PAGE 26. WEDNESDAY. JULY 9.1986. WHITBY FREE PRESS C ONASWAN'IE CORNEIL'8 AUCTION BARN TUES..JULY 15 6:30 P.M. Three miles st of Little Brtaîn or 7,miles West of Lindsay an the Lindsay Lttle Brtain Rd. 21 ou. ftL freezer, 2 door refridgerator, 24" elea- trio stove, maple chesterfleld and chaire, walnut hall table;' oak drap-front desk, b.d cheaterfleld, wicker fern stand, Axe Minter rua, occasionul chairs, modern dressers and cheut of drawers, odd wooden ktchen chairs, Duncan Fyfe dropleaf table, chesterfielde, quantlty of china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER .R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786.2183 AUCTION SALE BAT., JULY 18 1 1:00A.M. ConsIgnment sale ta be held et Columbus 0Cm. munlty Centre, Reglanal Road 2 et Village *of Columbus. Includes 1977 Ford van, 1982 Suzuki GS400T motor- cycle, Dodge van, 1967 GMC schooi bus, truck tires, 2 ceramîa kMine, malda and p9uring, equlpment, 12 mentie and Wall , dcock, household appilances and furnture, much more to came, refresh- mente avaliable,* con. slgnments welcome. Sale managed and sold GARAY K. POWELL AUCTIONS To liit your salt cail 41"-54185 CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRI., JULY il 8:00 P.M. Three miles est of Little Britaîn or 7 miles West of Lndsay on the Lindsay Lttle Brtaîn Rd. Hoosier ktchen cup. boards, mahogany hi-boy dressera, reflnished washstands and chest of drawers, 8 po. parleur suite, 21 ou. ItL freezer, 7 ou. ft. freezer. Pequenat mnant le clock, mentie and Wail ciocks, parleur tables, single box sprlng and mttresses, 5 h.p. Viking garden tiller, 811 National table saw, 4 h.p. Maatercraft lawnmower, 12 ft. Spartapai canas wlth sali, 161ft. saliboat, 16 ft. fibregiase boat with 35 h.p. Envirude motor and trailer, quan- tity of china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAîN 705-78&2183 AUCTION SALE FRI., JULYlI 11000A.M.-< At Orval MoLean Auction Centre, Lindsay. Large estate and conslgnmen- te. 9 po. dinling roam suite, Nordheimer piano, 2 excellent, modern bedroom suites, good electrlc organ, calaur T.V., applances, somne antiques, glass, antique china, Rambier house treiler, 77 Gremiin, boat motor and traller, twln haul laà liboat, Suzuki motorcycle, computer, ohesterflelds. Estate sais plus ftram F. ALAN LAWSON trustes and bankruptcy. W. are selilng the assets of PETERBOROUGH MAT- TRESS, 2 sets of bunk beds,'2 crlbs, nsw Sealy and ather mattresses and apringe, office desk, fillng cabinet, Zerox copier Sais 10 am. sharp. Yehloles 1 p.m. To liet your qle oel 324-278e MOLEAN AUCTIONEER BABYSITTER WANTED in my country home for two chlldren, Taunton Rd. and Durham No. 23 ares, 2-3 dy$ par wek, sterling. septembar, references requlred. 655-3142. Nebded urgently for* Iprivate duty. VarletyU lof shifts avalable.I COMOARE __. 574-35 1 A CAREER IN TRUCKINO. Tran- sport drivere n eeded. Now la Ithe time ta train for, your close A license. For pre-ereening ,vlew end lob placemen0it .lO matlon, contact Merv o rn sport Driver TrinIng, ramplen 1400-26&26. LOVING, MATURE bebyatter for Infant ta corne lto my home fyr fut-ltime long terni poilon, elar,. ing In Auguel, muet have refeaencea, non-emohers Oiy VALMED 1HEALTH SERVICES INC. RequIres Reglstered eNurses, Reglstered Nursing Assistants for part-time work, varled hourd, ln In- stitution or homes. Oelil for appointment, Monday to Friday. COOK< à HOUSEKEEPER for boerdIng home In WhIlby for the manih of Auguel, preler lIve-fn, privele eparirnent -lncluded, above average pey, couid iead 10 fuli-lîme postIon. Plesea phone Mrs. Paricîneon 888-8607 or Mike Aderne 283-1972. fENAVIORqAL OOUNSELLOR. invaiving direct ciassroom InIer- venlion, Individuel and group caunseeiing. Backcground ahould Include chiid deveiopmeni., behaviorat end lherapeutIc sImilIs, sxorience In educalianal &et- inge and work ltwih familles. Ohild car certificate or equloalent andreialed eoporien- ce are requIrsd. Satory coq!mepi. suate wiih qualifications *and sxorience. Pomward resamne ta Superinlendeni af Schoole - Ser- vices, The Smcoe Oouniy Roman CatholiloSaearais Schooi Board, 48 Alliance Sivd., Borrde, Ont. L4M 5K<3. Coalngdaia Juiy 15, STRIPPER, Piaemaker rsquirsd for huey commercial prining operation for calour wori. Ex- pertance proefsred. Send resunrie and expacted saaary raquirement tg, McLaren Prses Ltd., PO. Box 10000, BracebrIclge, Ont MA CHERIE Home Fanhi on Shows Est. 1975. Join aur suc. ceselul iamiiy of Independant represeniatives ln preeentlhg qualiiy lingerie and lielurpwair ai Inhomeparties for women. itls funI il's sasyl ie sprofitable. Far Information cail coileci (416) 632- 9m9, 9 ar..10o4 p.rn. