Whitby Free Press, 28 May 1986, p. 34

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PAGE 34, WEDNESDAY, MAY28, I986LWHIrBY FREE PRESS Whitby's Most WIdely Read. ICASSIFIED AUCTION SALE- SAT., JUNE 7 111:00 A.M. Auction sale of f urnitura, some appliancea, & gar- den equipment, for the asiate of the lte WILLIAM REID. Sale to ba held on the premises ai R.R.1, Oshawa. In- cludes 5 pc. circuler living room suite, Pioneer console stereo, bedroom suite, dishea, amal eppliincea, new ceiling fans, photogrephy equipment, bedding, coliectable cupa & saucera, .Lazy- Boy chair, McCierey 18 ou. ft. freezer, power lewnmowar; 2 wheel iawn aprayer with 3 hp. angine, tank, spray boom &spray gun, 110-220 volt Onan portable generetor, 2 whael garden traller, garden tools, hend tools, cast iron pot, camping tant, camp siove, bug light, 2 large dog crtes. Terms cash or chaque wiih proper I.D. Reserve on some Items. Refreshmants evaleable. Sala maneged & soid by GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS To Ilit your salaeoel (416) 655-4185 AUCTION SALE SAT., MAY 31 10:00 A.M. Conslgnment sale of lawn & gardening equipment, supplies, iight farm equipment. In- cludes Case VAC tractor, Ford Dextre tractor, - Massey No. 3 baller, varlous sizes of pull and 3 point hltch cultivators new and used, 3 point hltch blades new and used, 3 point htch wood splIter, gas generator, ges water pump, new and used garden tools, 3 axis trailer, 2 wheel traller, truck cap, 1977 Oodge van, Vameha 100 motorcycie, Suzuki 125 motorcycle, Honda 400 motorcycie, 1983 Yamaha 200 tri-modo, Bolens 1053 garden trac- tor wiih mower, oto tiller and cultivator, Messey Farguson 1200 tractor and mowar, * Maasey 85 iractor and mnower, Sears 8 h.p. and mowsr, Ford 8 h.p. and mower, wheai hars7 h.p. and mower, Top. filght 8 hp. andmower, National ridlng mçwer, 6 ft. cut 14 h.p., rot'iliera, front and rear tins, 2 wheel garden trectors with atiechmenia, numerous amali pioughs, cultIvators and disce. Terma cash or chaque wlth proper .D. Reserve on some Items. Sais ta be heid ai Calumbus Village, Durhamn Rd. 2, watch for signa. Sale managed and sold by GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS Consignments wlcome Cli (416) 655-4185 IClimbers S beat, Everest TORONTO, Wed- nesav av 2 Kn 1 - fDavid ~TED ~J~TE~J TENDERS ~J~ERSJ CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN TUES., JUNE 3 6:30 P.M. Three miles eat af Little Britain or 7 miles wesi of Lindsay on the Lndsay Lttle Brtain Rd. Modemn dressera and cheat ai drawers, bed chester- fields, porteble.and con- sole color T.V.s, box atove, Westinghouse 2 door ref ridgerator, wicker-fern stands, large quantity of modern fur- nîture and household Items. DON CORNEIL AIJCTIONEER R.A.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-789*2183 TWO STUDINTS wlll cul grass and waah wIndows. Ifl nlsrssisd pissascal 506-3700 allerS p.m. LIMITEO POSITIONS avalîshîs In the traval buinosas, salas ex- partance en assai, raInIng providsd, top wagss for lhs rIghl individuais, S750/wook plus manager posillons aveliablo, an- cilIng travel bonusa, oponIngs availabîs In hé Oshawa, Whlby, Aax, Picicaring ares. For Inier. vlsw calil831-4758. STARTING AUOU5T 1a, 106 babysltaer raqursd for lwo achool chlldrsn, ahlft wcrk, iwo waaks deys, iwo wsuks nighis, In the Otar crash aras. Phono 623- 9910 or65&4544. HAIR5TYLI5T wlh axparlanca rsqulred for naw beaaly salon In Whlby. 