Whitby Free Press, 25 Jun 1986, p. 28

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PAGE 28. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 25. 1986, WH-IT13Y FREE PRESS FREE PRESS EMPOR.IUM Emporium Ad@ wili oniy be accepted subjeet to the foliowing conditions. TWO LADIES BIKES, $40 each. TV. sand, $15. Strea stand, $2. HI-Fi record player, $5. Gailaller 6 p.m., 668-4032. MODEL TRAIN SET, HO Guge, 70 i. traci, 4X8 table, engins, 12 cars, buildings, gond sarter sel, $200 irm. Gai 723-6969, aller 5 p.m. CUSTOM MADE conlempnrary lane seat and twa chairs, ex- cellent condition, cost $1.600 new, asking $66. Wal unit, Issas titan ayearald, $400. Aller 5 pm., 666-223. KLONDIKCEflreplace Insert with fan, gnod condition, $350. Kim- bail elecîrin organ with double kopunard and bencit, $60. Com- bination stereo and radio, $60. e664760. BICYCLE - girls 23 Inch Raeight transit, $60 or hast ollor. Phono aller 6p.m.,66-3274. ROBERT BATEMAN prlnts, Idl Muto Swan@, moseam framed, $750. Bffalo AI Ambasolie, $900. Phoneo 668-528. GLASS and chrome coffee table, 3 lier, S150. Dehumidifior, dark brown, $8. Wicker coffea lubie, $20. Pctureous face clock, $25. Phone 4276592. SUTCHEA BLOCK style round table wth four pins-cane chairs, one year nid, $150. Phone 668- 6554. CARPETS, two 9nl, one 11013, $30 each. Fooball haimet, $15. Five gallon f1h tank wilh ac- ceaunries, $23. Liquor bar for rec room, $50. Phone 5799167. SPANtSH style chesierlieid andi chair, custom mode,' one of a klnd, $50. lmporled Bropean chandelier, $480. 011 on cannas roali painting ram Meico and trame, $200. Cail 6689288. ROTO TILLER, 5 hp., excelent condition, $296. Stop adder, atumInum, $25. Wheelbarrow, $10. Hatî-moon table and maégazine stand, $25 "aeh. Lades bike, $40. Junior 10 speeli, $45. Rock maplo kitchen set, $225. Sewing machine, $35. Smati table, $35. Phono 683-663. ROLLER SKATES- Nik, back, size 3, $25. Dominion, white, size 5 (ladies), $3. Fifty record albums, 194019505 music, anme ciassicai, $5 each, Phone 655- 3266. SINGLE BED, $35. Boys 10 speed bike, $50. Kerosene heaier, $50. Phone 436-033. CUSTOM MIADE drapes, 2 nom-. plte sets, $300. Phono 666.0295. ENTIRE lIOUSEHOLD furnIluro. 110w snd usod. Admirai fdldge, $160. M.D. dryer, $260. Viking" automnatIn waaher, HMD., $30. Four 15" radial Frestoqle tires, P19517R15, $W each. 12 voit bat- try, $5. Table and four chairs, kitchen, $100. 19" calour TV., $35. Dresser, 960. Large Oak dask, $1.000. Large book &all, $110. Office desk, wood, $35. Steel book shoif. $60. ouch and recîning chair, leater, $560. Dask caiculator, $6. Antique couch and 2 matchlng chairs, $400. Goal rack, $100. Eiectric stovo, $300. 0081 cash citer. Gal 655-8966. GRAIN CONVEVOR, Littlo Glant, 25 f. on wheois, $895. Phono 655 8000. 14 FOOT mahngany FioetwIng saliboat, $460. Tires ton citain holt, $100. BoatI ancher, $2. Let-hand golf clubs and car, $15. Water slils, $45. Barbaque, $15. Gant hook for roliing loge, $3. Hoover, $30, Pick axe, $2. Phono 4334689. BICYCLE.- boys 3 npeed, in ou- celent condition, 20 Inch wheein, sutabie for 9year old, $60. Phone 668-9460. ALUMINUM shed, iOnS, 2 years nid, $1W or besi oiter. 66-4943. FOR SALE dining room suite. ailli walnul, appmox. W0 yesa aid, 9 paes, table i.lth exîen- so, ballot, china cabinet. 