Whitby Free Press, 21 May 1986, p. 10

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PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2 1 1986, WHITBY FREE PRE SS Daffodil sales for -cancer huge success * By MIKE JOHNSTON Free Press Staff This year's daffodil sale to raise money for the Canadian Cancer Society was a huge suc- ceas, according to Marion Irwin the special events chairman for the Whitby Branch of the cancer society. Last week, members of the -Beta Sigma Phi sorority presented a $l,552-cheque to Irwin representing the amount the sorority and many dedicated volun- teers raiséd selling daf- fodils in Whitby during the month of April.- "lWe would like, to thank ail the volunteers who sold and handled bookinga for the flowers," said co- WHITB Y A U TO WRECKERS LIMITED, Hlghway No. 12 -1 Mle North of WHITBY SPECIALIZING INLAYE MODEL WRECKS' Mon.-Fri. 7:30-5 p.m. Open ail day Sat. 668-3322-23 THE CORPORATION OE THETOWNOFWHITBY NOTICE 0F INTENTION The Councîl of the Corporation of the Town of Whltby lntenda to pass by-laws to stop-up, close and seil the untravelled Dale Avenue road allowance as shown below and as more par- tlcularly shown on Reglstered Plan No. 589. EAVE (UN ELL CONSUME~ RS The Operatlons Commlttee of Whtby Town Coun- cil wlll meet on Monday, June 2, 1986, at 7:30 p.m. in Commttee Roomn One of the Whllby Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Whîtby, On- tario, for the purpose of hearlng any person who cdaims thaîr land wlll be preludlclally affected by the by-Iaws. Any person wlshing to be heard by the Operatlons Commlttee la asked to advlse the Town Clark ac- cordlngly by Thursday, May 29,1986. Dated et Whtby, Ontario, th15 7th day of May, A.D., 1986. Donald G. McKay Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Whltby 575 Rosaland Road East Whîtby, Ontario LlN 2M8 Phone: (416) 668-5803 convenor of the daffoclil festival Rose-Anne Fleming. Fleming, along with fellow con- venor Sharon William- son said volunteers from the Whitby Jaycet- tes, the Kiwanis Club and especially the senior citizens of Whitby did a tremendous job this year. In total, Durham Region raised $35,000 seling the daffodils but separate cheques representing the flower sales in different areas of the Region were presented by the sorority ladies. Irwin explained that because Oshawa was growing so large, the region split up seven yeara ago and Whitby was paired with Ajax and north and south Pickering. The Whitby cancer office la curren- tly located in Ajax because it la cen- tralized, said Irwin. .During the month of April, which la Cancer Month, Irwin expressed the hope that the town wiIl have raised $68,0S0 to fight cancer. Exact Seen here presenting a cheque for $10,552 to Marion Irwln, speclal events chairman for the Whitby Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society are Rose-Anne Fleming and Sharon figures will not be known for at least a week. Research into fighting cancer takes the main percentage of the TCOIE SRVTEMS 10 DNAS ST. E. 162 RUKIGST.E 1103 BYOSHAW 668E-3356 57-0 money ralsed during the month long campaign said Irwin. "Anytime there is cancer research going on in Canada Whitby residents should realize they have played a part in funding that research." Education la another area the cancer society is involved in but Irwin noted that the cost to transport cancer vic- tims from Whitby t10 Toronto hospitals bas really risen. She gave special recognition to Whitby driver Ted Heron who has driven patients more than 300 times to Toronto. "He is just doing a super job," she said. While the proceeds Wlliamson, co-convenors of the April Daf- fndil festival. I . R.E. WASS lle sed to announce "the ping of his off ice for the rc tlce of Optometry at 15Coîborno St. W. Doivntown Whltby Beppolntment only- '66 -3797 A Le June la Senior Citizens' Month and, among other special events marking*the oc- casion, Whitby seniors will be walking to the moon and back - sort of. During National Physical Activity Week, May 24 to June 1, al Canadians 55 and older will be invited to par- ticipate in the Elderobie Moonwalk, an event combining the walking efforts of thousanda of seniors durlng the week to total 476,000 miles - the distance to the moon and back. Last year Whitby seniors participating in the event tallied 308.5 miles during the course of a'particularly rainy week and this year organizers are hoping to do even better. Coor- dinated locally by the Whitby Seniors Activity Centre Fun and Fitness classes, a special group Elderobic Moonwalk will take place on Friday, May 30 begin- ning at 10:30 a.m. at the centre. Setting out from the centre the group will walk to downtown Whit- by and back tabulating the combined mnileage to be added to the national totals. Anyone unable to join the group Moonwalk on the Friday can stili par- ticipate by documenting ail walking they do during the Moonwalk week and brlnging or phoming tixeir mileage into the centre (668-1424 or 668-7919).- Mileage can be tabulated by counting one mile for every 20 minutes of walking. Ail those wishing to join the group Moon- walk are asked to sign the sign-up sheet posted on the Centre bulletin board or caîl the centre. Another special event planned for Seniors Month la the Seniors Fashion Show and Tea Wednesday, June 4. Coordinated by Betty's Fashions and Agnes Disney's Haîf Sizes, the show will feature. fashions designed with' seniors especially in mind. Last year's show, in fact, proved s0 popular that tis year there will be two shows, one from 2-4 p.m. and the second from 7-9 p.m. Town Floriats will be providing the floral display and Tangles will be handling the hair- dressing for the eight Whitby seniors who will do the modelling. Audrey Garrett and ber committee will serve petit fours and Olive SEE PG. 13 D F ls plea openin prac 105 ý Dov Bya Whitby seniors walk to moon WHITBY CLEANERS "SIGN 0F PROFESSIONALISM" Member of DCLI and If 1 25 Years Experence ln Fabric Cleaning SAM E DAY SERVICE SPECIALISTS IN: WEDDING GOWNS*DRAPERY SUEDE & LEATHERS AND OTHER FINE GARMVENTS FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY (OVER $10) WH ITBY CLEAN ERS 104 COMBORE ST. E., WHITBY 668-2345 668-1777 ee Press Staff Photo special events co- ordinator the Whitby of- fice supplies numerous educational films and pamphlets on cancer and it's effects on the body. "Films, speakers and pamphlets are always available. Ail you have to do is give us a cail."1 The number of the Whitby office is 686-1516. If you wish to make a donation it can be made in person or by mailing it to the Canadian Can- cer Society, 134 Com- mercial Blvd., Ajax. "I'm reaily happy1 with the sale of the flowers and this year the flowers were very bright happy symbols of hope,"' concluded Irwin. Fre from this year's daffodil sales were exceptional, Irwin mentioned that no- daffodils were sold in Whitby last year. The flowers, which signify hope, are tran- sported in from Van- 'couver and last year they were in such bad shape, the Whitby bran- ch deciced to wait a year for a better crop, said Irwin. "One of the society ladies recently died from cancer and it was her wish we get back in- to sellîng the flowers," she added. A small percentage of the money raised also goes towards the cancer campaign and ad- ministration costa, said Irwin. According to the r Ir q-f-# 4 if b-#'# à ra Y

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