshawa, and Whitby. Registration fees for the seven day period have been set at $50 per child includes transportation), and for farnilies with more than one child attending, this rate is reduced te $25 for the second child. Tees may be reduced or eliminated in individual cases of financial har- dship. Fer more infor- mation on this Christ- mas Seal service cal Durham Region Lung Association at 723-3151. Beat Const. Peter Bramma As a foilow up te ziny previous coiumn on bicycle safety, 1 would like to tell you about a new (started June 185) crime prevention prograrn dealing strictly with the problern of bicycle thefts. ýThe programs called "Save Your Bike With A Bike Back Sticker". For rnany years the police have realized that cycle thef t is a serlous problern. In fact here in Durharn Region over 2,000 bicycles are stolen each year wlth fewer than 25 percent being returned to the owner. Fincling solutions to this problern has been elusive. A registration program of sorne sort was seen as an obvious answer. Unfortunately previous programs of this nature after a strong start ail eventuaily failed. Se, for the last ten years or 50 there hasn't been any registration of bicycles. This has resulted in a contlnuaily increasing theft rate cornbined with a peer chance of the owner ever getting the bike returned. Although hundreds of with our famous TULIPEFESTI VAL à at CULLEN GA RDENS, - May 3rd to May 1'9th HOURS: 9 A.M.-9 P.M. DAILY Over 100,000 HOLLAND BULBS IN RIOTOUS BLOOM Park Closes at 10o P.m. DUTCH COSTUMES 0-- DUTCH DISPLAYS ON.. TAUTO -R. SPECIAL DAILY ENTERTAINMVENT -#%, WHITBY AND ... OUR TRADITIONAL MINIATURE VILLAGE AND MINIATURE COUNTRY FAIR SET IN 22 BEAUTIFUL LANDSCAPED ACRES. COME FOR DINNER BRIN G THE FAMILY BRINO VOUR CAMERA bicycles are recovered each year by the police and citizens, flndlng the owners of those bikes Is very difficuit. There là no easy reference system through which the owner can bé located. In many cases ne 5erlal number or proper description of the bike is available, making a manual check of the police files sxostly unsuccessful. As a result, every year up te $00 bikes are auctioned off, and every one of those )ikes has an owner somewhere. Constable ike Bevan of the Communlty Services Bureau was determined te tackle this problern. While he was pondering it he received a cail from Ur. Rick Lee of the Oshawa Optimist Club. Te Mlke's surprise the Oshawa Optirniats had been thinking along the samne lines and wanted te start up some klnd of registration program in Oshawa. Throughout 1984 Mike worked closely wlth the club te develop a bike program. Hle learned that the Op- timist Club would provide the funds and the man- power required te start up, and maintain into the future, this project. With this total commitment by the club, the police and the optimists working together were able te, corne up with a revolutionary and top notch program. Here's how it works: An owper of a bicycle obtalas a registration form. This forffn properly fiiled eut gives a full description of the 4ike, lt's serial number, and the owners narne, address, and phone number. A copy of the forrn is then delivered te the nearest Durhamn Regional police station. On reciept of the form at the station a numbered sticker la issued te the registrant. The sticker la then placed on the vertical steel bar of the bicycle frame just belew the seat. It should face the front. The sticker is attractively printed la three colours and is made of a material similar te the licence plate stlcker for your car and therefere quite difficuit te remeve. The Optmist Club arranges fer the completed registration te be picked up. Next cornes the revolutienary part of the program. The registration Information la put into a computer! The Optimists then use the computer te provide the police with a menthly printout of al existing and new registrations. With this infor- mation the police can quickly locate the true owner of the found bike or one suspected of being stolen. Even if the sticker has been removed by a thief the owner can stili be located because the computer printout has three reference areas. The sticker number; serial number; or family name. After ail these years without a bike registration programn we finaily have one thanks te the Optirnist Club. Because other local Optimist clubs have joined the Oshawa club in this preject we now have a region-wide program. Aise, with the long term cornmitment provided by the clubs, this registration program shouldn't fail as others have before. Bicycle retailers have joineri in, and many new bikes' have the sticker already attachéd. Everyone connected with this program feels it will be a success, and the project has generated a lot, of interest from communities outside the region. New, how can yeu register your bike? Go to any of the following regional police stations: Bewman- ville, Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, or Pickering, and pick up a registration form. F111 it out, then retura it for sticker. If the. bike is sold to someone else after being registered make sure the new owner re- registers the bike se the records are kept up te date. In the future there wiil be various special events and campaigns where thestickers wiIl be promoted. Colour this pîcture (or a close facaille) ail by yoursslf. C H ILD RE N I Yu oordpcel good for oeCHILD'S ADMISSION (to 2 VERS>by an adult. CRIME STOPPERS By SGT. S. RYRIE Durham Co-ordinater Durham Regional pay* up te $1,000,,te Crime Stoppers is anyone. providing in-; asking for the assistan- formation whlch leads ce of the public in to an. arrest ln these solving a number of cases. Amounts of Up to suspicious fires which $1,000 wiIl be paid for have occurred this year. tipe leading to an arrest On January 30, a im any serlous crime. house under construc- Calers do not have te tien at 52 Hernlngford give their names or Place, Whitby was testify ln court. The destroyed by fire. Crime Stoppers num- Damage was $80,000. bers are =3-8477 or 1- On March 6, at about 800-387-8477 teli free. 9:50 p.m. a fire Sgt. Sandy Ryrie of destroyed four partiaily the Durham Reglenal built houses at a new Police Force writes this subdivision on Fletcher article te help combat Dr., Ajax. The same crime. A citizen board evening straw in administers . the another house was pregram, one of more found burning. Total than 600 Crime Stoppers damnage was $140,00. Boards across North In these fires, it is felt America. The award that heaters, which money Is raised through were being used te keep tax deductible donations the houses warm during which may be sent te construction were Durham Regienal deliberately pushed Crime Stoppers, P.O. against flammable Box 54, Oshawa, Ontario materials. L1H17K8. -Crime Sejè