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OSHAWAIWHITBYINEWCASTLE UNITED WAY The Board of Directors of- Oshawalwhit- by/Newcastle United Way, which serves one of the fastest growing communfities In Ontario, ls seeking to appoint an Executive Director to head the operation. The organization manages an an- nual budget of over $2 million ln providlng a yariety of social services to a population of 200,000 through ifs 40 associated agencies. Detalied esumes .statlng qualifications ana ex- perlence should be submlitted not fater than JuIy 31,.1986 to: Mr. RIck Gay Charmen Search Committes OshawalWhtbylNswcaatle United Wsy 52 Simnoos Street South Oshawa, Ontario L1IH 4G3 POSITION BECOMING AVAILABLE KITCHEN SUPERVISOR - LEAD COOK We are ln search of an -enthusiastic, self- motlvated indîvidual who la wllllng f0 accept responsibility. Candidates should have experien- ce or knowledge of purchaslng, recelvlng, inven- tory control, cost control, f ood preparation and an lnnovatlve mind for new menu ideas. Ail lnterested Individuais should contact us for an appolntment at: 666-3070. EXPERIENCEDTOW AUCTIONS ITRUCK OPERATORSI FUN FOR REQUIRED I TH EWHOLE -Cail 68-O84M FAMILY B.tween 9&m. &430 pm ATTENDONETHIS Fofuher nformation. WEEKENDI Marie Richardson wes presented with $500 by the town for her suggestion whlch willlsave, the town $80 annualiy. The suggestion - don't advertise the cloelng of the municipal office for the four holiday Mondays during the year. Pxresenting the cheque to Marie are Mayor Bob Atteraley, Town Administrator Bil Walace and Public Works Dfrector Dick KÇuwehara. Marie la a secretary in the public works department. FreePress Staff Photo Museum quilt show features V.D.J.Cquilt this M( By JAN DODGE Free Press Staff The V.D.J.C. Club is once agein in the public eye in Whitby. The quilt, dated January 29, 1897 which commemoretes the Vic- toria Diamond Jubilee Celebration Club is now on display along with other heritage quilta in the museum's collection at Lynde House on Highway 2 et D'Hillier St- Dr. Deseree Rowley, curator, said there are nine quilts in the collec- tion because of the lack of exhibit spece. If there was more space she said she would have no dif- ficulty getting more quilts., The oldest quilt in the collection, an American one, is 105 years old. "We think of quilts as decorative, but (in earlier times) they were most often used as blankets to keep warm," Rowley said. Crazy quilts, of which there are two on FROM Pr 16 display, emphasize that quelity as well as the thrifty-minded recyc-' ling of bits of fabric from worn clothing. Pieces of febric of al sizes and shapes were stitched together with little tought to pattern or design. Quilta were generally made of three layera. The top was usually either pieced (pieces of fabric stitched together) or appliqued (shaped pieces of fabric stitched over a foun- dation cloth). A batt of cotton or wool was placed bet- ween the top and backing which was sometimes made of a fine fabric ail in one piece, but more often of bleeched flour or sugar sacks. AUl three layers were held in place on a quilting frame and quilted together with, tiny hend stitches which might themselves form a pattern, or might sim- ply outline the pieces and pattern on the quilt top. Young Whitby girls would have prepered several quilts for their hope cheat. To do thia some would undoub- tedly have had a quilting bee. These were great social events. Samuel Strickland wrote in the second quarter of the l9th cen- tury, "Among the xnany home productions of Canada, the ceunter- pane, or quilt holdsaa conspicuous place, not so much in regard to its actuel usefulness, as the species of frollo 'clept (called) a Quilting-bee, in which the young gen- tlemen teke their places with the Queen-bees, whose labors they aid by threading the needies, while cheering their spirits by talking non- sense... "If several gentlemen receive an invitation te teà , they mey be assured that their ser- vices are required et e Quilting-bee, which of- ten la followed bv cour- Apartment projeet tabled rent geered to income apartments in Whitby which are a credit to the comniunity. Mayor Attersley also informed Dolstre and the residents that the Renterprise prograrn la FROM PG. 8 a provincial program and the building has been given provincial approvel. But Dolstra argued thet since the province uses taxpayers money then the taxPayers Trueék traffie reatricted. However, he did tel the, Brooklin represen- tatives thet he would contact the O.P.P. to have better police en- forcement with regarda to speeding and parking in Brooklin. And according to Wallace, Dineto was receptive to using Thickson Rd. as an alternate to by-pass the downtown erea. The meeting with higher MTC officiels will be held within two or three weeks, said Buffett. sheuld be aliowed to ex- press their opinions on the building. "We just went to ex- press our concerna and esk you to take another look at it," said Dolstre. Doistra wes elso in- formed that the land has been properly zoned for an apertment building since 1981. :)fth tshtpandmatrimonyUl During Victorien times, Rowley said, the,: quilting bee was a social' function which 'the young eligibie mnn could attend aid,, although chaperoned, there was stili room for flirtation betweefi the sexes. The V.DJ.C. qu*ltrý contains blocks which, have embroidered~ signatures of meny oldi Whitby family mem-' bers. There is C McGillivray, identitled. as president of the club, Isabella Dow, whose name is surrounded by a teapot and a teacup; B., Hem; and ý.F. BarnardI who along with F.H. McGillivray has a; crokinole board outlined~ in that block. Rowley is making~ plans for a quilting~ demonstration Satur- day, July 19. The Heritege Quilt~ Exhibition will continuet to July 20 at the Whitby > Museum (Lynde House). for nowml In the end, efter' councillor Marcel Brunelie expresaed a' concern that the, epar-.j tment building design.' did not fit in wlth the", nelghbourhood's ep- peerance, council, agreed to table ap-~ proving the site plan for, one week. Guitar st--.klrt An electric guitar and some electronic equip- ment were stolen from 121 Brock St. S. No. 1 between July 5 and 6. The equipment valued et $670, belonged to a band. Presentation 1