Whitby Free Press, 16 Jul 1986, p. 14

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PAGÉ'I4 WEDNESDAY JULY 16 1986 WHITBY FREE PRESS Council approves bus fare increase There aren't many of .us who can reasonably èxpect tolfive 10 tlie ripe old age of 9Ã" but Fairview Lodge resident* Bernice Fuller has mansged 10 do so in style and lai week 'she and some of lier friends and relatives celebraled the occasion. Mrs. Fuller ws seen here with Fairview's assistant ac- tivities director Mary Roney. FreePress Staff Photo By MIKE JOHNSTON Free Press Staff Whitby council lias approved a one year ex- tension of the Whitby transit contract wllh Charterways transpor- tation and is increasing the cost of fares for Whitby publie transit. The fare increase as of August 1 are, for adults, from .55 cents 10 .60 cents, students, from .30 cents to .40 cents and for senior cilizens and cldren from .30 cents 10 .35cents. As well aduit passes wil go from $20 to $22 for a montli and senior passes will Increase from $10 to $12 for a montli. A report from the town's public works department said Ihat the fares have not been increased since 193 "lThese increase wlII help improve our revenue to cool ratio," said the report. With the extension of the bus contract the coot 10 the town for the buses whl increase. The present rate for each of the town's four buses is $38.40. The new rate wull be $40.55 per hour, an increase of five percent. Part of the increased cool la being blamed on a .20 cent per hour i- creasei insurance Costa. The Whitby transit sysem was introduced six years ago, and since Whlby council lias denied a requesl for funding 10 Albany/86, a fund ralaing event te, ralae rnoney for the Dryden Cliapter of thie Multiple Sclerosis Society. The fund ralaing event wil ses a party of canoeists paddle 793 FROM PAGE 7 then the system lias seen littie change. However, coundil recently approved hiring a consultant 10 investigate the transit system and make recommendalions to iniprove il. The consultants report la expected in September. But before a final transit system la adopted, public meetings wlllbe heldfor residents of Whltby 10 make commenta and suggestions. The Public Works department expects the new transit system 10 hae approved ini lime for budget discussions I 1987. km., the enlire lenglli of the Albany River. Council denied the request because il does net comply wltli the requirenients laid outi the lown's policy for grants. The crew will depart on July 24. Break and enter ln by a second person, or even by the original Ihief, again." With so mucli rapid expansion iWhitby and willi se many homes where both husband and wife work in Toronto, a lot of people don't know their neiglibours yet, Goreskl said. One of the best progranis for reducing break-and-enler crimes Goreski said, lailite Neiglibourhood Walch program. Constabe Mlke Bevan of thie comnmunity ser- FROM PAGE 7 vices bureau reports Ihere are nine Neigh- bourhood Watch programs currently operatig ln Whitby. The ultiniate i makig your bouse look occupisd would ha 10 gel a house sitter: Bramma said Ihere are professional groupe who comnionly do this iOt- tawa, butlie dld not know of any sucli group ln Durham Region. However, lie suggesled the holidayer miglit gel a friend todo il. Traffic control Accordlng 10 Richard Kuwahara, tlie town's dfrector of public works, "lthere la no reason" 10o erect traffie liglits at the intersection and because Manning la an arterlal road the lown wll not put up four-way stop signa. The intersection does not meet the minimum warrants requlred to ob- tain a provincial sub- sidy for traffic liglits, explalned Kuwaliara's deputy director Sari Matharu. The provin- cial subudy for traffic lights la 50 percent of the $40,000 10 *50,000 expen- se. The directer said Ihat when Manning lias been extended 10 Thickson, traffic lights wlll h in- stalled at Manning and Anderson. However, lie said il was not the town's practice 10i- terrupl lraffic on ar- terial roads wllh four- way stops. A pedestrian count done.by the town at the Intersection had also failed teidicate a need for coatrola lie ad- ded. Wlien infornied that Harrison and lits neigh- bours were again plan- nlng 10 make a deputation 10 council about the prebleni, Kuwahara said lie would reconimend thal nothlng ha done.* It goes beyond cern- prehension," saad John McLellan about thie town's position: "Cars totally ignore you aI Ilie intersection and they refuse te, stop. It's gotten 10 the point where we're just waiting 10 hear. that some child lias been lit."> McLellan, wholias lived i the neigli- bourliood since 1979, said the intersection lias grown considerably more hectici the past lwo years and lhe time lias corne for the residents 10 take serious action. "Even If il nieans standing ouI there wltli pickel signa and basebail bats we're going 10 do wliatever il tskes," said McLellan. McLellan and Harrison sald they plan 10 niake a deputation 10 councl In hile near future and they viii probably bl icrculating a petition. Council'refuses ,fund request .&@Lë!KM.-q Kwn

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