Durham Girls Soccer League Week of June 30 SQUIRT Jeffery Park ....3 PlckeringS.C.2. O KinVanderlp ............. 3 Wlllow Park ....4 'Iherea 5o&or............. 2 Susnne Wldom Jamcqe olerldge PickeringS.C.1. Ajax .............. 5 T.P. Sportswear ...3 Robyn Healey ............. 3 MOSQUITO A Pickering Village S.C.. 2 Pringle Creek ...... Pickering Remax . ..,.10 Jeffery Park ......O MOSQUITO B Wiiow Park . . Bowmanvllle ...... HeatherDB.f............... 3 Louise Reid PEEWEE A Otter Creek ........ 2 Pickering Village S.C..2 Charlotte Jolmaton Heather Fleming PEEWEE B JMTSoccer &Sports- 4 Scugogi ...........O0 Amy Howey ............... 2 Nicola MteheU Mary Beth Chafloner Pickering S.C 9 Schools Vandalized Two -sehools, one la Whltby the other in Brooklin, were damaged by vandala on Monday. In Brookin, the Meadowcrest Public Sehool had a wlndow broken. lhie window is valued at $200. In Wblt- by, West Lynde Public Pechool was vandallzed. IVandals brokea wndow and damaged two stair railingi. No value bas been placed on the damnage at West Lynde. Bomb threat A bomb threat proved ta hé a hoax at, the Wooico store on Tblckaon Rd. Monday. Police report someone eailed about 1:55 p.m. and said a bomb had beeni planted la the. Woolco store. oclice searched the store and found no bomb. Theft An 196 Chevrolet was left runnlng and unlocked when the driver of the*car went in ta, 207 Dundas St. W. for 15 minutes. When he returned bis car had been stolen. Police remlnd everyone who bas ta leave their car unattended ta turn the car off and iock the doors. BANTAM Hardiman, Mount Pickering S.C.2.... 1 &Associates..... 9 ChrtatlneBrown ........... 3 Linda RoUe ............... 2 Ange Deer Kimn Clayton Debble Desousa Maria Guldotti SENIOR Oshawa ........... il Whitby ............ 1 Sheri Nau"l FROM Ir,. 20 Girls .Softball Lions Club......... il Kinsmen Club ....29 MollyMaid......... 9 Mr. Rentail......... il BANTAM DIVISION No Scores Reported SOPHOMORE DIVISION Joanne's Flowers .... 17 Please Save & Recycle 9 Renax ........... 19 Donald Travel...13 Please Save Remax Forfet Lm & Recycle Forfeit wln Pleasesave Remax ........... 17 & Recycle .......... 18 Pringle Creek ......0 NEW & USED OFFICE FURNITURE -BUY- RENT-SELL- LEASE- & Oie Supes )() ' ý1 ,- i O(t%- Lý1 iý 11l I Il i 301 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY ( CALL FOR A RESERVATION 666-3070 Il l(9.-- LUNCHEON SPECIAL? Wedo.notwlsh to insuityour Intelligence with Speciai this and that WE PROMISE YOU#ha#ow,,i,,: *EXCELLENT VALUE for your money *Quiet Atmosphere *Quiok courteous service *SomethLng different every dayf sElegant surroundinga oLoads of private parking WE OPEN 11 A.M. DAI LY To us, the above Is flot a specl, but the policy of CATCH 22 PLANNING A Wecdîing, annlversary, private party, busi ness coniference, or Just a good time - CALL US, we may be able to save you money. HAVE A NICE DAY from Management & Staff of CATCH 22 WHITBY ERREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY..JITLY 9. 1986.PAGE 21 Fire Dept. Service Cails PROM PG. zu Dr. Medlcal aid. JULY 1 2:26 a.m. - 580 Mary St. E. Building cail- $100 damage. 7:04 a.m. - 1635 Dun- das St. E. Building eall. 9:02 a.m. - 1635 Dun- das St. E. Building eaul. 9:29 a.m. - 1635 Dun- das St. E. Chek cali. 1:25 p.m. -Halls Rd. S. Check caUl. 3:l11p.m. -28 Baldwin St. Tree fire. 6:23 p.m. - 200 White Oaks Crt. Public ser- vice. JULY 2 7:58 a.m. - 113 Win- chester Rd. Assistance to ambulance. 2:07 p.m. - Brock St. and Dunlop St. Motor E. vehicle accident medicai aid. 4:b9 p.m. - 300 Taun- ton Rd. W. Assistance to ambulance. 9:01 p.m. - 401 East- bound, 1 km. west of Henry St. Vebicle f ire, $2,000 damage. JULY 3 3:41 p.m. - Whltby Psych. Hospital. Building eaU, 5:48 p.m. - Horseshoe Cri. Building eaU. 6:03 p.m. - 500 Vic- toria St. W. Building cail. 11:29 p.m. - 207 Dun- das St. W. Medieal ald. JULY 4 100 p.m. - 414John St; W. Assistance to am- $2.OO of fer expires JuIy 16186 5:26 p.m. - Lakerldge and Myrtle Rds. Vebicle accident. 8:05 p.m. - 301 Dundas St. W. Medical ald. JULY 5 9:42 a.m. - 1801 Dun- das St. E. Check cail - hydro pole hit by ligbt- nlng. 11:24 a.m. - 18 Bur- nage Lane. Check eaUl. JULYS 3:20 a.m. - 1 Queen St. Assistance to ambulan- ce. 12:38 p.m. - 100 White Oaks. Assistance to am- bulance.. JULY 7 12:15 a.m. - 123 Annis St. Check caUl. OFF ANY FOOD ORDER OVER $10 FAST DELIVERY WH ITBY, AJAX, OSHAWA, BROOKLIN SUN DAY BRU NCH - 11:00-2:00 ALL YOU CAN EAT 1100A.M BUF F ET-8:00 P.M. (AVAILABLE STARTING JULY 116 CANADIAN CUISINE *SAN DWICH ES *SEAFOOD *SALADS & COLD M EAT PLATTERS *STEAKS & CHOPS *CHICKEN FINGERS ALSO ORDER FROM OUR REGULAR MENU DINE IN-TAKE OUT-BUFFET DAILY GOLDE ~~GATE se. e s., e.. BROTHERS PIZZA SPAGHETTI HOUSE LTD. 110 LUPIN DRIVE, WH ITBY 668-3600 LICENCED UNDER L.L.B.O. m 1 ýe 11 M là : i i-M MM