683-9879. FULL-TIME help raquIrad froin Monday t0 Frlday, applIcani muai be reliableasnd able 10 lift soins haavy fumilura. Phoneo&08-0041 cof905-8161. A CAREER IN TRUOKINO. Tran- sport drivera nosded. Now la the lima 10Iraîn for your clas A licensa. For pr-screanfing Inter- visa end lob pacement Infor- matlon, contact Merv Orras Tran- sport 0rvf Training, Brampton 1-800.265-1260. NEW WAREHOUSES opaning. Sevan 10 elghl people neaded for vannaus openlnge, S325week, full lrainIng provIded, car raqalred. cali 4340202, enl. 209. PAAT-TIME caahierlbookkeep.r t0. worli avery Wacnsday avenlng, from 5 t0 11:30 p.m. Muai be ralliabia and trustworihy. Shouid have ralerancas. For In- formtlion phone 683-0041 or 985- 8161. EARN SSS - $400 t0 31,200 par monli part-lime, $2,000 to $6000O per monlh lfultime. Oeil John Asadooran, 4342333. COIJLO vou USE an extra $20010o $300 s waek? We are 1001405 for s sincere, amblilos, Individuel 10 service our ousomers ln lii. area. Must ho bondable and have own vahîcle. Somi-rellred per- sons considered. For s pernonsi Inerview, please Bond a bniaf resume to 385 Wilson Rd. S.. Ofsaa, L H 56. SPECIALS GALORE!1 The Framlng Cen tra 668-4521 (~)~~J~TOWNOFWHITBY Roqures PLUMBING INSPECTOR Applications in writing, are invited for the position of Plumbing Inspector for the Town of Whitby Public Works Department. Dulles and responsIblliiles to include:-. on-site In- spections of the buildings under construction andior renovations, t0 ensure that the piumbing and drain laying raquiraments are being cernled outIin accordence with the Ontario Piumbing Code and other reiated Provincial regulations and Municipal By-iaws, ta reviaw and approve drawlnga reiaied to plumbing and drain iaying, and to be able to communicate effectiveiy with other staff members, as well, with Town officiais, buildera, contractura and the generai public. Qualfications: The succesaful applicant muai have several years relevant plumblng experience In building construction. The eppilcant muet have a Certificate of Appreniiceship and hold a current Certification of Qualification from the Minisiry of Coleges and Univerities. The -applicant must elso have a sound knowledge and working ex- perlence with the Ontario Plumbing Code and other reiated Provincial regulations. Saiary ta be In the range of .$26,233.00 ta $29,81000 parannum with fringe benefits. Apý*ations ahouid reach the underaignad no leter than J une 9th, 1986. Only those epplicants succesaful In obtaining an Interview wiil be ecknowledged. Wm. H. Walace, P.Adm.,A.M.C.T.,C.M.C., AdmInistrator, Corporation of the Town ai Whiltby, 575 Rosslend Road East, Whitby, Ontario Li N 2M8 Telephone: (416> 668-5803 WANT ADS WORK, WONDERS! .CALL 668-6111 Rergistered Nurses $28,400 - $329500 MINISTRY 0F HEALTH, Whtby Psychlatric Hospltai seeks Individuais to provide nurslng care n a psychiatrlc seiting. Location: Whliby. Qualifications: Current registration as a nurse ln Ontario. Piseae nd applicatlonlresume, quoting file HL- 25-24185, by June 20, 1986 to: Regional Personnel Administrator, Human Resources and Personnel, Developmeni Branch, P.O. Box 613, Whltby, On- taino LiN 5S9. Equallty of Oppontuniy for Employment (~Ontarloý ~JPublic Service The following 27 celis were reaponded ta by the Whitby Fire Depar- tment for the seven day period froni 8 a.m. Monday, May 19 until 8 a.m. Manday, May 25. MAY 19 10: 10 a.m. - Burns St. and Clarence Dr. Vehicle accident. 6:55 p.m. - 1635 Dun- des St. E. Resuscitatar. MAY 20 4:53 p.m. - 400 Ander- son St., acvi. Reauscitator. 5:58 p.m. - Dundes and Cochrane Sts. Vehicle accident. 7:46 p.m. - 1650 Dun- des St. E. Check oeil. 10:17 p.m. - Whitby Psychietric Hospital, Building 23. Building oeil. MAY 21 12:32 p.m. - 1801 Dun- des St. E. Check cail. 2:08 p.m. - 400 Dundas St. E. Check oeil. 2:22 p.m. - 1602 Triconst Crt. Check oeil. a 5:35 p.m. - 1705 Dun- das St. W. Cbeck call. 5:49 p.m. - 4515 Bald- win St. Vehicle fire $13,000. 11:03 p.m. - 401 west- bound remp at Brock St. Vehicle fire -$2,005. MAY 22 12:59e .m.-64 Hawley IFree P A picture int Crea. Resuscitetor. 