WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MUE il, 1986 PAGE 41 WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ ARTICLES 1 ý AICLESS VACTION OR SALE FOR SALE W ROPe. IS ilE PAINTING à DEdORATîNG MILA, SI. Pales Plonda Beacht, profeslonal bonded worhman-I M l~(TIR~' golf ng, 2 bedrooms, 2 hats, shp e1dnilen omrcaM NUFCT RE'S$3501week. CalilBill 427«2.02I ras estimalas. Cali W"9.277 or f , ~ A I" cons der trade for properties ln 668-.9712. 1 L.ERANCEToronto, Witby orOsa. CHIMNEY REPAIR work. For Fre EstimaIs cai 725-5985, aller RENOVATION WORK on htomes, ratractible paillions lnstlled, In. sutattott, napor barrder for basaments, drywalt applications tncludlng vInyt drywatt, suapan. ded lit celling, tllsd floors - kil- chan and battrroom. 427-028, Josepht or Paul. GOURMET CATERINO availabte for ail speclal acceasions. Menue planned 10 perfection, reasonable rates. darolsa Culmine,g985-720. !YEEDLECRAFT CLASSES Cendiewicklng, Coun- ted Croffs-stltch, Em- broldery and Crewei. We even do Neediepoint and Trapunto too. Join In the fun. Have a Croativo Cirais class In your home. ch la easy. Bock now and rocelve a Froo GIft. Celi: Nadine, 66&.1490 ACCOUNTS RECOUREB Service avallabis FREE consultatIon 723-*53873 Wedgponds any sîze and *ahapasand InstataeplcM t antks on your countryM prpry ta nety reamonable rate. Also bull dozer worh. Po aifor a FREE ESTIME 655-896,Plck.ring "ORAMMER for people who hale grammer' ta lte Ideai pochai reference book for business people. $3.95 par copy and avaltabte at Dlchson Pnlntlng & Office Supplies In lte Ajax Plaza. Dealer Inquirles tnnled We3-1968. SHORT INTRODUCTORY and ad- nanced computer courses: Word Processlng, 0-Base, Lôtus, Basic, etc. 427-3010. DAYLCARE FCHIL.DREN At my Pickering Countryii WHome for $10 a day. Lunch, pony ridescah pn 1f nature traita, country waihs,fjl Qcamping, ait on 75 acres. f ELECTROLUX, 2 yaars old, ax- ceptionsi condition, power nosal, tool8 and extra baga. Fluer Oueen, 5 years otd, atiacitmenls. 66&-18w,Carlos. GEOTYPE prose-on letlanng now n soch ai Dcson Printlng & 0f. ice SuppliesIn tae Aaxsshop- ping Plaza Large selectIon of styles and sizes. Wity psy more for a amaler shotatof lstaring? 683.196. FOR SALE cietaerfield, 2 chaire, Otoman, darin brown, excellent condition. 608-8775, weehdays, Fiday tilt 4 p.m. MATTRESSES and box sprIngs et hait price. McKaan urnitura, 524 SImcoe Street South, Osiawa. 725-5181. BOY'S CAPTAIN bed. used clotiting- mens, lades, boys. Matemily clotes. Saes - mens and boys. Boys Raiegh bihe. Sitous, alippers, boots and san- dises. Smurf comfortar. Bed. spread with football player pal- tern. Aquarium. Toys, ciildrensa boohs, record ployer and records. Numerous houseitald Iems, camneras, jewellery and preser- ing jsrs, portable iolet plus mucit more. 688-4306. 1981 MERCURY cAPRIS. Black Magie, 6 automnato, ps$., p., .T. rolf, AMIFM cassete, excellent condition, certiied, Inn $4,100. 6W8"728. FOR SALE 1977 Ponllac Lemans, 2 door. as l, $90 or best cfter. 5795344 afler 5 p.m. 1969DODUE Monoco Sedan, car- ified, resloreble condition, $950. Pitons 666&2736. TYPEWRITER rentaI, many moacs and modela, by te weehend, weh or mont. Discouns anallable. Dichson PrInting & Office Supplies In tse Aax Plaza. Cat us for bsinessa machine repaire.683.1968. "HEROE5 of te Bible" coiouring book avalable ai Dickson Prin. lng & Office Supplies, Ajax Piaza. 0831968. Dealer InquInes Inviied. CHESTERFIELD suites, toneats, seclionats, ltsathoan 'i price. Large selection. MoKeen Pumnifura, 524 Simca. Si. S., Oshtawa. 7255181. FOR SALE 10 acres of standing itay. Pitone 668-8M6. PEUGEOT 10 speed bih,, good condition. 