Whitby Free Press, 4 Jun 1986, p. 29

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WHITBY FR WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ CLARTIFI[D A' R SALE FORSLSAEGAE FORSALES PAINTING A DECORATING profeslonal bondd worma. M U ship, realdential and commercial, MAN UFACTU RER'S ~ OrsU9îs. ~~ I CLEARANCE àKNmriiWm 1%2%" CHIMNEY REPAIR worlt. For Fre@ Ealmaia oeil 725-5905, after op.m. RINOVATION WORI< on homes, rairaclîble pallIIons lnaiallsd, In. aulallon, vapor bernler for besemenia, dryreali applIcalone lnoiudlng vinyl drywall, nuapen- dad tlii celllng, 1used foocra - kl- chas and balhmoom. 4278028, Joseph or Paul. NEEDLECRAFT CLASSES Candlewicklng, Coun- ted Cross-stitch, Em- broldery and Crewei. We even do Neediepoint and Trapunto too. Join In the fun. Have a Creatîve Circîs clas In your home. Teaching you 10 8111- ch ls easy. Book now and receive a Free Qift. Calil: Nadine, 6661490 *ahapea and Iosalailepllc tlank onyour cunry *praperty,eaavery raasooabla* *rie.Alao bull dozar worh.M Pei ilfor a FREE ESTIMATE. 655-898, Plckerlng SCIIOOL PROBLEMS? Ws speclalize In eclucallonal assasemenis and counoelllng, indivIduel home Insructlon and programming, 10 yaars experien- VINYL SIDING $5999. e coiours, 1,5w in stock .. -......from Sq. ALUMINUM STORM DOORS $7 1,500 In stock,..---.................f rom $7 9 PATIO DOORS Wood, Vinyl & AumnInum éfl9 50 inastock----------------.........fromn$3 9 LADDERS ALUMINUM STEP & EXTENSION 250-I--------------------------------------.from $259 GARAGE DOORS Wod & Sesliln stock-.........from REPLACEMENT WINDOWS Wood, Vinyl & Auminum 500In sock----------------........from 120999 $6s9q.t. GALVANIZED & GALVALUME Agricullurai Sisal $~9 4OWsooths lin stock----------......from $ 89.q Wm. BIG FORD ALUMINUM SALES LTD. R.R.3, BRIGHTON, ONT. 8-5.ri (613) 475-0521 BUILDINGS apeciai cearance. 20x24 fi., $2,300. 24x24 fi., $2.600. 28x360fi., $3,900. 32x36 IL, $4,300. 36x48 f i., $8,400 and 40x8Ofi., $8,100. Oeil 985-7930. GEOTYPE press-on ietiering naw n slock ai Dicksan Prinino & Of- ice Supplies In the Ajax Shop. ping Plaza. Larges selecîlon ai styles and sizes. Why psy mars lor a omalier sheel oI lellerlng? 683-1968. INDUSTRIAL loor palisher, $150. Enecalive desk and chair, $200. 30' eesion iadder, $40. Hsdgs trimmer, $25. Aitl n excellent condition. 066-1859. MATTRESSES and boa syringe et hall price. Mcl<sen Furnlure, 524 Slmcoe Sreet South, Oshaa. 725-5181. Sa! 8-1 ;at. -12 "HEROES ai the Bible" colouring bonik avaliabis ai Dckson Prin. tlin & Ofice Supplies, Aax Plaza. 683196. Deaier Inquirles lnvilsd. CHESTERFIELD salles, loessals, nectionals, lsos 15ev t55 price. Large seiscilon. McKeen Furniure, 524 Slmcae SiS., Oshawa. 725-5181. VISIT aur used furnilre warehouss by appoîniment. Bg sanlngs an deas, chaire, illîng cabnets, etc. Oeil Dîkson Prin- tlIn & Office Supplies la arrange an appoînimenlta alsiw. 683- 1968. TWO COMPARTMENT siainles sisal sink. Bread suicer and hune bîn. Phone 6661177. sultavîs,60.-1456. SAE GRAA5MER for people who hais !CYA ESRNT LI C .CCMM104MDATION grammer' lae IeilpochaI LOOKINO FOR reeponsible In- reference book for business 1983 VAMAHA Maxim 400, dinîdualla eherar housesIn people. $3.95 par copy and boughi 15w ln 1985, excellent Pckering, close la transit, $400 available ai Dickson Prlnting & condition, muaI be sean, $11,8o par month. Phtone 831-7000. Office Supplies In the Alan Plaza. csrlllied, 086-4500. _____________ Deler Inqulirea Inviied 683.1908. _______________ ____________ - 1978 MONDA 400 Twin wih dais- 5 'N O S S X falrlvg, Sm0. Pickering, 831- ~ F R FN~N COURSESTNREE BEOROOM iownhauss er Oshawa denter, eeriy July, SHORT INTRODUCTORY and ad- W PETS & I garage, 2 car drive, irsi end lest, vanced computer courses: Word SUPlIES $691month and uillies. 725- Pracessing. -ae, Lotus, SUPPLIES 1 ..