Whitby Free Press, 7 May 1986, p. 33

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- WIHTBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 7u 198,_PAGE 33 WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ PAInTIlNO & DECORATINI iprofessionai bondad morirmar amlp, roaldantial and cammerolil fraa est imits. Cati 839-4277 or 8869712. m CLA~IFI[D EXPERIENCED, honet, relabie cieanIng lady iii thoroughiy ciemni yosr home wiih e personai touai, minimum 5 houra. references. Cai 6664867. UNEMPLOYED NELP CENTE- Need haip Worera' Compen- /sation, Waifar,Of-IP assistance, Unemptoyment Inaurance, or criais referrafe tof other agenclea, cmii: 579-1621. TIDYUPI * om es, apartments,M *of f ces ,hal.I Resnberates. CLASSES Cndeiicking. Countad Croaa-stItch. Embroidery and Crewel. We even do Neediepoint and Trapuni o foc. Juin in the fun. Have a Cramivfa Circia ciaa In your home. TeachIng y0S f0 t itch ta easy. Book now and receive a Fr. Oit. Cli. Nadine 661490 i wttl ic aia the Kathleen Rowe Sciroot le Mria Safurdmy, May 1 0, 18 &m. f0 2 O1RAMMER for people who haie grammer ta9ihe Idemi pockai referance book for business people, $3.95 per copy and avalabie ei Dicison Printing & office Supplies In the Ajax Plaza. Damer f nquirfes Invifed 663-196. FREE: Drop lto the Dicison PrintIng and Office SUPPIY sore n the Ajax Plaza sud picir up a. rec copy of ftha 1988 MtrIc Caiendar. Prfniad ln fwo coloura. If maires for handy rafarence. 683-1968 UBIRTHDAfl ANNNGUNCEMENTSI MODERN OFFICE SPACE for rani, approx. 800 sq. f., $30 par mont h. air condltonIng, hast and hydro Inciuded. Pione 668-4276. FOR SALE truck cap and camper lide-In unit, wiii sali fogther or eparmtly. $450 for boih or $225 ach. Cali 668-9752 altar S p.m. M PRIVATE, North' Bommansite, rsied bungalow, 3 bedroom pus dan, lYs bafhs, d!nisg room. famtiy room wtth artighi, inground pool, centrai air, $142.000. 623-7817,823-9576. BRECHIM AREA, 50-acres. cisY fited, aysfemmaticaiiy drsinad. six bedroom brick century home. compieteiy renovaiad, ecellent barn, Impiemeni shed, $150.000. 705-484-5149. $79.900 brick and aluminuro sem, many atras, malir f0 GM Southr, rentai potentil. 579-7955. ROOM FOR RENT' n Whitby home, $300month. Cmii 668-9152 sitarO p.m. for more Information. FLOIDA WU VACATION V:WR NTSALS I 10 Mobile Homes Clerwafer - Tirre e hdroom: mobile homes. Head pool$.*- Nt ennis, close f0 heaches and major atirmctiona, chIldren weicome. (esa than motet rM). 683-5503 leT! CEDAR VALLEY RESORT, Orono. Hwy. 35-115, Carkre, 4fh Con- I40THI eason SW5.Campground 1-786- IIV AUR ENI 2582 Toronto office 651-5754 LOVE GERG 1OP2 THUNDERCRAFT Sunhird. 17 fi., 170 110, luke ne, mitir Calimntalmier, $11,750. 5792409. 33 FOOT genuine Ericsan. aili CONGRATULATIONS on your equlpped.8 sursey. hast ocifer, forticoming marriaga. Flame quicirsame. 666-4024 meair nigita view our sampies of engraved oniy. weddtng Invitations ai your laisure ln our Aa Plaus store. Dicson Frnting& Office Su)- LEFS pies, IM3-19W. SEEYOUI - DO IT... OUrDOORS! 1978 HONDA 400 Twtn wth Cale- X fairIng, $800. Pckering, 631- 3075. LOSE WEîOHT FOR SUMMER. We con haip yout Ovar 3 million safisfied customera. Ait our Her- bai Nuintionai producis ara SAFE and EFFECTIVE with a 100% 30 day money hacir guaran- tee. Cati 433-092. Visa cceptad. ELDRIDGE, John Wiiam born June 4, 1928, Brooklo, Ontario, aearching for Information about parants. Poase write John Tutfy, Apt. 1002, 11307-99 Avenue, Ed- monton, Abera, T5K 0H2. LOOK GREAT FOR SUMMERI Our ALL NATURAI. HERBAL producta ii give You tira hemthiesi looking skis and hair youve aven had. Our HERBAL tarnilng producla are recommen- ded for aven the mosi fir skin- ned. Cali us and ma'il gai you tooking great for aummari 100% guaraniaed. Cali 4330902. Visa ccepled. WHITE CRIB and mttress, nam condition. $125. phone 888-6708. GEOTYPE pres-on efiring nom n stockait icison Prinfing & Of- fice Supplies In tire Aan Shop- ping Plaza. Large saiection of styles and sizes. Why pay more for a ammlar sheef of eftering? 