666-3700. VISIT Our used fumlure warahouse by appoinimeni. Bg sainga on deshs, chairs, filing cabines, ec. Cati Dickson Prin. ing & Office Supplies t0 arrange an appointntt ol v ies. 083- 1982 BONAîR camper 750 itar- dlop, sloops 6, aluns, icebox, gem, eleciricel itoohup, waler hoohup, alnh, spare tire, canopy, excelent condition, used 8 weeha, air con- diioner - Bowmarh 8000 BTU, used 2 sommera, ashing $325. Snowbiawer, 8 hp., 2 stage, 5 yeara oid. 608-0079. LIKE NEW ful-langlt Musrai and Raccoon fur coal, colour Polar Bear, will lit ize 7-9, aiued oner $1500, sacrifice $500. Cati 66&.1915, aller 6 p.mi. FOR SALE antique umilure, pump organ, china cabinets, but- VINYL SIDINO fl 6 cotours, 1,5w0ln stock.........from 59 slq. ALUMINUM STORM DOORS $9 l,500ln stocký .................... from $7 9 PATIO DOORS Wood, Vnyl & Aumnum $)~l9 50In stock ....................from 1 3 11 LADDERS ALUMINUM STEP à EXTENSION 2W ln stock ..................... from $259 GARAGE DOORS fl 9 Wood & Ssel In stock .......from $0 l REPLACEMENT WINDOWS Wood, Vinyl & Aumlnum$ 9 500In tock...................... from LF s1q.fl. GALVANIZED & GALVALUME Agricuturat Stsel $8Sq 4,O000shots Instock...........from $89q Wm. BIGFORD ALUMINUM SALES LTD. R.R.3, BRIGHTON, ONT. Mon.-Fri. (1) 7-02 81 8-5 (1)4502 81 WU VACATION ViWRENTSALS - FLORIDA' I 10 Mobile Homes dlsarwater - lTree bedroom mobile homes. Healed pools,' tniclose 10 beachIle n maor attractions, chItldren wlcome. lesthan motel roomi. 683-5503 BUSNES OPOTUNITIESI SEPTId 13UStNESS for sale. For furter Inquies cali 655.4709. à Éfl "OMDATION RETIRED Englisit couple on pan. sion, need hous wth garden. wili maintain and cars for reasonable ranI, carpenter by trade. 14397298. ELDRIDGIE, Jitn Wltttm 0cr,, June 4 1928, Broohttn, Onlalo, searchlng for Information about parents. Pisasewrite John Tuty, Apt. 1002, 11307-99 Avenue, Ed- monton, Aberta, TSK 0H2. CONGRATULATIONS on your fortitcomIng marriage. Please view our samples of engravsd wedding Invitations ai your iisurs ln aur Ails Piaza alors. Dicksun Prining & Office Sup- plies, 683190. FREE INFORMATION pamphlet on itearing ltand itearing alOs aI Oshawa Hearing Aid diinic, 375 Slmcae St. S., Oshawa. Drop n for your free copy today, 434- 3602. FREE Drap InIa te ichson Printing and Office Supply slors n te Aiax Piaza and pich up a ires capy oftheltW96 Metriz Caiendar. Pinled ln two caonus. il mahes for itandy reference. 883-1968. KAZMARPAZMAR PARM Pick STREET GARAGE SALE Enans 1978 HONDA 400 Tain wth Cals. yourown alrawbernies, June 13 to Court, Whitby, Saiurdey, June 14, X faring, $80. Pickering, 831- July 20. rom Toronto take ifwy. 9 a.m. la 1 p.m., picnic table, air 3075. 401 aent 10 Brock Rd. N., condilioner. bicycles, brass lam- Pickering. Tahe Broch Rd. N. ps, eleclric motorcycle, bath sevnn hm. Farmn on eassîsida of nanly, eleciric fixluras, loys, Brock Rd. Follow sign. Open books, records, moils, mucit weekdays, Monday ta Friday 9-5. more. Salurday and Sunday, 94. 683. _________ 799. 18 PT. PROWLER traiter, sloops GARAGE SALE Salurday, June 6, loaded, ney ceasn, includes 14, lrom 8 a&m. 10 4 p.m., 145 jacks, canopy, Raesesitcit and PTS& Ensnsong Drive, Whilby. Pur- more. $5.200.9864516. nilure, steren, snowmoblie, and _____________________SUPPIES nurnroulrousehold Items. FREE TO gond iome, maie calt, __________Ifraina._ FOR CLASSIFIED appron anne year old. 655-3971. __________ ADVERTISING FOR SALE mals and lamaistel CALL 6688 l Dacitshund puppies 66&.42 W A UT US NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE 0F AR- THUR RICHARD WHIT- TLE. Ail ldaims against the Estate of Arthur Richard Whittle, late of the Town of WhItby ln the Regionai MunIclpalIty of Durham, Retired, deceased, who died on or about the 13th day of January, 1986, muet be fiied with the under- signed personai represenlatives on or before June 3th, 1986; thereatter the under- signed wIii distrîbute the assets of the said estate having regard oniy to the ciaime thon f lied. Dated et WhItby, On- tario thîs 26th day of May,.1198. NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, Exocutors, by thoîr Soîîcîtora, Coath, Lîvîngaton& Johneton, 101 Dundas St. W., P.O. Box 327, WhItby, Ontario Li N 584 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of WALTER JOSEPH SHERMET late of R.R.2, BowmanvIiîe, Ontario. Aul persons having dlaims againet the Estate of WALTER JOSEPH SHERMET, who died January 13, 1986, are hereby notified to send to the undersIgned on or before the 2th day of June, 1986 full par- ticulars of their dlaims. lmmediateIy after that date the essets of the said estate wiI be distributed havlng regard oniy to dlaims thon filed. Dated et Uxbrldge, On- tario this 2lst day of May, 1986. JOHN NORMAN MCKAY, Executor Box 519, 10 Brock St. E., UXBRIDGE, Ontario LOC 1 KO NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Ciaime egainst the estate 