Whitby Free Press, 28 May 1986, p. 6

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PAGE 6,:WEDNESDAY, MAY 28,j 1986, WHITBY FREE PRESS Vipond Arena work gets council approval By MIKE JOHNSTON Town consultants Tot- relocated and a mature Fr-ee Pr.'. Staff ten Sma Hublcki whl tree removed as weli as Council bas given the now prepare a detailed addltlonal helgiat added go ahead for the revam- plan for the dresalng to the dressing rooms te plng of the Breoklin mroe and repairs. Ac- correct grade level Memorial Arena. cordlng bo recreation deficiencles. On Monday nlght, deputy director, Bai-iy A report by the Parka coundil approved the O'Neill, tenders wlIIb. and Recreation Depar- estlnaated cosL cf eut next week wlth con- tment said the final cost $134,690,000 te upgrade struction on tuhe twe new of Lth. prejeet will' be the arena whlch ln- dressing rooma begin- determldned by the cludes the construction nlng the second week of maarket place through cf twe new dressing June. the tenderlng process. i-coma. The dressing roomas, et a cost cf $54,38w, whII ha pald for by a Wn- tarie Capital Grant wlth the town absorblng the i-emalnlng ceat cf $80,301 for repaira. Repaira otehle ai-ena include work on the sewage disposai systeni, lie ai-ena elec- trical panel and the arena's eavestroughalng. As AM/FM cassette stereo left et Hoiday World to ha instailed ln a beat was stolen lest week. The *stereo was The tcwn had erginally budgeted $58000 for lie repaira but problems ai-ose during the development cf the.drawings by the consultants wblcb ralaedthe price. They included the ex- pansion cf the dressing i-omnni-thwai-dwhalch i-equlred tuaat an un- derground oil tank ha owned byea Toronto man and is valued et $500. Police are lnvestigeting the theft. The town made the application to the Mlnlistry of Tourism and Recreation for the grant ln September of last year. The province had inltlated the program to, encourage municipali- ties to update exlstlng communlty recreational facilities to meet the recreationsl needs of a communlty. Flfty percent of the $M4,398 bas already been received by the town. The rernainlng amount mnust be applied for sometime between April 1 cf this year and January 30,1987. The report states that the Recreational Depar- tmnent feels the project can be completed by Septernber 1, 1986 without any dlfficulty, once council bas ap- proved the final cost' sometime in June. rFIowers &Giftsl S More thon a Flower ShopJ 653833 BROOKLUN FLOUR MILLS "Country Store Atmosphore"l ChOoots Chip Squares from 11150 Doudoius Squares" by Jean Pare* 12 oup butter * h cup brewn augar * 1/4 cup granulated sugar *1 egg* 1 tsp. vanille * 1 cup antr.ated ai-purpose flour * h tsp baking soda *½/2tap sait *'1 cup semi-sweet Creamn the butter and brown sugar. Add the white sugar. Add egg and vanille and beat weil. Measure ln the fleur, soda and sait. StIr until biended . Add dripa and nuis. Spread In a greased 9x9 pan. Bake 2510o30 minutes et 350 degrees.-7 BROOKLIN CASSELS BD E. 12 1WI4ITBY I I Brooki By CHARLOTTE GENTLES The theme for the Brooklin Spring Fei- lhis year is "Memories" as this la the 75th An- niversary yesr of the fair. The parade wil ha beld June 7, Saturday mornlng and anyone wisblng to pai-ticipate in lie parade or eny of the mi Spring Fair set to go activities 0f Lh. fair ai-e chester Rd. E., Smili, 728-3154 or Alan welcome.. For parade Bi-ooklln. The chuck Downey, 311 Garrard enteries celi 655-1396.- wagon race la a fuature Rd., Whltby, LUN 5R5 or Tbere wWil hcuck thet la being held for the phone 576-3655. Deedine wagon races, as weli as firat ime and the ever- for i-eglterlng la Satur- homse racing and many popular Flddler's Con- day, May 31. popular attractions et test and Step Dance con- The. ever popular the feu- comrnencing test ai-e on the prograrn Beauty Pageant for June 5, Thursday, Liis yeai-. For more in- girls 17-22 years of age, tiarougia to June 8, Sun- formation on lie fld- living in the Brooklln-> day, et Lb. Brooklin dler's and step dance Wbtby-Oshawa area Communlty Park , Win- contesa, phone Walter and the Baby Show ai-e _____________________________ alse featured. The baby show la sciaeduled for June 7, Saturday after- noon, and final SEE PC. 7 'Uhuaderbird gÇaocC 995 Myrsie Rd. W. ASHBURN686 0PRO SHOP SPECIALS @GOLF CLUBS WILSON'S STAFF Mens& sft hmnd REG. 888000 OUR PRICE WKIfLE TKIYLASTI $ 49500. (ALL CLUBS il PC. SETS> WE CARRY BOSTONAN GOLF SHOES, THE SHOE PERSONALLY WORN BY JACK NICKLAUS -GOLF SLACKS R 1 o. '45.'SO" NOW ý21 95 -GOLF SHIRTS <6.40 BLEND) REG. '24"0 NOW se POWERl CAR SPECIAL .WEEKDAY5S FORE 8:00 A.M. AND AFTER 300 P.M. (2 GREEN FIES à POWER CAR)>$ 3410 fG. -43"- -WEEKENDS à HOLIDAYS SAVE $900 AFTER 3:00P.M.. LADIES SPECIAL!3Go FRIDAY AFTERNOONS APTER 4.00 P.M.