Whitby Free Press, 21 May 1986, p. 28

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PAGE 28, WEDNESDAY. MAY 21L 1986. WHITBY FREE PRESS FREýE PRESS EMPORIýUM Emporium Ade will only be accepted subject to the foliowmng conditions. TWO LADIES IKES, $40 ooch. ROLLER SKATES- Nike, black, T.V. stand, $15. Stea tand, $25. ize 3,$25. Dominon, whte, ize HIFi record playor, $50. Cati aller 5 (ladies), $30. Fity record Sp .m., 6684032. albums~s. n.iix.ia nmusic, noms MODEL TRAIN SET, HO Gouge, 70 Il. truck, 4x8 table, engins. 12 cars, buildings, gaod starter sol, $200 firm. Clt 7238969, altar 5 P.m. q ENVIROLET elacîrlo walortss tollet, no water, no spîlo tank, salis naw for $943.95 (US) Roturb, Unit Ai. $395 plus $45 vent kt. Clt aller 5 p.m., 723 9109. KLONDIKE ireploca Insert wilh an, goad condition, $350. Kim- bit etoctrIc argon wilh double heyboard and bench, $600. Com- bination tera and radio. $50. 668-.4760. BICYCLE'-girls 23 Inch Raiagh transt, $50 or besi aller. Phono ler 6 p.m., 666-3274. SNOWTHROWER for M.T.D. trac lor, used anesesson, complte wth wheei woghls and chaîna, $M0. Phono 685925. GM. LOVESEAT, $30. GM. lad dier seat, $20. Infants car bed, $15. Ftuke68O20B lest mat1er, $110 or nearest ottor. 683465. BUTCHER ELOCK style round table wth four pino.ano chaire. one year old, $150. Phonoe68.- 855. ROSEWOOD WALL UNIT wiih bar, 96" long, 3 sections, Ideai for apartmont, ofice or lamiiy room, sking S60. Phono 5798824. SPANISH style chenlerliid and chair, custom mode. one of o hlnd, $50. Importod Euîopeon chondetier, $480. O1u on connus waii pintilng from Mexico and rame. $200. Coilt 6689288. RIOTO TILLER, 5 hp., excellent condition, $29. Stop laddor, aiumlnum, $25. Wheeibarrow, $10. Hlaltmoon table and magazine stand, $25 @&ch. Ladies bik, $40. Junior 10 apeed, $45. Rock mapia klohen st, $225. Sewlng machina, $35. Smait table, SU. Phono 6834638. claicai, $5 sach. Phono 655. 3266. SINGLE BED, $35. Boys 10 apaod biko, $50. Kerosene heaalr, $50. Phono 436-0363. FOR SALE bar unit, $00. Calt608 9519. COMPUTER Apple Il plus, Clans, 48K, $200. Throo pannaIa boards foroabovo, $30. Phono 6688178. ENTIRE IIOUSEHOLO turoluro, oow and used. Admirai rtdgo, $150. H.D. dryer, $250. Viking oulomatllowasher, HMD., $30. Four 15" radiai FIreslone ires, Pl9515R15, $50 saab. 12 vot bat- tory, $50. Table and four chairs, kitîchon, $100. 19" clour T.V., $35. Drsser, $6. LargesOakt dosk, $1,000. Largo book aboi, $110. Oice dock, wood, $35. Steel booki shoît, $80. Couch and recling chair, leather, $550. Desck calculalor, $60 Antique couch sud 2 malchIng chairs, "i0. Coat rack., $100. Elcîrie slave, $300. Bot cash aifer. Cati n thla wortd, theres olwaya room for one more. Cali youf Welcome Wagon Hostess now. Phono 66-2482 -PLEASE READ- When te odvertloed item is xotd, dinposed of. or unavaitubie for whatever reason, te item wilt be deemed ta have been aotd and a commisaion witI becbarged baned on TItE ADVERTISED PRICE an ittustruled beiow, regardiess If price ix stated witit bonIt offer"'. If the item is NOT SOLD. or disposed of, te ad witt be rua for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of 37.50 witt appîy payable in advonce of publication of the first ad. The above minimum charge witt be oppled lu the final commission due. Maximum commission: $100.00. Att adver- isements must ho placed on an exclusive bonis witb te WIITBY FREE PRESS and run ut least ose mot if nosold, RATES tif article is sotdi: 5% of advertisedl price up to01400.00 2% ai balance oer$409 EXAMPLE: Sold Item odverttoed for$ 150.00. Commission due $7.50 (minimum Cbarge la $7.50) Privale advertiing onlyl Please notlfy te Wbtby Fr66 Press lmmedistety when item ix aotd Bo tat we may delleeIl from te foUlowlng issue. Ait ada flot.filllog te Emporum guideines wilt ho treated and ctiurged per week as regutar ctaasiied ads an a prepald bushs sucit as: services, heîp- wanted, ctothing, reat estate, and persona] message type ada, or ados not quoting price or quantity. Private ctassified ads may appear in te Emporium section under upprnpriste hesdixgs. