WHITBY FREE PRESS WEDNESDAY JULY 16 1986 PAGE 25 0 w SPORTS WEEK Whitby skateboarder riding high By MIKE JOHNSTON Free Prosu Staff For Mark Brasier, Skteboardlng may on- ce have been an amusing diversion but tiiose days hiii hobby la gaining hlm inter- national attention. The 22-year-old, who lives ln Bluegrasa Moadows, placed frst in the Eastern Canadian skateboard champion- shlp held at Nathan Philllp'sSquare ln Toronto uly 5and 6.' The Toronto cons- petition was dividedinto two categories, freestyle and ramp. Brasier placed first i thiefreestyle category. ."For freostyle you need a flat surface and a small board," explains Mark. "lThon you fllp tue board around and makes Up manouvres as yougoalong." The -consptitioni- volved a two minute routine set te music. "«You are marked on stylo, -smootliness, dif- flculty of tricks and how woil the crowd responds te you." Bralser's first ithe freostyle event earned hlmthe rlglitto travol te EXPO: 86 for the- world dliamploashipo August 17» 28. It's going t e haa great experlence," sald Brasier. Skateboarders from 17 countries ln- cluding .Australig, Japan, Gernsany and England wil ha cons- peting. Ho wlIl ha flown te EXPO compliments of Wardar and wlll stay at a residence nearEXPO during the conspetition. Prosently, a spon- sored amateur skateboarder, (Conver- se shoes and, Instinct surfwear are lita spon- sors) ho la hoplng lits trip to EXPO wll lead te Calfornia competitions where weekly prize money excedes $2Z,000. " There la a lot of money in this sport. It's a multl-mlIlon dollar Industry."1 The skateboarder, who graduated fromn the Unverity of Western Ontario this year with a BA i oconomies, will travel wth the Canadian team pior te EXPO, givlng demonstrations. The Canadian team la comprlsed of- four members form eastern Canada and four mem- bers formn Western Canada. The flrst and second place flnlshers In each category will com- pote for Canada at EX- PO. To prepare for EXPO, Brasier wll be movlng te the Beachos area I Toronto becauso, as ho oxplains,- "tat lawhero it la happeg." Hoelias alao been hlred by a Toronto promoter to give, demonstrations durlng wlndsurfing regattas. The recont wlni Toronto not only led to EXPO, it also led te Brasier designing lita own skateboard. l"After the contest I was sitting around wttl a represen- tative from, Hammer Head Woodworking i Mississauga and I suggested we should put. a modol out." The representative agreed and Brasier wll ha lieading te Mississauga this week to design the skatoboar- do. Ho plans te use it i the compétition at EX- PO. Skateboarding be- came popular in tlie late 70's when everyone on the street liad a skateboard, recalla Brasier. *But the sport lias faded in the publt's iterest and lie hanses that décline on trail bikes and the hIcreased prices in skateboards. "Thé boards started getting expensive," said Brasier explaining that boards tliat would cost e5 suddenly ballooned in price thi'$200. <'For that money you could buy a good trail bike. " But' now, tlie popularity of tlie skateboard appears to be on the rlse again and Brasier belleves tlie bikes are on their way out and skateboardlng la maklng a comeback. And for tliose kids buytng skateboards lie lias some sound advice. "Stay off tlie ronds." And if you wlsli to prac- tice 'tricks Brasier ad- vises uslng a short board. "So many kids are trying te do tricks on the long board and tliey're gettlng frustrated. The big boards ard no good for tricks. Tliey're for the road. " And for parents of kida wlio feel skateboardlng may ha dangorous, Brasier said lie lias nover received an Injury durlng lits elght years on the board. "O0nly minor scapres and tliat's to ha epe-."' Swimmers off toNationalsl Followlng a strong performance i the 100 metre back stroke event at the Ontario Cap IW lust weekend in Etobicoke, Whtby's