PAE 24, WEDNESDAY, JULY 9. 1986, WHITBY FREE PRESS FREE PRESS E M PORI1U M _ Emporium Ad@ will only be accepted subjeet to the foliowing conditions._____ ARTICLESARTICLES FORSAL ~F OR SAL. S TWO LADIES DIKES, $40 each. ROLLER SKATES- Nika, backi, TV. stand,S$15. Storeo stand. $25. size3 $25. Dominion, white, size HI-i record ployer, $50. Coul aller 5 (ladies), $30. Pftly record 6 p.m., 66-4032. albums, 1940-19508 music, nomne ciossicai, $5 each. Phono 655 -- . . 3266. MODEL TRAIN SE, HO UBUO, 70 fi. trach, 4x8 table, engins. 12 cars, buildings, gnod starter set, $200 irm. Cati 723-8969, aler S p.m. CUSTOM MADE conlemporary love seai and Ico chaina, ex- cellent condition, cool $1,800 new, aokiag $65. Wall unit, es than a yoroid, $400. AllerS5 p.m., 6688-2238. KLONDIKE irepluco Inser wth fan, good condition, $35. Kim- hal elocirlo organ with double keyboard and beach, $600. Com- bination airao and radio, $50. 888-780. BICYCLE - gins 23 Inch Raeigh transit, $50 or besl aller. Phono mler6p.m.,666-3274. ROBERT SATEMAN prInt., Idl. Mte San@, mumum framd, $7%0. Baffalo At Ainomlis, 890. Phono 068952. GLASS aad chrome coles table, 3 lier, $15. Dehumidifier, dark brown, $80, Wlckan coffes tabl, $20. PIcturooum lace ciock, $25. Plions 427-6592. BUITCHEA BLOCK stye round table with tour pineane chaire, one ysar nid, $150. Phone 668 MU5. CARPETS, two 9010, one 11013, $30 eech. Fooball haimol, $15. Fine gallon flmli tank alili c- ceemories, $23. Liquor bar for roc room, $5. Phono 579-9167. SPANISH syle chesierfietd and chair, custom made, one of a kind, $50. Imported European chandelier, $M.8011O on canvao wai painting from Mexico and tramne, $200. Cal 6689268. FOR SALE dlnlng room sule, aoiid wamnt, approx, 60 ysarm otd, 9 paces, table wlh *tsn- absn, buffet, china cainet, 5 ide chairs and 1 am chasir, (corn- pilty rsflnishsd Inciuding nsw upholtsrsd cdot seamîm, prics $1,550 or hoataller, T..00&8 2461. CUSTOM MADE drapes, 2 com- ploIe sels, $30. Phono 668-0295. ADMîRAL frIdge and tone, gotd, good condition, 8700. Soiid wood triple dresser with vnity section, $100, Two steel sheloos, $25 each.8668.4046. CHOCOLATE BROWN iuxedo style dbilOn Skier sofa bed, ex- cellent condiion, $800) new, sacrifice $375. Soid pins and pins eneer roll top desk, top can be remnooeloramfliai urace, ex- cellent condition, sacrifice $40. 35 galion aquarium, comple wth Ilglt, flters, gravet, pants, flsh and stand, $90. Phone 728. 7744. CHILDS mwlmmIng pool, 2 fi. deep and 8 fi.ln diammeer, pain. ted gaivnIzsd steel, drain piag, aly cover, $99. Phone 666. 1784. GRAIN CONVEYOR, Litle Gin, 25 li.on wheis, $695. Phone 656. 14 FOOT mmiogeny FleiwIng malboa, $45. Three ton chain hoie, $100. Boa anchor, $25. Lf-hand golf clubs and cart, $15. Wmer akiis, $45. Barbaque, 815. Cant liook for rolting loge, $3. Hoovver, 83. Pick ase, $25. Phone 433-489. BICYCLE - boys 3 spood, In ea- cellent condition, 20 Incli heois, sulablo for 9 year nid, $8. Phono 668-045. INSIDE DOOR 28x5, Inciuding hardware, $25. Insida door, 28090 inciuding hiardwara, $23. Con- croIe durm stop siagie riser, 83. Five 24x24 patio alabs, 82.50 each. Portable eioctric baeoboard hoator, $15. Piattorm rocker, goid vlour, $100. End table, colonial stlei, $25. Two sets bathroom laps, 00W, $15 sach. 1-623-6770. USED .IACUZZI pooililsr and mooor for 14x28 pool, $5. Phons -PLEASE READ- When te advertiscd item is sold, disposed of. or unavailahie for whatever reason. te Item wiii ho deemed to have been sood and a commission wiii ho charged based on THE AIIVEIITISED PRICE as Iiiustraied beiow, regardiesa If price la oated wth "beat offer*. If the item la NOT SOLD. or disposed of, the ad wii ho run for 3 MONTIIS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $7.50 wiii appiy payable la advance of publication of the firsi ad. The above minimum charge wiii ho apphied 10 the final commission due. