PAGE 30, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 25, 1986 WHITBY FREE PRESS Whitby's Most Widely' Read kYiA.SiIFnD TED0 M WANTED A CAREER IN TRUCKING. Tran. sport drivera needed. Now la tire lime to, train for your Ciasa A Ilcunue. For pre.screening Inter- view and lob placement Infor mafias, contact Merv Orn'a Tran. sport Driver TraInIng, Brampton 1.800265-1260. WHITBY DAY CARE Centra requIrus a teachur sterling Juiy. Phnone 86U.9476. VALMED HEALTH SERVICES INC. Cl1 raRequires Homemak- ers, H.C. A.INurse Ade for private duty, institutional work, cholce of own shifts. Caîl for appointment, Monday 10 Frlday. 433-1494 EXTERIOR AND sntentor painting, plus any smait lobs and yard maintenance. Phone 8393877. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Claims agaînst the estate of BHAGWAN KAUR HALL, late of the Town of Whitby, ln the judicial District of Durham, who died on the 7th day of July, 1968, must be ln my hands by July 20, 1986 after which date the estate will be dlstributed., Ranlut Slngh Hall, Apt. 2003, 1025 Rchmond Road, OTTAWA, Ontarlo, K2B 8G8, Admlnstrator. CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRI., JUNE 27 6:00 P.M.- Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay Litte Britain Rd. Wainut Decons bench, washstands, round pedestal table, odd pressback chairs, an- tique dressers, parlour tables, console color T.V., upright piano, parlour stoves, piano stools, 30 hp. Westband outboard motor, 50 hp. Johnston outboard molor, Fisher air-tight stove, 3 ton Chrysler centrai air conditioner, upright pop cooler, 1979 Ford LTD, 1981 Dodge 4 door- certified, quantity of china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 MA CHERIE Home Fusiion Shows Est. 1975. Join our suc. cessfutiumiiy of independent represeniatIves ln presestIng quaiity lngerie and ieisureweur ut In-home parties for women. lits funt is a syt ts profitable. For information cati coiiuct 4161 632- 9090.9 arn. to 4 p.m. EXPERIENCED suies person ruquired for drapery and curput dupunimunt. Cuti John or Gini 831-2111 or 6883013. TELEPUUONE SALES people wus* led, fullime empioymneflt, 5 pur iour. 4277877. EXPERIENCEO cieaning lady for Whltby Aax area. Referencus, reasonubie rates. Peuse cuit 666. 3980. CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRI., JULY 4 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay Little Britain Rd. Approx. 400 places, good quality furnIture, giassware, crockery, cdocks, ln. cludinig heavily carved oak and mahogany war- drobes, washstands, secretariat desks, Q'G' chests, hailstands, china cabinets, mirror backed oak and mahogany sideboards, quantity of draw and dropleaf tables, wall dlocks, quantity of dining room chairs, oval mirror dressers, pine chest of drawers, oak book shelves, Gus Becker Vienne regulator single weight dlock, quantity of china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-21 83 AUCTION SALE MON., JUNE 30 6:00 P.M., The property of JOHN JACOBS, 1 mile east of Brock Road on Sideline 14, 3/4 mile south of 7th Concession. Watch for signs. Brass show har- ness, 2 wheel dump cart, round oak dining room table, 6' wide, dressers, beds, books, candie holders, electric weider, glass dishes, china, numerous other articles. Terms cash. Properly sold. NORM & PHIL FAULKNER EARL GAUSLIN AUCTIONEERS AUCTIONS FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY ATTEND ONE THIS WEEKENOl AUCTION SALE TUESDAY, JULYI15 9:00 A.M. The Corporation of the Town of Whltby wiIl be holding an auction sale at the Port Whitby Marina, 303 Front Street West, Whitby, Ontario. Pursuant to the Warehousemen's Lien At, R.S.P. 1980, c.529, the following boats will be sold by public auction: One (1) 38'Pacemnaker Owner: John Focher, Last Known Address: 49 Brisco Street, Brampton, Ontario. L6V 1 X2 Amount Owingý- .$792.00 One(1)26'Thunderbird Owner: Last Known Address: Amount Owing. One (1) 35 Shepherd One (1) 24' Raînbow One (11138' boal named "The Hub- Owner: Last Known Address: Amount Owing: Owner: Last Known Address: Amount Owing: Owner: Last Known Address: Amount Owing: One (1116 metfre boat Owner: namned "Johan of Rhu" Last Known Address: Amount Owing: one (1) Venture Owner: Last Known Address Amount Owing: Edward Pierce, 380 Dixon Road, Weston, Ontario. MgR MT $1,118.00 Don Hopper, 102 Clover Ridge Dr. E., Aax, Ontario. LiS 1G7 $3,255.00 Norman MacLeod, 81 Clover Ridge Dr. E., Aax, Ontario. LiS 1GB $1,.032.00 John Adams, 12 Norden Crescent, Don Milîs, Ontario. M3B 1 B6 $2,457.00 Robert Wartman, 159 John Street, Napaniee, Ontario. K7R 1 R4 $1,188.00 Brian Hendry, 5 Yvonne Avenue, Downsview, Ontario. M31 C6 $1,87500 Preview: July 12. 13. 