WI{ITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. JULY 9. 1986 PAGE 25 WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ I~C ?I ,,ARTICLES ARICE ROOMS ý,,B1ESS CAREER FOR1- SALE FOR SALE 1 . In i FUl J RgfOPPORTISTUNITIES ~T RAINGING NEý PIAIN INQ à DECORATING ROOM FOR fiENT for mature EARN THOUSANDS with your OSKL -rl.soa bo dorrtgpranns.moer8 own business, capital requIred, ship, residentisi and commercial, weekiy, Mary St., Whitby. Calt write iaday: Aaro, Box 2445, T ANN -'-.'- P..i 1057 M(LF~ARDA i ( 88842 Orl Ilia. Ont. L3V 7A3.FO CES »889712. %EPAIRS ta ail makes ami nodeis of T.V.aB. siereas, I...,etc., reasonabie raies, ree estimaies. Cali 725-4929. bROP à SKEG repairs - test ser- ,es, fibergiass supplies -reain, naît, cioth and acetone - WEST 'YSTEM EPOXY - mirror finish roui paint. Ruypis - Oshawa 3iuss - Fibre, 341 Durham St. 579- 433. 3OING TO THE DOOS. Drotessionai dog groomIng dons ight ut pour door siep. For ap. )oIntment caii 202-0470. dEED SOMETHîNO DONE? .awnmowing, yard maintenance, ree cutting. we cen do aimosi .nyihing. Caii Jue 655-3673. NEEDLECRAFT CLASSES Candiewlcklng, Coun- ted Cross-stItch, Em- broldery and Crewel. We even do Neediepoint and Trapunto toc. Join Ln the fun. Have a Creative Circlo doasa In your home. Teachlng you to stit- ch Is easy. Book flow and recelve a Free Gifi. Cali: Nadine, 666-1490 ~tUUIETIO 1AL SERVICES IRAMMER for peopie who nate mmmer" sa the ideai pocket ference book for business mople. $3.95 par copy and aliable at OIckson Printing & fice supplies In the Ajes Piaza. saler InquIries Ixviied 683-1968. COMPUTER COURSES1 4081 INTRODUCTORY ana ad- nced computer courses: Word acassIng, O-Base, Lotus, icl, etc. 427-3010. lSMETIOS This la a ground or opporiunity ta earn neraus incarne seiiing a new mprehensive fina ai personai le and beauty praducis that In- ides ana of North Americas test growing skIn cane and smetic brands. Blum sa a nadian compuny that comn- aes ln-house research and rduct davelopment wiih ivan professionai expertise. Sare a quality driven company if allers extensive training and trong commilmeni ta growih. the firsi In your area f0 take ýantage alibhis superior career )oriunity. Cali Chrîstos ai 1- l-387-6789. $Iyour v4wHeartl PATIO FURNITURE wlth cuabtons, sn good condition. Phase 8882791. SNAPPER rta-tiller, 3A hp. Ai. 15 tomato cages, 50e each. 855- 4237. MATTRESSES and ban springs ai hait price. Mcl<aan Furniture, 524 Slmcae Street South, Oshawa 7255181. SSSACRIFICE $$ Sacrifice 8U$ buildings speciltaler, Prced low for Immediate clearance. 28s40s14 83,900I, 48s90xl6 8,600, 70s50024 $16,300. Com- plate wlth large doora. Other sîzea avaliabie ta 120' wlde, Sariaus bayera only. No prIce ahappera. Ouarant.ed tawe.t prices. Celt Ires 1-800-387-8148 or (416)828-8262. GEOTYPE press-on iataring nom In stock ai Dickson Printiig & Of- fice Supplies I he Aax Shop- ping Plaza. Large selectios af styles and suzes. Whp pay more for a smaiier sheet af iettering? 683-1988. ALL WATER la quesalontable. Waela. Laesa, Municipal, RIver Water made aleo, spanfcfIng, cyr- Mla cloau by the aidesi lime proves mthod. Distiation. Sîzes for Il familles aaIe priced tram 8249.W. our waterpurlty' shoaid sot bs taken tan grated. LB.H. Industries, 116 VIceroy C- 0, Concord, Ont. L4K 2M3. (418) 661-1142. Deaierînquiaes nvted. "MERDES aI the Bible" coiouring bokavalabia ai Dicksox Prin- ting & Office Supplias, Aax Plaza, 683-968. Dealer Isquiries Ixvii ed. BUILDINGS - Spaciai Clearance. 