$30 LADIES GREEN FEES 6uîyclub )-1121 Home Satellite TV:- The Greotest Show On Earth A etion-packed movies are just the bcginning of the programming now showing on home satellite TV. Look at what else you've been missing: »More movie, sports, news, educational, religious, and chiidren's programming than 's availabie from any otier source. *t)-plus channeis to choose fi-cm, for about the same monthly pay'nents as cable TV. *Free and legal reception. To find out more about how home satellite televi- sien works, ask us for a FREE copy of Tuning In Home Satellite TV. But hun-y-supplies are Iimited. (2<BROOKLIN ELECTRONICS (/14 mile N of FamIIy Kartways) 655-4069 NC Sterco stolen DR.HAROLD SOBEL wishes te, announce the opaning of his office for the practice of DENTISTRY D R at P.O. BOX 280 53 BALDWIN STREET BROOKL'IN, ONTARIO LOB ICO EVENING APPOINTMENTS TELEPHONE AVAILABLE 655-3385 Ingredients avallablu ai MilI Store 655-4851 23 CASSELS RD. E., BROOKLIN Àj a Bnwok lin. Bylines CaiBy BE'rY-JEAN BLYTI Cl655-3179 wlth Items for this clumn Recently I mentloned that a new service group, the Lions Club Is comlng to Brooklin. 'm sure we've ail seen their logo at the entrace to other towns as we've been travelling, but perhaps like me, many of you are unfamfiar with just what they do. In trying to track down more information on them, Liis is what I've dlscovered. Like most service clubs, they tackle various projects that wil enhance the Quality of lhf. in the communlty or raise money to help those in need. The difference seems to be that the Lions Club has no restrictions as to age (except that one must be 18 to become a ful-fledged meni- ber) and that they attempt to involve the whole family In their activities. One of the concerns that they hope to deal with is the problem of drugs among young people. As this new Brooklln group cornes up wlth some concrete projects, I will men- tion more about this. Recently, the new group elected an executive for the 1986 - seven seasons as foilows - president is Dave Brennan; lat vice is Mike Beer who bas been active with Ashbumn Scouts; 2nd vice is Hugh MeLeod, a recent president of Brooklil Junior Farmers; 3rd vice is Terry Evershem whose name should be famliar to football fans as a star receiver with several teams including the Toronto Argonauts; secretary is Brian Wright who bas also been active with the cubs and scouts. Treasurer is a man experienced with handling money as the manager of the only bank In town, Craig Jones. Besides these, they have a couple ef unique positions - one being Tail Twister for which Bill Hodgins was unanamously chosen as the best man to be in charge of raising money. The other la the Lion Tamer who will ride herd on the members and Jim Thompson was chosen for this important post. There were two directors named to serve two year ternis and these are Rein Verrydt and Glenn Webb. To start things off, the Lions will have a float in our Sprlng Fair parade and also run a Crown and Anchor game at the fair. As everyone knows It takes money to get an organization off Lb. ground s0 beside the game et the fair, they are holding a draw for a Panasonic VCR witb the tickets a mere $1 each. This wlllb. drawn at the Charter meeting on June 20. Altiaeugh the above foi-m the nucleus of a fine bunch cf volunteers, the new club la anxlous for more members, members who would like bo get in- volved in communlty affairs. To find eut more about jolnlng or to get tickets on the draw, cail Dave Brennan at 655-4144 or Mike Beer at 655-388. Meetings wlll ha held twlce a month and for a membershlp f.. cf $20 per year, you can meet new frienda and gain thaewonderful feeling of really con- tributlng somethlng te soclety. The, Lions want tb- have ail tlaelr members and not just a select few in ail their endeavours. As 1 mentloned ahave, tua. Charter meeting willl take place on June 20 and it whIl takre the form cf a dinner dance at Thunderbird Golf and Country Club with many Lions and their wives froni across Southern Ontario attending to wlsh them well. Cali Dave or Mike now and you toc can becomre a Char'- ter Member. CUBS AND SCOUTS BULLETIN It la with regret that the 2nd Brooklin Beavers', Cubs and Scouts announce that they wWl NOT ha able to operate their Hot Dog Stand at the Fair Liis year. Unfortunately, the new bealth regulations regarding outdoor food vendors has made this inm- possible. Tbey would like te tbank ail those who have patronlzed their stand over the years and want you bo know that your support has been mucia ap- preciated. Plesse note that the annual Scout Pancake Break- fast bas changed location. It will take place as usual on tiaeSunday cf the fair, tis year it is June 8 front 9 arn. to 1 p.m., but iL wiil ha beld in the Brookli Cornmunity Centre on Cassela Rd. E. Everyone iq invited to attend and to bring the family for a great breakfast hafore going on to take In the last day'd activities. LIBRARY NEWS The Saturday Story Hour from 10: 30 to 11: 30 a.m. on May 31 wll feature a Bike Derby. Ail boys and girls are invitcd to corne out wlth lhiu bikes and take part in tuis fun event. Bike owners ai-e reminded to decorate their machines for the parade on June 7. Notice the library wiil be closed on June 7 because of the Brooklin Spring Fair Parade. Watcb for the Bookwornal Childi-en six years and up are invited to attend a mini safety course haing presented by Mr. Etman- sky 0f St. Johns Ambulance on June 14. This wli take place of the regular story hour. Note lie changed boums - 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.rn. Certificates wiilha issued te ail participants. cnocoiaie cnips - v2 cup cnoppeu wainui5

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