Whitby Free Press, 28 May 1986, p. 22

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PAGE 22, WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1986, WHITIBY FREE PRESS LACAC takes " hands off ".lposition on Lynde bouse By MIKE JOJINSTON Free Press Staff The Local Architec- tural, Conservation Authority Commlttee has declded te take a hands off position wlth regard te the Lynde House unleis council requeits, LACAC te betMmehnvolved. And according te LACAC Chairmnan Mike lÇneIl, coundil has not requested their ln- volvemnent. On Monday nigbt council made that clear when councillor Marcel Brunelle amended a motion wblch would have allowed LACAC te recommend houses for designation wlth or wlthout the owner's permission. (If a bouse la deignated as a beritage structure, it la given a six month stay of execution once a demolition permit is requested.) The amended motion states "That the LACAC ha encouraged to place a bigh prlorlty on bringing ,forward reconunendations for the designation of -buildings mout 'in danger of demolition. 11 Counilor Ross Bat- ten seconded the amen- ded motion saying that he bas always been op- pesed to coundil acting on a matter wlthout the ownerls consent. But, coundillor Joe Bugelli, sald the amen- ded motion gives the "«appearance of decep- tion". Wben asked by coun- chllora Bruneile and Battes te wlthdraw hls remark, councillor Bugelll refused, He sald that If the councillors are againat designation wlthout owners consent they should slmply strike the word wlthout fromn the motion. Af ter the meeting, counefior Bugelli sald the motion may have been amended because of a confusion linlRIS purpose. He said Une motion as it was recommended and as it bas been amended slmply states that LACAC willl prepare a llst of houses It deems Important enougb te ha designated. Knell sald Une Lynde House, wblch is curren- tly la danger of halng demollsbed, la at Une top of LACAC's llst for designation. Coundillor Bugelli sald council wiIl stil seek Une permission of Une owner of a bouse te, have it designated but sald Une motion may hae another nail ln Une coffin for Une Whitby Histerical Soclety's fight to save tne Lynde House, conflrming coundils position that the Lynde House Is Uhe responslbillty of the soclety. Despite the motion, councillors lied up hahind Une soclety and its attempt to save the bouse. Councilor Joe Drumm sald bu and *ther council members would ha down la front of a bulldozer tomorrow if Une house was te ha demolisbed. A recorded vote on Une motion as amended was requested and Mayor Attersley, couneillors Gerry Emm, Brunelle and Batten favoured Une amended motion and councillors ,Bugelli, Drumm and Tom Ed- wards opposed it. Corridor Capers ~ By MARY'M Cati 725-e967 wit?, Ut ICEACHERN Itms frrthis cotumr,. Stop at Midas Muffer and Brake Shops and welIl performn a free, no obligation brake system inspection. If your car needs repairs, you'II get a professional brake job from a Midas Brake Speclalist. Hes speclally tralned on brakes, so you know when they're f ixed, they're f Ixed right. HERE'S WHAT WE'LL DO:' Inspeot your vehicle's brake system at no charge. REAR DRUM " resurface your brake drumi " Instali premium quallty bra shoes FRONT DISC *resurface your bral<e rotors *Instali premlum quality disc pads * dean and repack front wheel bearings Midas disc brako pads and brake shoes are guaranteed for as long as you own you r car.C *The cost of niditionat components.and labour requtred to restore brake system to its proper operation s flot tncluded. **Service charge of $995 per axie. Guarantee does flot cover the cost of additional braite systemn components and labour required to restore the brake sys- temn to its proper operation. If you do flot authorize this service, you MIl receive non-instatted, non-guaranteed replace- ment braite shoes or dlsc braite pads. TOP GUNS is WHITBY CHAPTER 248 ORDER 0F THE EASTERN STAR The Whitby Chapter held thefr Grand Officers Night in the Masonic Hall on May 22, with the Wor- thy Matron, Beverley*Rogers and Worthy Patron, Len Waltham presiding. They were honoured by the Worthy Grand Matron Connie Mundeil, Worthy Grand Patron Norman Dobbins, present., Also 12 of the Worthy Grand Officers, Past Worthy Grand Patron, Past District Deputy Grand Matrons, Florence Nightingale Foundation Members, Presiding Matrons and Patrons of various chapters, as weil as visitors and Past Matrons and Patrons of Whitby Chapter and Whltby members. After the In- troductions, the Worthy Matron welcomed everyone. The usual reports were made, re the six day bus trip to Washington and the Sick and Sun- shine. Following a speech from the Worthy Grand Matron, Connie Nundeil and Worthy Grand Patron Norm Dobbins, the chapter closed in full form. The Worthy Matron's Project Draw for "The Chldren's Wish Foundation" was made, the win- ners were .E.S. Clock, Muriel Humphries, Afghan, Ken Swnmerside, Needie Work Picture, Ruth Cameron, crewel cushion, Sarah Kelly, needle work picture, Violet Whltfield, wooden candy dishes, Eleanor Martin, crsta bridge candy set, Helen Joynt. Entertainment followed and a deliclous lunch was served by Sister Bonnie Snowden and her commit- tee, and a social timte was enjoyed by ail. DECOM The hearing for the Decons Medical Waste Facilities wlll resumne on June 2. Everyone opposing the Waste fadllities should write to their Provincial elected representative George Ashe, and the Minister of the Environment, The Hon. James Bradley, Queen's Park, Toronto, and express their concerns. The location is the prime drawback, and the credlbllity of this company leaves a lot to be desired. Spills <which they say are unlikely to bap- pen) can and will happen, leaving rods closed for up to five hours and a ioss of businéss to many com- panies within the area. These are only a few of the many concerns that residents and business have to consider. This is definitely the wrong location for loading 50 tons of hurnan body parts and animal carcasses daily. Our local councillors may also be contacted. Don't delay, do it today..- WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH HOME BAKING AND YARD SALE Saturday, May 31 In the churcb parking lot at 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. As a congregation let's contribute ef- forts to make this fund raiser a success. Ail items accepted. Please bring items either Friday, May 30 - 7 to 9 p.m. or Saturday, May 31 - 9 to il a.m. to the church basement. If rainy, the sale wlll ha In the church basement. June 1 - Church picnic at Heber Down Conser- vation Ares following the il a.m. church service. June 8 - Sacrament of Holy Communion. YOU ALWAYS GET THE' 1650 Kingston Road, Pickering 686-3707 1220 Dundas St. East, Whitby 668-1065 227 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa 576-8111 We Ke

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