WIITBY',FREE PRE3SS, WEDNÉSDAY. MAY 7, i986,PAGE 3.1 Look out Whîtby taxes rising 7.9%l7 By JAN DODGE Free Press Staff Tax buils will be in the mail this month for Whitbv ratepayers. Public-schooi suppor- ters will pay for the total pa ckage,$102 or 7.9 per-, cent more than last year on- an average assessmeni of $5,000, and separate school supporters wil .,pay $78.50 or 5.9 percent more. However, separate school suppor- ters will stili pay more. in, total than public, school supporters. At lasi week's council meeting the final stage in the budget process was compleied with counil'sadoption of tax rates set by the Durham Board of Education and' the Durham Region Roman Catholii Separate Schooi Board. Added ta the regional tax and the town tax the education taxes con- plete the set of levies which make up the total tax bill. Taxpayers who have an average assessment of $5,000 in 1986 will pay $1,394.50 if they are public schooi supporters or $1,406 if they are separate school suppor- ters. Homeowners wanting to calculate their own taxes can mutiply their assessment by the new mil rate (remembering ta move the decimal three places to the left to converi fromn milis to dollars). For. public school supporters that rate is 278.9 mils; for separate school suppor- ters it is 281.2 milis. The total miii rate.is' made up of the town's portion (79.8 milis) plus the region's portion (53.4 milis) plus either, the public school board's portion (145.7 milis) or the separate school board's, portion (14à 8mills). 1< Corinne, Wendi, tax collector for. Whitby, said, now that the miii rate is established tax bis wili be maled out in May, withinstalimen- ta due in June and Sep- tember. An interim levy lien- ding the establishment of the final mil rate was sent outin February.ý Treasurer AI Claringbold said the town used to ievy the exact amnount for the town and the region in Tulip, Festival Saudywa big day for Cullen Gardens wlil run umtil May 19. Two of thepeopie wbo wblch ceibrated the officiai openlng of this have played a big part ln the festival'% suc- year's Tulip Festival. More than 300 Invited cess are Janet Runnalis and Owen Hachey, guests showed up for the ceremony and lun- Culen Gardens' project manager. cheon marking the start of the festival wblch Freeress Staff Photo Cancer rideat tracts a Athough it was coid and not the best of days ta go oui for a bicycle ride, more than iQO, riders turned out Satur- day marning ta do their part in the ninth annual Whiiby Kiwanls Club Bike for Cancer. Among those ta finis h the 20 kiiomneter course were five year aid Heather Ellioti who went the distance with her father Terryto raise $16 in piedges she collecied herseif and Peers Davidson who, during the weeks preceding the race, managed ta bring in $1,200 worth of piedges. It was a greai day ac- cording 10 ride chair- man John May and aiihough the weather probabiy kej-t some from comning oui bo make the ride, he said the' piedges could total as much as $10,000 by month end' when the final figures are tabulated. The event kicked off ai 10 arn. at Centennial Park and by il a.m. the- first riders were aiready comifig in ta theý finish ai the park where, they were served up, hotdogs and ham- burgers donated by Alex Zong of Miracle Mart. Once all the piedges are in, May said the maie and female who collected the most money for compieting the ride wil be presen- ted with new ten speed bikes, donaied by Canadian Tire and the Kiwanis Club. All piedges must ha handed in ta one of the two Toronto Dominion Banks in Whitby or they can be mailed ta the Kiwanis Club of Whitby, Box 522, Whitby, Ont. According ta Whitby Cancer Society speciai They came in ail shapes, sizes and ages Saiurday 10 ride in the 9111 an- nual Kiwanis Cub bike-a-thon for cancer but the youngest participant ta finish the 20 kilomneter ride must, bave been five year old Heather Elliot seen here about ta champ int a hoidog after the ride. Heather went the distance with her father Terry who said Heather colected $16 worth of piedes al bhersif.FreePress Staff Photo il ages, events . chairman Marion Irwin, the bike- a-thon caps; off a very successful month of fund raising for the society. More than $10,000 was raised through the sale of daf- fodils on April 3 and 4. Along with the more than $50,000 the society hopes wiii come in from it's month. long door-to- door campaign lasi monih and the piedges, fromn the bike-a-thon, Iriwn anticipates ihat the Whitby society could. contribute more than, $70,000 to the fight against cancer this year. "The Whitby Kiwanis Club is continuing the support through the ride that they've given the socieiy since the early 1950's when the door-to- door campaign for the ,Cancer Society was started.' This 'was the ninth year for the ride and next.year wili be the big ten s0 we're aiming_ for a realiy big year next year," said Irwin. ALSO- See Our Large Selection -of NoWax Vinyl Cushion, Floorlng Startlng As Low As $ 9sq. yd. 69.5 1305 Harwood AveN.. A ax 683-6126 just north of the 401. 1IST .QUIAIITYI Now la our 10TH YEAR of s.rvlng throo communIlls Mue & Dave Bloom owne ,rs f the WALLPAPER CENTRE'S ln Oshawa, Aax & Scarboraugh woutd 11ke f0 assure our customers thaf the greateut percentage of the Wallpaper we stock ai discounts up fa 76% end more la 16T QIJALITY brnd neame wallpaper NOT SUBSTANDARD. COME IN AND CHOOSE FROM OVER A THOUSAND BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS AT WAREHOUSE PRICE S GREAT VALUESI OPULAR .XPANDED E ~ FO INYL $6 9 FoNLY 94§ EGULAR à MMcDuo O 40.001 VYMURA, IMPORTEC FR00 OREAT BRITAIN BUT agI ITHE WALLPAPER CENTRE* IOSHAWA AJAX SCAR BORO Il40SIMCOE ST. S. 1313HARWOODAVE.N. 793 MARKHAM RD.- (Corner of John) Between hghways 401 and Hwy. 2 Between Lawrence & Ellesmere 57-655 686-0719 431-4458 OPNTUSA ADFI. IHT NI IE