WHITBYFREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, lUNE Il. 1986 PAGEB 31 European excitement in Honda's Accord EX i THE NEW ACCORD EXI Wth tho Introduction of the Accord EXI, Honda's flagshlp of the 1986 ins, Honda huas Injocted a whole new levai of excitomont Into the car world, both hors and abroed. The "P' ln Its neme In. dMcaes "fuel Injection," and the resuits are drematic. The now Accord EXI boasis improvements both ln per- formance and ln the kind of luxurlous eppolntments and equipmont normaliy found ln cars costing nsariy twice as mnuch,(as on automotlve wag phrased, It: "This new EXI Mili have those expansive Eumopean sedans splnningý, on theircutelutile circies."1) The now EXI le unqusstionably, the mosi luxurlous Accord over. Not on l Ibis car longer, widsr, and lowsr than prevlous Ac. cord sedans, but the levol of appointmente and quailty of finish, both interior and ex. terlor, bas taken e quantum leap upwards. Standard power foatures now Include the tinted glass sunroof, windows, s1de mIrrors, doorlocks, and en- tonna,, as weil as front disc brakes and variable assiet drive automobile foaturing this race-proven suspension edvance. The Improvoment to both ride and bandllng performance la significant. And the new EX[ looks juet as good as it Isole on the road. Beginnlng wlth the iower front proflile (featuring rotrectebie beedlignts and e smoothiy Integreted, perfec-, tIyýcolor-koyed bumporlgrilie treatmont,- reminiscont of the sporty Prelude>, the low sloping -bood and com- pletely new wedge-shaped Dddein have lmproved the cer's appearence and its reck-end-pinion steerlng ... all powered or powsr-assisted. The ali-new 2.0 litre 12- valv poerplntfeaturing mod Fuel Injection eystom, goneretes 110 hor. sepower ... more than adoquate In terme of smoothiy responsive prof ormance. The transmission le Hon. d's superb 4-speed autometic wlth the lock up torq usconverter feature. Te EXI benefits f rom the unique new Accord suspen- sion: double wishbones front and reer make this the world's fîret front-wheei When you finish admiringit please test-drive it. 4- It's tle 198e) Accord LX Sedan, witch a ne%% look tiiit'.s turning heads evervyvhere. But looks aren't even liaif the storv. Inside the nev Accord LX are cnotigh îîc% ideas for two ne%%,- cars. Like unique duuble-wishbone suspension. A new 2.() litre engine wjiJ1 vour choice o>f 5-speed ruanual or op(>nal newv 4-speed automnatiecransmuission. And 1-Ionda's i ew '5-vear/80,OO( kilonmetrrcwarranty on major components. So try flot to be lwypnotii.ed by the looks of the e Accord IX. Drop in todav andi road-tcst one. T)day's ans'wer. WHITBY- OSHAWA WhltbylOshawa 666-1772 HiO1NTDA)l 1110 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY aerodynamlic efficiency. The CD factor for the new Accord le a low 0.32 matchs by CL factor of 0.15!i The new EXI le the longest Accord ever, wlth a wheelbase of 102.3 Inches' (2600 mm) ... noarly 6 Inches longer than lest yeer's: and although longer and wlder, thie new Accord ls actually lower than ever before. Than, plus the new sloplng hood and concealed headllghte have lmproved lit aerodynamnlc efficlency by 14 percent over 1985 modele. As pilote say about new airpienes: ilf t looks good, It ilkely files good." And the new Accord EXI frorn Honda drives as good as It looke. This new top-of-tho marque Honda le not mereiy e suporb new compact luxury car. Its Innovative race- provon suspension, and steering systeme make han- dling more positive, steerlng more accurete, and the'ride more comfortable without secrificing performance ln the leest. As one giib Honda engineer has put lte "This new EXI corners Mîe a snake on rails." And it looks terrifie, too. AjaxlPlckerlng 686-1745 1 -COOLING SYSTEMS- .103 DUNDAS ST. E. 162 KING ST, E. WHITBY OSHAWA 668-3356 571-3400 1MERCURY AII1OBODYdà w THE ONLY WAYTO GO FOR COMPLE BODY & PAINT WORK MERCURY AUTO BODY are the specialists for ail mokas and models, foreign or domestic. MERCURY SPECIAL Tour cor wiIl be using our acrylic $A 5000 prepared and painted enomal Point 4 (Body work eirtra) Bring in this ad and body side moulding receive pin stripe and FREE -f M ERCURV AMI1DBOYî CHECK US OUT!1 AI l work guaranteed' 324 Ash St., Whitby 668-8522 ......MIN,. PRO DODG;E Your Local Chrysler-Dodge Sales and. Service L Dealer Parts & Service- Thursdays tilt 9 p.m. 209 Dundas St. W., Whitby 666-300 -1