WHITBY FREE PRESS- WEDNESDAY. JULY 9, 1986 PAGE 17 SPORTS WEEK Henry student off to Commonwealth Games By lIKE JOHNSTON Free Press Staff If enthusiasm was regarded as a ukiil i the World of sports, 19-year- old Yolande Jones would have no peers in the 100 metre burdies. Tbe youag athlete bas recently been chosen to Canada's Common- wealth team whicb wil compete i Edlnburgh Scotland from July 28 to August 2. "'It's been a week and a half now and I'mstll shocked. I was on the subway in Toronto when I read I had made the team. I started yeling on the subway. 1'm sure people thought I was nuts." . Jones isn't a nut but shieis skWled atthe sport she exceils In. Haviag graduated this year from Henry St. High Sehool she was offered no less than five atbletic scholarshlps to schools in the United States. "Id was offered scholarships in Texas, Austin, El Paso, Califorala and at iBrlgham Youag but I chose to go -to the University of Toronto." She saidu'bse made the decision- after learalng that none of the U.S. sehools had "1real good hurdie coacbes." lirer coach, Curtis Sahadath, who Jones credits with lowerlng ber times In the hurdles, agreed that she made the rigbt choice. "She wil be carted by Sport Canada this year," said Sahadath. He, explained that by cartlag, Yolande wWl have ber tultion paid, books bougbt and receive $400 a month. IlCarting lu far superior to, scholar- sblps," accordiag to the coach. But Jones' mind is not on school next year, rather it is on competing i the commonwealth games. 111 hope to be in the final which would mean I would have to place ia the top elght," said Jones. "I think I have a good chance to be there so I'm gomng to give them a rua for their money in- stead of them givlng nme a run fiiiïy money. " Her coach agrees. "lShe ruas hi the corn- petition. She's tough and knows how to get to the finish line from the seventh burdie ia." Jones earned herfpot on the team by placing third i the Canadian National Seniors coin- pettion heid Jue 19 and Juae 20in Ottawa. Her wlnnlng Urne of 13.55, wblch wau good enough hi put ber lato the Commonwealth gaine, lu also faut enough hi place ber au the flfth fasteut 100 metre hurdler la Canada. The Canadian record lu 13.23 While the world record lu 12.56, accor- ding toJones. But Jones' Urne wau not always that faut. In May ber Urne was 14.03. I'Juut lots and lots and lots of runnlng lowered IL. My body ban hi get use hi the speed. When 1 placed third at the Nationals my body was I sbock. It waa sore for three dayu afterwards. " Jones bas been run- nlag i the Senior National ever since uhe was 15, an extraor- dlnary accompllsbment conulderlng the senior age startu at 19. "The coacb wanted hi give me experlence," ald Jones. Ia 1964 Jones flnlubed- flft i the 100 metre burdles and missed golng hi tbe Olympicu by one spot. "Tbey only took the top four," she recails. Yolande Jones is looking forward to competing for Canada at the Commonwealth games being held this year in Edinburgh, Scotland from July 28 to August 2. The 19-year-old graduated from Henry St. High Sehool this year and is planning to attend "But I went hi the Pan-Amn games in 196 whlcb were held I the Bahamas and 1 placed second ithe hurdles. 'II ca't walt hi get to Scotland and see ail the castles," 'sald Jones, ber eyeu ligbtlag Up at the thougbt. She sald that the University of Toronto in Septemiber. She is a member of the Oshawa Track and Field Association and will be conipeting in the 100 meter hurdies. Free Press Staff Photo Canadian Hlgh Jumper, Milt Ottey bas sent postcards of Scotland "and he has promlsed hi show me around," said Jones. Jonesubopes thijoithe Grand Prix circuit and compote ail over the world, and if the 19- year-old'u enthusiasin doesn't disappear there lu no reason why she couldn't. Whitby Iroquoiis soccer scoreboard SQUIRTS EAST - June 23 Joan Rundie Sivill General .Jimmy Boyd .............. 4 Precision LithoI mc .7 Roy's Enterprises..O Famly ruât ... Contracting ......... 3 Scott De5lva.............. 4 Mark BWU........2 TrevorBurwaah Andrew Davis Brad Oliver ............... 2 Juffrey mean Mthw hfi ............ 2 Shutout: Jason Giles & Bryan Sguworth......... 2 Adam Brown MaftVWWlazns........... :2 ,,n:i.. rC'nR'o j(' ..... Wbtby Dalry Queen._.. George Cnil's Barber Shop........1 Roae iulder Shutout: Burke Rutherford Waterbed Gailery..3 Mark Haynes.............. 2 Jouthan Mlen Durhamway Bus Lines 0 .SQUIRTS EAST DIVISION STANDINGS as of June 26 Precislon Litho Inc.........................10o Waterbed Company ............ ...........8à Roy'sEnterprises .......................... d George Clls Barber Shop................... 4 Whitby Dairy Queen.........................2 Durhamway Bus Lines ...................... 2 SQUIRTS WEST - June 23 Whltby Optlmist .. 0 Whtby Klnsrnen... 5 Tlmmy DeSUva Tommy DeSUva............ 3 Ryan William, Shutout: Frima eRid Canadianire . 3 Kevln Kyc ................ 3 Contractors ........ 3 Steve Jedwak.............. 3 SQUIRTS WEST DIVISION STANDINGS as of June 26 WbtbyKismen ..........................i CRCS General Contracting................... 9 Sivili General Contracting ................... 8 Wbitby Canadian Tire....................... 5 Joaa Rundle -Famnily Trust.................. 3 Whitby Optlmits ..........................o0 ATOMS - June 24 Hair are Centre ...7 Highland Trophies .. .. 2 Derek Colauanno........3 Kyle Gardiner BobbyMorrison............ 3 J. James Aaron Glioz Cekr ait. WhitbyOptmists..2 Joabawa Rico Ruas Divldson Gus Browa Pontiac Buick............. 10 Cralg Nofle Pringle ...........O0 Whitby Professional Firefighters Local 2036 0 Brooklih & District Kinsmen Club.... 4 Ryan Healy Adam Kennedy ............ 3 ATOMS DIVISION STANDINGS as of JuRe 24 Hair Care Centre ........................... 8 Gus Brown Pontiac Buick.................... 7 Brooklin & District Kinsmen Club ............. 7 Whitby Prof. F.F. Local 2036.................. 7 Highland Trophles..........................5 Pringle ...................................3 Witby Optirnilts .......................... 2 Checkers Variety........................... 1 MOSQUITOS r June 25 YLhtby Optimist . O Perkins Paints....6 Geoftrey Cadan Paul Seckman ScotAnderson B.J. Prout............. . .3 SLE PG. 18 wp