4:ý13 p.m. - 1030 Columibus Rd. W. Assistance ta ambulan- ce. MAY 23 8:59 e.m. - Elm St. and Byron St. Car fire. 1:07 p.m. - Durbam Centre, Gordon St., bouse 3. Assistance to ambulance. 5: 47 p.mn - 1810 Dundas St. E. Cbeck oeil. 6:35 p.m. - 1916 Dun- des St. E. Wesbdown. 7:05 p.m. - 310 Palace St. Building cal - $20,000. 7:19 p.m. - 1530 Dun- des St. E. Vebicle ac- cident. 8:34 p.m. - 114 Dundas St. E. Cbeck oeil. MAY 24 5:23 a.m. - 15 Regency Cres. Check oeil. 2:35 p.m. - Lloyd St. and Garrard Rd. Tran- sformer explosion. 4:32 p.m. - 38 Garside Dr. Assistance ta am- bulance, MAY 25 6:53 p.m. - 7760 Csdarbrook Trail. Check oeil. 10: 15 p.m. - 3100OBrock St. N., apt. 1. Assistance ta ambulance. 10: 58 p.m. - 711 Glbert St. W. Assistan- ce ta ambulance. Onai . . s m n T ede >TENDER GENERAL CONTRACTORS Replace exterlor doors & frames at the Provincial Courthouse, 440 Kent Street West, Lindsay, On- tarlo. TENDER NO. ORI-86-87 - 67075 Repaira to sidewalk et the PsychiatrIc Hospital, Buildings 26 & 28, Whiiby, Ont. TENDER NO. ORI-86-909 - 67396 Seaied Tenders wiii be received until 2:00 p.m. local time on -THURSDAY, JUNE 19166. Comblned Tenders wIii not be accepted. Tender Documents may be obtained f rom the On- tario MInistry of Government Services, Orillia District Office, 24 James St. E., P.O. Box 790, Orllla, Ontario. L3V 6K7 Note: For furihar Information regerding the Ten- ders, please oeil the Tenders Office at the above eddress, telephone (705> 325-7403. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accep- ted. O Ministry of Governmeflt (55 services Ontario Whitby Fire Hall service catis Local businesses pitch-in Twa compenies bave donated monsy for the future development and promotion of Whitby. Meznik Homes* and Weail and Cullen Nur- series Lt. bave sacb doneted $5,000 ta tbe town. Maznik homes requested it's con- 'tribution be used ta sup- port tbe promotion af the town s0 the monsy bas been credlted ta the operation of the Economic Development Depertment ta support its - 1986 promotional program. The money donated' by Weail and Cullen Nurseries Ltd. wll be used ta support the operations et the Taurist Informatian Centre. 'ress correction the Free Coiborne St. addres i rres as t Lwee tatect trU iILA bl e oain h Able T.V. was a new Al' e oain h business in Whitby. The Free Press regrets the busiess as oeratd inerror and any inconvenien- .Whitby for 19yeilhe it rnay have caused. SIMPLE! The simple solution ta cleening storage pro]bema in the attic and garage lsa a Ciessitied Ad. I WHITBY FREE PRESS ..........668'6111 IL 1 - ..- - . .. --em d- id Lewis, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Continental Bank of Canada, today announ- ced that the Canadian Evereat Light Ex- pedition lias reacbed the sunimit of Mount Everest. Continental Bank la, the major spont- sor of the Everest Ligbt Expedition. Mr. Lewis released the followlng telegram sent by Team Leader Jlm Elzinga from the base of Mount Evereat this morning containing news of the victory. Continental Bank should stand proud todey as Sharon Wood and Dwayne Congdon bave plented the bank's fleg on the top of Mount Everest et 9 p.m. on May 20. They also flew the Canedian and Chinese .flags sym- bolizlng the friendship between aur two great nations. The summnit teamn left Camp 6 et 9 a.m. and climbed continuously for 12 hours to reach the aummit. They lied ta battis hurricane wlnda and severe cold ta reacli their goal. They spent five minutes on top. Their descent was dons in darkness- reaching Camp 6at 3:30 a.m. This is one of the greatest feats in Canadien and Himalayen climbing biatary. We established a new route in China and Wood becomes tbe firat North Amnerican femele ta climb Everest. Clim- bers are curently retur- ning ta Camp 2. Thanics ever 50 much for believing in us.

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