PAGE 8. WEDNESDAY, JLJLY 9, 1986. WHITBY FREE PRESS Truclk traffie A meeting witb a representative of tbe Ministry of Transpor- tation tai discuas the traffic .problems in downtown Whitby and Brookin went very well, aceording ta Dawntown DIS1-INCIIVE WEDDING INVITATIONSI §ecect your wdding invitations from our complete catalogue. For you .a Keepsake copy of your Invitation n luxurious gold. PRINTING ANO Business Impravemnent Board chairman, Ed Buffett. "He was very syni- patbetic to aur concerna and anotber meeting bas been arranged witb representatives on a more senior level, " said Buffett. Thte 45 minute meeting was by representati the town, the Brooklin and downtown are& Town admi Bill Walacei meeting was initial meetinI were pretty rec our concerna." meeting >attended The concerna, as Buf- ives from fett sees them, are witb h LRegian, the trucks that travelb 1Whitby along Brack St.m a. "We have concerna tinistrator with the noise level ofp sald the those 18 wheelers, there "a good is a potential for an ae-b ig. They cident in the downtown o ceptive to area, speed limita are f not being adhered to and 5 the t rucks are using U Mary St., a residentiala ares, as a short-eut." i Buffett said trucks p are regularly driving U between 55 and 65 kph In the 30 kph zones.E FROM PG. 3 11R is unfortunate it bas to bu taken away fram its site," cammen- ted Angevaare. And wbile the town has a price of $37,000 ta move the bouse, Angevaare said the study found tbat the cost to move the bouse would run anywbere' fram $12,000 to $36,000. Other findings of tbe study include that wbile tbe bouse is capable af proves positive *Ilnevitably an accident thte concerns of Buffett blocklng tbe vlem has to bappen. It would and the BIA and added drivers trying ta be an awfui sbame to that because the stores the street. wait for a tragedy tt3 on Baldwin St. are so The MTC repre happen until tbe close to tbe street, a tative, Roy Dinato, prablem is addressed.' truck' losing control those at the meetini A truck traffic survey migbt cause a great the town bas been to by the BIA ahawed that desl of damage. previaus letters, on Wednesday, May 28 They also expressed because H-lghway U from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., concerna that trucks provincial hight 519 trucks paased parking on Baldwin St. truck traffie cannu tbrougb tbe downtown in restricted aress are SEE PC ares and on, Tuesday, FROM PG, 1 June 3 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.. 9 trucks clrove Doctors' protest Rersetie r oafl bulievlng that the strike plications of this Brooklin agreed wlth was, about money. Ac- have not been put -Vlruln WUI Ua:rlvUL, ý" n h itlf House buing moved, careful cansideration would bave, ta be given ta items inside tbe bouse including the fireplace and titeplaster. Thte study alsa recommends tbat an ar- ebseolagical dig be un- dertaken at tbe site. But tite answer ta wbetber or not tite bouse will bu tihe future museum far the Town of Whitby wil bave ta wait until July il. the real intent of BIB 94 in ta linilt the cost of hesitit cars i thse province and the gaver- nument's next step wli bu ta limit thse numbur and klnds of service the dactora can provide. 9Tise real im- FROM PG. 1 and titis is the only alternative we bave." Counillor atten said thse design of the dressig rooms also w of enter asen- ýtoid ig, as »Id in that L2 la a à way, ct bu G.26 ýfor- waru to me guDucuu.LJIL now thse decision maklng power bas been betwoen tihe physiclan and the patient. Thtis bill takes tisat power away and puts It in thse banda of Queen's Park," sald Dr. Sbepley. Arena leaves room for expan- sion of the area. The dressing rooma are ex- pected ta bu completed by Septembur of titis year. Br(Dk1 lin B Blines I~I&ù1V By BETT-EAN BLYT & Cal655-379 wlth temns for thîscolumn I've got this terrible disease that for Iack of a more technlcal term I eaU foot and moutit. Every time I open my mouth 1 put my foot in ItL Sometlmnes lt's just a simple comment such as admlrlng a child's tan only to discover its parents are black, but most often it's when 1 try to bu helpful. I airily offer our truck and my sons' services to help someone move only to flnd aut It's a grand piano tbey have in PRO DODGE Your Local Chrysler-Dodge Sales and Service L~~JDealer Prs & Service - Thursdastti9pm. 209 Dundas St. W., Whîtby 666-3000 mind. Or I tell a neigbbour, Ildon't cail a taxi, lil take your motberi-law ta thse alrport" anly ta flnd out it's not Taranto International but Mirablel1 Wth tite ides titat an ounce of prevention la tthe best way of curing myseif, I've made a list of com- menta I promise myseif not ta use unless I thlnk at least twlce first. For titase of you who may bave the same affliction, I'm golng ta share titem wityou. "l'il try anythlng once". "Calme anytime". 1"We have plenty of room". "Don't warry, titere's more where that came from" "lIt's no trouble at ail" "If worse cames ta, worse, you can use mine". l'0f course, bring the klds, thse more thse merrier"l "My husband, sons will bu glad ta". I realize that titis is just a start, but I'm sure that wit a little concentration, 1'11 bu able ta cure mysef i no time. After ail, it's only a matter of making sure that I keep my extremities in thefr proper places, rlght? Thse next Urne someone cames along and wanta ta borraw somne of my sitrubs for thte weekend titeir ricit in-laws are visiting, lil just say 'over my dead body, you will" - oops, titere I go again. Titis may take a littie longer -titan I an- ticipated. BROOKLIN LIBRARY Coming up on July 24 la the Farmer's Market I mentioned last week. Titis is one of tite speelal even- ta planned for tite kida titis summer. There wiil busa cookie baking contest, bake and book sales, lemonade stand and more exciting contesta ta enter. For instance titere's a water balloon tons, egg rolling, jelo eating (wit nobhanda, yetl1). Be sure ta mark titis date on your calendar and plan ta participate. Don't forget titat ail titis montit titere wlll bu mavies every Monday from 2:30 ta 3:30 and Storybaur on Tuesdays at tite same timne. Home Satellite TV: The Gretest -Show On Eaj'th A ction-packed movies are just the beginning of the programming now showing on home satellite TV. Look at what else you've been missing: *More movie, sports, news, educational, religious, and children's programming than ts available from any obier source. e100)-plus channels to choose frcm. for about the sanie imnthly payanents as cable TV. of ree and legal reception. To rind out more about how home satellite televi- sion works, ask us for a FREE copy of Tuning À Hôme Satellite TV. But hurry--supplies are limited. r Z9underbrd Ç lf n Coun/nj Cub ,»5 myrte Rd. W. ASHRBURN686-1121 PRO SHOP SPECIALS OUR OWN EXCLUSIVE THUNDERBIRD l'S COMPARE AT $600. OUR PRICE $349 <ALL CLUBS il pc. SETS) WE CARRY BOSTONAN GOLF SHOES THE SHOE PERqSONALLY wORN sID ACK NIÃ"KLAUS *GOLFING SWEATERS REG. $30. O0 SI 3*99 -GOLF SHIRTSOO40BLENoî REG. 124.1140~ 99 POWER CAR SPECIAL *WEEKDAYS BEFORE 0 A.M. AND AFTER 300 PM. (2GREEN FEES à POWER CAR> *WEEKENDS & HOLIDAYS $36. REG. -43."" AFTER 3:00 P.M. SAVE9. LADIES SPECIAL 1 FRIDAY AFTERNOONS AFTER 400P.M. $ .0 LADIES GREEN FEES 4605 Baldwin St., Brooklln (1/4 mle N af Famlly Kartways),