5 ide chairs and 1 arm chair, icom- pitoiy refinlshed Inciuding new upitoletered cioth osas), pico $150 or boat oiter. Tel. Oô&- 2461. USED .IACUZZI pool filter and motor for 14x28 pool, $6. Phono M"8-271. -PLEASE READ- When te advertised item la sold, disposeli of, or unavaiabte for whatever reasan, te item wili be deemed ta have been sld and a commission witI be chargeli haseli on1THE ADVERTI8ED PRICE as illutraleli beiow, regardions if price la stateli wilh "best offer. If te item is NOT SOLD. or disposed nf, te ad wiII he ron for 3 MI)NTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of 97.50 wili apply payable in advance of publication nf the firsi ad. The above minimum charge wlll be applied 10 lite final commission due. Maximum commission: $100.0, Alil adver. lisements must 1w placed on an exclusive basis wilh the WIITBY FREE PRESS and rutl ai leant one monlt if sol sold RATESI (if article la sldi: 5% et adverllsed prie ap 10949.66 2% nf balance ever $400,00 EXAM'L.E: ibId Item advertleed fer Si 50.00. Commission due 17.50 t minimum charge la $7.50) Private adverlising onlyl Please nnify te Whilhy Free Press immediately when item is sold Bo taI we may delete il from te fllnwing issue. All adsneto fiting te Emporium guidelinea will 1w frealeli and chargeli per week as reglar classifieli adsoan a pre-paid basis socit as: services, help wanted. clnthing, real estale, and personal message type ads, or alis not qootlng price or quantity. Private classifieli adn may appear in te Emporium section under appropriate headingu. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTI-ERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPOIRIUM P.O. Sax 206 Whithy, LIN 5S1 If ln doubtcall: 668-6111 OR DELI VER TO: 831 Brack St. N. Wkitby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR E.MPORIUM ADS IS THE, FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON, FOR SALE Î RB ED BOYS BMX stylo biko. $25. NAVY PREGO Prom. apron ond Phone 6689738. basket, $50. White change lubie. - $___ _________ 20. Eiectric botle sierilizer. $12. INSIDE DOOR 2980.O inciuding Girls 18 montists 1 sizo Iwo hardware, $25. Insido door. 26x80 dlothns, $3 each. Bottin wormor. inri... i..53. Colt 668-0523. croIe dura stop single riser. $38. Fine 24x24 polio siahs, $250 each. Porable eieclric basoboard healer, $15. Piallorm rocker, golli vlour, $100. End lubie, colonial stylo, $25. Two sols balhroom laps. now, $15 onch. 1-6236770. FOR SALE 1984 Bonaire 1200. sioeps 8, slave, 2 way ridgo, tollet. dining sheiter, camplely oqoIppod, immaculato condition, asking $8,000. Gail Bruce aI 688- 1965. PRAM, tireo-In-one, $120. GM lonseat, $40. Change table, $40. Al ike now. oatit bed, $50. Phono 434-6947. Give - UNICEF gifts and cards and help a child Ublef Canada i , 443 Mt. Reaunl R6 Toranla. Oni. M4S 2L8 O calUNCEF Canadail f011 NEW & USED CAR BUYS READ ... SUY... SELL JUST CALL 668-6111 MEFO To KNOW SoMETHING ABOUT YOUR NEW COMMUNITY? Phono 668-8943 Our liostes 0111binIgiIs and îîoelîngs, aient wit hoieplul cnmmanily inormation. 1978 DOOGE hall ton mlt cab, 1973 PONTIAC Laurontian, 400 AMIFM cassette, aulamatin, cc molor, rune bul noada worll, $2.100 or bost olter. Gail aller 6 aise can b. bought for parts, ...666-096. $200. Phono 679-303. 1977 FORD 1 ton. 351 VO, p.s.. 1972 PINTO, dlean Insido, body p.. single witole, BsIO stake good, neoda minor repairs, $700 box, excellent condition, $3.400. or boat aller. Cou 668-7925. certiliei. 