Heather Armitage lia 4ualtfied te compote in tue Senior Canadian Nationals last nsontl inl Edmonton. The 14 year old was one of six Whtby swlmmers competing i Etobicoke over the weekend i an open age group category wlth moot swlmmers ranglng i age from 13 te 21. Armitage swans the 100 metre back stroke I 1:09.99. She wtIl join fellow Whitby Swtm Club membor Julie Lewsick, also 14, hIEdmonton Auguit 6-10 for the nationals. Lewsick qualtfied for the event earlier this year after a strong finish i the 50 metre free style. According te their coachi, Lucy Hewitt- Henderson, the two girls are currently ranked approxlmately 40tih i their events nationally and both have a briglit future itlie sport. "They're very young riglit now te make the national teans but 1 would say that tliey'ro certainly headed i that direction," sald Hewltt- Henderson. Tykes win champîonship' By BETH PADDICK oach won a ganse for Gee Nashi wlth five In theamilton Super two points each. goals each, Daryl Serbes, the Whltby Dunlng the series the McArtliur, Adam Ar- Garrard Road Minor Broolin Redmen Tykes matron and Gavin Prout Lacrosse Association squeezed througli te wla oaci netted three goals, placed thtrd beliind the Cliamplonshtp over Peter Soriclietti and Hamilton (30 Pointe), Peterboroughi 5-3. In Bradiy Reed with two Brampton (21 pointe) Round Robin Play took oach and a single by wlth a total of 19 pointe. three out of throe Gregory Flnley. Our Tykes won throe games. These games The Brookltn Kin- ganses and the chans- saw Wlittby dofeat smen Novice came out pionship for 8 Pointe, Brampton, 15-1, Spar- winners over Kitchiener, Novice won two ganses ton, 7-4 and Six Nations 4-1, and Brampton 6-5, for 4 pointe, Peewees 9-2. Goalacorers were losing only to Sparton, 3- won one game and tied Bryan, Power with 7 2. Glgorers for thts one ganse for 3 pointe, goals, Darryl Lewis, Bantanis and Midgeta Mark Armstrong and SEE PC. 26 Mark Brasier heading for Expo Whitby Girls softball STANDINGS as of July il, 1986 BANTAM DIVISIOI MITE DIVISION Wlieelies ...................... Baby Pliarmacy.......................... 18 Kiwanis Club.................... Bel Canada........................... 4Ta .......... 1 em5 .......... Poneer Interors .......................... 10 Toucli of lass........ cott's Colonels ........................... 10 Group 74 ....*.................... Ddd& Souter ............................. 8 Spoedy Muffler............... ,............. 6 SOPHOMORE DIVISI( National Trust............................. 4 Joanne's Flowers................ Ptrncipal Ar .............................. 2 Please Save & Recycle............ É.ovll Dru .............................18 WetLynde C...........................14 Ioerlubt..............................13 Pizza Deligt ............................10 McMWlan Bathurst.........................4 Mercury Auto Body......................... 2 NOVICE DIVISION MollyMaid ..............................16 Dynatecli................................ 14 LonsClub................................12 Knsmen Club.................*«**,*........12 HenrBuildil................7 Mr. Rentall................................6 BrooklihiLegion ............................4 . hiHorton Donuts..........................1 16 ... . .. . .l ION ... . . . .12 ... . . . .10 Remax ...................................6 Donald Travel ............................. 4 Resuits of Games Played Week Endlng July il MITE DIVISION Baly Pliarmacy ..14 Principal Air ....2 Scott's Colonels ...14 Dodd & Souter.... 7 Pioneer Interiors. .20 National Trust . 8. Bell Canada ....17 Speody Muffler...6 Scott's Colonels ...10 Principal Air..... 9 SQUIRT DIVISION Loveil Drugs......27 Rotary Club ....13 Midway Motors ...31 MacMillan Bathiurst ... 3 West Lynde C.A. ..25 Mercury Auto Body 1.0 West Lynde C.A. 29 Mercury Auto Body . 241 SÉE PG. 261