683-1968. KIRBY VACUUM for suie, 3 years ofd, musi attalhments. $350 or hoast offar. Cali 723-5372. CHESTERFIELD suites. loveseats, sectionais, leus thoan Vk price. Large seinctlon. McKaen Furnlure, 524 SImcoe St. S., Oshrama. 725-5181. 1HEROES of tire Bible" coiouring book avalableai Dicison rIn. ting & office supplies, Ajax Piaza, 883-1968. Deamier Inquiries Invilad. SELLINO antima stockr af renIai vidao riscs. 369 King St. W.. Oshama. 725-5633. MOVINO - MUST SEL Dominion antique piano, fridge. slave, Ford fractor mur alfacirmenis. 7 hp. iawénmomer. 649-2021. MATTRESSES and bon aprings ai irait prica. MoKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe Street Southr, Oshawa. 725-5181. El SAESSAESVIDEO IE YARD SALE May 10, 30 Canadien Osirs Drive, Whitby, 10 a.m. ta 2 p.m. Tmo familles. TOTAL GYM, brand nom. $399. 5 place Frenchr Provincial sef, besl offer.668-8.773. VISIT our used furntura marehouse by appoint mant. Big savinga on damis, chairs, fiing cabinets, etc. Cali Dicison Prin. ttng & Office supplies lu arrange an ppontmani ta slow. 683- 1968. FRIDGE, $100. Set (15 books) Chiidcrmft encycl., msa Chilidcrafi diciionary, excellant condition. $175. Girls citras, siza 12 andi 14.728l-9186. YARD SALE muvIng. Sslurday. May 10, 10 s.m. la 4 p.m., uta parts. appiancas. loto of ciothing. misc. Ilama, 4795 Gar. dan St.. nortir oI Taunton or Gar. dan St.. Whiiby. HUGE YARD SALE 146 lu 150 Hilicrasi Dr., Whllby, May 10, 9 m.m. lu 4 p.m. Ram date May 1 1. Kitchan, bath, furniiura, cioiiing. toys. GARAGE SALE nam and usad laems, ciothing, arts and crafis, ai Pattocir Orchards, corner Hmy. 12 and Rossimnd Rd. east aida, Whiiby, Sa., May 10, 9 m.m. ta 4 P.m. Dgyour own trees and iandsCape yourCRKE *property cheap. $3 toiCICETL $2 Up to 8 fi. tal Complete Lawn Mainter Wide variety to FbusIness. Flower beds, Chooefro . 58966 las lttIe as 315. Largep I Mower 44" cut.For TYPEWRITER rentaI, many maires and modela, by fie meairand, eek or montir. Discounts avaitable. Dicison Printing & Office Supplie&sIn tha Ajax Plaza. Caii us for business machine repaira. 683-1968. tyoUrl II-eartl COMING CARPE? & VINYL f nstalere w5fl* NANNY WANTED fa corne ta My ted, experience necessary, fuil. home f0 ce for 3 year oid and 4 fime. Celi 6836126. vear aid. moroimateiv one dey GIANT YARD SALE VICTORIA DAY WEEKEND Mayl17,18 &19 WE PAY ONTARIO SALES TAX ON ALL INSTOCK ITEMS ALUMINUM STORM DOORS FROM .," OVER 1,500IN STOCK $99 ALUMINUM EXTENSION LADDERSS49g 20-GENERAL PIJAPOSE aec ONLY ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS S'A9 OVER 3001N STOCK- YOUR CHOI EO 24«semoir REPLACEMENT WINDOWS FROM 9 ALUMINUM, VINYL AND WOOD $39.* amo h VINYLSIDINO FROM SELECTED COLOUFiS $49 .?mgir GARAGE DOORS $4Flfl 5TEOWOOD I *aa Wm. BIOFORD ALUMINUM SALE LTD. R.R.3 BRIGHTON, ONT. (613) 475-0521, SAT., SUN. & MON. 8 A.M. - NOON LANDSCAPING and Maintenan- ce needs. Cati "Dulchmmy Lan- dscaping and Mainennce. 649- 3183. 4:30e, ennmabe oeaoibie30 4:3,ve-n mu elio a ocaaiofla wlelaie onumthe o eairn vacatins, os nnelmppican mii haatmfios eng fpimy an enierm ch ilren. folotayic and wmi-tal chilrno faevs o mrancewa rchire, ar evedd, Offer eir seurdivision $5 h orty md $5 sudaysin fo$5em Fas caulbat-$5 weenfo8:30 m-nd 4:30. on-Fn.e only, 88-5925. BABYSITTER NEEDED full- limalpmrt-time ln home for a 7 monih boy, requirad to munr h11- fa, Brdley Park ares. 666&1207. ARE YOU LOOKI NO for a lob or a lob mort h working for? Dont fIgh it ifiLearn how If0usasthe computer and ha a afep ahemd ln the job markret. We aller job placement and fInancimi assaistance for those unempfoyed or low Income. 