Whitby Free Press, 2 Jul 1986, p. 26

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PAGE 26, WEDNESDAY, JULY 2. 1986. WHITBY FREE PRESS WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ CtL A$$II[ D AýDI! '~CES ARTICLES ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE PAINTINQ à GECORATING profesatosat bondeci workman-, shlp. roldont lit sscicommercial, frae otlmates. cali 839"277 or 668-9712. REPAIRS to ait makes and modela of T.V.a., stereos. V.c.R.s, etc.,,reasnnabio rates. free ostimatos. cail 725-4929. PROF à BKEG repaire - tact ser- vice, fibrgase supplies - rois, mat, cloth and actone - WEST SYSTEM EPOXY - mirror finish boasfpeit.L Raypioo - Oshawa GIass - Fibre, 341 Durham S. 679. 1433. GOINO TO THE 00GS. Profossional dog grooming donse rtght at ysur door stop. For ap- point ment cati 282-0476. NEEDLECRAFT CLASSES Candiewicking, Coun- ted Cross-stitch, Em- broidery and Crewei. We even do aNeedlepolnt -and Trapunto too. Join In the fun. Have a Creatîve Crclo ciass In your home. TeachIng you to stit- ch Is easy. Book now and receive a Free Nadins, 66-1 490 "GRAMMER for people who hale gremmer" le the deal pnckt referenco book for business people. $3.95 par copy ssci ansîlablo at DIckson Prlnting & Office Suppliesln ftho Aes Plaza. Deaer Isquirios invitoci 663-1968. SHORT INTRODUCTORY ssnd ad- nanceci computer courses: Word Processing, -Base, Lotus, Basic, etc. 427-3010. COSMETIOS This sa a grounci floor opportunity to esrn gonrous ncome seliiig a rew comprehonsino lineofnIprsosal caro saci beauty producte that In- cludes one of Norh Amercas faset growing skis care ssnd cosmobic brand. Bum la a Canedien company that com- bines sn-bouse research ssnd produot delopreent wth proves pofesional oxpertise. We are a qsality drIves company that cfifraexotensive training andi a strong commtment t0 growth. Be the ftiretI n your ares to take, advantageo0f thie suporior careor opportsslty. Cati Christos ai 1- 800-387-6789. COMPLUTE DAt RY Goat Dspor- stl. Joan Walkor. Fornce, Ont. 100 hoaci Alpine, Tsggonbuîg. Sasas. anblas, Saturday, July 5, 12 pm. Auclonoor George Earley, f619) 247-3469. GARRETT METAL Detectors - Hobby and Industriel. For more Information or nearost dealer write: Canadien MoIsi Locators, R.R.5, Walertord, Ont. NOE IVO or cati (519) 443-5193 or 1-800-265- 8049. Dealer Inquiries invleci. TROUBLE wrapping coins? Wrap pennies, sickels, dîmes and qusr- tors quicly, essilyl Sosd $8.96 plus 63e tes 10 Penny-Rouler, Boo 405, Fort Ere, Ont. L2A 5N2. MATTRESSES antibose sprngs ai hall prico. McKeen Fsrnilsre, 524 SImcoe Sreet South, Oshawa, 725-5181. GEOTYPE pressoonlttoring now n stock et Dicheon Prinling & Of- fice Supplies ln the Aax Shop. ping Plaza. Large sloction nI styles ssnd sites. Why psy more for e smsler shoot nI ittoring? 683-1968. HARO WATER PROBLEMS? In- trodacing New Tchnoiogy - the imple solution tu a hsrd probiom - "sait f reeo - How 10 sine hard water probiemes aturaiiy wilhoul chemicale, or energy - use losu scap, sottr shitor isusdry, provesîs scale formation, cosîs tes Ihan e Soflenor, no repair bille. Firet lime offerec In Canada. Cati now tlli-troe 1-800- 387-7537, yostI bo gisci you dici. Ares 807caeil (416) 624-4344. A hoalthy, economical, alternative 10 walor sottornerul lOsitI GREENHOUSE $149. 