WITBYFREE PRESS, WPflNESÂY. MAY 21.,1986 PAG.E 29 WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ SRIE]MSACLA I IED ADCION q3j~jS ~it:;îJ5ff FOR SLE ~ N ! S~ ~ E PAINTING à DECORATINO AIR CONDITIONER, Elso- FOR SALE aboya ground ACINSL UTO AEACINSL pralsanat handad morkman- frohome, upright unit for iliding simming pool, 16 If. dia., used A C INS L U TO AEA C INS L ohWpresidenti l and commercial, windom, min. haight 21V', min. oniy one eason. Phone 728-2103 THURS., MAY 22 SAT., MAY 24 SAT.,JUNE7 free estimata. Cail 839-4277 or Idîfi115Wh, excellent condition. . 8:30 P.M. 10:00 A.M 11:00OA.M. 668-9712. 666-3700. A 6 r%-1%1- A1 - 1 C . . -. - . ..I . M - . . . . NEEDLECRAFT CLASSES CandîewIcklng, Count- ted Cross-stltch, En- broidery and Crewei, We even do Neediepoint and Trapunto too. Joîn ln the fun. Have a Créative Circîs clase n your home. Teachlng you to stît- ch la easy. Book now and receiva a Free GIfI. Ceil: 1 Nadne,886-1490 *ahapea and InetlieepticM tanks on your counntry *property,eaoery reaeonabieM *rate. Ateobuiidozer work.M Maseciltora FREE ESTIMATE. 655-8988, Pickering SCHOOL PROBLEMS? We secializa ln educationsi assessments and counneiing, Individuai home Intructlon and programmins, 10 years experian- ce. Newton Educafionel Con- sultants, 868-1458. 1GRAMMER for people wha hale grammar" ea the Ideai pochaI relarance book for business people. $3.95 par copy and avaliable at Dichean PrInlIna il Office Supplies sn the Alan Plais. COMPTER MATTRESSES and han eprInge at hait prIce. MKean Fumitura, 524* SImcoe Street Sonuth, Oshawa.' 725-5181. VISIT aur- ueed turnilure marehasea by appoilnmant. Big savInge an deeke, chaire, tiiing cabinets, etc. cali Dinkean Pris. ling & Office Supplias 10 arrange an appainîmant la view. 683- 1968. CHESTERFIELD enies, loveseate, sactionais, fae than %ia prIca. Large saieciion. McKaan Furnilura, 524 Simcoa Sf. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. *'HUta aiof te imle"coîourîng book evaliabieetaI Dckson Prin- ina & Office Supplies, Aies Plaza, U83-1968. Dealer Inquiries Inviled. KTCHEN NOOK, 1 W years nid, drop test table, vinyl covered, no marks, $349 new. esking $250. Also vertical bInd, ventiiated ver- icale, beige, 96" ide n 73" high. asking $100. 68-6705. GEOTYPE press-on iellering nom n stock t Dickson Prinfing & Of- fice Supplies ln the Alan Shop- ping Fiais. Large saiection of stles and suzes. Why psy more for a umaler sheet of lefiering? 883.1968. SHORT iNTrRODuCTORY and ad- vanced computer courses Word* ROOMS Baocssi, et. 2-010. Lous'z z zRE Prasn, ec 2-01B0, Lfs IRU IL FRRN FREE.~ Drap lnIa the Dicksos PrintIng and Office Suppiy store In the Alax Plaza and pick up a. free copy ot the 1986 Mairie Calandar. Printed ln tmo colonie. fit make tor handy reterance, 683-1968. CONGRATULATIONS an your torthcomIng marriege. Mtase slow aur samplas aI angrased medding Invitations et yout llesura In aur Alax Plaza store. Dickeon PrIntlng & Otfice Sup- plias, 63-1968. TYPEWRITER ranf ai, manyi makas and modeae by the weahend, maek or monlh. Discounts evaliabie. Ickson Prinling & Ottice Supplies ln the Alax Plaie. Cail ns tor business machine repaire. 683-1968. LOSE WEIOHT FOR SUMMER. Wa can heip yoni Over 3 million salisfied customare. Ail our Her- bai Nutritionai producte are SAPE and EFFECTIVE mith a 100% 30 day money back guaran- tee. Cati 433-092. Visa accepfad. ELDRIDGE, John William haro Juna 4, 1928, Brooktil, Ontario, eearchIng for Information about parenft. Please write John Tniiy, Apt. 1002, 11307-99 Avenus, Ed- monton, Aharta, T5K 0H2. LOOK GOREAT FOR SUMMERI Our ALL NATURAL HERBAL producte iii ise you the heathiest iooking ekIn and hair you've ever had. Our HERBAI tenning prodncf s ara racommen- ded for aoan the mostftair skis- nad. Cail us and ma'il gel you iooking greatftor summeri 100% guaranleed. Cali 4334M92. Vina accepted. BRECHIN AREA, 50 acres, dlay tfiid, syslemalicaiiy drained, six bedroos brick century home, compieely renovaled, excellent bars, Ispiemeni shed, $150.000. 