Whitby Free Press, 21 May 1986, p. 22

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PAGE 22. WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1986. WHITBY FREE PRESS Regular furnace inspecti*on saves lives Ontario Consumer Minister Monte Kwinter warned homeawners today of the danger of carbon monaxide poisoning If they fail ta bave their warm air or bot watgr heating fur- naces regularly inspec- ted and- cleaned by an autbarized home- heating contractor. "Many people are sa glad ta see winter came ta an end, that they farget abaut their fur- nace until the cold winds af autumn force them ta turn it on again," said Kwinter. "And sa they've gone from one beating* seasan ta another without having the furnace serviced. " 'The importance of proper furnace main- tenance was under- sdored during a recent inquest into tbe death of a Toronto waman. A coroners jury found that she had died in ber hame from carbon monaxide poisoning. The cause was at- tributed ta clogged flue passages in the-furnace, whicb prevented com- bustion fumes from being expelled up the cbimney. Recirculation of tbese fumes tbrough tbe bùurs praduced carbon monoxide. Carbon manoxide can go undetected because it is a calorless, odorless gas. It causes headacbes, dizziness, drawsiness, nausea and, in large doses, deatb. Homeowners are YOUALWAYS GET THE Stop at Midas Muffler and Brake Shops and we'II perform a f ree, no obligation brake system Inspection. If your car needs repairs, you'II get a professional brake job f rom a Midas Brake Specialist. H's specially trained on brakes, sa you know when they're f ixed, they're f ixed right. HERE'S WHAT WE'LL DO:* Inspect yourvehicle's brake systemn at no charge. FRONT DISC *resurface your brake rotors *instail premium>quality disà pads * dean and repack front wheel bearings Midas disc brake pads and brake shoes are guaranteed for as long as you own you rca.* *The cost of additianal components and labour required to restore brake syslem to ifs proper operation is fol included. *Service c harge of $995 per gxie. Guaranlee does flot caver the cost of additlonal brake system components and labour required ta restore the brake sys- tem ta its proper operation. If you do flot authorize this service, you wiii receive non-installed, non guaranleed replace- ment brake shoes or disc brake pads. TOP GUNMS is 1650 Kingston Road, Pickering 686-3707 1220 Dundas St. East, Whitby 668-1065 227 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa 576-8111 cautianed tbat it is tbeir responsibility to see tbat their furnaces are main- tained properly. Reference should be made ta tbe instructions provided by tbe manufacturer or in- You know summer bas arrivedl when tbere are bundreds of studen- ts looking for summer employment. At tbe Wbitby Employment Centre for Students, located at 106 Byron St., numerQus students bave registered covering a wide range of educational fields and specialties. Career related experience is of great importance toa ai students, 'especially tbose entering tbeir final years of education. Eacb week tbe student centre will pravide a liet ofestudents wbo are anxious ta work for the summer. if vau aire interested in finding out mare information about tbese candidates please contact aur office ait 668-5233 between 8:15 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Some of tbe students currently, on file at tbe centre are: Andrew: 2nd year- commerce student at tbe University of Toron-- to. He bas experience In tbe preparatian and in- stallation of art work, managing a business and assisting in a machine shop. He is seeking work in tbe business field or in an office or bank. Merlan: a graduate in bialogy/chemistry frons Trent University and le entering teacber's callege in the faîl. Ex- tensive experience as a lab tecbnician and se bas casbier and barten- ding skilîs. She prefers a 1 laboratory position but will consider. working outdoors or as a cashier. Dino: 2nd year FROM PG. 13 staller. If in doubt, con- sult your fuel supplier or a registered contractar. Police sink boat nabbers Tbree mnen have bn cbarged by Durbam Regianal Police after they were stapped on Kendalwood Rd. Wed- nesday nigbt driving a rental truck containing four aluminum fisbing boats. Tbe boats bad been stolen from Holiday World at 1916 Dundas St. E. sometiane Wednesday nigbt. Anatber two boats were found by police* on praperty adjoining Holiday World. Tbe four boats were, valued at $7,WOO. Cbarged witb possession of stolen goods over $1,000 and tbeft aver $1,000 are Lloyd. Wimmo, 34, of Scarborougb and Glen Marin, 39, aiea, of Scar- boraugb. Cbarged witb theft over $1,OOo is Steven Halmes, 23, of WestilII. The tbree were ta ap- pear in Wbitby court for a bailbhearing last week. engineering physics at MeMaster University. Experience in the ser- vice and delivery af in-2 dustiral equipment, mnoving furniture, sales and aperating a fork lift and drafting. Seeking an engineering position or factory, tecbnical work. Catberine: Senior bigb scbool student.with work experience as a casbier and dealing witb the public. She has been tbe president of her scbool's Athletic Association and bas been involved in cadets for six years. Catherine, bopes ta pursue a career in the police force. She le seeking factory, olit- side or painting em- ployment. Micbael: 4tb year political science at Mc- Master University. He bas work experience in maintenance and general labour. Would like a job outdoors as a labourer or in a factory. Wanda: .3rd year phYsical education at McMaster University. She bas worked on an assembly line and in the' sales field. Wanda bas ber bronze cross and la actively -involved in sports and ber scbool's Student Cauncil. She prefers something related ta pbysical educatian or recreation. Tips: Ways ta remain unemployed: arrogan- ce, self-satisfaction, superiarity camplex, knaw-it-all attitude; poor persanal ap- pearance; difficulty in expressing oneseif clearly, poor diction and gransmar. Denis O'Connor from acrose Ontario. On tbe sports scene, DO'C'e senior girls soc- cer team lost 2-1 ta Ajax. DO'C finisbed tbe season 5-2-1 and will go into tbe playoffs from a third place position. First plpyoff game le an Tbursday againet McLaughlin. Good luck, girls. In basebaîl action, DO'C played a double beader against Cour- tice. Tbe first game started out normally as DO'C ecored two runs in the firet inning ta take the early lead. But the DO'C Chargers literally sprung out in front of Caurtice as tbey (DO'C) scored il runs. After getting a run in the third inning, DO'C scored nine runs for la total of 23. Tbe final score was 23-1. Solid pitching by Marco Gardia, Brian Lovering and Kevin Haley also contributed to the win. Whitby student employment centre int b.- REAR DRUM e resurface your brake drumE e install premium quality bral shoes

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