Whitby Free Press, 18 Jun 1986, p. 30

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AGE 30, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 18, 1986 WHITBY FREE PRESS Whltby'Ïs Most WideIy Read ICtLýASSIFIEýD ADSI AUCINS CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FR1., JUNE 20 6:00 P.M. Three mles east of Little Brtaîn or 7 mles west of Lndsay on the Lndsay Lttle Brtain Rd. The estate of the late MRS. AUDRY WRIGHT, ofLin- dsay, plus others. Round oak spllt pedestal table (wlth leaves>, oak bow- front china cabinet, 6 oak dlnlng room chairs, walnut buffet, walnut hall table, bed chester- field (lesa thari 6 montha old), console color T.V., 7 po. dînette suite, coffee and end tables, secretarial desk, oak washstands, 3 Pc. modem bedroom suite, Amerîcan Waithan pocket watch, 1975 Toyota - certlfled .les than 19'000 mlles - estate car, 1977 Ford Thunder- bird, quantity of bedding, linen, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 AUCTION SALE WED., JUNE 25 11:00 A.M. lnteresting sales at Stoddarta of Woodville. Large aasortment of Items. ColiectIble from four generations,, 1976 Dodge 600 truck cab and chassîs, oak desk, safe, 1982 Cadiilac hearse, oid planes, , pressed back chairs, procelain castors *and pulls, rockers, old botties, bob aieighs, swing saw, trIpple head rotor, Hoosier cabinet, new platform rockers, new Simmons mattresa. and box springs, antique washer, antique couch, some harnesses, wicker chair, antique brass bed, spool bed, wagon wheels, antique Buckeye incubator, oid mans fur coat, Buffalo ropes, hump-back trunka, an- tique chairs, Trebble sewing machines, quan- tity of hardwood lumber, oid battery iamp, wood lathe, Boston rocker, wooden bench vice, chlld's bob sleigh, an- tique picture tramnes, quantity old wooden planes, compressor, an- tique lead miii, iron cribs, beda, oid clamps, scaies, music cabinet, new table lampa, antique open funerai sleigh with drapes, many coilec- tIbles. 11:00 a.m. sharp. No reserve. Building sold. ORVAL MOLEAN AUCTIONS 324.2783 LIN DSAY Cali now to book your sale. ANTIQUE CLASSIC CAR AUCTION SUN., JUNE 22 10:30 A.M. Edwards Retorations, 1 mile north of Baxter, Hwy. 27 to Thornton then west 6 miles. Approx. 35 vehicles from eariy 1900's. For Information (705)424-9443 IM UCNOS AUCTION SALE SAT.,JUNE21 6:00 P.M. At Oddfellows Hall ln Port Perry. Conslgnment sale with 1978 Volare Coupe as ls, 8 h.p. roto tiller, 2 Lawn Boy lawn- mowers, Homeilte chain saws, 35 h.p. Evinrude motor, tank and controls, 8 ft. truck cap, 200 shirubs and trees ready to plant, RCA portable color- T.V., chesterfield suite, coffee and end tables, lampa, dishes and room for more. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 655-8073 AUCTION SALE THURS.,JUNE19 6:30 P.M. At Orval MoLean Auction Centre, Lindsay. Proper- ty of W. LAWSON, Bob Caygeon plus Beaverton Estate. Oak dlnlng room suite with round table, piano, good dining room suite, 10 new windows ln frames, gas barbeque, cioset door, antique cupboard, chesterfield set, iawn furniture, severai chesterfields, bed chesterfield, air conditioner, <antique rocker, beds, pictures, rugs, mantie cdock, Skier green chesterfield, wheel barrow, aiuminum iadder, Shopmate, fer- tilîzer, apreader, antique hall tree, cdock, trunks, roll-a-way, dryer, E-z chairs, electric stove, couches, tub, toilet, 2 refridgerators, dressera, china, glass, garden tools. No reserve. 6:30 sharp. MCLEAN AUCTIONEERS 324-2783 Caîl now to list your sale. AUCTION SALE FRI., JUNE 20 6.30 P.M. Mannys Antiques presents another out- standing, complete ahipment of antique fur- niture, cdocks, 'ac- cessories, etc. to be heid at "KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS", iocated on Brock Rd. N., Pickering, 3 miles north of Hwy. 401 (exil 399). Partial list in- cludea: various beautifully carved war- drobes, severai outatan- ding china cabinets, many quality draw and dropleaf tables, numerous sets of chairs, carved halistanda, book- cases, bureau deaka, or- nate sideboards, Welsh cupJboard, Deco cocktail bars, 8 pc. O.A. dining set, mantie and West- minster chime dlocks, mirrors, crockery, china, glass, lanterna, etc. Over 300 quality Items. Terma cash or cheque (wIth I.D.