WFITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1986 PAGE 5 "I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility againse every form of tyranny over the mir. d of man." - Thomas Jefferson e e Advise and Dissent THE CROW'S NEST %"VON'Y IBIE ABURD! E,*[ fl by Michael Knell1 The *next municipal election is two-à nd-a-half years away. Yet there have been wisperings among people who take intereat in this almost unnoticed eventab out what shape and form Witby Councîl will take on Dec. 1, 1988. There la considerable speculation that Whitby niigbt have a very different council and a very different political outlook after the next campaign - especiaily If the tempo of events on the hili continue at their present neck- *breaking pace. . I've been a watcher of Whitby politics for six years now and will tell you this much, there has been as much political activity in this town since the beyday of the Brooklin expansion debate. But this -tinie, it's not just one issue. Several issues, moetly connected directly with récreation, are beginning to corne to the foréfront, making political times interesting and stimulating indeed. I must confess that I too subacribe to the thougbt that Whitby la going to have a very different council in 1988. There wlll be a few new faces and some -new ideas in the ediface that Ray Moriyama bult. Evidence of this can be seen by juat Iooking at our current council, at the length of their records while remembering that ail politicians have flot just egos buta ambitions. Juat as MPs and MPPs want to become cabinet ministers, coun- chlora want to become mayor some day. And for a few local councillors that day la fast approacblng. For example, take Joe Bugelli. At the end of this term he wWl have served an entfre decade - 10 years - on council. He is probably one of the better known counciliors. He alao has a good track record. And in my opinion, he fits the mold of wbat Wbltby people expect their mayor to be like. At least since the days of Warren Mowat and probably even earlier, Whitby bas chosen bright, capable, succesaful, self-made men to be Chief Magistrate. Bugelli has ail of those 'qualities. He la aiso a very good politician, probably the best on council today. He la also probably the only member of the current council wbo can take on senior staff and beat tbern in an inteliectual debate on their own terms. I don't know for a fact that Joe is running for Mayor (I haven't asked him - I'rn juat gazing into my crystai baIl as it were.) but it wouldn't surprise me in the least If he is. Frorn bis point of view, it may make a lot of sense - the time migbt be rigbt and be could take advantage of a 'tirne for a change' movement that seems to be rearing its bead among the business and residentiai com- munities. .1Another factor in the change of '88 is Joe Drumm. He is Witby's senior local councillor, firat eiected in 1976. So, he bas two more years in than Bugelli. He is a candidate to be taken seriously. Joe is Witby's populist politican. He's the people's man, tbe fighting Irisbman. He also enjoys widespread support across the community. He bas one other tbing going for bum. Joe is not seen as being overly pro developrnent and developers. And if there la going to be one overal central Issue In tbe campaign of '88 it will be the shape, size and direction of development in this community. A third councilor also faces a 'now or neyer' decision in 1988. Tom Edwards bas served Whitby in various capacities since the early 1960s witb only one of> two minor interuptions. For bim, a term as mayor would be bis swan song - bis crowning moment in a career that wiIl bave spanned over three decades. Comlng top of the poils last November would make anyone confident about seeking the top job next tume around. Tom la probably the moat popular mem- ber of council. Wben it cornes to strictly social and buman issues, one can always look to Tom to be there fighting It out for the ordinary people. IflIwasliniasbsoes, I would be tbinking long and bard about 1988. But the big factor in ail of this la Bob Atteraley. At the end of term be wil bave been mayor for eight years. Eight years under thre gun, sitting in the bot seat doing tbe most stresaful political job la Durham Region. It la alao a job be clearly loves and mà y not want to let go. Last year, be won an impressive vie- tory to keep thre rnayor's cbain of office. It was the firat tube e had to figbt for thre job and he dld so wlth the tenacity of a buildog. Moat local political pundits didn't expect hlm to win as big as lie dld. >But Bob bas one tbing going againat bum. He's been a bigbly visible mayor and be may get caught la a 'time for a cbange' movement. Every once and a wbile people just want a change. Tbey want a new style and a new direction. And 1 don't tbmnk it wlIl be because people disapprove of Bob's performance as Mayor. It will just be, la tbeir vlew, time for a change. Wbat about tbe otber tbree, you say? Weil, Marcel Brunelle would like to be mayor and probably bas a good chance of becomlng mayor, but not la 1988. 