Lynde Ilouse move approved... Without the artifats By MIKE J0HNSTON Free Press Staff Whitby council will be i4moving very quickly" to move the Lynde flouse to Cullen Gar- dens this sommer, ac- cording to Mayor Bob Attersley. The Mayor made the comment after council unanimously voted to accept the recommen- dation by the town's operations committee *on Monday night. The motion calîs for the town to accept ownership of the house and move it from it's *present location to Cullen Gardens. The motion also calîs for the bouse to be designated as a Historical Strue- ture after it has been moved. While the move by council effectively saves the bouse from demolition, members of the Whitby Historical Society have questioned the rationale behind moving the bouse now. The Society is curren- tly awaiting a study by Marshall, Macklin and Monaghan to determine the best site for a museum in Whitby, a site which may flot in- lude the Lynde House or Cullen Gardens. "The study may very well indicate that the Lynde House can fun- tion as a period bouse ... but may not be able to serve as a museum.- Rod Angevaare chair- man of the study and vice-president of the society told council memnbers in a deputation Monday night. He requested that council negtiate with Wittington Investrnents. the owner who offered the house to the town, to keep the house on it's present site until the study is completed. If the owner requested the house be moved then Angevaare recommen- ded the town set the bouse on a temporary site until the study is- completed. Council was then in- formed that when the bouse is moved, the ar- tifacts inside it may not move with it. This statement came as a complete shock to Mayor Attersley. 'It would look funny, the artifacts sitting there and no bouse," said the Mayor. After the meeting Bill Qyagi, president of the Society, said the society owns 90 percent of the artifacts inside -,the bouse. The other ten percent is owned by private citizens. Wben asked where the society would store the artifacts if they do not move with the house, Oyagi said he would like the town to provide a facility. Angevaare also produced estimates on how much it will cost the town to move and operate the house on private owned land. (Accarding to Angevaare the town wi11 not be able to request grants from the provin- cial and federal gover- nments unless a study, like the one the society is currently undergoing, is completed.) He estimated that the move to Cullen Gardens and restoring the house, including a $20,000 donation frorn Len Cullen, will cost the tqx- payers of Wh.:tly $242,000. "Our gift to Cullen Gardens,'" he SEE PG. 2 Wow! Mimes Patty Bowman and Diane Zylka cer- tainly played their roles to a tee on Saturday. The two entertained both young and old during the BIA's Discovery Day. Free Press Staff Photo Discovery Day deemed 'terrifie'" rb/rVol. 16, No. 25 Wednesday, june 25, 1986 32 Pages A Great Day Boxer Shawn O'Sullivan was in town on Saturday to help Mayor Bob Attersley eut the ceremonial ribbon to officially kick-off the Downtown Business Improvement Area's Discovery Day. Seen here with the Mayor and O'Sullivan are councillors Tom Edwards, Marcel Brunelle, Joe Drumm and Gerry Emm, BIA presîdent Ed Buffett (far left), BIA manager Georgina Phillips and mimes Patty Bowmhan and Diane Zylka., The day also included clowns, comic book hereos and celebrity look-a- likes walking the streets, bands performing in various parts of the town and a Kid Check programn sponsored by the Durham Chapter of Child Find. For more on O'Sullivan and his future in boxing see page 21. Free Press Staff Photo By MIKE JOHNSTON Free Press Staff The praises flowed freely once everyone bad bad a -chance to assess Whitby's first Downtown Business Improvement Area Discovery Day. "Excellent. Terrific," said BIA manager Georgina Phillips. -Terrific, excellent," said BIA president Ed Buffett. "Inipressive, tremen- dous," said Tom Ed- wards, councils representative on the BIA. Ail three termed the day a huge success, and it was an extra special day for Buffett as the Discovery Day also felI on bis birthday. 'It was awful nice of the BIA to arrange this day for my birthday," joked Buffett who said the success of the day was a very pleasant bir- thday present. "IL was an excellent day in terms of sales and businesses have told me they were very happy. There havent been that many people downtown in a long time," said Buffelt. He said the crowd which showed up to see boxer Shawn O'Sullivan cut the ceremnonial nib- bon with Mayor Bob At- tersley, stayed down- town after OSullivan left. "The crowd was consistenit throughout the day, "he said. Pbillips, agreed. "The merchants said people were going imb (he ONIP The Town of Witby has received $225.000 under the provinces Ontario Neigbbourhood Improvement Program. "That is riot as much as we asked for but more than we expec- ted,"- said La rry Cavanagh of the plan- ning department. He said the money will be used fur road reconstruction in the east Brooklîn area as weil as expansion of the stores and staying around. The weather was perfect and we are ail thrilled witb the suc- cess of the day. " But Phillips and the BIA are not sitting back on their laurels. Plans are under way for a similar extravaganza in the faîl. "We're going to do this more often. We're already planning sometbing for the fal andw'l have a big promotion for Christ- mas," said Phillips. Buffett said future promotion days will in- clude another celebrity, more balloons, more music and a banner waving across the four corners. "This goes to show that wben we put some effort into it we can at- tract people into down- town," said Buffett. Councillor Edwards termed the day an "un- hlp-mished success," but espe.. !!y men' the feeling Shawn O'Sullivan left in Li.,. downtown. At one point in the day, O'Sullivan filled in as band leader for Bruce Court and led the Wbitby Senior Public Band, wbose music filied the streets of downtown. "Here is a young man in a violent sport leadîng young bright faces that are looking at him with admiration," said councillor Edwar- ds. "I can't speak highly enough about the day," he added. Grant 1seniors community cen- ter on Brock St. S. The money will be 1used over a three year period. said Cavanagb Iand a public meeting will be held in the fail to look at which roads in Brooklin will be recon- strucied. Wbilhy is among 96 municipalities to receive money from the pr.'viine. An estimated $19 million was, alloeated to the municipalities. I I