20x24 f i. $2,300. 24x24 i. 82,600. 28x36 fi. $3,900. 32x36 fi. $4,300. 36x48 f. $,400 and 4OxEO fi.. $8,100. Cali 985-7930. GIVEAWAY PRICES. Muet b. sld, Inveiment, retremeni, Muakoka, 10-W0 acres, sama on river, sterting ai $14,500, 83,000 dams, 83U a weau, 8% Interesi. Juat 20 mnues north of Orilla, 60 seconde off Hwy. 11. Ecelent location, god roads, 10w tasa, hydro, phase, goad mater, op- proved for building. MaSo as aI- fer (705) 887-2840. ALL TYPES of Westemn red cedar ahakes and shIngies. Boy direct tram miii and aya 8U$.(604) 205- 3357 or (W45478078. Truckiood iota Osip. CHESTERFIELD suites. laveseats, seciosais, leso thas 'h prIce. Large seleciion. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoo St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. STEEL.A.DEAL - Ouonsst buildings - 28% off - sans thousands - w. are Introducing new straight-wait buildings opalt ntradaclary prices llmted limeallfer, Phase Pionseer Sut idlgsColiecI 4181878-1885. VISIT aur used furniture warahouse by appoinimeni. Bis sanIngs on desks, chairs, f iing cabinets, etc. cai Dickson Prin- ting & Oice Supplies ta arrange as appoinîmenita oviaw. 883- 1968. TROUBLE wrapplng coins? Wrap pennies, nichais, dîmes and quar- fers quickip, easiipi Sesd S8.96 plus 83e lau la Pennp-Roiler, Bon 405, Fort Erie, Ont. L2A 6N2. POOL SALE. Ove of Onario largest iaciory autiets has large Inventorp of aboya, Ingraunds for Immediale deiverp. Compare us betao boping. Guaranteed lomesi prices. 4181 6236487, 6131 547-6434. MIRACLE SPAN Sommer epectéasbeiow tactory prIces. ACCMOATION WANTED 3-4 badroomn home, mechanicai studant,, 3 midage chiidren, transpianted Wesier- sers, country ide O.K. 723-8422, aller 4 p.m. WVACAN I 10 Mobile Homes Ciearwaier - Three bedroom mobile hames. Haated pools, tiennis, close to beaches andl weicome. iess than; motel roomi. 683-5503 MAKE MONEY et home. No phone, equipment, experience or Innentory naedad. Send 34o atamp for excitng dletaits, Maeama, 115 Scaradais, Unit 180B, Don Milta, Ont. M35 2R6. DE YOUR OWN BOSS. Jais Oynamic Intemnational service company. Fuit traning with management assistance. High earsisg potentiai. Exclusive territorp, Ambiflous Individuais osiy. Cati coiteot persan-to-par. sorn ai 418) 273-3389. TYPEWRITER rentai, msny makes and modela, by the weekand, weeh or month. Discounts avaliable. Dickson Printing & Office Suppies ln the Aax Piaza. Cali us far business machine repairs. 883-1968. VINYL SIDING $,599.. 0 colouru, ,500ln stock ........from U s ALUMINUM STORIM DOORS $79 15Onstock ..................... from $7 9 PATIO DOORS Wood, Vinyt & AiumIsum $~f9 50 Instock....................... f rom $ 3 9 LADDERS ALUMINUM STEP & EXTENSION 250.tntock ....................f rom $2 9 GARAGE DOORS ~ A9 Wood &SteeIinstock ..........from $ 4 u9 REPLACEMENT WINDOWS Wood, Vinyi & Aiuminum 9 500 ln stock...................... frrinm S6> sq. t. GALVANIZED & GALVALUME Agriculturai Steel 85 4,00sheet ln stock.............. from $ 8 9 Wm. BIG FORD ALU MI1N UM SALES LTD. R.R.3, BRIGHTON, ONT. Mon.-Frl. (1)4502 a 8.5 (13) 45.05 8.1a' Oshawa, Bowmanniiie rea. Send sf0o f0 5H. cia F..Box 206, Whlby, Li N 5S1. ADDISON TWO colour plastic radios wanlad, paying 850-8150. Phono colisct 4181841-1420. 