~ 4856. Basic, etc. 427-3010, LAYING chiche and toar Oermen -_________ Shepherd puppies, $75 or besi of- À fer. 655-4216. àr- ls OUSESî " FORRALSALE BRECHIN AREA, 50 acres, clay in E! ONALS 1115, nyslematicaiiy drained, six FREL. Drop lnialthe ickSen bedroom brick Century home, Printing and Office Suppty siare comyieely rsnoaeed, excellent n the Aia Plaza and pick ap a. ELDRIDGE, John William born hern, Implemeni shed, $150.000. ras copy clithe 1986 Maire Jane 4.1928, BraokIin, Onario, 705484-5149. Caîsndar. Prinled In îwo caots. searchlng for Information about _______________ Il maesa for Itandy rsfsrence. parents. Please aise John Tuiiy, 0813-1908lli. Apt. 1002, 1130799 Avenaue, V CATON- monin AiarlaTSKO2 VW PROPEISRTIES ISI.A, Si. Paies Fiarida Beach, ~FOR Ei~~NT NNON j ffing2 hadroms, 2 baths, conelder Inade for pmoperiessIn CONDO YARD SALE 580 Mary Si. E. WhIlby 930 e m.,Saiurdey, Jane 7, rein date Jane 14. Goad selectIon of Items. THREE FAMILY yard nais, Salut. day, Juns 7, 9 a.m., 157 Elizabeth Ores.. Whiiby (off Thichson Rd.) Samoihing for eosryane. ATHOL-OREEN CO-OP, 200-250 Dunlop SI. E., Whlby, Yard Sais, June 8, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., rein or shine. Rsfreshmenls ahi b. soid. MULTI-FAMILY yard sais, 506 Contre Street South, Thursday, Juns 5, Frlday, Jane 6 and Salar- day, Juns 7, sterling 8 a.m. aach dlay. VACATION REWR NTALS 1Mobile Homes learwaser - Threa bedraam moiehomes. Hsaied pools, Utenis, closio bachssandl major atractions, children welcoms. (ues a 1emotel rom. 683-5503 LEG e NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTH ERS IN THE MAlTrER 0F THE ESTATE 0F AR- THUR RICHARD WHIT- TLE. Ail ldaIms against the Estats of Arthur Richard WhItlle, late of the Town of Whîtby ln the Regional Municlpality of Durham, Retired, deceased, who died on or about the 13th day of January, 1986, must be f lIed with the under- signed personal represeantatives on or before June 30th, 1986; thereafter the under- slgned wII dîstribute the asseta of the sald estate havIng regard only 10 the dlaIms then fiIed. Dated ai Whitby, On- tarlo thia 26th day of May, 1986. NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, Executors, by thoîr Soîlcîtora, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTH ERS Clalme against the estate of BHAGWAN KAIJR HALL, Iate of the Town of Whltby, in the Judicial District of Durham, who died on the 7th day of JuIy, 1968, must be ln my hands by June 10, 1988 after whIch date the estate wili be distributed. Ranjit Slngh Hall, Apt. 2003, 1025 Richmond Roud, OTTAWA, Ontario, K2B808, Administaetor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of WALTER JOSEPH SHERMET late of R.R.2, Bowmanville, Ontario. Ail persons having ciaims againsi the Estate of WALTER JOSEPH SHERMET, who died January 13, 1988, are hereby notified 10 send 10 the undersigned on or before the 20th day of June, 1986 full par- ticulars of their cdaims. Immediateiy after that date the assets of the said estate wili be distributed having regard oniy t10 daims then f lied. Dated at Uxbridge, On- tario this 2lst day of May, 1986. JOHN NORMAN MCKAY, Executor Box 519, 10 Brook St. E., UXBRIDGE, Ontario L0C 1 KO REE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. JIJINE 4, 19 LIN LEN UIII. G IGANTIC GARAGE SALE SAT., JUNE 7 9:00 A.M. TO 4:00 P.M. CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FR1., JUNEB6 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or seven miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay Little Britain Rd. Round oak pedestal table (with 4 chairs), 8 matchlng pressback chairs (made by McGili Chair Co.), oak china cabinets, oak buffet, walnut dining roomn ex- tension table, walnut desk, 6 pc. wicker set, parlour tables, pressback rockers, 2 door wardrobe, wicker fern stands, G.S.W. wringerlwasher, oak llbrary table, western saddle (used twice), 5 h.p. Gilson near tins gar- den tiller, 1968 GMC 1/2 ton truck, quantity of china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 AUCTION SALE SAT., JUNE 7 11:00 A.M. Auction sale of furniture, some appliances, & gar. den equipment, for the estate of the laie WILLIAM REID, Sale to be held on the premises at R.R.1, Oshawa. In- cludes 5 pac. circuler living roomn suite, Pioneer console sterso, bedroom suite, dishes, small appliances, new ceiiing fans, photography squlpment, bedding, collectabie cups & saucers, Lazy- Boy chair, McClarsy 18 cu. fIt freezer, power lawnmowsr, 2 wheel iawn sprayer wilh 3 hp. engine, tank, spray boom & spray gun, 110-220 volt Onan portable generator, 2 wheel garden trailer, garden tools, hand tools, cast lron pot, camping tent, camp