14 Term-;: Cash Removai f rom Marina Property by July 31sf. 1986 Auctioneer: Ross McLean LARGE CLEARANCE & CONSIGNMVENT AUCTION FR., JUNE 27 110:00 A.M. Approx. 50 traclors. cars and trucks, over 200 pieces of farm equip- ment including garden tractors. More *inlor- mation dial (519) 534-1638 WAYNE WARD FARM EQUIPMENT HWY. 6, WIARTON _AUCTION SALE THURS.,JUNE26 6:00 P.M. At Orval McLean Auction Center, Lindsay. 500 shrubs, trees, 100 blue spruce. 6:30 p.m. - fur- nilure, appliances, some antiques f rom FENELON FALLS and WHITBY ESTATE. To lisI your sale cal 324-2783 MVCLEAN AUCTIONEERS FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 668-6111 Postal hours Canada Post's Whitby office on Dundas St. will be closed for the Canada Day holiday next Tuesday, July 1sf ex- cept for the lobby boxes which will remain open as usal. The Whitby office will be open on the Monday for regular business in- cluding lef fer carrier delivery, rural route delivery and wicket service and will resume full service again on Wednesday, June 2. on Saturday, June 28 the office will be closed as usual except for the lobby boxes which are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Stolen Auto A 19 86 iighf brown Pontiac Fiero was stolen off the lot of Gus Brown Motors on Dun- das St.. E. sometime between June 21 and June 23. The care is- valued at $17,000- There are no suspects. bouse break-in St N. ws etere70 and a Ster. seo, a vdeoasett streo de n oucases reof ererendtouencaTee theff occurred between 9:30 p.m. on June 21 and teecream A youth working for Dickie Dee Ice Cream was robbed of $90 on Mary St. E. at 6:30 Sun- day night, after two 2:30 arn. on June 22. Police report a garage door was forced and an inside door was entered. The items are valued at $1,300. robbery othier youths ap- proached and asked for change. Police are in- vestigatig the incident. Give hlood you must be healthy, free from colds or the flu, not taking any medication and be- between the ages of 17 and 66. Giving blood is a simple process which takes about 45 minutes of time - not much time considering your donation might save a lif e. Posters Plus Inc. is generously supporting and promoting blood donor clinics during the summer. Receive a gift of art for giving the gift of life. Where will you put your poster? FROM PG. l1 Offers pouring in At the Scarboro Fair Convenience Store on Bonacord Ave. near Col. J.E. Farewell school the Gerstel was also available. Manager George Uzunovski said it had taken four or five months to seli one case of Sarasoda but, on or- ders from Becker's, he had only sold to adults. Mac's, on the corner of Brock Sf. and Starr Ave., not far frorn Palmerston Ave. sehool have two cases of the soda ordered fhrough the head off iv-e. -'We got inîstrucfions nof to seil for a while,- said Wanda Kerr, manager. "then we were told to sell if off and gef rid of it ..,lft wasnt that good a seller. t don't think l'Il carry it anymore." At the Thickson Food Fair, Thickson Rd. and Canadian Oaks Dr., Abid Khan, owner, said the soda selîs alright. but not like Coke. He&s been sfocking il for more than a month. but at 80 cents a boff le he said most buyers are in their early 20s. He doesn't seil any of the other law alcoholic beverages af his store which is not far from Dr. Roberf Thornfon school school in the Blair Park Plaza'neither Becker's nor the Blair Park Variety stock low alcoholic beverages. Nam Cho, manager' of the latter said, "I don't want to carry them." Besides Sarasoda, the IGA supermarket ýon Brock St. S. had six- Packs of near beers, Texas Select, bottled in Texas; and Europa, bot. tled in Quebec, each containing .5 percent alcohol. There were also cans of St. Christopher, a de-alcoholized beer bottled in Englgnd which contains just 1.05 percent alcohol. Also on sale were 75C mi. bottles of de- alcoholized Italian wines by Giovane which contained .4 percent alcohol and sold foi $4.99 each. Dave Loader, who or ders for this section. said these items wer( not big sellers, althougl if was too early to tel] with the soda as it ha just been stocked for a week. Venier at Oshawz Foods said there bh been an increase 'ii demand for low alcoholic beverages. alihough at presetît it is not strong. MONEVI MONEV $250 TO $500 Stay ahead of inf lation. Turn your spare hours lto money-making hours ... flexlble hours ... work near home ... Immediate openings for ambitlous men and women ...benefits ... no experienice necessary ... car essentlal. Cali 723-3412E0E. BeCome a&carrier for the Whitby Free Press today. Become the outstanding carrier of the month and become a winner' Learn lo be a business persur i wth responsibilirtv whie earninq moriey CALL CIRCULATION 668m6l11 (ROUTE CARRIERS EARN $$$!) i~W-T ADSworkwodm! 1 m Ai)SI 1