705484-5149. ROOM FOR RENT, Juna 1, Whif. by, naw home, $30 par monîfi. Cali 666-4073. siars5p.m. r9f OFSPACEI WHITBY COMMERCIAL SPACE avaliabie Juiy lot, 198, ap- pronimately 2,300 square test, han haan usad for about theatest 10 yaars as a dance studio. Cali Mr. Burgess ai 66372. FLRIDA, VAtATION I W, RENTALS 1 MobleoHomeN ciearwatar - Thraa bedroom Imobile homes. Heated pools, telnnis, close ta haechen and m~ao aactonschlidren wemaismalias$ th;,n; motet roomi .683-550 FOR ALL YOUR Landscaplsg and meintenance needo cali Dulch- may Landscaping and Main- tenance" 6493183. At OVAVL McLCPII' AUCTION CENTER, LINDSAY. Selling estate of ROBERT CHARTER, Sunderland plus COBOCONR estate. Large assortment of fur- niture, appliances, some antiques, old qults, oak dIing suite, pine bureau, pictures, oak rockers, oak marris chair, pressback com- mode, old cupboard bot- tom, aimond 12 cu. It. freezer (1 year old), good chesterfielda, dishes, tools, etc. power mower. 6:30 sharp. A good In- teresting sale. To lilt your sale cali 324-2783 ORVAL MOLEAN AUCTIONS CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRI., MAY 23 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay Little Britain Rd. Gran- dmother dlock, pine chest of drawers, oak walil elephone, chester- fields, wicker fern stand, 3 pc. bedroon suite, modemn dressera & cheat of drawers, Queen Anne style coffee & end tables, parlour tables, washstands, oak cheat of drawers, dispiay cabinet, Victroia, quan- tity of foiding chairs, 4" lointor, 14" Beaver band saw, garden tralier, Sim- plicity 10 h.p. riding iawnmower - 44" cul & 44" snowbiade, quantity of toois, china and giasa. DON CORNEIL AUICTION EER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-788-2183 AUCTION SALE SAT., MAY 31 10:00 A.M. Consignment sale of iawn and gardening equipmant, supplies, ight farmn equipment, iandscaping, 2 and 3 axie trailers, equipment, con- slgnments weicomad. ORVAL McLEAN AUC- TION CENTER, LINDSAY - tractora, farmn machlnery, vehictGs, boats,. ridlng lawn- mowers, construction equlpment & tools, Case 200 baler, Massey No. 22 baler, aide dellvery rake, Cockahut cuitivator, 17 tooth Int. 2 furrow ptow, 3 furrow plow, double disc, Int. seed drill, 32' hay elevator, 5 section harrows, 3 farm gatles, Allis Chaînera WD trac- tor, Jenny super 200C steam cleaner & pressure washer, 180 amp. weider, chain lift, t Ire extinguishers, canoe, sprayer, sunroofs, rototilier, iawnmowers, 50 h.p. Marc motor, 21/2 h.p. Johnston nower, 14" In- duatrial Jointer, Lincoln Industriel 400 amp. 40 volt weider on wheais, Industriel twin air com- pressor with 4 cyl. Eska motor, H.D. 12 x 6 tan- dem traiter, cament mixer, mortar mixer, weidar, anvil, tools, motorcycies, cars, trucks, several boata, motors, tralers, garden tiiiers, garden tractor, 75 Buick Lesabre, 79 V.W. RabbIt auto. certified, quantity new house win- dows, 73 Ford van raiaed roof, radiai arn saw, Chev pick-up, 78 Ford Thundembird, 77 AMC Granlin, W4 Inter- national tractor, Brown trip baam 3 furrow piow, truck cap, genorator, new & used tools. 10 A.M. sharp, big Items f Irat. «CLEAN AUCTIONEERS 324-2783 LINDSAY Auction sale0of funturo, some appliancas, & gar- dan aquipment, for the astate of the late WILLIAM REID. Sale to be heid on the promises at R.R.1, Oshawa. ln- cludos 5 pc. circuler living room suite, Pioneer console storeo, badroomn suite, dishes, amaîl appliances, new ceiling fans, photography equipment, bedding, coliectabie cups & saucera, Lazy- Boy chair, McCiarey 18 cu. ft. freezer, power lawnmower, 2 wheal lawn aprayer with 3 h.p. angine, tank, spray boom & spray gun, 110-220 volt Onan portable generator, 2 whael garden traiier, garden tools, hand tools, cast Iron pot, camping tant, camp stove, bug iight, 2 large dog crates. Torma cash or choque with proper I.D. Reserve on some Items. Refreshments available. Sale managed & soid by GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS To liat your sala cati 41)855-4185 AVUMOMIIVE U9R.ARPASIR/PARTS FOR SALE trnck cap and camper siide-in unit, miii sait logether or sepsrafeiy, $450 for boih or $225 esdh. caii 668-9752 aler 5 p.m. 1983 SUZUIOI 650 OL, low miiesge, excellent condition, windshieid, chrome highwey pae, and roll bars, Inciuded In prie, asking $2.500. cali 6688 8752 effer 5p.m. 1070 MONDA 400 Twin mlh Calea- X fairing, $80. Pickering, 831. 