> No reserve. Prevlew f rom 4:00 p.m. G & H KAHN AUCTIONEERS 683-0041 ~DNS ~ AUCTION SALE TUES., JUNE 24 110:00 A.M. Consignment sale ai Or- val McLean Auclion Cen- tre, Lindsay. Farm machinery, tractors. molorcycles, vehicies. boats, tools, 9 h.p !rac- tor, Farmali A f ractor. farm wagon, 3 point 2 furrow plough, 3 point cultivator, Masaey 12 baller 3- point 12" poathole auger, new Hoiland 269 hayiiner baller, air compressor, Honda 3-wheeler, 90 Honda wheeler 200X, Suzuki 550 and GT 380 motorcycles, good chain saw, 1979 AMC Spirit, 1985 Pontiac 6000 ioaded, 1980 Chev 3/ ton cab and chassis, 1977 Chrysier 1Cordoba, generator, 1977 AMC Gremlln, 1975 Pinto Wagon, 1976 Ford truck rebuilt motor, 1976 Chev Caprice Toyota Corola, 1970 Olda, 1977 Honda Civlc, 8 roll up larger garage door, boat, trailer and 40 'h.p. Evinrude motor, 12 fI. aiumlnum boat and 71/. Mercury motor, 2 tibergiasa 15 ft. boat, 2 ton water cooied air conditioner and pump, 12 fI. cedar strip boat and 31/2 motor Catamaran twln haul sailboat, 6 h.p. riding mower, welder, good power wash. and steamer. new tbols, roto tiller, 10 speed bikes, aiso consigned by F. Alian Lawson, trustee, from a bank reserve is large dual press 3 h.p. air compressor, hydraulic press cut-of f saws, metal table stand. 10 ar. sharp. Starting wiih big items. .MVILEAN AUCTIONEERS 324-2783 LIN DSAY Ca RN EILS AUCTION BARN TUES., JUNE 24 6:30 P. M. Three miles eassiof Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lndsay Ltte Britain Rd. Modern dressera and chesl oi drawers, 20 cu. fi. freezer, 6 walnul chair~s and dining table, modemn hutch, chesterlieid and matchlng chair, maple rockers, Simplicity washers, 4 h.p. Canadiana garden tiller, Hohner accordian, single box sprîng and mattresses, washstands, dîning room extension table, odd wooden kit- chen chairs, quantity of hand bools, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786.28 TENDERS Onai Gommnt Tnde ROOFING CONTRACTORS 1., Roof Repaira to Varlous Buildings at Squires Beech, PICKERING, Ont. TENDER NO. ORI-86-100 2. Roof Repaira to the Administratio n Building at the Psychiatric Hospital, WHITBY, Ont. TENDER NO. ORI-86-101 Sealed Tenders wiil be received until 2:00 p.m. local lime on - THURSDAY, JULY 3,1986. Comblned Tenders wl not be accepted. Tender Documents may be obtained f rom the On- tario Ministry of Government Services, Orillia District Office, 24 James St. E., P.O. Box 790, Orillia, Ontario. L3V 6K7 Note: For f urther information regarding the Ten- ders, please cail the Tenders Office at the -above address, telephone (705) 325-7403. The lowest or any Tender not necessariiy accep- ted. O Ministry of Govern ment Ontario By JAN DODGE Free Press Staff Last weekend the DJurhlam Board of Education runners for the ROM did it again. For the second year in a row, a team, from ad- ministration, elemren- tary, and secondary areas of the board wvon the corporate mixed event. To enter this event a team must have a minimum of five women on the team and represent a corporation. The five women and 15 men who ran for the Durham board also placed second overaîl, improving their placing from sixth overall last year, Jim Russell, superintendent of plant and spokesman for the team, said. "I was really pleased. 1 thought the team we had last year was bet- ter, but we did better this year, and there were more teams com- peting," Russell said. From 8 p.m. Iast Friday to 8 p.m. Satur-, day the team ran a 24- hour marathon, each member runnirig a 3- mile lap in turn. A win as judged by the num- Iidoplt HET71 for GO expansion A CAREER iN TRUcKING. Tran- sport drioers neeeded. Now ls the lime fa ftrain for yaur Class A license. For pe.ecreeeing enter- niew and lob pacemeef infor. mation, contact Mers Orîs Traný spert Drioer Tranieg. Brampton 1.800265-1260. I4OUSEKEEPER paît-lime 3 imes a weeii. cleanînog lauedry etc. 430-1763. RESPONSIBLE women neede0 in teachefs home tor 2 pear aid girl and broiher who osin attereoor, kîndergarlen, cummencinh Set) lember. 668-4359 TRUCKI NO cAREERS. Drivei job training with placement hnîp is aoailabte, comple detaîls .an oe maîted 10 ou Phone Rodgers School ai (416) 769-3546 with postal code. MA CHERIE Home Fastiion Shows 6sf. 1975 Joie out suc cessful famlp 0fl indepeedent represeelalioes in presenlîng FIELD JUOGES for The Survival Game TM) ln North Whifby. Part. lime, mostly weeitends, ideat for individuels who enjoy the out. doors and walkIng with people in a recreallonal selîles. Must 6e 18 or over Calt RLD Games Ltd.. 1- 2933903 DISTRIBUTORS AND Sales Peopie We are 0ne of Canadas fastest orowîng companues. 