Whitby Free Press, 9 Jul 1986, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WEDNESD)AY. JULY 9. 1986, WHITBY FREE PRESS Angry residents latest subsidized By MIKE JOHNSTON Free Press Staff Council has tabled a site plan application for î one week, an ap- plication whlch would have given final ap- proval to an apartment building to ha built on Regency Cres. Couned tabled the p~p,~J~tirjr#fMJ~ design of the building ai ter residents of the crescent informed council they were op- Pose o subdle houalng. The 47 unit apartment building la ebeh built by the Sorichetti Group un- j ~ j der Ontario's Rçnter- '7priseapunenin; prIee vraI pe in the pragramn, the Mayor Bob Attersley joined part-ownerb day. The store la on Tblckaon Rd. S. in the province will provide Larry Melnychuk and Bil Steel in apenlng A&P plaza. boans towards the thelr new store Space Age Shelving on Satur- Free Press Staff Photo building af the apar- trnents and the builders are requlred bo offer 40 percent ai the apar- tmenta b , needy familles with renta for thase unita based an thelr incarnes. "lWe are nat opposed bo the apartment building we are concer- ned about the law sub- sidlzed housing," said sipokesman Jahn Dolatra. He said subsldlzed housing would iower the value of the property in the area and aaked that council table approvlng the building until the residenta have had' a chance tb "air aur vlews" . Dalatra said the residents were opposed ta ail the apartmenta being available for sub- sidlzed housing at whlch point Mayor Bob Atter- sley bold hlm that aniy FLw adrHaqatr q9 Green Brae Orchards 4, Durham Rd. 5 Cloremount .Myrile 8t on.655-4501 51h Cnc. -or e 655-3217 For dally N peico nditions a HOURS: 8 U.r. *p.m. Brougham No.?7 Hwy. Srokln Taunln Rd. Plekings ubjoot ta aunto Rd. weather à supplie$ No. 2 llwy. Whltby Brlng cantaInwumamurd ln queres. (eg. 8Ocilbbta a Pleygmund prawd.d for ahIldren 12 years aid. Potunlas PansiossSpoclfal 75e.Uch We sf111 have a large varlety of quallty plants. Annuals & Perrenlals "^AX 4 ~- 427-2525 VANCRUEOUM""Ii' 1Drive a Little vn' & Save a Lot Open 8 arn SIlp.rn Monday thmu Saturday trom 9Sa.m.8 p.rn. Sunday protest housing 16oaf the 47 units can us subsldlzed. The Mayor then asked Dolatra If the residents were oppasedto 16ofthe unita beaubsidlzed. When he got no answer, he asked the question a second tlme. "'Yes we are," responded Dolatra. Council members thea informned Dolatra that the tawn haa no jurladiction over wha renta the apartmenta. "We have no jurladc- tion over wha renta the apartments it la out of aur context,"' sald coun- cillor Tom Edwards. "IAIl we can approve 15 the appearance of the building." Councllor Edwards then informed Dolatra that there are over 300 SEE PG. 26 Learn the art of gardening in containers Container gardening is nat new. Thausands of years aga, the Babylanians, the Japanese and the Chinese were using this method with excellent resuits. Not many Canadians realize that this type af gardening makes wonderful sense in Canada, says Master Gardener Joan Pier- son af London, Ont., one of several gardening en- thusiasts who has received formai harticulturai training through the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Faod's Master Gardener pragram. Container gardening lifts the plants fromn the graund. In the spring you can put in your first plants or your first seeds soaner than usual because the earth in your ràised containers thaws mare quickly. Yau can also contrai the type 'of planting medium in your containers and kcep your sali friable and fertile. Soul in containers drains easily and- what is mast important- it warms up rapidly. Same seed simply wili not germinate when the sali is cold. "It may be sunny and the air temperature may be a balmy 20 degrees Celsius, but in the average Canadian garden, the frost does not leave the ground until May 15," she says. Therefare your soul temperature will be severai degrees coider than 20 degrees C. Bean seed (and many other types af seul) simply wiil not germinate in cold sali. "It realiy pays off to carefuliy read the pianting instructions on the back of the seul packets," Pierson says. Mark the front of the package with planting infor- mation: the recommended pianting date, whether they shouid ha planted indoors or outdoors and the recom- mended sali temperature for good germination. CÃ"ntainerized gardening also cuts the usual digging, weeding, hoeing and water- ing chores in hall. "It is the ideal type of gardening for handicapped or aider people; in mast cases, you can discard the heavy digging spade and use an ordinary hand trowel,"' Pierson says. Containers can also be constructed so that people can garden from their wheeichairs. Yau don't nced fancy, ex- pensive containers either. Builders' supply yards, scrap metal dealers and junk yards are likely places ta pick up large flue tules, sewer pipes, cancrete blocks, railroad ties, waoden barrels, aid brick and sa an. Garage sales rnay. alsa yield cracked pickle cracks or blue speckleware wash tubs with a haie in the bat- tam - ideal for drainage! You can alsa build your awn containers fram scrap lumber. Hause wreckers or building renovation contrac- tors are likely sources for low-cast material. Fit heavy containers with industrial-sized castors sa that yau can mave the plants ta areas where they wili receive the most sunshine - morning and afternoon. Another plus factor with containerized gardening is that compatible flawers, herbs and vegetables can ail grow in the same container. For example, a large bar- re], eut in hall, and placed in a sunny location, might hold a "Patio Pik" tomato plant, some rosemary and some cascade petunias. The other haîf-barrel in semi-shade could graw "White King' swiss chard surrounded by a border af 'Elfin" impatiens and creeping thyme. Same unusual herbs like pineapple sage like the shade. Sa does watercress. Sa plant them tagether in a pot and keep well-watered. (You can also enjay the watercress in yaur favorite summer salads). Plan ahead and keep a notebook when you are buy-, ing seeds and plants. List plants in yaur book that are compatible and which need the same light conditions ta flower or bear fruit. And dan't forget ta place the taller plants in the mid- dle of your container and the smalier ones along the outer edge. Colar is an important ele- ment in container garden planning. Cansider which vegetables are flot anly gaod ta eat but beautiful ta look at. Opal basil can make a stunning plant in a con- tainer, It has wine red leaves and pink flowers and makes a fabulous and flavarful deep rosy pink vinegar. "It is marveliaus added ta pasta dishes or ta give as gifts or ta seli at bazaars," Pierson says. Fibrous begonias graw in bath sun and shade and pro- duce masses of bright' blooms ail surnmer long in shades of white, pink and red. Remember that the fluage can also be varied. Try placing white flawer- ing beganias (which have brilliant green leaves) against pink flawering begonias (with their deep bronze foliage). Get a head start on spring by getting some books on containerized gardening fram your public library or baokstore. Then modify and use these ideas in your garden. "You'il have fun, save aodles an yaur food bill and create some beauty around yau." 5. 14£ i W194 wk RASPBERRIES 8 A.M. TO 8 P.M. Zdaniowicz READY PICKED Fa rrn *'qee 1 1 i! Dring Containers or Purchase et Form N.W. CORNER 0F TAUNTON AND CORONATION RDS. IL a 9

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