Whitby Free Press, 28 May 1986, p. 14

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PAGE 14. WEDNESDAY. MAY 28,1986, WHITBY FREE PRESS fýŽZmP COMING EVENTS CALENDAR VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION NIGHT OnWednesday, June il, Falrview Lodge, lcted at 632 Dundas St. W., whltby wiII be holding their Annual Recognition Nlght at 7 p.m. The evenlng will take the format of a buf- fet dlnner folowing wlth an awards ceremony. The guest speaker of the evenlng will be Gary Herrema, chairman of the Reglonal Munlcipallty Of Durham. Entertain-. ment wlll be provided by theFarview Choir. This speclal event 15 belng held to recognize ail the valuable time, talent and effort whlch our volunteers con- tribute so, freely - to Falrvlew Lodge. This evenpg la open to ail the volunteers at Falrview lAdge. FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP On Sunday, June 1, Fairvlew Lodge, located at M3 Dundas St. w., Whltby, will be holding a meeting of the Family Support Group at 7 p.m. ln the auditoriumn. This meeting la open to auil nterested relatives and friends of the residents of Fair- vlew Lodge. WHITB Y A UTO WRECKERS LIMITED Hlghway No. 12 -1 Mlle North of WHITBY SPECIALIZING IN LAYTE MODEL WRECKS Mon.-Fr!. 7:30-5 p.m. Open ai l day--Sat. 668-3322-23 STHE CORPORATION OF 1THETOWNOFWHITBY NOTICE 0F INTENTION The Councli of the Corporation of the Town of Whltby Intends tb pass by-iaws to stop-up, close and seil the untravelled Daigle Avenue road aiiowance as shown beiow and as more par- tlcularly shown on Reglstered Plan No. 589. EAVE LL The Operations Co m mittee of Whitby Town Coun- cil will meet on Monday, June 2,1986, al 7:30 p.m. ln Commttee Room One of the Whitby Municipal Building, 575 Rossiand Road East, Whitby,.On- tarlo, for the purpose of hearing avy person who dlaims their land wili be prejudiciaily affected by the by-laws. Any person wlshing to be heard by the Operations Committee la asked to advise the Town Cierk ac- cordlngly by Thursday, May 29, 1986. Dated ai Whitby, Ontario, this 7th day of May, A.D., 1986. Donald G. McKay Clark The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossiand Road East Whitby, Ontario Li N 2M8 Phone: (418) 668-5803 CHAMBER DINNER The Whtby Chamber of Commerce wli be hosting a speclal dinner meeting June 17 when guest speaker Malcom McCarthy, past- president and director of the Sehool of Economlc Science ln Toronto, wl.idscuss the merits of site value assessment. Site value assessment lsa a-means of property assessment for municipal tac purposes only on land use. Under the site value assessment dystem, no buildings on the proper- ty are assessed. Organizers of the din- ner anticipate a seli-out crowd and suggest you make reservations early. The deadline for reservations la June 13. The event willI be held at the Whtby Yacht Club beginning at 6 p.m. wlth happy hour. ickets for the dinner are $13.50 per person. For more information or reservations cail 668- 4506. LITERACY MEETING The Llteracy Council of Durham Region willl hold a general meeting May 29 beglnning at 7 p.m. at General Vanier Secondary School, 155 Gibb St. in Oshawa. STIRE SERVICE PASSENG ER & LIGHT TRUCKS - BRAKES-SHOCKS- -TUNE-UPS-. -COOLING SYSTEMS- 103 DUN DAS ST. E. WHITBY 668-3356 162 KING ST. E. OSHAWA 571-3400 Helen E. Brooks and Robert I a~re nIpeicpH tonnoir Anyone lnterested in helping adults learn to read la asked to attend. The meeting wll feature a vldeo, a discussion on llteracy and tlxne for refresh- ments and questions. Anyone lnterested please cail Karen Bur- weil at 668-145. ARTS AND CRAFTS SHOW The 1MthAnnual General Motors Arts and Crafts Show la now on at the Michael Starr Revenue Building in Oshawa. The show runs until June 7 and there will be special demon- strations on Saturdays and Sundays. Admission is free and everyone la welcome ta, attend. PEACE LECTURE The first Church of Christ, Scientist In Oshawa will be hosting a, special lecture en- titled "Waging- Pence Spiritually"l on May 31 beglnning at 3 p.m. at Durham Coilege. The lecture la free and open to the public. The guest speaker wlll be Juan Carlos Lavigne. The event is one of a special serles of peace lectures