6>e requie îmmediately dislrîbutors and sales people throughout On- tario Area resident a necessity No franchise tee Traning Provîded For more iformation contact Mr Hunt 4161 366-6680 ARE YOU ABLE 10 siart work fodayo) Ajax company now hring no eeperience necessary, car required, $285 a week, fu tîme. $165 part.lime 683-3300 PEOPLE NEEDED for extra scenes in mooles, fashion shows and prînt work AIl agesIfi n teresteil catI fo, an appointment 436-1512 af in-home parties for women Il s R ~ M L Y E T font fis' easpl il's profitable For information cati coilect f4161 632 9090.9 a.miet 4 p.m EXTERIOR AND Interlor paintieg. - plus aey small lobs and yard maietenance Phone 839-3877 SWe need S) a few ç ~A- '. boys and J ~ girls! 4~4Become a larier ioday. Learn o h a h ileess persan wilh ~a n iesponisîbi Ip white eareieg money 6,t*omne the ouf siend- ingcarrerIf he month and become a inner! Talk 10 oui Circalaion anager m i. Cali 6&6ll611Tolay FRE.PRESS j The ministry of tran- of the north and joins uç'ý sporation and- com- with the Kingston. line munications announced just west of Liverpool, last»week that they have Rd. awarded a contract for ON will construet twi:ý work on the GO Train temporary trestles .on service expansion fromn the York uine to allow Pickering into Whitby. construction to proceed The. $4 million con- without interrupting tract went to G. Tari existing train traffic. Limited of Downsview The scope . of the and is for grading work project includes from Liverpool Rd. in grading, drainage Pickering westerly to granular , base and the junction of the structures including proposed GO line with bridges, retaining walls CN Rail Kinston and the extension of mainline tracks. The existing culverts. proposed GO line wiil Work on the project is also have to pass under expected to begin this the existing ON York month with completion track which crosses scheduled for early Highway 401 coming out spring of 1987. Gerry jeeped A 1969 Jimmy Jeep June 13. beionging ta Regional The jeep,,which was couneillor Gerry Emm under repaira, is a 4x4 was stolen from the, and la green. Police driveway of his home. believe the' jeep was The thef t occured bet- towed from the sreen 4 and 10 p.m. on driveway. Bad joke A Whitby youth has cocaine. The youth was been cautioned by police sellîng the mixture at after the youth mixed $50 to $75 a packet. The sait and baking soda youth was cautioned the and tired to pass if off as stunt was a' bad loke. Brooklin -man- charge'd with impaired and A brooklin man has been charged. with operating a mofor vehicle while impaired and miachief over $1,000 following a short chase fhrough Brooklin early Sunday morning. Police gave chase foaa 68 Chevrolét pick-up truck affer il refused ta stop and sped away from a police car. The truck was finally stopped afler travelling through a stop sign on .Ragot SL-andthe.drver nilshief was placed in the cruiser f0 be -taken to 17 Division in Oshawa for a breath test. On the way to the station the driver kicked in the left rear door window and ripped the rear stop lighf from the police cruiser. Charged with operating a motor vehicle while impaired and mischief over $1.0000 is Daniel Lyons Alexan- der. 21. of Brooklin. Board employees run, for ROM * MONEVI MONEY $250 TO S500 Stay ahead of inflation. Turn your spare hours Int money-making hours ... flexible hours ... work near home ...lmmediate openings for ambillous men and women ... benef Ils ... no experience necessary ... car essentlal. Cali 723-3412E1E AUCTIONEERS The people of Whilby and area love attending suc- tion sales. Let them know about your next sale by advertising ln the m~ widely read pages ln Whlt- by - the Whllby Free Press Classifiledsf CCl:' --l r- 9 -1 1- i ber of miles the team r an in total. The board team ran 216 miles over the 24-hour period. Over $300,000 was raised for the museums by this year's Run for the ROM, Russell said. The Durham board team members each rasied at least $50, Russell said, With some collecting pledges for over $200. With the money raised by the run, the Royal Ontario Museum plans to set aside one exhibit that will be designated as provided by ROM runners, Russell said. "It's kind of a car- nival atmosphere," Russell said of the area surrounding Queen's Park and the University of Toronto where the run is held. Free food, free drinks, and even free massages from the college of therapists are available for runners when they complete each lap. Runners pitch tents and crawl in for a few, hours sleep in the six- hour space between laps. "It's a lot of fun," Russell said. 1 1

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