1000W met Halido $175. Plus 10,000 gsrdening producîs, groat pricos. Sandi 62 for lsfo-pack, Western Waler Farme, 1244 Seymour St., Vacouver, B.C. V8B 3N9, 1H EROES of the Bible" coiourisg book ansleble aI DIckeon Pris- ting & Office Supplies, Aise Plaza, 6831968. Deaer Inqurios nvîtec. BUILDINGS - Special Cearance. 20u24 I. $2,300. 24x24 Il. $2,600. 28x38 fi. $3,9000 32x36 fI.$4,300. 38x48 fIL $6.400 and 40x6O if., $8.100. Cati 985-7930. MR. RUNNINO BOARD for quatîty. Prevont stone chips ssci parkitng lot dînts. Sane up to 6600 n body rpet enry strosg stop, 30 montS warranty. Cati sny Unitedi Co-Op Store or Mr Rus- nlng Board, R.R., Beleville, Ont. XON 4Z5, (813) 92-9717. ' BUILDINGS: Slraightwall sand Curnedwaii uteel buildings, ail sizes, upecial prices for eariy deliiery. Airupan Buildings 4161 632-7101. CHESTERFIELD salles. lovsealu, seclionale, lesu than %0 price. Largo sleotion. MaKeen Furnilure. 524 Simcoe Si. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. COMING TO EXPO? Viil the largeut hydrnponic store In Caniada. Just lwo bocks from Eupn. Weutern Waler Ferme. 1244 Seymour St., Vancouver, B.C. V6B3 3N9. 604 6826636. VISIT aur usoci turniture warehouse by appoinîment. Sig savings on deks. chairs, fiiig cabinets, etc. Cail Dicksos Pris- ing & Office Supplies 10 arrange an appointmenl 10 010w. 683. 1968. STEEL BUILDINGS liquidation: vrbeus modele, exemple 30x5O wlh side door $4.800. Sizes up 10 120 fi. wide. Ail priceci for im- mediate clearance. Cail 1-800- 387-81468or (416i626-6262. A-Z BUILDINGS. New types. steel asnd wooct, quosset. ciaddisg, for rue value, action ssci answars (416) 626-1794. Leave message or collent afler 6 p.m. evenings, wookencis, uuk bor Waily. Frae brochure. STEEL BUILDINGS relocation sale - mie aro clearisg nul olci stock asci lsroducing our nom straighb-waii ise nI buildings. Save thousancis - phono Pioneer Suies Dep. colloct 4161 678- 1585. POOL SALE. Ose of Ontaros largeet factory cuiais hss large inventory oI abovo, Ingrounsifobr Immodiato detivery. Compare us Seobre buylng. Gsaranbooci lowosb pricos. (416) 8236467, (61315474U. USED OESt(5, files, eorage cabinets. stacklsg ofice chairs. steel adusetablo sholisg, alore dispîsys. Blara Nomwssci Usoc, 21 Aes Ave., Woodbrldge. Phone (416) 851-8100, soar Hwy. 7 ssci 400, Mon-Fni. 95, Sel, 10-1. MANUFACTU RER'S CLEARANCE VINYL SIDING $9Oq e coours,1500in stock .......from$,99q ALUMINUM STORM DOORS $79 1,5W0 ln stock, .................... from $7 9 PATIO DOORS Wood, Vinyl & Aiumlnum$fIl9 0ôIn stock...................... from $2 99 LADDERS ALUMINUM STEP & EXTENSION 25ornstock....................... from $ , 9 GARAGE DOORS ~ ~ 9 WVood &Steel ln stock .......from $1 99 REPLACEMENT WINDOWS Wood, Vinyt & Auminum $ra99 500 instock...................... from U q.ît. GALVANIZED & GALVALUME Agricultral Steel ~ O 4,000 shoots In stock.............. from $3899q. Wm. BIG FORD ALUMINUM SALES LTD. R.R.3,BRIGHTON, ONT. 8-5 ri.(613) 475-0521 sat II. III Q~cilS THE WOOD SHOW. Oner 100 quallly woodworking exhiblors Includos: custom fursiture woodworking itonte and maohinery, woodcarvngs, sculp- ture, marquelry, turninge, canoes, log homes, Mobile shingie, lumber and bendsaw mille. Wood art iuried com- pelilion. Free demonstrallon and, seminare. Purchese somelhing unique for your home or workshop. Durham & District Communîîy Centre. Fr., Aug. 8 ssnd Sa., Aug. 9, 10 S.m. Io p.m., Sun., Aug. 10, il a.m. to 8 p.m. Admission $3.50 adulte, chilciren $1, young chldren fra. The Wood Show, Bon 920, Town of Durham, Ont. NOG 1iRO. (iction of Hwye. 6 & 4).