Whitby Free Press, 11 Jun 1986, p. 40

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PAGE'40 WEDNESDAY. JJJNE 11 . 1986. WHITTY FREE PRESS TWO LADIES IKES, $40 each. ROLLER SKATES- Nike, back, T.V. stand, $15. Siran stand, $25 siza 3, $25. Dominion, white, size HIFI record player, $5. Cai aller 5 (ladies), $3. Filty record 6 p.m., 68-4032. albums, 19401950's masic, oome classIcai, $5 aach. Phono 655. "ýnC13266. MUUBL ITRAIN SET, MU uaugn, 70 Il. track, 4x8 lubie, angine, 12 cara, buildings, gond starter'set, $200 Irm. Cail 7238989, alter 5 p.m. ENVIROLET eiactric wataris Inuiet, no water, no saptic tank, sellé naw tor 8943.95 (US.) Refurb, Unt A, $305 plus $45 vent kIl, Cai ater 5 p.m., 723. 9109. KLONDIKE firepiaca Insert with tan, gnod condition, $350. Kim- boit alactrIc organ with double kayboard and hench, $600. Conm- bination siereo and radin, $50. 884760. BICYCLE - girls 23 Inch Raeigh transit, $50 or bent coter. Phono ater 6p.m., 66-3274. iNOWTHROWER for M.T.O. trac- toc. used ona Bason, complote wiîh whoea waighia and chains, $600. Pthone 68-5925. GM. LOVEBEAT, $30. GM. lod- dier seat, $20. Iniants car bad, $15. Fluke 8020B lest mater. $110 or neareet oitter. 683,3658. BUTCHER BLOCK atyle round tabla wiih tour pIneane chairs, one year nid, $150. Phonea86&8 6554. CARPETS. two 9010, one l1h13, $30 aach. Football haimet, $15. Fine galion fisi> tank with ac. cassories, $23. LIquor bac for rec roomn, $50. Phone 579-9167. SPANISII styte chestertieid aid chair, customn made, oie of a kInd. $5000. tmponteo European chandalior, $480. 011 on canoas wati painting from Meico and trame, $200. Coul 668-9288. ROTO TILLER. S hp., excelent condition, $295. Stop aiddar, samlnum, $25. Wheibocrow, $10. Mal-moono tabla and magazine stand, $25 oach. Ladies bike, $40. Junior 10 spaed, $45. Rock mapia kitchan set, $225. Sawlng machine, $35. Sesal tabie, $3. Phone 683M3. SINGLE 860, $35. Boys 10 spead bika, $50. Kerosane heater, $50. Phone 436-0363. COMPUTER Apple l plus, Clone, 48K, $200. Thrae pertriai boards for abova, $30. Phonoe668"178. ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD farnIture, naw and uaod. Admirai fridga, $150. H.0. dryar, $S5. Viking atomallo vashar, HOD., $300. Four 15" radiai Prsiona tiras, P19575R5, $Wseach. 12 volt bt. tory, $50. Tabla and tour chaira, kitchan, $100. 191 colour T.V., $350. Dresser $60. Large oak desk, $1,000. Large booksaoif, $110. Office dask, wood, $350. Steel book saol, $60. Couci> aid reciintng chair, teather, $55. DeBk 'caicultor, $80. Antiqae coaci> and 2 matching chairs, $400. Coat rack, $100. ElectrIc atone, SM0. Boat cash citter.Oeil 655-8968. GRAIN CONVEYOR, tiho Gant, 25 ftt. on whots, $695. Phone 655. 8M0. 14 FOOT mahogany FieotwIng saliboat, $450. Throo ton chain hoist, $100. Boat anchor, $25. Lathand golf clubs and carl, $15. Wator skIto, $45. Barbaque, $15. Cent hook for rolIng loge, $30. Hoover, $W. Pick aes, $25. Phone 433-4889. 068S, Ivo 23 chanai mobile c1w aida bond and antonna, $50 par sot, Noua 604" concrat* blocks, 354 eaoc. Boys BMX styla biko, $25. Phono 668-9738. GLASS and chroma coitee table, 3 lier, $150. Dohumidlier, dark brown, $80. Wicker cottee table, $20. PIctureous tace dlock, $25. Phone 427-6592. TEAK DININO room set, 8 peces, $450. Custom made drapes, 2 compilosets, $300. Phone 668- 0295. ROBERT BATEMAN prInts, Idia Mule Swans, mxsoam ramad, $750, Buffalo At Ambosaile, $90. Phone 668-8528. -PLEASE READ- When thse advertised item ta sold, dispraed of, or unavailable for whatever reason, thse item yl ho deemed to have hoon sold and a commission wili ho cborged bosod on TUE ADVERTISED PRICE as llustrated heiow. rogardima iif prico ia stated with "best offer. If te item la NOT SOLD, or dispoaed af, the ad vili ho run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE nf 7.50 wiii apply payable in advance nf publication nf the (irsi ad. The ahove minimum charge wili ho appiied to the final commission due. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ait adver- tisements munI ho piaced 0000n exclusive bonis with lte WIIITBY FREE PRESS and non aitoast one month if not sold RATES tif article i. oold t: 5% of advertised price up ta 9400.00 of e balance over 1400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertiled for $150.00. Commission duc $7.50 (minimum charge la 37.50> Private advertioing oniy1 Please notify te Whitby Free Preas lmmedlately when item la aold a that vo may doiete it from thte folowing Issue. Ail adsn fot 011109 tIse Emporium guidelines wilhe treated and charged per woek as regular ciaaaified ado on a pro-paid hasis such as: services, help wanted, cothing, reai estate, and pernonai message type ado, or ado flot quoting price or quantity. Privalo classifled ado may appear in thse Emporium section under appropriate headingo. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: OR DELI VER TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM IfIn. deubt caii: 131 Brock S. N. P.O. Box M0 668-6111 Whitby, Ont. Whitby. LIN OSI THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. ARTICLES ~~T1 FOR SALE ~~PLIELJ FOR SALE dling roora suite,' soiid watnui, appron. 