1 wouldn't be surprlaed if be ran and won in an election for regional council next time out, but it probably isn't bis tume to mun for mayor. But watcb out, in 1991 be'llbe theguy to watcb. Thre nortb ward's Rosa Batten lan't weil enougb known down soutir to run either regionally or for the mayor'a cbair. He doesn't bave tbe support down there either. It's not that be isn't brigbt enougli or capable enougb - people out- side of Brooklin and Asbbui-fljut dol't knowbhimf tbat well. Finaily, tirere'a Gerry Emm. He bas been around for almost 20 years corne the end of tbis term. So, 1988 may be a '110w or neyer' decision for bum as well. Whether he'il go for it or not, only Gerry knows-. For the last few minutes I've been gazlng latô my crystaî bail and 1 like wbat I see. Wbtby's leadersbip could be la for a real sbake-up 31 montha frorn now. There la change la thre air, despite the fact t-bat the current council term is barely underway. So, I give you these thoughta for consideration. I don't know if lil be proved rigit on these meanderings but l'ai very interested infinding out. WITH OUR» FEET UP By Bill Swan Sometbing there is about gardening tbat brings us close to oui- roots, SO to speak. For those about to prepare a backyard garden, then, a fewbhints. 1) Decide on vegetables or flowers and plan not to mix tbem. Margiold and lettuce seeda may look alike at planting time, but believe you me, at bar- vest tume you may notice that wbat marigolda boast in color tbey iack in taste. 2) Plan your layout. Look over your whole backyard. Decide where you want to put the garden bed. (Try first to decide if there is a garden bed, and la so, how large.) Note that tins will attract cats fromn a tbree-block radius. Alow your dog free ac- ceas to this area of the yard - untetbered - for tbree daya before planting. 3) Gather your gardening tools together. This usualy means a trip to the garage. Make a note that the motorcycles, bicycles, wbeelbarrows, cribs, desks and weed killers sbould al ta stored somewbere elae. This rnigbt make it possible to park the car in the garage, and perbapa even to exit from the car witbout clirnbing tbrougb windows. 4) Using iota of stakes, and miles of string, layout the straigbt rows for planting in. Tis may ta mlataken by over-flying aircraft as an SOS, so use some discretion. 5) Ignore thbe directions on the seed packages. These are written by people who make a living aeiling seeds. Plant one seed for every plant you hope t-o grow. This makes the seed last longer and wiil save the lahor of tbinning later on. 6) Asparagus are funny plants, and sbould not ta planted upside down. (Even tbough te rots look like llttle leaves.) Also asparagus sbould not ta planted near tee dog i-un. The fertilizer argument will lose to the fact that some dogs like asparagus. 7) Neyer'give your garden over t-o a plant that- promisesl easy care ground cover. Easy care plant will grow anywbere, even in your garden. It will also grow outside your garden, in your lawn, up aides of trees and wil only choke out crab grass and dandelion when ail else bas been effec-tively kiiled off. (It wif then fo-rn a mutual aid deal wite dan- delions and botb will tbrive.) 8) Neyer, ever, give your garden over to easy care ground cover that also flowers. (My book on berbal gardening will soon by on the market. It is entitled, "An Itcb in Thyme," or "How I Cultivated Poison Ivy."0) 9) Plan in detail tee tools you will need for eacb working session and carry these directly to tee gar- den. Since this takes you by tee dog i-un, caution is advised. Every trip you make past this trap -wii in- crease your chances of atepping in an indiscretion. 10) It is not true that a good marriage gi-ows in te garden. In fact, the only people I know wbo wil ad- vise couples to garden together are divorce lawyers. One person sbould plan and execute t-be garden. The other partner sbould take up knlttlag and bite bi/ber tongue. 11) If tomatoes are eaten half away, and your rbubarb falla over before it goes to seed, blame gruba. Or cutworms. Or bugs of some klnd. Set out beer in saucers for tbern. Wit-b any luck they wilget aidetracked by happy bour and won't make it to te munchies at ai. The above bints bave been cultivated fi-or years of gardening experlence. To tee novice, sucb wiadom may seem awesome. It la. Juat- keep la mmnd that aooner or later you, too, wiIl it upon a plant that tirrives under your tillage. If you ai-e lucky teat plant wiil not- ta dandelion, ci-ab grass, elepbant grass or dusty miler. Incidentaily, I bave been tryng to identify a plant lately. It is known as Elephant Ears. It looks like bamboo. It grows to t-welve, flfteen feet inabeigbt. Its nane cornes from tee huge green leaves teat sp-out in ail directions. It also grows anywbere. It senda roots scouting in ail directions. Even grubs can't kil it. Neither can doga. Digging it out doesn't work eitei. You bave t-o bury the rots, and wben you do - viola!1 a new family of tee plant. Those wbo can think of a propei-naane for tis plant - I can think of several unprintable ones - sbould contact me In cm-e of t-is office. Samples are availabie on request-,.- .-