0f 8HAGWAN KAUR HALL, late of the Town of Whitby, In the JudIili District of Durham, who died on the 7th day of Juiy, 1968, muet be In my hends by June 10, 1986 aifter which date the estate wlii be dIstributed. Ranjît Slngh Hall, Apt. 2003, 1025 Richmond Road, OTTAWA, Ontario, K2B 808, Admînastrator. NOTICE TO THE CLIENTS 0F SIMS, BRADY & MCINERNEY Due to the recent enac- tment ln Ontario 0f the FAMILY LAW ACT, 1986, t se possible that your Lest MI and Testament may require revision to continue to have the et- fect that you origineiiy intended. We recom- mend to our clients thet they gîve this metter their Immediate atten- tion.. DATED Ju ne 3rd, 1986. SIMS, BRADY& MCINERNEY Baristers & Soicitors 117 King Street P.O. Box 358 Whtby, Ontario Li N 5S4 GIANT YARD SALE Saturday, June 14, 10 arn. 02p.m., dhurch Items, Le. Pew5, stachlng chairs, etc., tables, misc., 419 Brocit Street Nortit, Whllby. YARD SALE June 13, 14 snd 15, antiques, boat, 18 cu. Il. freezer and lots more. Cochrane St., ln Brooklln. AUCTION SALE TUES., JUNE 24 10:00 A.M. Consignment sale et ORVAL MCLEAN AUC- TION CENTER, LIN- DSAY, Accepting farm mechinery, trectors, vehicies, boats, cern- pers. recreation, riding iewnmowers, construc- tion equipment and tools. Consign by June 14. Bring to barn or phono 324-2783 LINDSAY CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRI., JUNE 13 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lndsay on the Lndsay Little Britain Rd. 6 ft. pine hervest table, oak washstands, dlnlng room extension table, marbie top dresser, Vic- torien style set tee, round wlcker table and 4 chairs, Colonial chester- flbld and chair, 7 cu. ft. freezer, green Westinghouse electrlc stove and matchlng 2 door refrldgerator, an- tique dressers and chest of drawers, 35 h.p. John- ston outboard motor, 5 h.p. Toro rlding lawn- mower, 10 ft. Tabua Yak 111 flbergiess sailboat, quantlty of china and glass, lncludlng carnivel, mustache cupa, etc. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 AUCTION SALE FR1., JUNE 13 10:00 A.M. Antique and quallty fur- niture et ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTION CENTER, LINDSAY. Property of MAY HORE, glvlng Up housekeeplng plus contents LINDSAY CENTURY HOME. Piano, wooden lce box, oak rocker, old cupboerd, oak librery table, parlour table, Flndlay ovel cookstove, Hotpolnt almond refridgerator, qulits, weshstands, chests, dressers, pins boxes, copper bolier, dlnlng table, buffet, wrlnger washer, ex- cellent 9 pc. weinut dinlng roomn suite, pine fiat shelve, antique sink, llght fixture, old table, antique old fireplece mentie, old postcards and stemps, good Provincial bedroomn suite, good old bedroom suite, chesterfielda, quality dlnlng roomn suite wlth round table, quantlty excellent framed tapestries, lam- ps, Empire chest, an- tique rocker, oak dresser, small freezer, antique bed, Royal Doulton figurines, china, coliectables. A good sale. No reserve. 10 A.M. sharp, Open et 9. To list your sale calI 324-2783 MWCLEAN AUCTIONEERS "Comploe.Auction Service" ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If bilied - $6.00 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will flot be 14 each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loas or damage liable for failure to publish anad, or for typographic 70 o h is 0 od;1tec alleged to arise througb failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied BIT ,DET fothfîs10wrd 2<ec such replies. We will not be responsible for box nuniber by theerror up to a maximum cost of the irst insertion. adlinlwr.leplies not called for within 30Odays. The Whtby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS OF THANKS - $800 for the fir- reject ail advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12t each additional word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication CL.ASSIFIED RATES: $400 for 20 words; 12e each ad UTO AE-4prie(ooddaiwd. to insertor cailcel Emporium Ads. ditional word if pre-peid. You may charge your Ciassified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are availabie at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. P lea se have your ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitby-Free Press wii make 6 111 WORKWONDERS CALLM"111