60 years nid, 9 places, table wth atan-« alon, buffet, china cabinet, Solida chaira and 1 arm chair, (comn- piately reiinishad Inciuding nov upholsterad ctoth soais), prica $1,550 or beat otier. Tai. 666- 2481. U8ED JACUZZI pool iller and motor for 14x28 pool. $50. Phono 668-271, CUSTOM MADE cnntemporary love seat and twn chairs, en- collent condition, cost 51,600 new, asking $650. Wall unit, taon than a yaar nid, $400. Ater 5 p.m., 668-2238. TRAîLER TP Rabot, soit top, ex- cellent condition. nome camping eqaipment lnciuded, $050 or best otter. 668-6178. FOR SALE 1984 Bonaire 1200, saeps 8, stova, 2 wey frIdga. toilet, dm109 osheitar, cnmpitety aquippad, immaculate condition, ssking $8,000. Cati Bruce et 668- 1965. SHIH IlU Puppy, 8 weeks nid maie, CKC cegistered, shots, dawormed and home raisad, non- shadding, non-atiergix, good with chiidran, $35. Oeil 1-416-985- 3960. PEREGO PRAM. large Engiish styla, 6 yaars otd, gond condition, navy, apron. bosket, large wheeis, $65. Car seat, birown inyt, gond condition, $50. Booster car seat, brown vinyl, excellant shape, $20. TwIn atroiler, orange cannes, gond condition, aide by sida soute, fnids flat, $100. Cradie, white, $20. CrIb, coloniel style, with mattreas and bumper pad, gond condition, $100. Phone 666-5925. NAVY PREGO Prom, apron and basket, $50. Whte change table, $20. Eiectrlc bottie olerilizor, $12. Girls 18 months to size two clothes, $3 each. Botîle warmer, $3. Cail 680523. PRAM, lkraa-in-one, $120. GM lovoest, $40. Change table, $40. Ali like 'new. Vouth bod, $80. Phono 4348947. NEW & USED CAR BUYS READ ... RUY ... SEL JUST CALL 668-6111 1978 DODGE hall ton vit> Cab, 1909 CHEVELLE, four n0W tires AMIFM cassette, automaloe, and serai birand nov parts, $2,100 or béat aller. Cati affet60 $300 Phono 666&1955,ak toc pes., 6684984. Dan. 1977 FORD 1 ton, 351 VII, p.s., phb., stngta vheais, xl setaka box, excellent condition, $3400, certifiad. 666-3850. 1977 OLOS Cuiase Salon, con- sole buckats, good shape, easy to cartity, 160 Phono 668. 0188. 1977 HONDA hatchback, as le, 81,000O. Phonoe68-US28. 1977 DOOGE window van, low Mleaga, good tires, fair body, excellant runner, $1,000 or hoat reasonabia citer. 576-319, weekdeya aller 6 p.m., weekends anylime. 1976 CHRYSLER CORDODA ps., p.b., air conditioning, $60 or boaI citer. Cai655-3176. 1976 AMC GREMLIN, one owner, ntandard 6 cytindar, tran- smission, as sa $500. 66-0159. weekands anytime, waakdaysaiet ter 5p.m. 1975 GREMLIN X rune but neado work or gond tor parts, $200 or hast olter. 668-7816. 1974 BUICK APOLLO, rune good, body good, 6 cyl., $550 or beat ot- ter. 433-1642. 1974 SUPER BEATLE, excellent condition, lady driven, 26,000 original miles, nanroot, radio, 00W paint, $2,750.725-3744. 1974 HORNET tor sale, has 1976 motor 232 (40,000 miles), rahuli trans., new starter, body rutt, good running, as la $500. Phono 6688-9519. 1973 PONTIAC Laurontian, 400 cc molor, rune but neado wortc, alon can ho bought for parts, $200. Phono 579-3030. 1972 PINTO, dlean Insida, body good, naads minor repaire, $700 or basi ottar, Call 668-7925. HE IEF UNCTIO OF YOUR BD STO CARRY VOUR [BRAIN AROU O.j or Ii Ili - uae. sell.a lu a e usne W lewflu.eqe, y- -4 ban th emomen.u homeHh Va uo=shmue Osbe, O.. ". a aMW muas. mes 0 ydlue a ImmIu e cles 0mena. rm ,OquO O aaas.ed00 MaW dom" la w" w 0us epualbO.a aIOM noe ueabaneu. TOut sla" day e.op mIsOs aIt 668-6111 WHITIY FR66 PRESS ParII47I7Z 4%pCON FUSEDl> Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out- on our Iow advertising rates just because you have If you: are a private advertiser; *have an article to seli; and, -have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details i Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months). A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $7,50 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT sel within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will sell, but where else could you get three months advertising for only $7,50? Wben your article seils, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Com- miission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described ab>ove. questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear Up many 'Of your questions - if flot, do cali 668-6111l and we'll be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. 1have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have thei following advertisement placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press.1 I - _________ _______________ I -. - ____ dît» i forge o ivluiide yîîur phono number i 1 enclose $750 to cover the minimum charge> Charge $750 to my Visa account tard Nu. Name Iplearir priot) Address MAIL TO: Ejt 1 )a té- WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. 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