1983 0000E OMNI calour: white, bise ixide, $4,000. Phone 668- 3163, aller 7 p.m. 1978 MONTE CARLO goad con- dition, $625. Cail aller 4 p.m., 668- 1874. NEW OWNERSHIP C.A. Couler Wsta Disposai Lîd. nom owns KORONOVICH, Andrew Roy bars Brookin Supiic Tank Service. Juse 22, 1988, a brother for Cali aarip for a dlean out. Were Alexander. Proud parents Ken ose of the basf ln the sumber îwo and Heidi Koronovich. Proud business. 668-2563,433-8681. g randparents Rop and Dolores Koroxonich oI Sudbury and Henry and Ena Goattel oI Win- CONGRATULATIONS os pour dsor. iorthcomIno marriaaa. Pleaxe 3 - 25x3ô, 5 - 32s40, 2 - 35x56, 9- view aur samples of engraved 4Ox80, 1 - 55x18ô, 2 - 260x220. wedding Inviations ut pour Soid on a f irai cama finit erveci isure ln our Aax Plaza store. m j j . basîs. COU toIt-f ee 1800-387- O ckson Prlining & Office Sup. SALES 4910. piles, 883-1968. ___________________YARD SALE fumIture. books, USED OESlcS, files, sioragu limens, work bexch, larmn related cabnes, iakin a lce hars v V ~ I Items. 655-3996, Ashburn, cabietsstacIngIfficFcharsLakrldge Rd. esd th conc., steel adjustabie sheioing, store fI 1011w signa. Sas., Juiy 12. dispiays. Blairs New and used, 21 Alex Ave., Woodbridge. Phoné* (416) 851-8100, near Hwy. 7 and FREE INFORMATION pamphlet 400, Mon.-FrI. 9-5,Sat. 10-1. on hearing loss and heuring aidx _____________________ ai Oshawa Hearing Aid Clinic, W2 I ( ' 375 Simcoe St. S, Oshama. Drop I ln Ion pour free capp today, 434- LerI-?el*s see Hep ep 60._____ 3002. vvu d FREE: Drap inia the Dickson Printlng and Office Suppiy store ln the Aax Plaza and pick up a free copy 0f the 1988 Meil Caiendar. Prnited ln two colaurs. Il makes ton handp relerence. 683-1968. *TRAVEL & TOURISM -WORD PROCESSîNG *LEGAiJMEOICAL SEC. *RECEPTIONISTITYPIST *BOOt<KEEPING CLERI< *ACCOUNTINGIBUSINESS * PAS HION MERiCHANDISING & DESIGN *HOTEL & RESTAURANT OPERATIONSIMGMT. *COMPUTERIZED BANKING & CUSTOMER SERVICE *OtNTAL CHAIRSIOE ASSISTANT -Finianciai Assistance may be available -Job Placement Assistance TORONTO SCHOOLOF I I FREE: 1980 guide f0o study-at- home correspondance Dipiama courses for prestigiaus carears: Accounting, Air conditIoning, Boohkeepisg, Business, casmeîoîogp, Eiectroics, Legaiflediai Secretary, Psychoiogy, Travai, Granton I5A) 283 Adelaide West, Toronta, 1- 800-288-1121. BECOME AN AuctIoseer, 85 hours of Instruction. Neuf case Aug. 9 ta 16. Contact South- western Ontario Schooi ai Auc- tioneerIsg, 5191 489-3938, 15191 537-2115, F0O. Box 145, tnnerkip, Ont. NOJ IMO. DATES GALORE. For ail agas and unattachad. Thousands of mem- bers asolous f0 meet pou. Prestige Acquaintances coel toit- f ras 1-80-263-9183. Hours noon fiiiep.m. NOTICE TO CREDITORS .AND'OTHERS Ciaims against the estate of BHAGWAN KAUR HALL, late of the Town of Whitby, in the Judiciai District of Durham, who died on the 7th day of Juiy, 1968, must be In my hands by July 20, 1986 alter which date the estate wIii be dis) ributed. Ranlît Slngh Hall, Apt. 2003, 1025 Rchmond Road, OTTAWA, Ontario, MECMANICAL CONTRACTORS Modifications to Heating System et the Michael Starr Building, 33 King St. W., OSHAWA, Ont. TENDER NO. ORI-86- 121 Sealed Tenders wili be received until 2:00 p.m. local time on TUESDAY, JULY 29, 1986. Tender Documents may be obtained f rom the Ontario Ministry of Government Ser- vices, Orillia District Office, 24 James St. E., P.O. Box 