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail adver- tisemeois muai ho piaced on an exclusive basia with the WHITBY FRIEE PRIESS and runata least one mnonth ilflot soid. RATES(itf article lassodi: 5% or dvertised pice ap te $400.00 2% of balance oner $400.00 EXAMPI.E: Soid item advertised for 1150.00. Commission due $7.5001 minimam charge is 97.501 Privalo adaertising onlyt Pleame notify te Whiiby Free Press immedlateîy when item ls sold Bo -l"t we muy delete it from te following issue. AlI ada nat itting te Emporiumn guidetines wiII ho treated and charged per week as regular classifled adsonosa pre-paid basis sncba: services, help wanted, clolhing. real estate, and personal message type ada, or ado nol quoting price or quantity. Pivale classified ada may apper in te Emporium section under appropriate headings. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTON LINLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADSTO3: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 20 Whitby. LIN 581 Iriln dauba cmti: 668-6111 THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS1 FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT N' NAVY PREGO Prar, apron and basket, $50. White change table, $20. Eecric boutle alerilizor, $12. Girls 18 monilis tasiza lwo ciothes, $3 each. eottie warmor, $3. Cali 668-0523. PRAM, llreIn-one, $120. GM lonoesat, $40. Change table, $0. Ait Ilihonew. oulli had, 880. Phone 4348947. BABY ITEMS for salo. Ail In good condition. Twin sîroiler wilh aIn- dshieid and caaopy. $85. 42x24" piaypon wilh mattre5s pad, $35. High chair mode ln taiy, seat recilnes, $40. Cati 66.7269, onytimo. CRIB, matIros and bumper pod, white, $75. Plastic bibI tfreiner, looks Ike miniature 10110, $5. ChIid's car seat, mull-posilion, good 10 40 has., $35. ChIid's cor booster seat, adds 6" ln hoighl. good 10 70 ibo., 815. Ait Items are 2'h yars old or oesa and are In excellent condition, no ripa or bears, aolhlng la broken. Phono 968-5925. OR DELIVER TO: 131 iroek St. N. Whilby. Ont. THE YbON. 1TIEFUNCTONOF YOUR BD STO CARRY VOUA L5RAIN AROUND.I one more. Cali your Weicome Wagon Hosfess now Phonoe6-2482 j %BÂLpflTIIPaRo,7J 1981 FORD Wh ton, encollent 1974 HORNET for sale, has 1976 condition, cruise conîrol, cap. molor 232 (40,000 miiosi, ebull $5,200 certied. 57"-592. rans., new starter, body rutl, 1981 CONCORD, 2 door, 4 cyt. aulomnallo, pos., p.b., excellent condition, $3,475 certiflbd. Cai 433-1531, Oshawa, anylimo. 1976 BUICK LTD 403 angine. 82,000 miles, elecîric muroof, iomdad, $2,995. Cmii 979-4142, ai- ter60p.. 1978 D0DGE hall ton wllh cab, AMIFM cmmsette, uomalIc, $2,100 or boat ofor. Cali mIer 6 p.M., 6884ff. 1977 OLDS Cutiams Salon, con- sole buckolm, gond ohapo, oasy to certIly, 8,0.Phono 66&- 0188. 1977 HONDA halcftback, as le, $1,000. Plhons 8688528. 1977 DODOE window van, low mileage, good tires, fair body, excellent runnar, $1000 or bomt roamonable oller. 