WHITBYFREE PRESS, MWEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1986, PAGE .3 Women's Conference gets rave reviews By JAN DODGE Free.Press Staff Expanding Our Horizons, a conference for women in Durham Region, closed Saturday to rave reviews from both participants and organizers. Cathy James, Co- ordinator for the conference held at Durham College and sponsored by the Oshawa- Whitby Social Planning Councl, said 150 attended the Friday night session which featured keynote speaker Maude Barlow, part-time broadcaster and former senior advisor to the federal government on women 's issues. Most of these 150 plus a few extras returned for the Saturday keynote speaker, Paula Caplan, head of the centre for Women's Studies at the 0Ontario Institute -for Studies in E ducation, followed by three workshops chosen from a list of 30 offered. Although aIl workshops were designed for 20 to 25 people, four had more than 40 rgister. Assertiveness Training For Women was so popular,' organizers split it in two groups1 with Bey Turner, departent head of youth anid stpecia programs at Durham College,. taking one gr oup as scheduled and Mary Britton, who teaches communications at the Ministry of Revenueý and assertivenèss training at Durham's night school, taking the second. Financial Planning For Wome n, with Kim Baîl, seminar manager with the Women's Financial Plan- ning Centre of Imperial Life. had to be-moved to a larger room to accom- modate the group as did Women's Sexuality, con- ducted by Toronto therapist Dr. Marcie Weiner; and Coping With The Cuit of Beauty, taken by Olive Roberts, film librarian for the Audio-Visual Depar- tment of the Durham Board of Education. A 13-year-old who atten- ded the latter said of the film, Killing Us Softly, she now- understood how soft pornography is used to sell produets on television and in magazines. Two workshops were eancelled: Menopause: Myths and Realities, because the leader was unable to attend due to a family crises; and The Double Burden, which was to have been led by Jean, ,Bassin, a member of. the 'Multicultural Council of Oshawa and District and board member of the On- tario League for Human Rights. Bassin said only two women registered for the workshop which was to have dealt with new Canadian womnen in society having to deal not only with being a women, but a women of another race, and possibly another language. "The feW registrations indicate the seriousness of the problem," Bassis said. "lIt does not mean a lack of interest, but rather a lack of awareness." .Bassin proposed that next time organizers would neec to go directly to the ethni< organizations in advance t( dispeli the idea the con ference was just for middlh 1income white wnmpn, SEE PG. 27 _- - - - - - - - - - - -- 1ST'QUALITTI Now In aur 10TH YEAR af servlng three cammunlties'Mec'I Dave Bloom awners of the WALLPAPER CENTRE'S In Oshawa, Ajax à Scarborough would 1km toasmsure aur customers that the greatest percmntage of thé Wllpaper w. stock et discounts up ta 75% end more le 1ST QUALITY brand nome wallpaper NOT SUBSTAN DARD.i COME IN AND CHOOSE FROM OVER A THOUSAND BEAUTIFUL PATTERNSAT WAREHOUSE PRICES POPLARGREAT VALUESI VrYMURA POPULAR 94 MPORrEO FNOU REAT §RrTAIN U EXPANDED LfR ROM ' nt8EU.PLet -.O IDfl VINYL $6 o95 ONLY FREE $1 4,o9 TO $40001 Pi -a FIEE THE WALLPAPER CENTRE* OSHAWA AJAX SCARBORO 140 SIMCOE ST. S. 1313 HARWOOD AVE. N. 793 MARKHAM RD Corner otJohn> Between hlghways 401 and Hwy. 2 Beween Lawrence & Ellesmere 579-1655 1 - 6860719 1 431-4458 OEN HUSDY NDIDA I*I.UTL IE Last Thursday at the Dr. J.O. Ruddy Hospital, staff and patients and. their familes and friends celebratèdi Mother'sDay with an afternoon tea. Seen here enjoying a piece of cake are Mary Ebden and her daughter Lynw Quinn and grand.dgugbtèr'.. Kelly Quinn. In the back arethe Rev., Charles Bull, 'director. of. nursing loria Tück,,anrd recreatian therapist Theresa Shearer.ý' Freeres Staff Photo HERITAGE HOUSE imited 216 MARY ST. E-, WHITBY TORONTO 686-0061 WHITBY 668-3483 10-6 Thrs.-ri.10-9 Saurc1y 1- Mother's- tea m j L, i ý -