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIF1ED SECTION UNLESS OT}IERWISE SPECIFIED. MdAILAD$ TO: FREE PRES EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whitby. LIN 5181 litan deubt cati: 668-6111 OR DELI VER TO: 131 Brook St. N. Whitby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. M M PEREGO PRAM, large English stylo, 6Oyoars aid, good condition, navy, opron, basket, largo wheels, $85. Car seat, brown sInyl, good condition, $50. Booster cor seat, brawn vinyl, excellent shape, $20. Twin strolier, orange cannas, good condition, aide by aide ootis, flda fiai, $10). Crodie, white, $20. Ct, colonial style, wiih mettrens end bumper pad, goad condition, $100. Phone 6685925. NAVY PREGO Prom, apron and basket, $50. Whita change tabla, $20. Eiclric baille sterilizer, $12. Grls 18 monIhs la size lwo ciothes. $3 each. Botîlo wormer, $3. Cal l 668-0523. Give UNICEF gifts and cards and help a chlld Contact. (nIcef Canada IY1,. 443 M. PMasant Rd. Torono. Ont. M4S 2L8 (> callUNICEF Canada 4tna ie.î lWSt2686364 îkD,C i20002636dî SHIH TZU Puppy, 8 weehs aid maie, CKC rogistorod, shots, deoarmod and homo raised, non- shedding, non.aiiorgic, gaod wiih chIidren, $350. Cali 1415-985. 3960. THE ..'IEF FUNCTION 0F TOUR BODY IS TO CARRY YOUR BRAIN AROUND. TRAILER TP Robot, sai top, ex- cellent condition, same camping equtpmenl lncluded, $950 or test citer. 668.8178. TRAILER, Nimrad, RIvIere, sofit top, fair condition, etras In- ciuded, $50. Phone 6553142. FOR SALE 1984 Bonairs 1200, soes 8, sione, 2 way frldge, tolle, dining shettor, compistely equtppod, Immaculate condition, asking.$6.000. Cati Bruce ai 88- 1965. BOAT TRAILER nory good cn ditlln, $300. Pisas cati 688.255. 1078 DOCQE hait ton wlih cab, AMIFM cassette, autamatia, $2,100 or beat otter. Colt aller 6 pes., 668.094 1977 FORD 1 tan, 351 V8, p., p.b., single wtleeis, AOIO take bas, excellent condition, $3,400, certIied. 68k3850. 1977 -OLOS Cutiasa Salon, con- sola buctiets, good shape, easy ta cortlty, $1.800. Phonea668-. 0188. 1976 CHRYSLER CORDOBA p.,. p.b., air contdtloning, S60 or bool ofsr. Colt85-3178. 1978 FORD MARQUIS staton wagon, ps., p.b., cruise, very good condition, 92,000 miles, $500 flrm. 831-0880 alter 6 p.m. 1975 GREMLIN X rosa but neoda warh or goad for parts, $200 or best afRr. 6687816. 1974 BUiCK APOLLO, iuns goad, body good, 6 cyl., $550 or best aI- fer 433-1842. 1974 SUPER BEATLE, excellent condition, lady drinen. 26,000 original miles, sunroof, radio, now peint, $2,750.725-3744. 1973 PONTIAC Laurenian, 400 cc omtai, ions but needs woric, aise can ho bought for paria, $200. Phone 5793030. -1972 PINTO, dlean Inalde, body gaod, neoda minai repaira, $700 or besat foer. Colt 6687925. 1969 CHEVELLE, four new tires and soverai brand now parts, $300. Phono 686-1955, asti for Dan. Yeoffl1h turo cm« " wd i. moe km moe*U le ss.55.m ose ...t ass . d ie hID 55,5550 S p .10tdosemt I uemdess#»Y.wu bile. Oe. s.mq. sE ieOESt 4!wCON FUSED*? Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- piy because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our low advertising rates just because you have questions. Hopefuilly, the explanation below can clear up many of your questions - if flot, do eall 668-6111l and we'I1 be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. If you: »are a private advertiser; -have an article to seli; and, ahave a Speified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details). Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months). A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $750 payable in advance before the first in. sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT seli within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will 581, but where else could you get three months advertising for only $7.50? When your 'article selîs, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance over $40; LESS the minimum charge described above. I have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have the following advertisement placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press. 7 __ I - .-....-...-...-. I _______________________________ donti forge( lu inctude yot I1 enclose $7.50 to cover the minimum charge. Charge $7.50 to my Visa account. ('ard N. Fxp. 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