576.839. weokdaym mlter 6 p.m., weokeade anytlme. 1970 CHRYBLER CORDOSA ps., p.b., air conditlonlng, $80 or boat caller. Cl 6M&3176. 1976 AMO GREMLIN, one owner. standard 6 cylinder, tran. smmIaaon, a la SM0. 668-0159. woekenda anylime, woekdays af- torS p.m. 1978 OREMLIN X ruas but neoda work or good for parts, $200 or boat ollor. 668-7818. 1978 DODGE Club Cab, 31.Ion heany duly, aulomalic, good shape, 59,000 original miles, bulîl Ior 5th aheel talien, cruise con. Inol, extra air comprssor and tank for tires, extra gas tank, 83000. Phono 655-3006. 1978 PINTO 43000 iginal miles, 4 cyl., 2 door, new brakes, cern shait and rockerm, $280 or hast ofor. 668-5060. 1974 SUPER BEAlLE, excellent condition, lady drInen, 26,000 original miles, sunrool, radio. n0W peint, $2,750.725-3744. good runalng, as la $500. Phono 668-9519. 1872 PINTO, dlean amilde, body good, 006dsmlmnor repaire, $700 or best ofler. Coli 66M&7925. 1969 CHEVELLE, four aiew tires and eeveral brmnd new pars. SM0. Plhone 666-1955, saik for Dan. 1970 BUICK Skyimrk (partm) grill, bomper, tllnasm, cyl. hemdm, $22. Omhawa, 436-0280. ff'RA1LERS FOR SALE 1964 Bonars 1200, aesea8, miove, 2 amy frldge, tolaIt, dlnlng shoiter, camplmtly squipped, Immaculals condition, m«kng $6.000. Cli Bruce eIt668- 19". LETS SEEYOU DO IT. Puylng Ilin - ho-1 o w.e.6Smoilmoh Mir.- mi ule .W efflaleM**" §0 h »»al. y". hmr 1 PA-0.45M aMW "M.te ho»o 'wpmmalW.. ah 0"aU l ImaMt 1 ala la i mi i em b"". ThotMw " fi WO b. e eu-s611 WWITSY FREE PRESS 4%pCON FUSED? Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- piy because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our iow advertising rates just because you have If you: -are a private advertiser; ahave an aricle to seil; and, ehavea speified asking prîce for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details i. Your ad wilI ruri each week until the article has been sold (maximum three monthsi. A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $750 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT seil within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will seil, but where else could you get three months advertising for only $7.50? When your article selis, a commission is charged, based on thie advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described above. questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear up many of your questions - if flot, do caîl 668-6111l and we'Il be pleased to expiain the Emporium Section to you personally. r1 have read the Emporium guidelines ahove and wish lu have theI *following advertisement placed under thîs section of the Whtby Free Press.I ____________ dm I i urg,.t Io innuude vour phone number1 1 enclose $750 (o cuver the minimnumî chatrge- :Charge $750 to my Visa account, Card No. Name i pIleu- printl Addrass IMAIL TO: Enp DaIîr WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 5SI Postai Code,- Below are some examples of what you would be charged if your article sold within three months. Commissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE. Adverti.,ed Prict, Upluo $ 1.5(1 $ 200 $ 30(1 $ 400 $ 500 s$800 $ 900 $1.000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 and up Total Amount Payable 87.50 810.00 $15.00o 820.00 $22.00 $24.00 S26.00 $28.00 $30.00 $32.00 852.00 $72.00 892.00 $100.00