Whitby Free Press, 18 Jun 1986, p. 18

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PAGE 18.WEDNESDAY.JIJNE 18. 1986 WIITBY FREE PRESS Lar&adnM'dur Color up your landscape with a perennial border Crooting a prennial flower border nt only gives you hours of healthy exorcise and recreatios - it aIseo dds lu the beauly and value of your proporty. "And because pronnials grow in the same location for many yoars, itlàla important to plan lthe gardon - beforo you plant," says Otario Hor- ticultural Association Presi- dent Marjorlo Durnford o! Guelph, Ont. Firat, choose an opon sunny ares whore your prennials wo't have te compote with ro troos and obruba for moisture, nutrientsanod sunlight. lHowevor, you con comple- mont the flower bod with o hedge a short distance away). NexI, design the border su tIsatI Ilsl at loosl two mtres wide - with roomn to expand, if possible. 0 f course, the border may bosas long as you wish, depon- ding on the spoco avallable. To avoid pocking down the soul as you work, put a few patio stones or cedar chips in place here and there. You may also design your perennial border with a curv- ed edge însteod of a straight edge, if you wish. Soit preparation la also im- portant. Work in a gonerous amount of organic moatter - well- rotted masure or compost. Thon "double dig" the sout. To do this, strelch s lino across the border, about one mtre from one end. Dig a trench the depth of a spade along that one metre and'then wheel that topsoil to the other end of the flower garden. At the bottom of the trench, opply a goserous amount of well-rotted monure and dig it into the subsoil. Move the lineoune more metro alosg the border and dig anoîher trench the depth o! the opade. This time, the lopsoil is us- ed to fi11 is the firat trench you dug. Repoat this procedure lu the other end o! the border. (The earth from the firat trench will fi11 in the Iast trench). Allow the ground te settle bofore you stsrt lu plant. Replesish the soil every spring by digglng in some well-rotted manure or com- post and applying a commer- cial fertilizer as recommend- ed by the manufacturer. Now select plants so Ihat you achievo continueus blooming, from spring through lu foîl. You may grow somne from aeed (in which case, 'the plants will nul likely bloom for une or more ycars) or you may buy thors aI a gardon Give your lawn a fighting. chance ..right down to the roots. $99.95 FOR AFRELAWN ANALYSIS &ESTIMATE, ACT NOYW CAL 723-2621 LanamaTrý,és contre or at a horticullural Society sale. "Or if you lot your gardon- ing frienda know about your now venture, you will likely receivo a supply of plants, free of charge," she says. For oarly color, choose spr- ing floworing bulba liko anowdropo, crocuses, scillias, hyacinîha, daffodils and tulips. These will bloomn for serreraI weeks and when they die off, ansuala auch as snap- dragons, marigolda, clarkia and ptunias moy take their place. But when selecting poren- niaIs, you ahould also bo aware of the fact that some will require more of your lime and attention thon others. Bleedisg heart, peonies and gas plant for example, perform well for years; but others, like iris, phlox and doylilies, must be dug up and divided every three or four years. Bewore of planta like corn- flower, Chisese lanternsanod violets that grow rampantly and cas take over the flower bcd unleas corefully controîl- ed. Some early-flowering perennials, such as pyrethrum and double shota daisy, will bloom a second time, if you cul them 10 the ground after the firat bloom- ing. Others, such os columbine and gaillardia, wîll flower al summer, if you pinch bock the spent blooms. Muat perenniols may be planted either in spring or foîl. But os o generol rule, spring and early-summer flowering, planta are beat planted in the foîl. Lte-summer bloomers, on the other hand, may be planled in sprlng. "But there are exceptions, so check with a rollable source bofore planting," sho soya. By planllng porennials In Septembor or early Octobor, the roots* can bocome establlshed bofore the ground froozos. And the plants are reody to start growing when spring cornes. Itas a good ides lu label your newly-planted poron- niais 100; some plants are late lu emerge in the aprisg s0 it as easy tu forgot their location or even thoir name. Plant spring bulbs as early in the sesson as possible. If your border la viewed from ose aide only, plant the talleal plants along the back row, with the shortor and dwarf varietios along the front. If your border is seen from both ides, place the taller plants in the middle, and the ahorler plants along the outer edge. "Three lu f ive plants of one species groupod togoîhor in so particular pattern are more effective thon single planta scottered throughout the border," ahe says. Place plants with white f lowers botween those whose colora may clash. Remember that planta need more spoce as thoy mature; s0 do nul overcrowd. When watering your flowers, bo sure te firm planta back mbt the soil lu prevent air pockets from for- ming ai the roots and killing off the planta. Stake ail lall-growing porennials (like delphiniums) and Ihose with heavy blooms (like peosiesi. Slake these plants early ao 1ha1 the foliago growa over the support and hides It. f or ail your gardlen ing needis 427-25 25 We Hove A Large Variety Of Quality Plants Stili A valable Impatients Petunias Marigolds and many others --DAI LY SPECIALS: ALL 0F OUR GERANIUMS NOW ON SALE UPT400%oOFF SELECTED TREES & SHRUBS V DuRhmE R .N S . s;e* itl BClar16amoont SytSe aLo Open 8 a.m. 655-4501 hr Studa 11h on. 8 z 8a.rn.'8p.m. Plcayr d ol. o hidu 25aso I M LAWN MOWING RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL FOR A REAL, PROFESSIONAL SHOWING "LJet the <,rass-Hop>1ers PHONE 436-1535 WE REMOVE G RASS CLIPPINGS,, 10%/0 STARTING DISCOUNT UPTO WITH THREE OR 5,000 SQUARE SIX MONTHSý FOOT LAWNS,ý SÈRVICE - 10 m 1 Ir ---- - ------

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