stove, bug iight, 2 large dog crates. Terms cash or cheque with proper l.D. Reserve on some items. Refreshments available. SHEET METAL worhers lot ne HEP Sais managed & soid by house construction, duct1 N ANED GARRY K. POWELL siallers and longS-in crews, ic AUCTIONS wages. dail caileci, 8 a.m. ic MOLLY MAID To lîst your sale cal p.m.. 4161736-100. s now acceptîng ap- (416) 655-4185 JOIN A GROWING danadls plications for mature, Company ln fashion sanis,S responsible people 1to ~W 1 yoar houra, aise yoar oas pi train for Professionai lA T O hqs -8-08 Housekeep]ng in WHP cou.19&M Whiby.A MANUFACTURER ai hesing Whliby, must ha able ta do nigt Caîl 666-2144 equipmni r aquirn deniers ln1 shift. PItons 686-1177 lor appoi A CRIE UNTRUKIN. Tan- Wliby. Oeil 14613-384-2258. tIenl aller 1 p.m. daity. -.- .--.'rnia,*a-- CNGATUATON o y u Toont. vvvuuy orOsaw. Lontf, LIvingston s port drivers nsadsd. Now la the makea ad modea, by the forlhcoming marriage. Please fintn ime tla in for your Clase A SALESPERSON REQUIRED waskend, wask or month, vlew our saznpies of sngravad Jhitn license. For prs.acrasnlng Inter- FneurtreSoenWibrquesaex Discounts avalabla. ickson waddlng Inviations ai your FRCASFE 101 Dtiide St. W., vFeind ob laceeol r Sal e In hm e ulrshnex-1 Printlng & Office supplias ln the.FORlsure l aur Aiea Plazaobapors.mperson in AiaPaa elc o u loa s ureDIco jxPrillng toffe. p DERIIG P.O. Box 327, maîion, contact Mars Orra Tran- perlencedsae ronlhmefnilg or1 mjachina reail fra. usines 1908. nprin ficea 08-198. ALVIS~il Whltby, Ontario LUN SU sport Driver Training, Brampton t 0 hurs par week. Please cail: macin1rpare M.1(1. ple.U-I8.CA0. 111PionerInterlors 6684231 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisemnent for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If bilied - $6.00 for 20 words; every endeavour to- forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will flot be 14 each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loas or damage lieror i ut publicaton yn ad ofor typpace ie BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the first 100 words; 12e each alged to arise through failure or delay in forwardlng erros i pulicaionbeynd he cst f te spce ccuied addiionl wrd.such replies. We will ot be responsible for box numnber by the error up bo a maximum cost of the first insertion. dinlWr. replies not called for within 30 days. The Whtby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $800 for the fir- one day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $400 for 20 words; 12e each ad- AUCTION SALES- 43eperline.(Noword ads allowed). to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. Cditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa accounit. Please have your ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitby-Free Press wîll make 668-6111 ln- top b 5 lien st 'ay In Din- AUCTION SALE SAT., JUNE 7 11:00 A.M. Complets contents and roai estate (if not sold prevlousiy) at estate of late WILLIAM J. EWEN, KIRKFIELD. FurnIture, appliances, some an- tiques, tools, beddlng, dIshes, cooklng utensIls, no reserve. REAL ESTATE - 1:00 P.M, If not sold previously, we willl offer for sale a 2 bedroom bungalow, oil furnace, good roof, dry basement, garage, workshop, large lot, ex- cellent location, sale subject to executors ap- proval. Terms 10% at sale, balance 30 days. To vlew cali 324-2783 MCLEAN AUCTIONEERS LIN DSAY CORNIEIL'S AUCTION BARN TUES., JUNEl10 6:30 P.M. Three miles sast of Little Britaîn or 7 miles west of Lndsay on the Lindsay Little Britain Rd. Iron bed with brass trim, dropleaf tables, portable and console colour T.V.'s, rod Iron table and chairs, wicker table, wooden high chairs, Hitachi microwave oven, modern dressers and chesi of drawers, vanity dressers, chesterfieids, oc- cassionai chairs, quant- lily of china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 COULD YOU USE an extra $200 la $30 a week? W. ara looklng for a slocere, ambillous, indivIduel to service aur oîislomers in Ihîs ares. Muet ha bondable and have ownvnehîcle, Seaml-retlred per- sons consldered. For a personai Interview, pleese send a briai resoms la 365 Wilson. Rd. S., Oshawa, 1111H 6C6. ammm"

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