4273010. ACCOUNTîNO à COMPUTERS. Train fora career In Financlai and Management Accou niing. You liii learn how f0 keap a compiefe set of booksand operate a com- puierized ccounting syaiem. Diploma coufse can hae corn- pieiad In 68ronlhs. Financiaf Assistance mmy ha avalimbie. Maire an appoiniment today for FREE counseiiing. Cmii 723-1163, Toronto Schooi of Business. OSHAWA CAMPUS. NOTICE TO CLIENTS 0F COATH, LIVINGSTONE & JOHNSTON Due to the reCent enaCtment lni Ontario of the FAMILY LAW ACT, 1986, lt 18 possible that your Last WIII and Testament may requlre revislon to continue t0 have the et tact' that you orîglnally lntended. We reCommend to our ClIen- ts that they give thîs matter thaîr Immedate attention. Date Aprîl 24,1986. COATH, LIVINGSTONE & JOHNSTON, Barnaters & Solcîtors 101 Dundas Street West, Whîtby, Ontario LUN 5S4 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISI Please check your advertisement for errors on tise first day of publication. Thse Whitby Free Press will not be liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publication beyond the cost of thse space occupied by tise error up to a maximum cost of tise first insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves tise right to classify or reject aU advertisements. Ads must appear in tise paper one day before they can be changed or cancelled. CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12t each ad- ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $6,00 for 20 words; 14t each additional word. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the first 100 words; 12e each additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8,00 for the fir- st 50 words; 12t each additional word. AUCTION SALES- 438 per lIne.(No word ads aliowed) - BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- ditional charge of $200. The Whitby Free Press wiIl make ERS every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we -accept no liability regarding loss or damage alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding such replies. We will not be responsible for box number replies not called for within 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111 I M -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------.. ~ AIZIZ WHITIY COMMERCIAL $PACE avaifabis JutY lo, 1966,a- AUTOMOBILESI prooimaty 2,300 square lest, FOR SALE iras bain uaad for about tiralesut C 10 yaar as a dace Studio. calti 974MUSTANO'GOua VO. needa Mr. Burgsaet 668-8372. enhaust sysiaro. $150 as t. Pirona 66l8-16. ONE BEOROOM APARTUENT In amai Whfihy bulding. Adute 1943 SUZUKI 650 GL, tom oniy. Inctudes fridge, toya. mitee, excelent condition, hydro end parking. Cabie TV end indahiaid, chroma highwmy tundry facitiis aaalbe. pags, and rail bars, Inctudad In Phase 888-8372 hafweas 9:30 prtce, asking $2.500. Cati 668- ar..and5Spro. 9752 aler 5 p.m. J PART.TIME EMPLOYMENT, evenings, secreteriai, fyping end tefephonesinulls needed, worfring hours flexibl e, remuneration, basic plus performance bonus, location Wfritby. Cmii Dorothy 668-2061 eveninga. SECRETARI ES ere In demand. Train for e rewaerding career es e Medicel, Legal or Execufive Secret ary. Ail courses include Word Processing. Financlai assistance may be avaifable. Maire an appoiniment loday for FREE counseiiing. Caii 723-1163 Toront o Scirool 0f Business OSHAWA CAMPUS. A CAREER IN TRUCKINO. Tran- sport drivera needed. Now ta tire tîme ta train for your Ciasa A Ilcense. For pre.screening Inter- view snd lob placement infor- maion. contact Mary Orr's Tran- sport Driver Training, Brampton 14800-268&1260. BABYSITTER -HOUSEKEEPER needed for two boys. aged 8 and 4, In Wllby, live-In or oui, senior weicome. Cati 668-7213. EARN 59$ - $400 f0 $1,200 Par montir part-urne, $2,000 fa $6.000 par monih fuit-tlime. Caii John Asadoorlan, 434-2333. WAITRESSrWAiTER, COOK, muai ba able f0 morir weekends. Appiy Northr Forty Rastaurant, 655-8911. ATTENTION University Studenta. Having probiema finding suliabie summer empioymenf? Why n0f explore frow you can enjoy aboya average eamings white apending your summer gainlng valuable esperience for the business worid aheaad. Cmli 666-3284 for appoiniment. .AWN CARE 'fl8fC6 for your home or trlmming, roîling. Home properties 81l5Ihour. Ride rFREE estimate Caîl wîlI hop rîght overî 5-3563 1___ 1 , 655. 1 LU r-

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