790, Orillia, Ontario. IL3V 6K7 Note: For further In- formation regarding the Tenders, please cail the Tenders 0f- fice a) the above ad- dress, telephone (705) 325-7403. The iowest or any Tender flot necessariiy accepted. SMinistry of Govemnmet à )Services Ontaro Thins ore flot as bad as they are peinted und Churlie is now at Dckson Printing & Office Supplies smiling ut lte mony pleasant essitants. CLUSTI)A*_6316 K2B 8GB,fl4 Adminîstrator. We need THE SROOKLIN.WHITSY MINOR go HOCKEY ASOCIATION dosa oo sot authorize anp Coach Manager . boys and or Toam Official ta Ixcur any In- ;- girisi debtednesa os behait ai the Association, and the Association wiit soi be respoalable for any debis incurred In ifs same, Sp axy peraox aiher Ihax. the duip ap- polniad EquipmexI Manager. Become a Carrier today. Learx Slgxed the S11ROOKLIN. ta be a business persan wiih WHITSY MINOR HOCKEY responsibiiity 'white earnlng ASSOCIATION Sp lia Board oI monep. Bîcoma the autstand- Directars. ixg carrier ai the month and _____________________ become a winneri Taik la aur Circulaion Manager. FOR CLASSIFIED Cail 668-6111 Toriayl1 ADVERTISING WHITBY CALL 668-6111 FREE PRESS ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $6.00 for 20 words, every endeavour ta forward replies to box numbers, Jay of publication. The Whitby Free Press will flot be 14e each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damage Jable (or (allure to publish an ad, or for typographie alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding ýrrors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied BÎRitHSa woDEAH. 0 o h îs 0 od,1<e such replies. We will flot be responsible for box number )y the error up ta a maximum cost of the first insertion, replies not called for within 30 days. rhe Whitby Free Press reserves the right ta classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the f ir- eject aIl advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50words; 12t each additional word. I)EAI)LINES: Monday noon prior ta ptxuî attuti tii .n,,2rt ne day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classiîed Ads. Friday noon pio uA ;u -tcation 'LASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12t each ad- AUC'TION SALES- 43& per lino. (No word ads allowed). ta insert or cancel Emporium Ads. litional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Wd to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make 668-6111 Hwy. 35-115, Carke, 4th Con- cession, beauliti campgraund. neuxon $635. Campgraund 1-786- SUMMER FESTIVAL 86. Sîmmex- 252. Toronoaoffice 651-5754. tei Sale, Sunday, Juiy 20, 119865.1 ___________________ p.m. ai Kldevîn Simmentala, 3 miles aoulh of Gaderich, Ont. os ROYAL RESORT a little bit a Hwy. 21. 55 lots. Bull (bmeedixg heaven an the beauliful shores ai age), cowicaîî pairs, bred hallera, Busam Lake, Hmy. 35, weekiy embryo transplante. Kldevin rates $299-$399, p.p.idbid. ln- Simmental$, Sutelllfe Select cIuding meals, varlous childrens Sîmmentals, Mapie Ayr Simmen- raies. 4-Star Rated. R.R.7, tais, Cherry Lana SImmentala. Fenelon Falls, OntI. KOM iNa, Fon Inormation andcatalogues (7054544804. cai Barryr Kedwel 519 927-332. 0 13UY FORORSA SALE 1 PROPERTY wlh is-lam apur- 1983 0000E ARIES car, 4 door, iment or suilabie basement, automatic, excellent condition. souciaus acreace, Whitby. 668-3157. Red Cross ready. +* 1 a 1