666-3860. _____________ 1977 OLDS Golless Salon, con- sole huchets, gond shape, eany ta cartily, $1.600. Phone 868- 0188. 1977 HONDA hatcitback, as la, $1,000. Phoneo 68-528. 1977 0000E wIndow van, iow mleage, good ires, fair body, encollent runner, $1.000 or beat reasanabie aller. 576-8319, weekdays aller 6 p.m., weekends anylime. 1976 CMRYSLER GORDOBA ps., p.b., air conditioning, $60 or boat oiter. Gali 655-3176. 1976 AMG GREMLIN, one ownor, standard 6 cylinder, tran- smission, as s $600. 668-0159, weehends enytimo, weehdays ai. tor 5 p.m. 1975 GREMLIN X ions but needs wark or good for pants, $200 or hest aller. 668-7816. 1975 0000E Club Cab, 3/4 tnn heavy daty, aulomnatic, good shape, 59,000 original miles, bul for 5tit whoei traiter, croise con- Irni. extra air compreasor and tank for tires, etra gos tank, $3000. Phone 655-3006. 1974 BUICK APOLLO, mors good, body good, 6 cyl., $650 or besl al- ler. 433-1842. 1974 SUPER BEATLE, eocellent condition, lady drinen, 26,000 original miles. sonrool, radio, new point, $2750.7253744. 1974 HORNET for sale, has 1976 motaI 232 (40.000 mies), rebut irans.. new starter, body roîl, goali running, ans $500. Phono 668-9619. 1909 CHEVELLE four new ties and sesoral brand new parts, $300 Phono 088-195,ask for Dan. ýîEPFUCT^O^ YOUR BD STO CARRY VOUA IRAIN AROUNOI or. IIing ioe as bo oemasa.je nton da' unes ue ho,- emlan as .500-le a prmcnol lé,0 aaY"ei hm nao salai.aew.11...te. - eu lm, oo bon .iaIO d i doInrod ls WHITIY FREE PRESS 4% .CON FUSEDé? Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our low advertising rates just because you have If you: @are a private advertiser;, @have an article to sel; - and, *have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details i. Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months. A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $750 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad, If your article does NOT seil within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un. fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article wiIl seli, but where else could you get three months advertising for only $7.50? When your article selîs, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Com- Mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described above. questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear Up many of your questions.- ilflot, do call 668-6111l and we'Il be pleased to explain the E mporium Section to you personally. rl have read thte Emporium guidelines ahiive and wîsh fIt have te ifoliowing advertisement placed under titis sectiton of the Whitiy Free - don i torieli uida- yrur photr-iturnîber - I enclose $7..W1 lu cover tite minimumt ciarge. Charge $7.50 to my Visa accouni Card Ne. Nasse iplease print i Addrest MAIL TO: Ilo Dte WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 5S1 foetal, cedi Below are sume examples of what you would be charged if your article sold within three monthý. C'ommissions sitown include the minimum charge and are ltus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYVA BLE1 Advertik'd 1rR-e~ Up It $ 1501 $ 21>) s 3ix) $ 400 $ 500< $ 600 $ 70X) $ 800 $ 900) $1.000 $2.000 $3.000) $4,000 $5.000 and up Total Amount Payable 87.50 810.00 $15.00 S20.00 $22.00 824.00 $26.00 $28.00 $30.00 $ 32.00 $ 52.00 $ 72.00 $ 92.00 $100.00 M" au" 1 ---

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