(i519) 369-6902. * 10 Moble Homes clearwater -Thoebedroom mobile homes. Heateci pools, Utennis, closeto beachee andl mjrattractions, chilciren woicome. lises then motet roomi. 683-5503 CEDAR VALLEY RESORT, Oron, Hwy. 35-15, Carke. 4th Con- cession, beautitul cumPgroanci, season $635. Campgrouvd 1-786- 2562. Toronto office 651-5754, ROYAL RESORT e little bit a heaven on the beautitul shores ni Baisam Lhe, Hwy. 35, weekiy raese $29§-4399. p.p.Idbid. in cluding meain, varions chilcrens rates. 4-Ster Raleci, R.R.7, Fenelon Fells. Ont. K0M INO, (705) 454-8004. m TRELTOISN FORPUTERS -WORD PROCESSINO *LEGAL/MEDtCAL SEC. *FlECEPTIONISTrTYPIST *BOOKKEEPING CLERK *ACCOUNTI NGIBUSINESS *FASHION MERtCHANDISING& *HOTEL & RESTAURANT OPERATIONSIMGMT. *COMPUTERIZED BANKING & CUSTOMER SERVICE *DENTAL CHAIRSIDE ASSISTANT -Financlal Assistance may be alable -Job Placement Asltance TORONTO SCHOOL 0F 1 EARN THOUSANOS wlth yosr own business, capital requireci, wrIte today: Aaro, Bou 2445, Orîtia, Ont. L3V MA. WANTED: Ditributor for Codar Shekes saci Shingies direct from O.C. miii, delinoroci to your yard. Sicamous Cedar Produnîn, Bos 600,'SIcamouse, B.C. V0E 2V0, phonoei(04)836-4545. NEEDLECRAFTERSI Encllent incomo potentilase stles ropresontative for Canadien company Pends Stilchcraft. Con- tact Peggy Anderson, 2261 Woodward Ave., Burlington, Ont. L7R IT5, phono (416) 839-6408. GREAT BUSINESS Oppor- tusities. Jobs, greut commusity living, encollent commercillansc reeldontisi property avaliablo, Contact Vaicas District Chember of Commerce, Bon 385; vulcan, Ata., TOI 280 (403) 485-6933. LOSERS WANTED: lose up t0 29 ibe., Inches, cellule this month, doctor recommendeci an TV., fast rosusts, Ires ehipplng. Cati (416) 745-4779. DATES GALORE. For ait ages andi unattacheci. Thousansio f mem- bers snxobas 10 meet you. Prestige Acquaintances cail toit- f ree 1-800-263-9163. Hoars 5005 tille p.m. E HLD CARy GENERAL CONTRACTORS Office Alterations (2nd floor> ai the Michael Starr Building, 33 King St. W., OSHAWA, Ont. TENDER NO. ORI-86. SeaIed Tenders wiii be recelved until 2:00 p.m. local time on WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1986. Tender Documents may be obtained f rom the Ontario Ministry of Government Ser- vices, Orillia District Office, 24 James St. E., P.O. Box 790, Oriiiia, Ontario. L3V 6K7 Note: For further In- formation regarding the Tenders, pleese cail theTenders Of- fice at the above ad- dress, telephone (70,5> 325-7403. The iowest or any Tender flot necessarily accepted. Mintî ryof 1 SGovemnment- Sovc r9-CHlLDREN~ 263 Atelaido West, Toronto, 1- se' ANTE 111 DAY CAR E I 600-268-1121. tIA my Fiche ring Caustry I uHome for $10a day, Lunch, 0pony rides, creek, pssd,0 MUSICAL MUSICAL PROPERTY with Is-lam apar. nature rals, countr aihs,n INSTRUMENTSI INSTRUMENTS Iment or sutabie basement, camping. ail on 75 acrre. spacinus areage. Whlby, 655-8966 Qi 1 1 1 Oshawa, Bommanvlie ares. Sesci13 El nIa b 5H. cia PO. Boo 206, Whibby, LiN SS. ARTICLES FRRIENT FREE INFORMATION pamphlet an heuring loss ssci hearing aids ai Oshawa Hearing Aid Cinic. 