PAGE 6. WEDNESDAY. .ItINF 25,11)X6. WHITBY FREE PRESS ýýbuderbrQo/fand Counb- O OOMvdW AiTiRnTRN ;ÈR..l1I Blood Clinie July 8 Clinic Chairman Margaret Horton and regular attendee Rod Angevaare show off a poster blood donors could receive with a coupon they get for giving blood. The linic will be held on Tuesday, July 8, from i to 8p.m.Free Press Staff Photo BROOLINFLOUR MILLS _ "Country Store Aimosphere"l FRENCH DRESSING from "salads" by Jean Pare * 1/3 cup vlnegar, *1 cup salad oil, * 1 tsp. white sugar 1 tsp. paprika,* 1 tsp. sait,* 1/4 tsp. pepper Correction *118 tsp. cayenne pepper flot 1/2 tsp. We apologize for any Ineonvanlence this may have caused. BROOKLIIN Put ail Ingredients ln Bottie. Cover and shake welI. Shake beloare using. CAS5ýLS RD E. Cookbook Series by Jean Pare avallable- at the MiII. 655-4851 112WIB 23 CASSELS RD. E., BROOKLIN yCub 91 PRO SHOP SPECIALS OUR OWN EXCLUSIVE THUNDERBIRD I'S COMPARE AT $600. OUR PRICE $349 (ALLLUBSi1 pc. SETS) WE CARRY BOSTONAN GOLF SHOES THE SHOE PERSONALLY WORM Dy JACK NIÜKLAUS GOLFING SWEATERS REG. s30eo,»139 POWER CAR SPECIAL *WEEKDAYS BEFORE a A.M. AND AFTER 3:00 P.M. (2GREEN FEES & POWER CAR) *WEEKENDS &HOLIDAYS 534*aOOREG. 54300 AFTER 3:00 P.M. SAVE $9 LADIES SPECIAL! FRIDAY APTERNOONS AFTEA 400 PM. 30 LADIES GREEN FEES $0 Home Satellite TV:- The Greutest Show On Earth A ction-packed movies arc just the bcginning of the -programning now showing on home satellite TV. Look at wbat cisc you've been missing: eMore movie, sports, news, educational, rligious. and children's programming than :s available fr. m any oni'er source. 1lO')-plus channels to choose frc m, for about i tc same monthly payîncnts as cable TV. *Frec and legal reception. To ind out more about how home satellite televi- sion works, ask us for a FREE copy of Tuning la, Hôme Satellite TV. But hurt-y-supplies are Iimited. r. Make a notation in your calendar to attend Whitby's summer blood donor clinic on Tuesday, July 8, from 1 to 8 p.m. at the Legion Hall on Byron St. S. Every donor who attends this clinie will receive a coupon from Posters Plus Inc. for a fine art poster/print of their choice. These poster/prints, valued up to $40, can be 4cked up from any Posters Plus location in Toronto. So give the gift of life and get a good feeling and a free poster. In the summer when a lot of people go away on vacation, attendance at blood donor clinics usually decreases. Unfortunately the need for blood during these holiday months doesn't decrease. With 50 many long weekends and By lines By BEflTY-JEAN BLYTH Fj Z.Cati 655-3679 wlth Items for this column On Monday afternoon of this week, there was a tea held in Meadowcrest School for retiring prin- cipal Joy Baines. Unfortunately the pressures of business prevented me from attending but 1 would like to extend my best wishes to ber along with those who did. I have known Joy and her family for many years that go back even before the days when we attended the old Witby High Sebool on Coiborne St. together. Like her parents Bill and Belle Grylîs, she has con- WHITBY A UTO WRECKERS LIMITED Highway No. 12 -1 Mie North of WHITBY SPECIALIZING IN LA TE MODEL WRECKS Mon.-Fri. 7:30-5 p.m. Open ai l day Sat. 668-3322-23 increased traffie on the road unfortunate accidents do occur adding to the con- stant everyday need for blood. .If you're in town on July 8, be sure to attend the blood donor clinic. Bring a friend and enjoy the warm, friendlly atmosphere generated by the Red Cross volunteers. To be a donor, SEE PG, 30 tributed mucb to the communtty over the years. 1 heard wonderful things about her when she was principal of Florence Heard scbool in Whitby and they proved even more true when she came to Brooklin. It will be difficult to find someone as dedicated to fui her sboes. I don't know wbat ber plans are for the future but I'm sure that she is retiring from ber profession only and will continue to be tbe same vital pet-son she bas always been; that she will carry ber zest for life with ber into whatever new endeavor she plans to tackle next. Tbank you Joy for being what you have been to the people and especially the cbildren of tbe community. We wisb you ail the best in the coming years. THANK YOU The organizers of tbe Bat-n Benefit in Ashburn would like to thank ail those who contributed to this cause. Tbe generosity of ail tbe neighbours and friends exceeded expectations and will go a long way towards helping the unfortunate victims of the bat-n fit-e. STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL Tomorrow nigbt, June 26, Brooklin's UCW is holding its strawberry festival in the cburch hall on Cassies Rd. Tickets are stili available at Brooklin Country Crafts and cost just $6 for aduits, $3 for children fromn 5 to 12 while pre-scboolers will be admitted free. If you haven't had a chance yet to gorge yourself on these seasons crop of succulent strawberries, this is your chance. INSTITUTE NEWS Brooklin Women's Institute took a tour uf the Guy, Robinson and Henry museums in Oshawa recently after an end-of-the-season luncheon. i1 The executive wiîl hold a meeting at the home of the president, Mrs. Laurel Hamer in August. MYRTLE NEWS One of tbe oldest and most loved members of the community died recently - Jessie Cooke. She will be sorely missed. Following the funeral, the family received in Myrtie Chut-ch where the chut-ch ladies provided refresbments. I would like to add my sincere condolences. 1 remember Jessie from my cbildhood. She always had a smile and a cbeery word for everyone. Roaming dogs are an ongoing problemn in Myrtle. Two large dogs, one black, one brown, tore a rabbit cage apart and killed the pet of the Bob Rennie family. Aside fromn the sorrow of the young childrert who love their pets, these dogs could prove dangerous in otber ways. Tbey could pick up and carry the rabies virus wbich is particularly virulent this year and is present in the Myrtle area again. This is an appeal to dog owners to keep their dogs at borne before more such incidents or something worse can occur. Board proceedure changed To prevent trustees from being influenced by one anther's votes, the Durham Board of Education wiîl use signed ballots instead of a show of bands for a recorded vote. These ballots will remnain secret until al are collected when the chairman will read out the vote and namne of the trustee, followed by the result of the vote. This change was suggested to eliminate "the perception that voting migbt be seen to be affected by the progress of the vote" and "that a vote may be seen as not being an in- dividual's own initiative," Whitby Triastee Ian Brown said. *Smokey and the Bandit *The Jerk *Smokey and the Bandit Il *Midway @Somewhere in Time *Nlght Hawks eThe Sting '1941 *American Grattitti *Coal Mlner's Daughter *Animal Crackers -Dracula @Animal House -Electric Horseman ,Blues Brothers *Frankenstein @Cheech & Chong's Next *Jaws Movie PLUS 4 NEW TITI ES: Miami Vice I & il, Airwolf & Street Hawk available Aug. 7 ORDER NOW! -9l- 76 Baldwin St., Hwy. 12 - Brooklin 655-3306 68 Water St. Port Perry 985-9885 4605 Baldwin St., Brooklln (1/4 mile N of Family Kartways>ý