being sponsored by .G. Whittingtonl tht-. nnjJ-nincA Christian Scientists world-wlde durlng the month of May. SPRING DANCE The Whtby-Garrard Road Minor Lacrosse Association wlll hold its annusi Sprlng Dance on Saturday, May 31 fromn 8:30 p.m. til 1 a.m. at the Masonlc Hall on Cochrane St. ln Whtby. Tickets are $20 per couple and include a buffet and door prizes. Music wifl t provlded by a D.J. Tickets are avallable frorn Bonnie Wilson at 725M655 or any member Of the association. HEART AND STROKE MEETING The Henrt and Stroke Foundation wlll hold it's annusl meeting and volunteer apprecation night, May 26, at 7:30 p.m. ln the recrulting and training roomn at the Durham Regional Police Headquarters. The headquarters are locaàted at 650.Rossland Rd. E. Ail volunteers and the publie are lnvlted to at- tend. STRAWBERRY .TEA On Wednesday, June 18, Fairview Lodge, located at 632 Dundas St. W., Whltby, wil be holding their Annual Strawberry Tea from 1:30 to 3:30 p.rn. Enter- tainnient' will be provlded by the Fair- view Choir. This test la being held to celebrate Senior Citizens Month this June. The Strawberry Tea la open ta relatives and frlends of the residents of Fafrvlew Lodge, as well as the surrounding com- munity. DOWNTOWN DISCOVERY DAY The Whitby Business Improvement .Ares (BIA) tes been busy this sprlng on the flrst phase of thé downtown restoration and on June 21 the BIA la inving everyone te corne down- town and take a look around. Dubbed Down- town Dlscovery Day, the BIA bas lined up a number of attractions including Olymplc silver medaliat turned pro boxer, Shawn O'Sullvan. Shawn wiII be at the four corners for a special ribbon cut- ting ceremnony wlth- Mayor Bob Attersley at il a.m. and will remain downtawn until 1 pam. to sign autographs and meet the people of Whltby. The Durham chapter of Child Find wil be conducting the popular Kid Check program that day as weil and the BIA bas aiso llned up live musical entertsirnent, clowns, magic, mime artista and more. Down- town Dscovery Day runs from il a.m. until 4 p.m. ini the downtown core and everyone la in-. vlted to come out and enjoy the fun. CAN-AM SPECIAL Mosport and the 1 Oshawa Whltby Newcastle United Way wli be offerlng a speclal haif price ticket for the Can-Am Race May 30-31 and June 1 ta ail em- ployees of General Motars. Watch for more information on posters' and in the varlous GM in house papers. The tickets, normaily $35, will be sold for $19whlch includes a donation to the United Way. LADIES GAMES NIGHTý The Oshawa-Whitby Big Brothers Ladies Auxilary wli be holding an evening of games tanlght (Wed- nesday, May 28) begin- ning at 7:30 p.m. In the Big Brothers office, 44 Willam St. W. in Oshawa. Admission la free and ail ladies are welcome ta attend. GOLF FOR TIMMY Due to the heavy rain fail last week, AI Balding's Golf Week for Tlmxny has been exten- ded until June 1. Many area golf courses wli be walving green fees for golfers who purchaise a special $10 Tlmmy Score Card. For more information cail one of your local golf courses and get out and play a round of golf for Easter Seais. PINERIDGE BLUEGRASS GATHERING The Pinerldge Bluegrasa Society wll be holding a jam sessior Sunday, June 1 at th£ Camp Samac, north en. trace, from 1:30 until . p.m. There wll also be a speclal appenrance b) guest band Blackweil Slderoad, a traditional bluegrasa band from Sarnia. Everyone la In- vlted for an afternoon of music and fun. For more information please cail Doreen at 655-483 or Rod at 263- 2052. AT THE LIBRARY There's lots to do at the' Whitby Public Library this month in- cluding the always popular Saturday mor- ning story hour for chiidren six and older and a special evening instruction session May 29 entitled Crafts for Babysitters. You can aiso pick up a ticket for the library's draw on two limited edition prin- ta of the Whitby Marina by famous Oshawa ar- tist Janet McGhee. Drop by the library and pick up a calendar of events for specific times and dates of events planned this month. of their law offices BROOKS, WHITTINGTON Barriste rs, Solicitors & Notarieis Public at 101 Mary Street West,' Whitby, Ontario LIN 2R4 430-1755

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