PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, flUE 11, 1986, WHITBY FREE PRESS Co-Ming events calender cont t?7 p.m. The last Open Housa begins at 2 ribbon wlll pan the four laclude lunch and the WOMEN AGLOW HAWKEYE holIn tei ssake your raser- p.m. at Hoakin Stables corners and trafflc will tours are $18. For more The next meeting of REUNION Strawberry Te la Juna 13 and on Durham Rd. 57 south betpe whila the information plesse cail Woman's Aglow Former Oshawa 1-30 to 3:30 p.rn ido so by calling Uflcsok lbn I being cut. 6fflles. FelIows l l ThursdaY, Hawkeye players arae _ .4 YARD SALE On Saturday, June 14 from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. the Immanuel Christian School at 849 Rossland Rd. W. will be holdingsa giant Yard Sala. The sale will feature ahl sor- ts of bargains. and everyone is welcome to corne out and shop around. OPEN HOUSE The Durham Region Horseback Riding for the Handicapped Association wiI be holding its th Annual Open House on Sunday, June 22. The event is a terrific opportunity to see young *isabled riders exhibit their skills and there will be a lunch provided by their parents. You wil also see the famous Hoskin Stables Musical Ride. DRMA SHOWCASE The Durham Region Manufacturers' Asso- ciation will be holding its first Durham Showcase, a display of some of t.he association mambers' produets and services June 12 at St, George's Ukranian Hall in Oshawa. The evant gets undar way at 5 p.m. with the showcase and cocktails to be foilowed at 6:30 p.m. with an ad- dress by the Honourable Hugh O'NaiI, minister of industry, trad e and technà logy. Dinner will be sarved -at-B p.m. Rasarvations are- stilI possible by calling Tari Osier at 579-2917. St. George's Hall is locatad at the corner of Albert and Jackson Sts. DOWNTOWN DISCOVERY DAY The Whltby Business Improvement Ares Is lnvitlng everyone to Downtown Dlscovery Day, June 21. Olympic silver medallst Shawn O'Sulllvan will be at the four corners wlth Mayor Bob Attersley for a speclal ribbon cuttlng ceremony at il a.m. The begin at day toin vations you car 668-45M. JOY BAIN TEA There wilI be a special retirement tea for Joy Bain, retlring principal of Meadowcrest Public School June 23 at the school from 4 until 6 pan, Ail Joy's friends, former studants and co- workers are invitad to attend. 5. ' Shawn will then remain downtown ln front of varlous businesses to sign autographs. As well as musical entertain- ment, provided by the Whitby Senior Concert Band and Bob Mooney's Travelling Dixieland Band, clowns and mimes wli be perfor- ming' throughout the downtown area. The Durham chapter of Child Find will be con- ducting a Kid Checkin front of the Bank of Nova Scotia from 10 a.m. tlI 3 p.m. Kids aged 3 through 15 wil be fingerprinted and photographed for just $2. ' Downtown Dlscovery Day rns from il a.m. until 4 p.m. in the downtown core and evaryone is invited to join in the fun. COLLECTIONS 1TOUR On June 22 there wil be an art collections tour sponsored by the Whitby Station Gallery lncluding lunch at Dressier House in Cobourg, a house tour at the home of David and Anita Blackwoodn Port Hope followed by a tour of Davld's Port Hope studio. Tickets, which June 12 beginnlng at 7:30 p.m. wlth refresh- menti and fellowship. Special guest for the evening wil be Jean Morgan and everyone is welcome to attend. Tha meeting wil be held at Evangel Church, 374 Farewall St. in Oshawa. For more inforination please call Marnay at 728-2111. CRIME STOPPE RS By SGT. S. RYRIE Durham Co-ordînator tendant for oil. As ha reached for the oll, the suspect struck hlm on the bsck of the head with a blunt object. The victim felI forward over a -chair and was hit several more times. The suspect demanded cash, aventually taking about $250 from the victims pocket and left in the waiting vehicle. It was last seen driving east on asked to contact the club at P.O. Box 842, Oshawa, LIH 7L9, for information regarding a reunion scheduled for July 25. STRAWBERRY TEA On Wednesday, June 18, Fairview Lodge, located at 632 Dundas St. W., Whltby, will be Hwy. 7. Fortunately the attendant wss not seriously injured. The suspect is describad as: male, white, about 5'B", 170 lbs.', waaring a green or blue plaid coat. He also had on a grey Balaclava possibly covering a beard. This crime will be re- enacted and shown on City T.V. on Thursday, June 12 at 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. and on Friday, June 13 it will be shown on CHEX and CKVR T.V. It will also be shown on Local Cable T.V. profiled by nawspapers and radio stations which cover our area. Crime Stoppers will pay up to- $1,000 to anyone providing in- formation which leads to an arrest in this case. 5JLUViUeJ Dy LI vlew Choir. 