3075. MULTI FAMILY Muiti-good yard ANUCMNS sale, 901 Walnnl West, Corner aI Cochrane and Wainni, Safnrday, PETTIOREW. Stacey mouidIlika May 24, ras 9 s.m. Rais dat e fo annousce the arrisai of her June 1 brothar Bratt Richard, bars aI GIANT STREET SALE on Marbury Crt., Whilby, May 31, 9 s.m. Rein date June 1. Osnawa uanaraî, May n3. maoy and proud parants, VIcki and George, doing Juni fine. NOTICE TO CLIENTS 0F COATH, LIVINGSTONE & JOHNSTON Due to the *recent enaciment ln Ontario of the FAMILY LAW ACT, 1986, tI s possible that your Last Wiii and Testament may require revision to continue to have the effeot that you originally intended. We recommend to our clien- ta that they give this matter their immediate attention. Date April 24, 1986. COATH, LIVINGSTONE & JOHNSTON, Barrîsters & Solicitors 101 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario Il N 5S4 It suited ChaYIie ta toke off for Dicksan Printing & Office Spleat this porticular 'upeintime, samnething ho will nover regreti A CAREER IN TRUOKINO. Tran. sport drivers needed. Nom la the 1lime ta, train for your ClisesA iicenee. For pre-acreenIng inter- view and lob plecement infor- motion, contact Mery Orras Tran- sport Driver Training, Brampton 1-800-265-1280. EXPERIENCEO 10w truck operators, muet live ln Whitby. For turther Information cali 068- 6M4, between 9 s.m. and 4:30 p.m. EARN $$$ - S400 f0 $1.206 par monîfi partime. $2.000 to $8,000 par mont h fuil -ime. Caii John Asadoorian. 43a-2333. COULO YOU USE ami entra $200ta $300 a weak? We are iookIng for a sincere, ambitions, Individuel to service our oustomare ln this area. Muet ha bondabia and have own vehicie. Semi-retIred par- sons consIdered. For a personal Saleît tu un diu n n.R. 1, ~Interview.,pMasaseasnd a hi Oshawa.resume la 365' Wilson Rd. GARRY K. POWELL MIILTI-FAMILY sala, Saiurday, Oshawa, 11H 6C6. AUCTIONEER May 24, 9 as 10t 4 pm __ _______ AUCTIONEER Househoid Items, bicycles. lasn CALL 655-4185 Ps, piclures, ladias cilhing, 44 ___________________ Norh Sf. BrookIn j CASII ~5~E S f 7~ '> ADS -IE hep CONTINUE $75 can be converl:iflo a prarnHeart I iaTaa7dl or carryng col Crlb, $85. Car im lL AE3 seat, $30 723-6657. udPAE3 laI S., MAN UFACTURER'S CLEARANCE VINYL SIDING$59 o catours, 1,5win stock ....... fram $5 nq. ALUMINUM STORM DOORS $79 1.5wOIn stock...................... from $7 9 PATIO DOORS LADDERS ALUMINUM STEP & EXTENSION 250 ln stock ...................from $259 GARAGE DOORS $~ll Wood & Steeltln stock .......f rom 10 11 REPLACEMENT WINDOWS Wood, Vinyf & AinmInnm$ 9 500ln stock----------------........fron $ Ç) eq. ft. GALVANIZED & GALVALUME Agricuiturai Steel 4,00oohat in stock----------.....fron 3 99q Wm. BIG FORD ALUMINUM SALES LTD. R.R.3, BRIGHTON, ONT. Mon.-Fri. Sat. I ARTICLES_ FOR RENT I~IHOUSESI ______ ~~FORSAI.E~ALE ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $6.00 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wiii not be 14t each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic BITS ETS-$.0frtefrt10wrs 2 ah alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied BdiRtHSa woDEAH. o h is 0 od,<ec such replies. We will not be responsible for box numnber by the error up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. adiinlwr.replies not called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the f ir- reject ail advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st50 words; 12t each additional word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one day before they can be changed or canceiled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12e each ad- AUCTION SALES - 43operllne.(Nowordadsallowed). to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press wiii rnake 668-6111