375 Simcoe St. S., Oshama. Drap n for yoar free cnpy toduy, 434- 3602. FREE: Drop isba 1he Dcheos PrInbing Ssci Office Supply store n the Aax Plaza saci pick up a free copy of the 1986 Metric Calondar. PrintocIln two colours. if maksobr hssdy reference. 883-196M. NEW OWNERSHIP C.A. Couiber Wassb Disposai LIc. now omne Brooklil Septic Tank Service. Cali early for a dlean ouI. Wero ose of 1he beetlns the sumbor Iwo business. (188-256,433-866. CONGRATULATIONS os your forthcomlng marriage. Ploaso nlew Our samplos nI esgraved weddlsg Invitations i your lisure In aur Ajau Plaza store. Dickson Pdsbtisg & Office Sup- ples, 883-1968. TYPEWRITER restl, many maSos and models. by the woekond, eok or month. Discounts avaliable. Dickuon Prinisg & Office Supplies ln the Aax Plaza. Cali us for busins machine ropairs. 6831968. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ANO OTHERS Claims againsi the estate- of BHAGWAN KAUR HALL, laie of the Town of Whitby, ln the Judicial District of Durham, who died on the 7ih day of Juiy, 1968, must be ln my hands by July 20, 1986 afier which date the estate wilI be distrlbuted. Ranli Sîngh Hall, Apt. 2003, 1025 Rchmond Roaci, OTTAWA, Ontario, K2B 8G8, Admînstrator. (-t>uOF ALL MNSTORE MERCHAN DISEU 30%OFF LESSONS FOR: VOCALS.DRUMS-KEYBOARDS-PIANO-GUITAR <BASS-ACOUSTIC-ELECTRIC.CLASSICAL) BAND TRAINING TAMA-I BAN EZ-ROLAND-MARSHALL-WESTBUAY AODAM-AUDIOTECHNICA-DEAN MARKLEY ROS8-POWER TIP.BOSS 105 DUNDAS ST.* W WHITSY ATTE] Please check your advertisement for errors on the first day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wili flot be liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the fitst insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or reject ail advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper one day before they can be changed or cancelled. CLASSIFIED RATES: $400 for 20 words; 12e each ad- ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Ciassified Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your 'NTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTS Visa card ready when calling. If biiled - $6.00 for 20 words; 14t each additional word. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the first 100 words; 12t each additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $800 for the f ir- st 50 words; 12t each additional word. AUCTION SALES - 43$ perline. <No word ads allowedi. BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damage alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding such replies. We will flot be responsible for box nÙmber replies not called for within 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. - CALL 668-6111 E J BECOME AN Autiosoor, 85 hours ofIinstruction. HNet ciasse Aug. 9 ta 18. Contact South- western Ontaro Sohool of Auc- tionoorIng, (519) 4693936, (519) 537-2115, PO. Boa 145, Innortcip, Ont. NOJ 1iMO. CAREER CANADA Colego, Toronto, OttswalHamiiton. Den- tl Chairside aseistisg, medicai, office tub assisting, hotoiirestaurant management, travel cereors, Day ciasss anc home study. 385 Yonge St., Toronto, M58 1S1, (416)977-7797. FREE: 1988 guide to study-at- home correspondence iploms courses for prestiglous cereors: Accounting, Air condIliosing, Bookkeopisg, Business, Cosmetology, Eecrosics, Legaliedisi Secretsry, M9 r-

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