1Annual sa from m. Enter- th Fair- This tes la belng held to celebrate Senior Citizens Month tis Juna. The Strawberry Tes is open to relatives and friends of the residants of Fairview Lodge, as well as the surrounding com- munlty. Aniounts of up to $1,000 will be paid for tips leading to an arrest in any serious crime. Crime Stoppers num- bers are: 22-8477 - can be used in the Ajax/Pickering areas and 1-800-387-8477 - can be used in aniy ares. Tol free for alI long distance calîs. Sgt. Sandy Ryrie of the Durham Regional Police writes this article to help combat crime. A citizen board ad- ministers the program, one of more than 600 Crime Stoppers Boards across North America. The award money is raisad through tax daductible donations which may be sent to Toronto and Regional Crime Stoppers, P.O. Box 54, Oshawa, L1H MK. HIgh Sehool News.Week By TRACI MELCHOR Denis O'Connor H.S. Suashine l It seems impossible but with the great weather we have been having everyone seems to be in a fabulous mood. Examinations are looming on the horizon and the multitude of ac- tivities and the ex- citement of the past couple of weeks is fading. Howaver, there have been a few noteworthy items which have passed our way in the past while. Lisa Peter- sen, yearbook editor, stationed herself in the cafeteria with boxes of yearbook photographs. Candids, mugs, and aven portraits (just kid- ding) were available for Just 25 cents. Ail the proceeds went back into the yearbook fund. And then we had s school barbecue. The cafeteria staff set up grills and barbecue pits outsida and the daliciaus aroma wss impossible to resist. A big thank you to the cafe staff. Two of our grade il classes participatad in the Inner City Walk. The location was, of course, Toronto and the avent was sponsorad by Youth Corps. The purposa of the day was to sae just what goas on in the big city bahind the glamor and the glitz and to ap- preciate and to be thankful for what we hava. On thea sports scane, thea DO'C Chargers playad thea Bowmanvilla Radmen and despite a strong effort by our taam, thay lost 4-1. Congratulations to tIse Chargers who plsced second in the, leagua - a great accomplishment considaring it was the first year DO'C played.j And, of course, thara was that special day long avant, known as Spirit Day which in- cludad tIsa AWards Night and Dance. A special prasentat-on was made by Mr. Whalan to the outstan- ding Math students in the school. In the grade nina Pascal Contest, Sara Brown, Paul Lusina, Tina Haas, Bill Ladouceur and Alan Hawitt recaived car- tificates in recognition of their placement in the top 25 percent across Canada. Sara, Brown received a medal for har placemant within the top 10 percent across Canada. In the. grade 10 Cayley Contest, tIsa following students placed in tIsa top 25 per- cent across Canada: Emarald dalosAngales, Sonali DeSousa, Jean Marc Fauteux, Laura DeRa, Rachel Vanden- boom, and Ross Grassi. Emerald delosAngelas placad in the top 10 per- cent across Canada. In the grade il Fermat Contest, certificates were presantad to Marleen Pawelski, Eleanor Pawalski and Cliff Daigle. Marleen Pawelski Ireceived a medal for placing first in tIse school. Last Fabruary, the St. Francis de Sales Chap- ter of the Knights of Columbus sponsored an essay contest which was open to the juniors and tIse seniors. The topic was a chailenging one - "Thse Catholic Family in a Secular Society". Mr. Robert Bertrsm from hT7~JL~ -' WE'RE THE NEIGHBOURHOOD Ofl' I>~PROFESSIONAILS C 0rùv 149 Brock St,. N., Whtby GOLD JACKET REALTY LTD. 6862 1.4 ACRE ON LYNN-.CREEK Spaclous-3000 sq. ft. plus exec. home nearin, compietion, a top quaiity prop. that s0 seidom sa avait, triple car gar. Ar- tesian weii, hdwd & brdlm fise. Lge b eckerman Kit. Buildar wili finish to suit. Mlke Beer 66886221 or 655-3884. 5 Year Guaranteed Investment Cerdtficates AnnualIinterest Rate subject to change M NATIONAL TRUST A Division of National Victoria and Grey Tnistco WH ITBY - 352 Brook St. 666-1800 308 Dundas St. W. 668-9324 AJAX --Harwood Place Mail 683-7344 OSHAWA - 32 Simcoe St. 723-5207 PIC KERING - Pickering Super Center 1792 Liverpool Rd. 831-6501 1 Durham Regional Crime Stoppers is askîng for the Public's assistance in solving a robbery which occured at the C/C Gas Bar on Hwy. 7 just west of Brougham on Frîday, January 31, 1986. At about 8:45 p.m. a dark blue vahicle with two occupants pulled in- to tha gas bar. A man got out and asked the at-